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(MSH) Nightmares of Futures Past

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Go with those two, quickly, before thay ran off"
"Why? I could feast with these fools"
"You will not, I will not allow you to further harm these men." Sheng feels an intense pain in his head. "Go"
The sorceror, grabs his head, and with closed teeth, he sais "Yes Wang Chi" before sprinting towards the car, jumping over the fallen punks.

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Fastlane and Co.

Mumbling under his breath as he 'burns rubber', "reporters, senators, and sentinels, not a good combination." Then he smiles "Life in the FASTLANE, ...it'l surely make you loose your mind....". Soon going faster than any car has a right to, especially without fuel... "Name's Fastlane and yours?"


Providence uses Sensing-Mystical Detection to see if there is any magic in the room or on the books.

76 Sensing-Mystical Detection

If she detects no magic, she will carefully pick up the Tome of Zhered-Na without opening it and then look through the rest of the book titles to see if she finds anything else interesting.

"Who senta yu little wun?" she asks the demon, removing the mystical gag but not the bonds with a wave of her hand.

If she detects magic, she will not do any of these actions.


Thy wounds are healed!
Fastlane and Co.

The car speeds down the street and you soon leave the white shirts miles behind. Weaving in and out of the light traffic Fastlane manuvers the car round turns and through side streets till he pulls it to a stop, since he really doesn't know where he needs to go. The three men are alone on a side street, somewhere near the downtown area of Richmond.



"No one send T'ym," the little creature says in a high pitched voice. "T'ym and others stay after Goblin Queen and other big demons get beat and leave. Me just so hungry been wondering for years till me find this place full of eats."

[sblock=ooc] Their is no magic you can detect in your power range. [/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Still not used to cars and other vehicles, Sheng looks confused. "What kind of magic opperates in this transportation of yours?" he asks, looking at the different parts of the car, without introducing himself, nor asking the other two their names.


"You can call me Solaire. Light and energy manipulation's my game. I'm here to help the Resistance. I take it you have some kind of affinity with vehicles, Fastlane? Anyway, thanks for your help back there. I really didn't relish the idea of attacking a bunch of civilians, ignorant though they may be," he says with an accusing eye towards Sheng.

"You have any idea why they got all riled up like that? There I was just walking down the street minding my own business and next thing I know I'm being chased by a mob. I didn't even use my powers!"

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Foolish who doesn't use his resourses in the proper time, wise the one that knows when that time is. Perhaps we were ment to meet each other. I do not share your mercy, known to the gods that I would have their souls if the Providence wouldn't have intervened. I am known as the Red Snake Sorceror, and I am in search for an ancient artefact known as the Scroll of the Earth. I have pursed it from an outside facility." the man dressed in ancient clothes says with disdain.


"You idiot. Have you ever stopped to consider the fact that killing humans is the reason mutants are being oppressed? What do you intend to do? Kill or enslave every single one of them? We'll be at war until the end of time! The only way we're gonna end the oppression is by showing people that mutants are no different. There are good mutants just as there are good people and evil mutants that need to be opposed just as there are evil people. I hope you aren't the latter, because if you are, you're as much my enemy as anyone that seeks to kill or imprison mutants just because of who they are."

OOC: Nothing personal intended, of course. Solaire just happens to be of the "Professor X" mentality when it comes to human-mutant relations. And he's not quite as well-spoken.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Mutants? What are all this nonsenses you are speaking about? I know nothing about such affairs, explain yourself if you wish to be understood. And calm yourself, a pond with a shifting surface is hard to see through, but if the water is calm you can see the bottom." Says Sheng demandingly "I was trying to avoid your death, somehow you seemed important for the Providence, but I am oblivious of why; however, if I was to slay every single enemy, I would have done so. They were lucky that the rider of this fast ... metal horseless carriage... arrived at the time he did."


"Wait a second," Solaire takes pause for a moment in silent contemplation. "You say you're not a mutant. And you don't know what a car is? 'Metal horseless carriage' were your words I think. Who are you? And for that matter, WHEN are you?"

Solaire then turns to Fastlane with a quizzical glare. "Don't tell me you aren't a mutant either."

Voidrunner's Codex

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