Monster Madness


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Niski looked about at his current team in appraisal. Not a bad lot in a fight to look at them. Of course, you never truly knew till it came to it. Still, the guild certainly could've assigned him with worse. It was unfortunate that their acting Captain was the woman he had been flirting shamelessly with all morning. Knowing that particular piece of information might have saved him some potential awkwardness or embarrassment. Not very likely as he probably still would have flirted, but possibly as he certainly would have been more delicate about it.

"Call me Niski," he winked at Maki thinking it was too late now to care. "I'm a fair tracker, a fast blade with my talons here, and not bad with a bow long as no one steps in the way. And before you ask, yes the frill is part of my neck, not a collar. Keeps the sun off and keeps me warm at night."

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The last of the group to speak is a somewhat scruffy, but fairly handsome human who looks to be in his late twenties. A mischevious expression seems to be his default and he appears to be genuinely besotted with nature - so much so that he has tripped several times whilst watching birds and the like, though the over exaggerated prat falls that frequently follow might cause some doubt as to the authenticity of these antics.

After hearing their responses to the Captain's request Eljid grins at his new friends and throws his head back in a pleasent gravely laugh.

"Well Captain, I have been blessed with the wonderful apilation of Eljid, Eljid Prickle no less! I am a womanizer, for my sins, and often a fool, but I'm also loyal and good to have around in a pinch. I try to be a good guy and I'm really hopeing they give points for that, because I don't seem to very good at it!"

"I'm here because if I was elsewhere I wouldn't be here, or there, used to be a city slicker, but now that the wilds have been forced upon me I find I've taken quite a liking to them! Kind of tranquil and I like that. I've done a great deal I'm not proud of and a good bit of me's keen to do more of the same so a watchful eye'd be appreciated at times."

"As to my talents, well I can talk, steal, lie, pick locks, forge papers and find traps - of course all of thats as useful as the proverbial chocolate teapot here in the wilds."

He pets the small dinosaur which strolls at his side, rubbing it behind the ridges and scratching behind its hood which quivers in apparent pleasure. It makes an odd reverberating sound which is almost remenisent of a purr.

"Spitz here is an excellent combatant, blinding you might say, he sprays poison that'll take your sight if your not lucky goes out to about 15ft. So watch yourselves and I'll make sure he does the same - otherwise you wouldn't be able to watch anyone now would you?"

He winks at the group.

"I myself will back Spitz or one of you heavy hitters, though likely not in my own shape! Be kind to wolves okay, they might be me!"

He lolls out his tongue and flashes a pleading look complete with puppy dog eyes before chuckling - a rich melodious sound.

"I can do a fair bit of damage if I can get at a distracted foe long enough to aim at his tender bits... I can also put out a respectable amount of healing if need be, and I'm getting to know my way in the wilds."

He grins at the group again, somewhat sheepishly and throws Maki a lazy salute. Throughout his introduction Eljid seems to be on the verge of laughter and his blue eyes sparkle with mirth.

"So thats me I suppose, Eljid Prickle, flaws and all. Glad to meet you all!"

[sblock=OOC] Eljid has a diplomacy modifier of +10 so I feel pretty justified in assuming that he is a likeable fellow. I am going for the redeemed crook angle here so he's probably chaotic good with neutral tendencies at the moment. The idea is that his association with nature has been good for him, etc. The italics are really just a style choice since straight orange didn't seem quite right for Eljid. Again sorry for the wait folks![/sblock]
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"He, he he." Alfred chuckles softly. "A very diverse and ... intresting group you have here.
So Acting Captain Takashiro Maki, is it okay to continue this peaceful stroll?


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"Yes, let us continue crew..."

Maki pauses for a second as she quickly assigns a marching order.

"Up front we'll have Romulus, you will be the first line against frontal assaults. I will be second point myself, ready to aid either Romulus or our keeper, who shall be the third in our line. Niski, you will be the fourth in the line, ready to protect both the keeper or I'kee, who will be fifth. I'kee, your primary duty is to keep the main warriors ready for battle, though you will be expected to fight when none of the warriors are in need of aid. Sixth position is Eljid, from that point you'll be one of the last to get engaged, which should give you the opportunity to set things up. Also if we suffer an attack from behind I believe your pet is able to keep the attackers busy for long enough for the rest of us to come to defend. Miranda, you'll be the in the last position. You will be our protection against rear attacks and if we suffer frontal attacks you'll be able to aid from range or move up and fight in melee."

The Acting Captain looks over the others.

"Any questions?"

[SBLOCK=Marching order]Romulus Maki Alfred Niski I'kee Eljid Miranda[/SBLOCK]

If there are no questions or comments Alfred nods and hums to him self as they continue. The green tunnel seemes endless, the trees identical give no indictation of distance, the road smooth and new shows no previous traffic.

-spot checks please-


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"I will do my best, captain." Suddenly realizing this is serious now, the young boy looks around uncertainly, mentally going through the list of the skils he has available.


Spot: 17

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