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MutantHigh Episode 4: Deadzone


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An island comes into view as "If it feels right (then just do it)" from Aimee Allen starts to play. The view comes closer to show a large compound around a steel and glass pyramid. The moment the beats of the song go faster a black jet launches from one of the boathouses and splits the water behind it. It races closer and blocks the complete few for a split second. Then it is gone and its engines leave a blazing trail that forms to letters.
-Jack Feyborne stands in front of Eris as and spontaniously slimes himself full with his own ectoplasm.
-He extends his arm and shoots ectoplasm to catch an intruding mutant in the cellar.
-Jack shows a thumb up while he brings the controls of the NX2 Reaper online.
Another flaming name appears.
Rot Grub
-Michael playing guitar in the middle of a shop in Costa Rica while the customers apllaud.
-An Armagedon suit falls apart in the middle of a New York street as Rot Grub grabs its head.
-He dodges behind a trash can as a huge hispanic man breathes a fire at him and comes up again, putting his stetson back on with an easy smile.
-She sits in front of her laptop with a dropped jaw as she reads Truths first message.
-Katie slowly lifts from the ground and with one motion from her hand a parked bike flies into the direction of a blurred racing figure that tries to reach her.
-She crouches on her board while she jumps down the stair in front of the shopping mall.
-Clair starring dumbfounded at the Reaper waiting for him on the landing field.
-He extends his hand and a hail of gunfire is stopped in middair before it can hit him and Chamber.
-He stares with a pleading look as he is srounded by five good looking girls in black outfits in front of his locker.
Joey Lee
-He crouches low on his bike as he races towards the sea with Eris behind him.
-He is in a crapple with a vicious looking blue humanoid while underwater.
-He surfs under a giant wave while it crashes behind him.
-He stands in the rain at the London airport and looks realy annoyed and a lone sign with his name on ít.
-a kinetic blast from his torso rips a crater into the payvment as blond haired youth desperatly dodges out if its way.
-He watches over the sea from his balcony on the pyramid with the energy that fills him glowing brightly into the night.
-She walks through the shopping mall with bags full of clothes while two guys carry even more thing while they follow her with adoring stares.
-She jumps out of the doors of a policecar and lands right behind a gun wielding office before she drops him with a strike to his neck.
-With a long leap she dogdges the flamestrike shot at her by Patriot and the trunk behind her explodes as it is hit instead.

The jets appears again and flies low offer the city of Isla Verde. It dives sideways over the still unfinished Haven Institute and heads out for the sea again. The camera catches up and shows a bigger few of the engines. Their howling is heard over the music and slowly drowns it out.
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"Wow I really do not envy your day, I guess the doctor was a bit worried about yesterday and now wants you to be ready for anything."
Truths voice is loud and clear from the speakers in the Reaper as the engines are only a soft background noise in its protected interior.
It has been a terrible day as the Doctor has sent everyone through six hours of combat training that was far harder than the first tries the day before and then sent the whole group to the Reaper to get them used to flights in the high pressures its speed can create afterwards. Except for Cypher, who is on some terrible important sounding, scientific project all the new students of Haven are in the jet and are pressed back into their seats as it accelerates again.
Over their heads a holographic display shows scenes from the morning news: Devante stands on the stage, holding his “we are so superior” speech then suddenly a guy in white leather clothes crashes through the stage behind him. He stays and calm and starts babbling about a bomb he laid but after a minute nothing happens and he begins to look around in confusion. The camera follows him and focuses on a girl on a skateboard. It floats right in the air and she stands easy on it holding the digital display of a bomb timer up. The numbers no longer tick down and suddenly change to letters “get lost”. Everyone from the institute recognizes Cypher but somehow the camera can’t seem to focus on her so it is pretty sure no one else can. A female voice starts to comment on the pictures: “the terrorists appearently decided to use the life event to spread chaos but according to eyewitnesses another group of mutants stopped them, right there before anyone could get hurt. No one is sure about the exact number yet as all the cameras seemed unable to focus closely on the fights of the deltas.”
The comment is underlined by few pictures of explosion and especially a small boy who is blasted right through the front gate by some kind of kinetic energy. Instead of hitting the ground he just floats there and ripples in the air around him seem to indicate he is fighting back.
The women, speaks again:
“The mysterious teenagers vanished just like the terrorists who where identified as the criminal group know as the Hellions. The Hellions are wanted for a variety of smaller crimes but have never done anything like the action of last night before.”

"I just want my headaches to stop." Clair says as his forehead throbs, "Okay, maybe I was a bit eager when I wanted to try combat simulation." He sighs, "Katie lucked out, though. Say, what type of project is she doing anyways."

Clair reclines on the chair some, mantaining a barrier around himself so he doesn't feel the pressure of the plane.

"I guess we really needed some practice, I'm not sure about you, but I really wasn't expecting to fight that many deltas last night."


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"That was so totally weird, I thought no 2 Deltas could have the exact same powers, But it was like fighting a mirror, Menace had the exact same powers, we both have pheromones and we both heal like crazy. I hit him and he just kept getting back up. He was like one of those punching dummies, but he was kind of cute, he felt really familiar, like part of me recognized him and felt comfortable around him, it was pretty weird." Eris comments to Joey from the next seat over. She isn't really bothered by more combat training, it gives her the chance to use up her normal excessive energy.


First Post
The news run on in the background.
“We now switch to Antonio Fernandez who is interviewing Mr Charles Nyder, the current leader of Energexs board of directors.”
A blond man in his mid-thirties and a perfectly fitting business suit appears on the screen while only the hand holding the mic is visible of the other man.
-“My Nyder, what is your comment on the happenings of the last night. There already where rumours on the net that Energex will only hold its sponsored games in countries that have mutant regulation laws like Germany and the UK from now on. Especially since as an American company everyone assumes your tolerance for such instances is very low.
The man smiles tiredly.
-“Well, Antonio…can I say Antonio? Thanks. You see I’m really sick of questions like that. I mean okay some crazy deltas tried to bust our party because they wanted to promote some wyrd political message but let me tell you something. Yesterday life here on Isla Verde on our Energe-X-games you saw a political message and it was not the one those criminals wanted to promote. Some of the competing kids where mutants and we have that life on video even if we can’t get good shots of their faces. Hell the girl that took out the bombs was floating on the board she was using for the show. And they stopped whatever those guys, how did you call them? Ah yes Hellions. Whatever these Hellions intended let me tell you one thing, thanks to the kids on our show they where taken out so fast we could have just went on this the show without even a single injury. Okay we stopped it to make sure everyone is safe but we will be back. And that was the message, our visitors had fun regardless if mutants or not and the moment that guy crashed in and told about war between our races they threw him right out. Now that was what I call a statement! We are trying to have fun and this goes to both sides of the radicals, Mutants and Humans: Stay away from us! If you have problems with your life don’t blame it on those who are different because your lousy message of war won’t work on the people who visited us yesterday. Yesterday our customers PROVED that there can be peace. So if all those radicals could just shut up for a few days I am sure everybody could see it. Oh yes and one more thing. Whoever those deltas yesterday where, thank you people you rocked. I don’t think you will ever come up to tell us who you are but please come back next year cause we’ll be back for sure!”
He lifts his thumb in the camera and does that “look I am a cool adult” look that they always try with teenagers and that never worked in all known history but at least he doesn’t seem to act.


First Post
Sollir Furryfoot said:
"I just want my headaches to stop." Clair says as his forehead throbs, "Okay, maybe I was a bit eager when I wanted to try combat simulation." He sighs, "Katie lucked out, though. Say, what type of project is she doing anyways."

Clair reclines on the chair some, mantaining a barrier around himself so he doesn't feel the pressure of the plane.

"I guess we really needed some practice, I'm not sure about you, but I really wasn't expecting to fight that many deltas last night."

Truth sounds almost bored, the first time anyone heard that from her.
"She is helping the Doctor creating some simulations. Dr Garcia is still wondering about those fishpeople whom she now calls Aquarians, maybe because it makes her feel as if she knew at least a bit more. After last night the mystery of mutants with similar powers suddenly got interesting again. With the aquarians it is not such a big thing, they could just have powers that are really close to each other but what Eris told about last night sounds like a perfect copy. It happens that mutants have sets of powers that are not much different but a total copy is unheard of. She now wants to find out of it is theoretically possible. I gave her the math, it just can not happen and if it ever does it will be the only time for the next billion years or so."
A hissing sound is heard from underneath Jacks seat and it slides slighty forward. The control panel lights up and fold out to encease his seat on the sides.
"Now Mr Feyborne you requseted training as a pilot."
You can almost hear the smile in her voice. Suddenly it makes sense that she insisted on Jack and Eris taking the two front seats too.
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"We've got complete faith in ya, Jack." Clair says, patting him on the back. He winks to the others though, and forms a barrier around them as well, a slight disturbance in the air as the pressure around them changes.

Things would have went better if Michael, Jono, and me were there in the first place, why do the others get to go do the fun stuff? Clair ponders, slightly bitter. I guess it's just that we're not cool enough for them.
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"It could be worse, we could have been wearing costumes like the Hellions were. That other feral, he had the worst fashion sense ever, it was like he couldn't understand the concept of tacky. His scent was like mine, it was weird, I never have had that happen to me, everyones scent is unique, but ours was so close that If he and I were both in an area, I probably would have trouble telling whose scent was which." Eris commented, looking out the forward view of the Ship.

"If you mean 'we' as in you and the rest, yeah, I guess you guys are officially su perheroes now. I didn't really do anything...why couldn't have gotten a cool power or something."

"And please, Eris, some one has the same powers as you-big whoop. It's not like it's the end of the world or anything. Besides, remember that you didn't have all those clothes when you first came here." Clair lashes out some, "Just because we aren't as...Oh nevermind." He stops mid-sentence.

It's times like these that I find Eris an insuffrable bore. He thinks.

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