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Mor's End Craft & Trade Submissions


Unskilled laborers were rarely grouped together in guilds in the medieval era. Either you were skilled and in a guild... or you worked on a farm... or you worked in the service industry... or you worked construction. Otherwise, you were a beggar or worse.

I find it much more interesting if there is an NPC trying to organize the workers... rather than if there is already a group formed. Whether the NPC is doing it for good or bad reasons doesn't matter to me.


p.s. we should really move this conversation over to the Guilds thread...

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First Post
lalato said:
we should really move this conversation over to the Guilds thread...

Done. I crossposted the conversation so far to the Guilds and Organizations thread. Please come join us there if you want to help hammer this out!

Any moderators around to clean this thread up a bit, now that I've copied the Workers Senate stuff over?
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First Post
Ah, I mis-read the typo as n and m being switched, as in "NP need to have" etc., etc.

What do people think of an antiques/curiosity shop? I'm thinking run by a commoner who went on a long voyage with an adventuring party. He was the cabin boy, and really just watched the adventure, but is full of interesting stories and bits of knowledge - maybe he'd killed something by sheer dumb luck as well (critical hit). Now he's much, much older, and buys and sells old and strange things - not magic items, but what halfilings might call a 'mathom' (all due acknowledgements to Professor Tolkien) - nice to have, and to valuable to chuck out, but rather pointless.
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First Post
GladiusNP said:
Ah, I mis-read the typo as n and m being switched, as in "NP need to have" etc., etc.

What do people think of an antiques/curiosity shop? I'm thinking run by a commoner who went on a long vayage with an adventuring party. He was the cabin boy, and really just watched the adventure, but is full of interesting stories and bits of knowledge - maybe he'd killed something by sheer dumb luck as well (critical hit). Now he's much, much older, and buys and sells old and strange things - not magic items, but what halfilings might call a 'mathom' (all due acknowledgements to Professor Tolkien) - nice to have, and to valuable to chuck out, but rather pointless.

The guy who will buy all the tapestries, silver combs and carved ivory harps that adventurers end up hauling out of places.


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Crane’s Curiosities and Antiquities.

Bartholomew Crane is an old, old man. He is at least ninety – though short-lived for elves, he’s probably the oldest human in Mor’s End. He’s still rather spry, despite the fact that he uses his cane, and his mind is as sharp as ever – despite the shaking sickness he has recently developed in his limbs (Parkinson’s Disease.) He’s very thin, and has a slightly stooped posture, but still manages to get out into the streets every day for a brisk walk – though less brisk than it used to be.

Bartholomew wears spectacles, and still dresses very well – though the fashions are about twenty years out of date. He usually wears a grey watersilk cravat, a crimson velvet vest, a cream silk shirt, and black trousers. He also wears gold spectacles, perched on the end of his hawkish nose, attached by a small gold chain to his shirt. He still has a few wisps of white hair, which are carefully combed over every morning – he still takes great pride in his appearance. He also carries a white, ivory cane, decorated with carving of a sea-battle with a Kraken.

Crane’s Curiosities and Antiquities was founded after Bartholomew made his fortune as the cabin boy (at the tender age of nine) on the elven ship Fortune’s Wave. The exploring ship of an adventuring party, Fortune’s Wave travelled far and wide, ranging to far-off lands, mysterious ruins, and forgotten islands. Bartholomew watched and learned – though he was usually on the fringe of things, he still tells with great pride how he shot a Kraken in the eye with his crossbow from the rigging (it was a critical hit) and delivered the killing blow, after the beautiful and courageous Captain (Kiale Anduiin) fought the beast off of the deck. He’s very fond of reciting the exploits of the crew of the Fortune’s Wave, and often regals his customers with long, epic stories of the great voyage. Some of his ship-mates still drop by to visit now and again, bringing him all sorts of strange oddities.

Crane doesn’t sell much – indeed he probably buys more than he sells – but has a wide variety of items available. Stuffed animal and monster heads, maps in foreign languages, books on strange peoples and far off lands, outlandish weapons, clothes, jewellery, and the like. His shop is found in Old-town.

The store is a small, corner shop, with two windows facing on to the street, one on the north side, and one on the east. Through the glass, Bartholomew sets up (with the help of his assistant, Archibald Oakheart) two window displays which are regularly changed, though the north currently features an ornate mahogany water-clock, a string of pink pearls, a conch-shell, and a polar-bear skin, while the east features a woven carpet, on top of which lies a jewelled double-bladed sword, and a helmet with a magnificent crest of eagle feathers.

Inside the shop, all sorts of items are for sale, filling the small space from floor to ceiling. Most of it is covered with a fine layer of dust, and Crane usually guides each customer through the shop personally. He is happy to talk about anything and everything, ever eager for new knowledge and tales of the world. As a guide, magic items are not available, and though many old books are for sale, there is no guarantee that a particular subject will be covered, though Bartholomew has volumes on herbs (including texts on foreign plants), swordplay, martial arts (unarmed and armed), sailing, necromancy, gods of the west, history of Mor’s End, histories of most of the known world, and magic.

Most of Crane’s clientele is the very rich of the Mor’s End, who buy the odd and strange from his shop, decorating their mansions with various pieces. Bartholomew also buys all sorts of curiosities – though he’s careful to check if they’ve been stolen first. Adventurers can sell all sorts of loot here, and Crane gives a pretty fair price. Crane is also a good friend of Duncan Fletcher – the two of them get on very well, as Duncan helps Crane fix up many broken antiques. Duncan never sells anything to Crane.

Plot Hooks –
1. The Fortune’s Wave returns to Mor’s End to visit with Bartholomew Crane, still captained by Kiale Anduiin, swordswoman and sailor. What mysterious item has been brought within the hold? How does the city’s power structure react to the care free crew of the Fortune’s Wave?
2. Bartholomew sells the party a map to the warrens – supposedly leading to the lost sword of Mor himself. What really lies at the end of the map? Will the party survive the journey to the centre of the warrens?
3. Crane, before he left the Fortune’s Wave (at age 20), had a brief affair with Kiale Anduiin. A young half-elf (Sean Crane) arrives, claiming to be the son of this union. Though Bartholomew takes him under his wing, Archibald, Crane’s assistant, has his suspicions. He hires the party to investigate Sean. What will they find? Is the half-elf what he claims to be?

Bartholomew Crane, male human Com 9 (Retired Adventurer): CR 8 (Gales of Laughter); ECL 1/4; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 9d4; hp 12; Init +0; Spd 25 ft; AC 7; Melee Ivory Cane +1 (1d3); AL CG; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +7; Str 5, Dex 4, Con 4, Int 17, Wis 19, Cha 13*. Feats: Skill Focus (Appraise), Toughness, Endurance, Lightning Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Simple Weapon Proficiency (Light Crossbow). Skills; Appraise +11 (cc), Knowledge (Arcana) +9 (cc), Profession (Sailor) +10, Use Rope +2 (Has –4 penalty), Knowledge (History) +9 (cc), Knowledge (Geography) +9 (cc), Ride +2, Swim +2 (has –4 penalty).

*Taking in to account aging penalties/bonuses.
Simple weapon proficiency feat is a class feature of the commoner. If playing with FRCS system feats, Crane has the educated feat, instead of endurance, and knowledge skills increase appropriately.

Archibald Oakheart, male human Bard 3 (Scribe and Story-teller). CR 3; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 3d6; hp 17; Init +2; Spd 30 ft; AC 12; +5 Melee (Masterwork Rapier, 1d6), +4 ranged (Throwing Knife, 1d4); AL CN; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 16. Feats: Weapon Finesse (Rapier), Weapon Focus (Rapier), Dodge, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Rapier)*. Skills; Appraise +8, Decipher Script +8, Perform +9, Gather Information +9, Profession (Scribe) +3, Move Silently +5, Hide +5, Listen +3, Spellcraft +8.

Gear – Masterwork Rapier – Silver Thread. Archibald’s sword is a masterfully crafted weapon. He found it in an old trunk of antiques he was unpacking for Bartholomew, and asked if he could have the blade. The blade is fine, re-folded steel, with silvery waves showing how the metal has been hammered into a magnificently lethal work of art. The basket hilt is silver filigree, worked delicately to resemble lace, in a pattern of roses and thorns. The pommel is set with the only gemstone (a moon opal) on the weapon, and unscrews to reveal a hollow hilt. The scabbard is made of very soft lambskin leather – the type usually used for fine gloves, not sheathes, and has silver studs running up and down both side. Archibald always wears Silver Thread.

*Class Feature.

Archibald Oakheart was the son of an old Mor’s End wizarding family, who unfortunately cared little for wizardry. Using bits and pieces of his education, he managed to develop a rough sort of magic use – using his other talent, his voice. After he left home, he worked as a scribe, and became interested in histories and legends. He’s now a fairly accomplished story teller, and uses his job with Bartholomew to find out various facts to make tales of. He gets to make his own hours, and plans to write a book of Bartholomew’s adventures. He’s become interested in some slightly shady ventures lately, and has begun to train himself in stealth.

In his personal life, he’s a free spirit, and a regular at Conaill’s Cocktails. He is also invited to many parties and so on, and has broken his fair share of hearts – he’s not particularly reliable. He cares for Bartholomew in his own way, but probably would take off if a really great opportunity came his way.

Archibald always wears his rapier, and carries a throwing knife in his left boot. Although a decent swordsman, he rarely fights- though he talks with a great deal of bravado, he backs down if things get serious. He wears fashionable clothes, a white silk shirt and tight black trousers, with high, glossy black boots coming well up his calf.

He has golden, shoulder length hair, with brown eyes, and very fair skin. He usually wears a black, wide-brimmed hat outside, shielding his face from the sun - he sun-burns very easily.

Spells per day 2 1st, 3 0th.
Known – Charm Person, Identify, Mage Armour, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Daze, Flare, Light, and Mending.


World of Kulan DM

I've updated the Endearing Edge weaponsmith submission a little in order to make Brandon's frame of mind clearer.




First Post
Please vote in the Lady Kelvin poll I posted. I'm having real trouble with hammering out who she is. Also, please check out the history thread if you haven't had a chance.


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Sabrian Melchazier, Astrologer.

Sabrian Melchazier is an astrologer and astronomer. His shop is in the Posh District, and mainly caters to upper class clientele. He also will make ‘house-calls’ to his favoured clients, though this is pretty rare. He only does readings by appointment. Some of his clients include Thomas Haljan’s youngest sister, various noble-women, and rich merchant’s wives.

Sabrian also conducts readings for less wealthy people, though he doesn’t drop his prices. He also doesn’t take kindly to walk-ins – if you knock and he lets you in, he might let you make an appointment, but he mainly stays with his clients. He does seem to be uncannily accurate, and nearly all of his predictions have been true - at least that’s what his clients claim…

Sabrians’s shop is a normal house in a wealthy neighbourhood. The only distinguishing feature is a strange sun symbol above the door. A small, neatly kept front yard has two beds of rosebushes, tended by Phillip Dusaine (Sabrian’s Gardener), and blooming brilliantly in the spring. A small cobblestone path leads from a little gate up to the steps, and two windows (curtained when Sabrian is conducting a reading), have window boxes of roses underneath them. Inside the house proper, a small hallway, with a polished oak floor, is where Sabrian usually meets his clients. A hatstand and mirror are down the far end, and two doors on each side of the passage lead to Sabrian’s study (left door) and the sitting rooms, where the reading are usually conducted. The door to Sabrian’s study is usually left ajar, and his desk, covered in star charts, his telescope (bought at great expense from the north), and bookcase (about fifteen books, nearly all on astrology) are visible, all of the finest black teak, and on a thick, crimson carpet. A large raven is kept in a cage here – Sabrian refers to it as Antiphacles, and fusses over it most of the time.

The sitting room has several large, plush, armchairs, all covered in very fine, maroon-dyed leather. Though the window lets in the sunlight through most of the day, Sabrian closes the thick, velvet drapes when he is conducting a reading. A large, low mahogany coffee table sits in the middle of the room, in the centre of the armchairs. A large, golden brazier rests on the table, usually burning incense. Sabrian has had this room carpeted in the same cloth as used in his study, and the walls are fine, light brown oak, undecorated by pictures. When he has clients, Sabrian usually brews a pot of tea (served in very fine, gold-glazed pottery), and serves a tray of biscuits and pastries.

Sabrian himself is a swarthy, tallish man. He has very white teeth, a black, neatly trimmed beard, and dark black hair, with very dark eyes. He is usually dressed in a deep crimson robe, of the finest water silk. He often wear a golden torc around his neck, which has the heads of two serpents at each of its’ ends. He is usually impatient with visitors, except for his clients, who he treats with great courtesy and deference, often assuming a debonair and very charming persona.

Unfortunately for these ladies, Sabrian has no real talent in either fortune-telling or magic. He can cast a few spells from scrolls and wands, mainly augury, detect thoughts, and very occasionally, a clairaudience/clairvoyance spell. He uses these to get a rough idea of his client’s hopes, and uses the augury to ask whether or not these hopes will come true. He’s also very intelligent, and records his observations, transcripts of discussions, and all results in a small journal on his desk, written in code (if his clients read it, he claims it is his native language). The raven is a bird he pretends is his familiar. The fact that if can’t stand him is why it’s in a cage.

Sabrain is also one of the three fences in the city. He runs his confederation through the efforts of his ‘Gardener’ Phillip Dusaine who coordinates sales. Sabrain keeps a lot of cash on hand in his strongbox (found under his desk), and he usually deals in smaller, portable goods, converting jewelry especially, and small art objects, etc. Most of these are taken to foreign cities by a variety of means. Some by Sabrain, some by his clients, and others by Carson Bilgewater, an excellent swimmer, who takes them downstream, and then rides out to wherever he’s taking them to be sold. Carson has no idea who Sabrain is.

Sabrain’s reciprocal arrangement has him sell small trinkets as part of his business, given to him by his foreign contacts. He only does this with a few small items he selects from what Phillip shows him. He never keeps a full shipment at his home, just what he intends to sell.

Sabrain is a ruthless man. He is cold, calculating, and very much unattached to his clientele. That said, he is a brilliant and cautious man. He won’t criticise his clients, keeps his mouth shut, and never resorts to blackmail, save for the occasional indirect effort at someone he doesn’t have as a client. Phillip handles nearly all of the main day to day running of Sabrain’s affairs, though Sabrain keeps him on a short leash.

Sabrian Melchazier, Male Human, Rogue 6,: HD 6d6; hp 23; Init +5; Spd 30; AC 11; Atk + 4 base melee, + 5 base ranged. Dagger +4 (MW 1d4), Thrown Dagger, +6 (MW 1d4); AL NE; SQ: Sneak Attack +3d6, Uncanny Dodge (can’t be flanked, never looses DEX bonus to AC) Evasion. SV Fort + 3, Ref + 9, Will + 4; STR 9, DEX 13, CON 10, INT 16, WIS 11, CHA 18.
Skills: Use Magic Device +15, Bluff +15, Appraise +12, Diplomacy +13, Profession (Astrologer) +9, Forgery +12, Sense Motive +11, Innuendo +9, Read Lips +12, Hide +10, Move Silently +10, Pick Pockets +5, Perform +5.
Feats: Skill Focus (Use Magic Device), Skill Focus (Bluff), Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Improved Initiative.

Plot Hooks -
1. The PC's are hired by a nobleman to investigate the astrologer who his wife is spending hundreds of gold pieces on. How deeply do the PC's penetrate Sabrain's web of deceit? What will happen when the discover his true motivations? Will they get out alive?
2. Sabrain is blackmailing the PC's patron, via Phillip, who is using an intermediary's servant. The PC's are left with the difficult task of cleaning up the nobleman's dirty secrets - or hunting down the blackmailer.
3. The PC's are told they must go and have a reading done by Sabrain by a noblewoman friend of theirs. Will they discover that he's a fraud, or will he actually put them on the track to a worthwhile cause?
4. Sabrain has seen, via an augury, that the city will come under attack from an enemy. In an uncharacteristic move of charity, he decides to save his home. Can he and the PC's convince Lady Kelvin before it's too late?

Tactics – Not much of a fighter, Sabrian prefers to leave most of the fighting to Phillip. He will attempt to escape most of the time, but if pressed, will attempt to get sneak attacks with Phillip flanking, and use his wands to stand off and fight if possible.

Possessians – Wand of Augury (34 charges), 5 potions of clauraudience/clairvoyance, four MW daggers, Wand of Detect thoughts (44 charges), Wand of Magic Missile (3rd level caster, fully charged)
Phillip Dusaine, Male Human, Monk 5. HD 5d8+5; hp 32; Init +; Spd 40; AC 16; Atk + 5 base melee, + 6 base ranged. Unarmed Strike +6 (1d8+2), Thrown handaxe +6 (1d6+2); AL LE; SQ: Stunning Attack (DC 14), Deflect Arrows Feat, Still Mind (+2 vs. enchantment), Evasion, Slow Fall (20 ft), Purity of Body. SV Fort + 5, Ref +7 , Will + 6; STR 14, DEX 16, CON 13, INT 11, WIS 14, CHA 10.
Skills: Tumble +11, Move Silently +11, Innuendo (cc) +4, Listen +10, Hide +11.
Feats: Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Expertise, Improved Disarm.

Phillip Dusaine is a cheerful man, usually dressed in plain workclothes. He often whistles to himself while tending Sabrain’s rosebushes, and takes great pride in his garden. He has plain brown hair, a dusting of freckles over his crooked nose, and blue eyes. He was born down on the docks of Mor’s End, the son of a prostitute. He has no parents, and raised himself on the streets. He was taken in by a travelling monk when he was twelve, and was taught how to use his fists as lethal weapons on the road. The monk tried to instill in Phillip a respect for law, order and good. He managed to instill in Phillip a sense of personal order, but only towards his own discipline.

Phillip, though he knows he’s breaking the laws of Mor’s End, has managed to twist the original teachings of his master so that he now believes that he is above the law of men. He would never break his personal code of discipline and structure, but is ruthless and cold-blooded with the lives of others. He is loyal to Sabrain, however, mainly because of the money he gets paid.

(Edit- added more plothooks)
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Holly’s Gilded Cage; Pleasure House

If you have a vice and you have the money (and it’s legal in Mor’s End) then you can probably find what you are looking for at Holly’s. Nicknamed “Holly’s Jollies” by its patrons, it serves as a high-class brothel, a gambling casino and a tavern. Holly’s even has a small stage for musical performances and short plays to entertain the patrons. Holly’s customers are the elite of Mor’s End and you cannot even get into the place without having a regular patron vouch for you. Holly’s is a non-descript mansion in the rich quarter of town, it has no signs or advertising and most of the common people in town do not even know of its existence. Holly’s caters its “entertainment” to it’s customers desires and make every effort to fulfill their request, the price is always negotiable but is never cheap. The warders of Mor’s End keep a good eye on the place and make sure that everything that goes on stays legal; many of the warders are long standing customers and are leery of giving their political enemies any leverage. While many things that happen in the house boarder on scandalous, Holly’s makes a point to sponsor very good bards and minstrels to perform on its stage and occasionally brings in acting troops from other cities to perform there, many patrons joke that “the only reason they go is for the wonderful theatre performances.”

Holly’s is run by Guilford Middling and his wife Elsa Middling; the name is a carry over from the former proprietor. Guilford is a bard of some talent and his wife is a very good administrator. Elsa runs the business while Guilford mostly hosts the nightly festivities and entertains the patrons. They have 20 girls, 2 door-guards, a bartender, a chef and a Half Orc bouncer named Garash who work for them. They will not tolerate trouble and are not concerned with how rich or noble the customers are, you break the rules and you are thrown out the door. The threat of being banned from the establishment is normally enough to calm down any problems with troublemakers they have, but if somebody persist Garash steps in.
The Secret of Guilford and Elsa Middling.

Guilford Middling and Elsa Middling are the made up names of Darius Longknife and Elise Von Batten, who moved to Mor’s End and established new identities to hide from their would be pursuers. Darius is an assassin by trade and a quite good one at that; he made a name for himself in the North as the minstrel-assassin, unfortunately for Darius becoming will known is very dangerous for a assassin. Soon it became obvious that it was time for him to “retire” and move on. Darius had made several powerful enemies so he decided to disguise himself as a wandering bard and head south.

During Darius’s travels he ran across a beautiful young daughter of a nobleman who was being transported to meet her husband to be for a marriage that had been pre-arranged. After luring the young woman into his bed Darius decided to he would rob the procession and steal the girls dowry. Before he could go through with his plan the girl, Elise Von Batten, asked Darius to help her escape from the pre-arranged marriage. It was little trouble for Darius to silence the guards and steal the wagon containing the dowry but before he left Darius went back and slew the whole wedding party to insure they would not be followed. After riding south with the girl Darius decided not to kill her. By this time she was very much in love with her “rescuer”. From there the two of them set out to find a place where they could hide out and start new lives.

After several months of life on the run the two came to Mor’s End. They decided to take over a high priced brothel in town after the previous owner retired (to the bottom of Lake Enoria, tied to a large stone). That was five years ago and Holly’s has flourished under their control, they are both very comfortable in their new lives. Darius is particularly fond of his retirement, he is much richer than he ever dreamed of being and playing gracious host to these backwoods yokels is a far easier life than living by the blade.

Guilford Middling: Male Human Brd4/Rog2/Asn2; HD 4d6+4 (Bard), 2d6+2 (Rogue), 2d6+2 (Assassin); hp 46; Init + 3; Spd 30; AC 18; Atk + 7 base melee, + 8 base ranged; +7/+7 (1d4+3, +1 Kukri; 1d4+1, Kukri, Masterwork); +8 (1d6+2, Sword, short, Masterwork); Class Features: Bard: Shield proficiency, Medium armor proficiency, Light armor proficiency, Simple weapon proficiency, Spells, Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Music, Proficiency: Sword, short; Rogue: Traps, Medium Rogue weapon proficiencies, Rogue weapon proficiencies, Light armor proficiency, Sneak Attack +2d6, Evasion; Assassin: Poison Use, Death Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus to AC), +1 save vs. poison; AL N; SV Fort + 2, Ref + 13, Will + 5; STR 15, DEX 16, CON 13, INT 13, WIS 12, CHA 15.
Skills: Appraise + 4, Balance + 3, Bluff + 8, Climb + 2, Disable Device + 6, Disguise + 10, Gather Information + 4, Hide + 10, Jump + 2, Listen + 6, Move Silently + 10, Open Lock + 8, Perform + 11, Search + 4, Spot + 7, Use Rope + 5.
Feats: Ambidexterity, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Kukri, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus: Kukri.
Weapons: Kukri, Masterwork; Sword, short, Masterwork; +1 Kukri: Wounding.
Armor: Elven Chain.
Goods: Thieves' tools, Masterwork, Musical instrument, Masterwork.
Magic: Ring: Mind Shielding.

Spells Known (Brd 3/3/1): 0 - Daze, Ghost Sound, Open/Close; 1st - Cause Fear, Feather Fall, Sleep; 2nd - Darkness.
Spells Known (Asn --/2): 1st - Absorb Weapon, Change Self, Detect Poison, Ghost Sound, Obscuring Mist, Spider Climb, Spring Sheath, Spring Sheath.

Guilford Middling is the alias of Darius Longknife, retired assassin of the Brotherhood of Vipers. Darius has truly tried to change his ways and now concentrates on his singing and lute playing instead of his skills with a dagger. He doesn’t believe that there is any way to make up for the evil he has done in his life so he just doesn’t try, he thinks of himself as Guilford Middling and tries to forget he ever had another name. Darius does not sleep well at night and is often woken up by nightmares of those he has killed coming back for revenge. He has not killed in five years and hopes he never has to again, deep down he fears that if he ever killed again that he would revert to the man he used to be. He has slowly changed alignment from evil to neutral and can no longer gain levels as an assassin.

Alternate character concept
Darius Longknife has never wished to change his ways, every once in a while he slips out at night and kills a random person on the street, just to keep his skills sharp. After five years of hiding he feels a strong need to get back into the business, only the fear of being found out keeps him from going back to his former profession. (change alignment to Chaotic Evil)

Elsa Middling: Female Human Ari3; HD 3d8 (Aristocrat) ; hp 17; Init + 0; Spd 30; AC 11; Atk + 2 base melee, + 2 base ranged; +3 ( 1d4, Dagger, Masterwork ); AL CN; SV Fort + 1, Ref + 1, Will + 4; STR 10, DEX 11, CON 11, INT 13, WIS 12, CHA 17.
Skills: Appraise + 5, Bluff + 7, Diplomacy + 9, Disguise + 7, Innuendo + 5, Listen + 3, Profession (Bookkeeper) + 6, Sense Motive + 3, Spot + 3.
Feats: Alertness, Quick Draw, Skill Focus: Profession (Bookkeeper).
Weapons: Dagger, Masterwork.
Magic: Ring: Protection +1.

Elsa Middling is the alias of Lady Elise Von Batten. Elise was the daughter of a powerful baron in the north. She feels great remorse for the things she allowed Darius to do to the people she grew up with. But realizes it was the only way for her to escape being searched for. She is totally devoted to Darius and it was her idea that they pose as husband and wife. After acting like a married couple for nearly 5 years there is little distinction anymore between the ruse and them actually being married. Darius insist that they use the names Guilford and Elsa even in private and she rarely thinks of herself as Elise the baron’s daughter anymore. Elise doesn’t know that Darius killed the old brothel owner and knows very little about Darius past but she knows he is a very dangerous man and has very dangerous enemies. Elise is very protective of the girls that work in the brothel and was the driving force behind adding the theatre stage to Holly’s. She felt that raising the culture level of the place might make the girls that worked there’s lives a little easier. Elise enjoys when Darius performs for the crowds and could listen to him for hours, Guilford Middling the bard is the man she loves, Darius Longknife is a long forgotten stranger she hopes never returns.

Garash Half Orc: Male Half-Orc War4; HD 4d8+4 (Warrior) ; hp 24; Init + 5; Spd 20; AC 16; Atk + 8 base melee, + 5 base ranged; +9 ( 1d6+4, Club, Masterwork ); +10 ( 1d6+4, Scimitar, Masterwork ); SQ: Darkvision (Ex); Racial Features: Orc Blood; AL LN; SV Fort + 5, Ref + 2, Will + 1; STR 18, DEX 12, CON 13, INT 11, WIS 10, CHA 9.
Skills: Intimidate + 6, Listen + 4, Sense Motive + 2.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus: Scimitar.
Weapons: Club, Masterwork; Scimitar, Masterwork.
Armor: Chainmail, Masterwork.

Garash is the bouncer at Holly’s but he is also a spy for Lady Kelvin. Lady Kelvin has learned that Guilford Middling was once the assassin Darius Longknife so she has placed a spy in the brothel to make sure that the retired assassin stays retired. Garash doesn’t know how Lady Kelvin knows this and quite frankly he doesn’t care, the gold she pays spends just the same.

Plot Hooks
Members of the Brotherhood of the Vipers have been spotted in town by Darius, are they here on “business” or are they here looking for him? Darius hires the PC’s to keep a eye on the assassins in hopes that they will figure out what they are and take care of them before they find him out.

Styria Wolfgard may have recognized Elise, can she convince him that her resemblance to a dead girl that he had not seen since she was a small child is just a coincidence? If he figures out who she is then he will ask why she was not killed with the wedding party those many years ago and the answer to that question would cause all sorts of problems for her and Darius.

Darius has found out about Lady Kelvin’s spy, how could she of found out about him and why has she allowed him to stay in the city? Is the Lady Kelvin more than the kindly grandmother he was told about? Perhaps it’s time Guilford the Bard and the ruler of the city had a face to face talk.

Some local thieves try to muscle in on the buisness, the PC's are hired to protect the place from the Thieves Guild.


First Post
Garret’s Locksmithing

Garret Ailn runs a small but respectable locksmith shop in Mor’s End. His small shop is full of small bits and pieces of locks and hinges, interspaced with the small tools of his trade. He has a small case filled with all sorts of different locks and a barrel full of hinges of every make and size imaginable that he sales to the public. Garret also makes house calls to repair broken or jammed locks at people’s residence. He is very proud of his little shop and even went so far as to get an official document from the city stating that he is a professional locksmith and not a thief.

Garret has a quite large household to care for as he not only takes care of his wife and children (all 6 of them) but his wife’s sister and her 3 children, his elderly mother, his out of work cousin, his wife’s uncle and his younger brother Joey and Joey's new wife. Everyone lives in the rooms behind his shop; it is not uncommon for Garret to sleep at the workbench in his shop, as it is the only place where he can find peace and quiet. Garret’s younger brother Joey is presently doing his year of service to the Muster and he hopes that once he gets out that he will help Garret in the shop, it’s hard to feed so many mouths when only one person is actually working.

Plot Hooks.
Garret is being shaken down by local thugs but unfortunately he doesn’t have any money to give so they try to get him to help them break into homes to rob them. Garret ask the PC’s to help him get out of this mess before he really gets into trouble.

Somebody in town is robbing Garrets customers and suspicion is building that Garret is telling people how to pick his locks. Garret thinks it might be one of the relatives living at his house but he doesn’t know which one, can the PC’s help Garret solve the riddle behind these crimes before his reputation is ruined?

Garret is called to a noble’s house to repair a lock in their basement. When Garret gets there he finds out they have a person locked up under their house. Garret doesn’t know what to do; if he tells the watch then they will know it was him that told. Can the PC’s figure out what is going on?
Garret Ailn: Male Halfling, Exp3; HD 3d6-3 (Expert); hp 12; Init + 3; Spd 20; AC 16; Atk + 3 base melee, + 6 base ranged; +4 (1d4, Dagger, Masterwork); SQ: Halfling traits (Ex); Racial Features: +2 Bonus on Saves vs. Fear, +1 attack bonus with thrown weapons; AL CG; SV Fort + 1, Ref + 5, Will + 4; STR 10, DEX 16, CON 8, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 11.
Skills: Climb + 2, Craft (Locksmithing) + 10, Disable Device + 10, Hide + 7, Jump + 2, Knowledge (Engineering) + 2, Listen + 2, Move Silently + 5, Open Lock + 13, Profession (Locksmith) + 8.
Feats: Skill Focus: Open Lock, Skill Focus: Profession (Locksmith).
Weapons: Dagger, Masterwork.
Armor: Leather, Masterwork.
Goods: Locksmith's tools, Masterwork; Thieves' tools, Masterwork; Lantern, bullseye; Mirror, small steel; Sealing wax.
Magic: Wondrous: Goggles of minute seeing.
Joey Ailn, male halfling War1: CR 1; Size S, HD 1d8+1; hp 9; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 18 (+2 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +2 melee(1D6, Short Sword), or +4 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2; AL CG; Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12.
Skills and feats: Climb +6, Open Lock +4, Hide +10, Jump +2, Listen +3, Move silently +4, Spot +2; Alertness.
Weapons: Short Sword.
Armor: chain shirt; small wooden shield.

Voidrunner's Codex

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