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D&D 5E Monk Shadow Step: How are you running it as a DM?


No - I made a light attempt at showing you how almost everything you took for granted being RAW could also be construed as rulings or even houserules (or even philosophically impossible conundrums :p)

I did that because I found it mildy funny that you object to Azurewraith (I believe it was) while yourself doing the same thing; that is involving rulings and houserules.

My point is that I believe the areas about stealth and illumination are especially bad choices to have "my rules are better (more RAW) than yours" arguments over...

I didn't "object" to anything Azurewrath said. I shared how I rule and why. Criteria for using PC class features should be clear and concise because otherwise it leads to players feeling like they have to have DM permission to use their cool class features.

The rule is pretty clear as written. If the DM designates an area of dim-light/darkness the PC can use it to shadowstep if he or she can see it. Messing around with shadows and light sources is fine and I even left open that maybe that is what the designers intended (RAI).

By your standards, any opinion on rules should be caveated with "My houserule is" because the rule on when shadowstep can be used is pretty clear. What might not be so clear is what constitutes dim-light or darkness. That requires a little finesse on the part of the DM.

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I rule if there is a light source and something to block that source there is a shadow i.e the sun shining behind a house you get a shadow in the pitch black dungeon you don't.

you get the shadow, those 14 billion tons of rock above your head provides the shadow.

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