• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

{Mutants & Masterminds} United Heroes Limited Series


First Post
Issue #5 - "Heat"

Before the big fight starts -- and trust me, it's going to be a big fight -- I wanted to post the stats for the villains who have appeared in print but not yet in M&M stat form.

The Duchess
190 PP

PL 12; Init +1; Defense 18; Spd 30 Run, 25 Fly (Animal Form Only); ATK +12 Melee (+10L Dam, Bite), +8 Ranged (+0S Dam, None); SV Dam +0, Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +9; STR 20, DEX 13, CON 10, INT 18, WIS 20, CHA 20.
Skills: Bluff +15, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +15, Hide +6, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (Occult) +9, Listen +11, Move Silently +6, Search +7, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11, and Taunt +15.
Feats: Attractive, Immunity – Aging, Immunity – Disease, Immunity – Poison, Immunity – Suffocation, Improved Grapple, Indomitable Will, Infamy, Iron Will, Leadership, Power Attack, Power Immunity, Psychic Awareness, and Startle.
Powers: Drain CON +5 [Resisted by FORT, not WILL; Extras: Natural Weapon (Bite) and Slow Recovery – 1 PP/Minute; Flaw: Limited – CON Only; Source: Mystical (Vampire Powers); Cost: 15 PP], Incorporeal +3 [Affected by Fire/Heat Attacks; Source: Mystical (Vampire Powers); Cost: 6 PP], Mental Protection +6 [Source: Psionics; Cost: 12 PP], Mind Control +8 [Extra: Mind Blank; Flaw: Restricted – Gaze Attack; Source: Psionics; Cost: 16 PP], Protection +7 [Source: Mystical (Vampire Powers); Cost: 14 PP], Shapeshift +5 [Extra: Movement; Flaw: Limited – Animals; Source: Mystical (Vampire Powers); Cost: 10 PP], Super-Charisma +3 [Source: Mystical (Vampire Powers); Cost: 6 PP], and Super-Wisdom +2 [Source: Psionics; Cost: 6 PP].
Equipment: None.
Weaknesses: Susceptible to Sunlight and Vulnerable to Fire/Heat Attacks.
Physical Description: The Duchess is a vampire, and this is obvious to just about anyone that sees her. She has very pale skin, though ravishingly good-looking, and displays fangs when she chooses to do so. The Duchess wears a very revealing form-fitting costume consisting of a v-necked black top with red stripes, black culottes, and black slippers. She wears wrist-length black gloves as well, and occasionally a dark blue cape to complete the ensemble. The Duchess is of Caucasian origin, and looks to be in her early thirties. She stands 6’0”, weighs 135 lbs., has very long white hair, and light blue eyes.

157 PP

PL 10; Init +2; Defense 16; Spd 30 Run; ATK +11 Melee (+5S Dam, Punch), +8 Ranged (+10S Dam, Energy Blast); SV Dam +17, Fort +17, Ref +2, Will +8; STR 20, DEX 14, CON 20, INT 12, WIS 14, CHA 10.
Skills: Computers +4, Concentration +11, Disable Device +4, Drive +5, Open Lock +5, and Repair +4.
Feats: Detect (Ferrous Metals), Endurance, Great Fortitude, Immunity - Energy (Magnetism), Power Immunity, and Toughness.
Powers: Amazing Save - Damage +6 [Source: Rocky Hide (Mutation); Cost: 6 PP], Amazing Save – Fortitude +6 [Source: Mutation; Cost: 6 PP], Amazing Save – Willpower +6 [Source: Natural Resistance; Cost: 6 PP], Energy Control – Magnetism +10 [Includes Telekinesis (Flaw: Only Ferrous Metals); Extra: Flight; Power Stunt: Energy Blast; Source: Mutation; Cost: 32 PP], Invisibility +5 [Flaw: Limited – Machines Only; Source: Mutation; Cost: 5 PP], Neutralize +10 [Extra: Nullification; Flaw: Limited – Subject Must be Composed of or Possess Substantial Amount of Ferrous Metals; Source: Mutation; Cost: 20 PP], Slow +10 [Flaw: Limited – Subject Must be Composed of or Possess Substantial Amount of Ferrous Metals; Source: Mutation; Cost: 10 PP], and Super-Constitution +4 [Source: Mutation; Cost: 16 PP].
Equipment: None.
Weakness: Disturbing Appearance (Black, Rocky Skin) and Quirk (Cannot Attack the Innocent – Children, Elderly, Handicapped, etc.).
Physical Description: Lodestone’s skin appears to be composed of a grainy, black, rocky substance. He has no hair, and his eyes glow red. Lodestone wears a costume as well. This is white, with black streaks running through it. The costume does not cover his face, forearms, or legs below the knee. He does not wear any gloves or boots. Lodestone is approximately 30 years old, 6’2”, and 180 lbs.

154 PP

PL 10; Init +1; Defense 18; Spd 30 Run, 40 Fly, 40 Teleport; ATK +4 Melee (+0S Dam, Punch), +6 Ranged (+8S Dam, Energy Blast); SV Dam +1, Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7; STR 10, DEX 13, CON 12, INT 15, WIS 20, CHA 15.
Skills: Bluff +8, Concentration +16, Knowledge – Occult +10, Listen +8, Perform +8, Search +8, Sense Motive +10, and Spot +8.
Feats: Aerial Combat, Attack Focus – Sorcery, Attractive, Detect Mystical Power Sources, Dodge, Iron Will, Power Immunity, and True Sight.
Powers: Sorcery +8 [Known Spells – Control: Element Control and Telekinesis, Defensive: Force Field, Divination: ESP and Telepathy, Illusion: Invisibility, Offensive: Energy Blast and Paralysis, Transformation: Incorporeal and Shapeshift, Transportation: Extended Teleport, Flight, and Teleport; Flaws: Concentration Required; Source: Mystical; Cost: 60 PP].
Equipment: Amulet of Protection [Luck +2, Mental Protection +5, Protection +2; Source: Mystical; Cost: 15 PP].
Weakness: None.
Physical Description: In her villain guise, Mana wears a form-fitting silver bodysuit with a stylized ‘M’ on the left chest, and a mystic circle on the forehead. The mask does not cover the nose or mouth, and a blonde ponytail pokes out of the back of the mask. Mana also wears white gloves and boots. Mana is Caucasian, and 25 years old. She stands 5’8”, weighs 120 lbs., has shoulder-length blonde hair, and blue eyes.

150 PP

PL 10; Init +12; Defense 23; Spd 70 Run; ATK +9 Melee (+9L Dam, Supercharged Punch), +10 Ranged (+8L Dam, Multi-Lightning); SV Dam +3, Fort +3, Ref +8, Will –1; STR 16, DEX 18, CON 16, INT 16, WIS 8, CHA 12.
Skills: Computers +12, Craft – Electronics +7, Demolitions +7, Disable Device +7, Forgery +6, Hide +10, Move Silently +10, and Open Lock +12.
Feats: Dodge, Immunity – Energy (Electricity), Improved Initiative, Move-By Attack, Power Immunity, Talented (Computers & Open Lock), and Talented (Hide & Move Silently).
Powers: Energy Control – Electricity +8 [Includes Multi-Lightning (Energy Blast; Extras: Area and Selective; Flaws: Range – Touch and Slow – Full-Round Action); Extras: Energy Field +5, Spinning +4 (Power Stunts: All-Around Sight and Whirlwind Attack), and Supercharged Punch (Strike (Melee) +6L); Source: Mutation (Electrical Control); Cost: 35 PP], Force Field +4 [Source: Mutation (Electrical Control); Cost: 4 PP], Running +4 [Source: Mutation (Speed); Cost: 8 PP], and Super-Speed +4 [Source: Mutation (Speed); Cost: 24 PP].
Equipment: None.
Physical Description: In his villain guise, Surge wears a light blue bodysuit with white and black streaks across the costume, along with a metallic helmet that covers the top half of Surge’s head. The costume includes black gloves and boots. Surge is of Latino origin, and is 17 years old. He stands 5’7”, weighs 145 lbs., has short black hair, and brown eyes.

Watch for Scene 1, Coming Soon!

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First Post
Issue #5 - "Heat" (Continued)

Editor's Note: This first scene is a big fight that occurs in two different locations. As such, each round of combat will be demarcated so as to avoid confusion between the two sites.

Scene 1: "Battle at Hadley Manor"

"Where are they?" demanded Harpy.

Pathfinder was still getting his bearings. "There are two groups," he said. "Two in the front and three in the back."

"Did you recognize them?" Seraphim asked as he drew his Sword of Truth.

"Yes," Pathfinder repled. "Some of them. That Cyber-Knight fellow is in the front with a female I don't recognize. Bombardier is in the rear of the estate with a female and one of the men from my vision at the police property room."

MorningStar turned into pure flame. "I can go scout it out," she offered. "They can't hurt me in this form."

"That's not necessarily true," Harpy countered. "We don't know their capabilities."

"They are making a two-pronged attack," Seraphim pointed out. "Obviously, this is an attempt to distract us. We need to stay as close as possible to the main building."

"They're coming after Fang?" Electrostatic asked.

"All right," Harpy said. "I want a flier in the front and back. I'll lead the team in front, and Seraphim, I want you to lead the team in the rear of the estate. I'm taking Electrostatic and MorningStar with me to defend the front. The rest of you go with Seraphim to defend the other side."

"Perhaps we should establish a mental link now...?" Seraphim said, looking at the team leader. He removed the Crown of Glory that often blocked out attempts to use mental powers. "You will be unable to contact me once the battle begins."

"Good idea," Harpy said, and put her hand on the angelic hero's temple. A moment passed, and Harpy opened her eyes.

(I am allowing Harpy to use her Telepathy to establish the equivalent of a temporary Mental Link with Seraphim. She will need to be able to take a free action each round to maintain it (basically, if she's stunned or unconscious, it shuts off.))

"Let's go!"

Seraphim (unable to fly indoors due to his wingspan), Iron Dragon, and Pathfinder ran as fast as they could through the gallery and into the rear patio, and then through the doors leading onto the pool area.

Electrostatic opened and charged forward through the large double doors leading from the foyer into the front grounds. MorningStar, in fiery form, flew through the open doors. Harpy, incapable of above-normal speed, followed along to bring up the rear. She stopped as she neared the doors.

The automated defenses! she thought. Why didn't I think of these before? She rushed to a hidden panel behind a bust of Shakespeare next to the doors, and began pressing buttons to initiate sequences for the impressive array of defensive weapons and other countermeasures built into the grounds. That should help, she thought. I just wish 'Lectro hadn't run out there like that; he's a lot faster than I am at setting these things up.

I just hope they're enough to help turn the tide.

Watch for Round 1, Coming Soon!
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First Post
Issue #5 - "Heat" (Continued)

Scene 1: "Battle at Hadley Manor" - Combat Round One

- Front -

(There is no surprise round; all opponents are considered to be aware of each other. Initiatives for the combat: Electrostatic 22, Harpy 16, MorningStar 14, Cyber-Knight 19, and the Duchess 11. The order will be Electrostatic, Cyber-Knight, Harpy, MorningStar, and the Duchess. The estate defenses act at the end of each round, if possible.)

Electrostatic made it all the way on the front lawn before he heard the familiar sound of electronic devices being engaged. Good idea, Tab, he thought, realizing that it was Harpy who had stopped and engaged the electronic defenses. He immediately spotted Cyber-Knight, enveloped himself in electrical energy, and charged forward.

"We meet again," Cyber-Knight said from atop his steed. His vibrosword was out and ready for battle.

"Yeah," the hero replied. "I've got something for ya this time." Electrostatic burst and dove and the cyborg, who was somewhat shocked at the hero's brazenness. The knightly villain absorbed Electrostatic's charge, and the lightning dancing across his armor, lightly brushing the hero aside.

(Electrostatic assigns +2 to his DEF vs. Cyber-Knight (Dodge). He then uses a Free Action to activate his Energy Field. He charges 45' at Cyber-Knight (DEF 15) and hits with 16. Cyber-Knight ignores the primary attack (+0 damage vs. Protection +7), but must attempt a Damage Save against the Energy Field (DC 18, adjusted for the Protection) and gets a 19 - no effect.)

"Fool," Cyber-Knight began, "I shalt destroy thee lest thou flee. Mayhap thou shouldst run away right now." He swung his vibrating blade at Electrostatic, but the hero deftly dodged the attack, tumbling under the knight's steed and ending up on the other side.

Frustrated, Cyber-Knight rode away a distance and turned around, priming himself for another strike.

(Cyber-Knight attacks Electrostatic (DEF 31) with his Vibrosword and missed with 20. He moves 30' as a Half Action.)

Pathfinder said there were two baddies, Harpy thought. I wonder where the other one might be... She looked around, but did not want to stray too far from the entrance to the manor house. Since she couldn't see anyone, Harpy assumed it was due to the fact that it was dusk and that darkness was falling on the estate. I think Cyber-Knight can provide some answers, she realized. Closing her eyes, Harpy made mental contact with the villain and plumbed the depths of his recent memories. Yes, someone named the Duchess -- a vampire? I don't like the sound of that... Mmm, yes, why don't you tell me about the others... They're here to free Fang? Yeah, well I kinda guessed that! Let's see... Surge, Mana, and Bombardier are on the other side... Distracting us? From what?

"Look around for the other one," Harpy said to MorningStar.

(Harpy assigns +1 to her DEF (Dodge). She uses Free Actions to maintain her link with Seraphim and for Leadership. She attempts a Spot check to notice the Duchess (DC 19) but fails with 15. She uses her Telepathy on Cyber-Knight. First, she needs a Telepathy check (DC 11) to read his memories, and she succeeds with 17. Cyber-Knight immediately gets a Will Save (DC 17) to repel Harpy, but fails with 14.)

Flying around was a lot easier for MorningStar in her fiery form. She cruised the front of the estate, but saw nothing more than Cyber-Knight and his shiny steed. "No one over here," she proclaimed.

(MorningStar assigns +1 to Attack (Aerial Combat). She uses Free Actions to activate her Force Field and Energy Field. She is Incorporeal (pre-combat) and flies 40' as a Half Action, then attempts a Spot check (DC 19) to spot the Duchess, but fails with 9. She flies another 40' to complete her action.)

Distract them, he says, the Duchess thought. That one near the doors seems like the leader. She looks tasty. She turned into a common housecat and burst through the front lawn toward the wall surrounding the main building.

(The Duchess Shapeshifts into a cat as a Free Action. She Double Moves 50' toward the opening in the wall.)

Out of the lawn, two pulse cannons popped up and targeted Cyber-Knight. They fired, and one struck the villain in the back. Cyber-Knight nearly fell off his mount, but maintained his balance. He was nonetheless staggered by the surprise attack.

"Trick weapons? Only knaves wouldst use such cowardly defenses," he commented.

(Two Pulse Cannons fire at Cyber-Knight (DEF 16). One misses with 8, but the other hits with a Natural 20. Cyber-Knight gets a Damage save (DC 20) but fails with 13. He is Stunned and takes a Stun Hit.)

(This ends Combat Round 1.)


- Rear -

(There is no surprise round; all opponents are considered to be aware of each other. Initiatives for the combat: Iron Dragon 25, Pathfinder 12, Seraphim 12, Bombardier 18, Mana 11, and Surge 19. The order will be Iron Dragon, Surge, Bombardier, Seraphim, Pathfinder, and Mana. Seraphim and Pathfinder tied, and they have the same DEX, so I used a die roll to resolve their order. The estate defenses act at the end of each round, if possible.)

Our foes are too far for me to reach immediately, Iron Dragon realized. The woman is new; I need to engage her to discover her abilities.

(Iron Dragon assigns +1 to his DEF from Dodge. He double-moves 50' to get closer to the nearest foe, Mana.)

The speedster Surge practically flew across the even grassy terrain of the rear grounds, crossing to where Pathfinder stood. "You look lost," he commented as a lightning-charged fist blasted the Native American hero across the jaw, sending him reeling.

"Geez," Surge said, "glass jaw, hm?"

(Surge assigns +1 to his DEF from Dodge. He uses Free Actions to activate both his Force Field and Energy Fields. He moves 70' as a Half Action. He uses his supercharged punch on Pathfinder (DEF 16, flat footed) and hits with 17. Pathfinder gets a Damage save (DC 15, adjusted for Protection) and gets 14. He takes a Lethal Hit.)

On the other side of the grounds, Bombardier was looking across at Iron Dragon, with whom the villain had tangled not more than a few days before. Time to wipe that smug look off his face, he thought. "Payback sucks, Dragon!" he yelled as he made his way closer to his foe, producing a Neural Bomb en route.

(Bombardier moves 30' toward Iron Dragon as a Half Action. He draws a Neural Bomb as his other Half Action.)

"Take care, friends," Seraphim cautioned as he hovered above the pool, trying to get a sense of the battlefield. A shimmering field enveloped the angel as he flew closer to Surge and Pathfinder's melee. "Act defensively until we can ascertain their capabilities."

(Seraphim assigns +1 to his DEF from Aerial Combat. He uses a Free Action for Leadership, and another to activate his Force Field. He then flies 40' toward Surge and Pathfinder as a Half Action.)

This one is fast, Pathfinder thought of Surge. And he has command of electricity. That much is certain. The hero withdrew from the electric villain and quickly prepared his SuperX Crossbow and fired a bolt at his new opponent.

"Ha ha," Surge replied, easily side-stepping the shot. "You're never going to hit me like that," the villain said.

(Pathfinder assigns +2 to his DEF and -2 to his Attack from Expertise. He uses a Free Action to draw his Crossbow, and then moves 25' away from Surge as a Half Action. He fires the Crossbow at Surge (DEF 24) and misses with 21.)

This one looks dangerous, Mana thought of Iron Dragon and his proximity. She uttered some words of magical power and a glow overcame her fingers. "Eldritch energy, dispatch this one!" she said, commanding a bolt of magical power to fire at Iron Dragon. The hero, aware of the possibility of a ranged attack, leapt aside and managed to avoid the blast.

I'll be safer on that rooftop, Mana realized, and uttered some more command words. She disappeared from sight, and just as quickly reappeared atop the gym building some 20' behind her.

(Mana assigns +1 to DEF from Dodge. She fires her Energy Blast at Iron Dragon (DEF 21) and misses with 15. She teleports to roof of the gym building as her other Half Action. Finally, she uses a Free Action to activate her Force Field.)

Four Pulse Cannons emerged from the estate grounds to protect the base. One fired at the distant Mana, while the other fired at Bombardier. Both shots missed their marks.

Perhaps not as safe as I thought, Mana thought as the pulse blast nearly hit her shoulder, and instead pelted the shingles on the gym roof.

(One Pulse Cannon fires at Mana (DEF 18) and misses with 17. Another Pulse Cannon fires at Bombardier (DEF 18) and misses with 2.)

(This ends Combat Round 1.)


Watch for Round 2, Coming Soon!
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First Post
Issue #5 - "Heat" (Continued)

Scene 1: "Battle at Hadley Manor" - Combat Round Two

Note: For Area attacks, I am now using diameter = ranks x 5' instead of radius = ranks x 5'.

- Front -

"Maybe this will get you off your high horse, Knightie," Electrostatic said as he raced across the field of battle to Cyber-Knight's electronic steed. Cyber-Knight was not moving since he had been staggered by the pulse cannon's shot. Electrostatic placed his hands on the side of the metallic horse, and began to drain the energy from the Cyber-Steed. The "animal" shifted and kicked at Electrostatic, causing the hero to lose his concentration.

(Electrostatic moves 20' toward Cyber-Knight as a Half Action. He uses Drain Energy to try to shut down the Cyber-Steed. He makes an Energy Control power check (DC 22) and gets 16. Cyber-Steed's movement is reduced to 30' this round, but doesn't shut down.)

"Agh," Cyber-Knight proclaimed. "I've not encountered such insolence." He looked down to see Electrostatic draining his horse of its energy. "Thou art somewhat brave, though perhaps just foolhardy."

As he recovered from the stiff blow, nanotech surgeons within Cyber-Knight repaired some of the damage, restoring him to full capacity.

(Cyber-Knight recovers from being Stunned. He Regenerates a Stun Hit.)

"We must find the woman," Harpy commanded. "She can't be allowed to sneak inside." Seraphim, she thought, sending a message to her fellow hero via Telepathy. Don't let them inside the building. They're trying to free Fang.

She saw Cyber-Knight on the ropes, and decided to push him over the edge. Harpy closed her eyes, and focused her mental energies on the mounted villain.

"More of this?" Cyber-Knight called out, trying to resist the mental blast. He could not overcome Harpy's mental assault, and was once again staggered, though not nearly thrown off his steed this time.

(Harpy takes a 5' step and uses Free Actions for Leadership and to maintain her Mental Link with Seraphim. She uses her Mental Blast on Cyber-Knight (DEF 16 using WIS instead of DEX) and hits with 19. Cyber-Knight gets a Damage save (DC 21) and fails with 13. He takes a Stun Hit and is Stunned.)

"I'll finish him off," MorningStar offered. She flew toward Cyber-Knight and covered the villain in flames, but barely missed her target. "... or not."

(MorningStar flies 40' as a Half Action. She becomes corporeal as a Free Action. MorningStar fires her Energy Blast at Cyber-Knight (DEF 14) and misses with 12.)

Hmm... a mentalist leading them, the Duchess realized. I'd wager she'll never know it until I get right in front of her. In her feline form, the Duchess scampered around the wall surrounding the main building and past the melee going on with Cyber-Knight.

"Get out of here, kitty," Harpy said, cautioning the cat against danger.

The cat kept getting closer, and eventually morphed into a hellish vampire queen. "No, I am here for you!" the Duchess proclaimed.

"What?" Harpy cried out, surprised, but not completely taken off-guard.

The Duchess snapped her powerful jaws at Harpy, but the heroine was able to evade the strike.

"No wonder you guys waited until dusk to attack, vampire," Harpy said.

(The Duchess uses Psychic Awareness to detect Harpy's mental attack on Cyber-Knight. In cat form, she moves 20' as a Half Action, right up next to Harpy. She Shapeshifts into her normal form as a Free Action, and then bites Harpy (DEF 19), but misses with 15.)

As Cyber-Knight recovered from yet another blow, this one of a psionic variety, two pulse cannons blasted away at him, but both missed their mark.

(Two Pulse Cannons fire at Cyber-Knight (DEF 14). Both miss with 2 and 10.)

(This ends Combat Round 2.)


- Rear -

"You escaped last time," Iron Dragon said to Bombardier. "I'm not about to let that happen again." He concentrated, and a green energy began to emit from his fist. Iron Dragon swung and connected with Bombardier's chest plate. The blow staggered the villain, but he was none the worse for wear.

(Iron Dragon moves 30' to close to Bombardier as Half Action. He must make a Concentration Check (DC 20) to activate his Strike, and gets a 21. He attacks Bombardier (DEF 18) and hits with 20. Bombardier gets a Damage save (DC 21) and succeeds with 21.)

"Surge is my name," the villain stated, "and destruction is my game!" Tiny lightning bolts shot out of his body, and two larger ones targeted Seraphim and Pathfinder. The angelic hero was struck in the chest, but ignored the electricity that danced across his body. Pathfinder, on the other hand, felt the lightning bolt more, but his magical breastplate absorbed the majority of the effect.

(Surge emits his Multi-Lightning, covering an area with Energy Blasts. Both Seraphim and Pathfinder are within the area, so they get Reflex saves (DC 18) for half damage. Pathfinder gets 10, and Seraphim gets 13, so both take full damage. Pathfinder gets a Damage save (DC 17) and succeeds with 17. Seraphim's Force Field +10 is greater than Surge's Energy Blast +8, so no save is necessary.)

"Nice shot, Dragon," Bombardier said. "But not good enough." The villain retreated from Iron Dragon and tossed his Neural Bomb toward the hero. "Pleasant dreams."

A pink energy drowned Iron Dragon, but he resisted the effects of the paralytic energy.

(Bombardier moves 30' away from Iron Dragon as a Half Action. He throws the Neural Bomb at Iron Dragon (DEF 21) but misses with 19. It lands next to the target, so it becomes an area effect. Iron Dragon gets a Reflex save (DC 16) for half effect, and makes it with 28. Iron Dragon's Mental Protection +4 is greater than half the Neural Bomb's effect (+3), so no save is necessary.)

Seraphim cruised the battlefield, and, keeping Harpy's advice in mind, decided that Surge was closest to potentially getting inside the main building. He swooped down and swiped at the speedster with his sword, but the villain easily somersaulted around the attempt.

"He he," Surge replied. "That's a sharp sword, angel. Point it at someone else!"

(Seraphim uses a Free Action for Leadership. He swoops down as a Half Action and attacks Surge (DEF 24), but misses with 17. He continues flying 35' using Move-By Attack.)

The Native American hero retreated from Surge, hoping to put some distance between himself and the electrical villain. He fired his SuperX Crossbow, but Surge was too quick, he saw the bolt in mid-flight and side-stepped it.

(Pathfinder moves 10' away from Surge as a Half Action. He fires his Crossbow at Surge (DEF 24), but misses with 11.)

Mana intoned a few words of power and vanished, appearing on the other side of the gym roof. "Iron Dragon, taste my wrath," she said as a bolt of magical fire shot from her hand, barely missing her target. As the magical energy was coursing across the ground next to Iron Dragon, Mana spoke a few more magical words, and she was once again shielded in energy.

(Mana Teleports 20' as Half Action. She fires her Energy Blast at Iron Dragon (DEF 21) but misses with 10. She uses a Free Action to re-activate her Force Field.)

One of the pulse cannons tracked Mana and took a shot, but missed wide of the mark.

(One Pulse Cannon fires at Mana (DEF 18), but misses with 7.)

(This ends Combat Round 2.)

Watch for Round 3, Coming Soon!


First Post
Issue #5 - "Heat" (Continued)

Scene 1: "Battle at Hadley Manor" - Combat Round Three

- Front -

Holding onto the mechanical steed, Electrostatic once again tried to sap its power source. Must be a very strong power plant this thing has, he realized. As the construct stirred, Electrostatic felt the power flowing through him, until the Cyber-Steed could move no more.

"You look busy," he said to Cyber-Knight, who was still shaking off the cobwebs. Electrostatic rushed to Harpy's defense, and placed himself behind the vampiress who threatened his love.

(Electrostatic again tries to drain Cyber-Steed. His power check (DC 22) is 27 - a success. Cyber-Steed shuts down, though he can be re-activated with a Half Action. Electrostatic moves 25' as a Half Action to get behind the Duchess and flank her (Harpy is on the other side). Electrostatic changes his Dodge to +1 vs. everyone.)

"Ugh, no more of this," Cyber-Knight said, rattling his helmet. "I shall avenge this grave insult!"

(Cyber-Knight recovers from being Stunned.)

Woah, she means business, Harpy thought, referring to the Duchess. The heroine leader of the United Heroes bobbed and weaved to evade her attacker. "You need to see a dentist about those teeth," she joked.

Seraphim, she thought. Make sure none of our guys get badly hurt. We have no idea what else may be going on. We'll need them at full strength.

"As for you, witch," Harpy said. "Let's see how you handle a mind fry." She concentrated all of her psionic power into a single blast that careened across the Duchess' forehead, but had no effect.

"You trifle with forces you cannot understand, young one," the Duchess replied mockingly.

(Harpy changes her Dodge to +2 vs. the Duchess. She uses Free Actions to maintain her Mental Link with Seraphim and for Leadership. She takes a 5' step back from the Duchess and uses her Mental Blast on the villain (DEF 22 mental), and misses with 20. She spends a Hero Point to re-roll and this time gets a 26 - a hit. The Duchess gets a Damage save (DC 15, adjusted for Mental Protection) and gets a 27 - no effect.)

MorningStar became concerned about the threat this new villainess might pose to Harpy. She flew closer and let loose a column of fire that enveloped Cyber-Knight and the Duchess, but MorningStar's control was such that Harpy and Electrostatic were unharmed.

"Eat fire, you two!" MorningStar called out.

The Duchess caught the fiery blast out of the corner of her eye and tried to dodge out of the way, but was not quick enough. "Not fire!" she cried. The flames licked about her, dancing across her form with ease.

Cyber-Knight, on the other hand, was able to say just on the edge of the blast, and was unharmed by the singes that caught him.

(MorningStar flies 25' as a Half Action. She uses her area Energy Blast on a square (DEF 10) between Cyber-Knight and the Duchess. She hits the square with 13, so Cyber-Knight and the Duchess get Reflex saves (DC 18) for half damage. Cyber-Knight gets 21, while the Duchess gets 16. Cyber-Knight's Armor +8 is greater than half damage for the Energy Blast (+4) so he does not need to make a Damage save. The Duchess, however, is Vulnerable to Fire, so her protections and powers do not affect the attack. She gets a straight d20 check against DC 23 and gets 18. She takes a Lethal Hit.)

"Destroy them, Knight!" the Duchess called out as she turned to face Electrostatic. The villainess bared her teeth and hissed, catching the hero off-guard.

"Ack," he replied and retreated a bit from the Duchess.

"You are mine, mortal!" she called out as she leapt at Electrostatic and bit into his neck. The electric hero tried to dodge the attempt, but was still caught. Mmm... fresh blood...

Lightning crawled across the Duchess as she bit into Electrostatic, but she paid it no mind.

(Thus Duchess uses a Free Action for Leadership. She uses her Startle feat on Electrostatic. Her Intimidate check is 30, so Electrostatic must make a Will save (DC 30) and fails with 6. Electrostatic loses Dex bonuses to his DEF against the Duchess' attack. She uses Power Attack for +3 to Damage, -3 to Attack, and bites at Electrostatic (DEF 18), hitting with 20. Electrostatic gets a Damage save (DC 23) and can use Evasion to substitute a Reflex save, and gets 25, so no effect. The Duchess must make a Damage save against Electrostatic's Energy Field (DC 18) and succeeds with 19.)

Two pulse cannons trained on Cyber-Knight, who was still woozy from his recent batterings. Both cannon shots hit home, but the villain's armor protected him from harm.

(Two Pulse Cannons fire at Cyber-Knight (DEF 16) and hit with 16 and 17. Cyber-Knight gets Damage saves (DC 15) and makes both with 17 and 19.)

(This ends Combat Round 3.)


- Rear -

Iron Dragon was undeterred, and advanced upon Bombardier. "We have a score to settle, villain," he said. His eyes closed for just a moment as he centered himself, and then a green orb surrounded his closed right fist. Iron Dragon jumped at Bombardier and chopped his foe across the helmet, knocking Bombardier back a good distance.

As he landed, Iron Dragon observed his handiwork. "Ready to give up now?"

(Iron Dragon moves 30' as a Half Action. He gets a Concentration check (DC 20) to activate his Strike, and succeeds with 32. He attacks Bombardier (DEF 18) and hits with 28. Bombardier gets a Damage save (DC 21) and fails with 4. He spends a Villain Point for re-roll and this time gets 15. Bombardier is Stunned and takes a Stun Hit.)

"You can't get away that easily, chickadee," Surge warned, as he charged with inhuman speed toward Pathfinder. Without regard for his personal safety, Surge crashed into the Native American hero, hurtling Pathfinder to the ground. Pathfinder tumbled a few feet, but ended right ways up.

A blast of electrical power could be seen as Surge and Pathfinder collided, but it was Surge who was worse for the wear. The villain staggered backwards after the hit, but did not fall. "Anyone get the number of that truck?"

(Surge rams 35' at Pathfinder (DEF 20) and hits with 29. Pathfinder gets a Damage save (DC 21) but fails with 19. He takes a Lethal Hit. Pathfinder must also make a Damage save against Surge's Energy Field (DC 14), and succeeds with 21. Now, Surge must attempt a Damage save against his ram damage (DC 18) and fails with 12. Surge is Stunned and takes a Lethal Hit.)

"I'm not done yet," Bombardier mumbled as he got all the way to his feet. "Besides, look behind you..."

(Bombardier recovers from being Stunned.)

Seraphim received Harpy's message, and flew over Pathfinder, who was getting pretty beat up. "I will heal you, Pathfinder," he said and flew to a spot away from Surge. Pathfinder followed him, and the angelic hero landed to give Pathfinder comfort. He laid hands on the injured Navajo, and the wounds healed.

(Seraphim uses a Free Action for Leadership. He flies 50' and holds his action for Pathfinder to arrive.)

(Pathfinder moves 25' as a Half Action to where Seraphim awaits and holds his action.)

(Seraphim Heals Pathfinder of his Lethal Hits as his held Half Action.)

"Much better," Pathfinder said. He leveled his SuperX Crossbow at the reeling Surge and fired a bolt, striking the villain in the left shoulder. Surge again did not fall, but the damage was obvious.

(Pathfinder fires his Crossbow at Surge (DEF 15 due to stun) and hits with 21. Surge gets a Damage save (DC 21) and fails with 19. He takes another Lethal Hit.)

Iron Dragon turned to see Mana atop the gym building roof. She intoned words of power and the hero began to rise. "I like you better over here," Mana said, tossing Iron Dragon a good distance from Bombardier. He landed in a soft spot, but his pride was hurt more than anything.

Mana smiled, and once again covered herself in eldritch protection.

(Mana uses her Telekinesis to lift Iron Dragon. This requires an attack roll on Mana's part against DEF 21 and hits with 22. Now, Mana gets a Telekinesis Power Check for 25, opposed by Iron Dragon's Str check of 21. She lifts Iron Dragon and throws him 40' away from Bombardier. Iron Dragon lands prone. Mana uses a Free Action to re-activate her Force Field.)

Bombardier turned to see a pulse cannon trained on him. Before he could react, the blast shanked off his armor and left him unharmed.

(One Pulse Cannon fires at Bombardier (DEF 18) but misses with 14.)

(This ends Combat Round 3.)

Watch for Round 4, Coming Soon!


First Post
Issue #5 - "Heat" (Continued)

Scene 1: "Battle at Hadley Manor" - Combat Round Four

- Front -

"You're getting a little too close lady," Electrostatic said. "Besides, I like someone else." He charged his hands with electrical energy and blasted away at the vampiress.

The Duchess tried to jump out of the way, but to no avail. She cried out as the electricity danced across her form, slightly burning her outfit and her hair.

(Electrostatic takes a 5' step away from the Duchess and fires his Energy Blast at her (DEF 18) and gets a Natural 20 - a critical hit! The Duchess gets a Damage save (DC 23) and gets a 20. She takes a Stun Hit.)

Cyber-Knight, realizing it was time to take the battle to ground, leapt from his mount and charged toward the electric hero. "Thou hast forgotten about Cyber-Knight," he warned. "Tis a mistake most fatal!" The villain swung his blade, cutting Electrostatic across the back, sending the hero nearly to the turf.

"Yes, my friend," the Duchess said. "We are close now."

(Cyber-Knight attempts a fast dismount. This is a Ride check (DC 20) and he succeeds with 28. He dismounts as a Free Action. Cyber-Knight charges 10' at Electrostatic (DEF 29) and hits with 30. Electrostatic, using Evasion, gets a Reflex save against the attack (DC 32) and gets 16. Since this would knock him out, Electrostatic spends a Hero Point to re-roll, and this time gets a 26. Electrostatic is Stunned and takes a Stun Hit. Cyber-Knight must attempt a Damage save (DC 18) against Electrostatic's Energy Field and succeeds with 27.)

What the heck is she talking about? Harpy wondered. "Get her!" she called out to her allies. "This one's the leader!"

Harpy closed her eyes momentarily to summon enough psychic power, and blasted the Duchess. The vampire reeled from the mental assault, but still resisted.

(Harpy spends Free Actions for the Mental Link and Leadership. She uses another Mental Blast on the Duchess (DEF 22), but misses with 15.)

"Can do, Harp," MorningStar said. "I don't think the lady likes my fire attack." She let loose with another column of flame, covering the area where Cyber-Knight and the Duchess stood. The knight, covered in flame, merely laughed. The Duchess, knowing well that fire was her bitter enemy, was not so cavalier, and jumped free of the fiery blast.

(MorningStar uses her area Energy Blast, targeting a square between Cyber-Knight and the Duchess. The square is DEF 10, and she gets 24 on the attack roll. Cyber-Knight and the Duchess each get Reflex saves (DC 18) for half damage. Cyber-Knight gets 10 and the Duchess gets 19. Cyber-Knight gets a Damage save (DC 16) and succeeds with 21. The Duchess gets a Damage save (DC 19) and succeeds with 20.)

The Duchess felt a familiar presence in her mind. Trickster sent his thoughts as had been agreed upon. Duchess, we are inside. Keep the fools busy for a few more moments. We must locate the cell, and then we will leave the estate.

The vampiress smiled and then snarled, opening her mouth to reveal her sharp teeth. "My dear," she said to Harpy. "I have had about enough of your mental attacks." The Duchess pounced on Harpy, sinking her canines into the United Heroes leader, sending the young pop star to her knees, and she then collapsed.

"No!" Electrostatic cried out.

(The Duchess spends a Free Action on Leadership. She takes a 5' step toward Harpy and a Half Action in a Startle attempt. Her Intimidate check is 32, and Harpy fails her Will save with 26. She thus loses Dex bonuses to her DEF for the next attack. The Duchess uses Power Attack for +3 to Damage and -3 to Attack. She bites Harpy (DEF 15) and hits with 25. Harpy, using Evasion, gets a Reflex save (DC 23) against the attack. She fails with 12. Spending a Hero Point to re-roll, she gets 15. Harpy is Stunned and takes a Lethal Hit.)

As Cyber-Knight closed to the wall surrounding the main building, the two pulse cannons fired more shots at him, but both missed.

(Two Pulse Cannons fire at Cyber-Knight (DEF 16) and miss with 8 and 15.)

(This ends Combat Round 4.)


- Rear -

This could be a problem, Iron Dragon thought as he stood up and dusted himself off. He looked up at Mana, who was safely on the roof of the gym, higher up than he could jump. Bombardier was his main target right now, so he jogged over to that villain. Mana would have to wait.

(Iron Dragon uses a Half Action to stand up. He then moves 30' toward Bombardier as another Half Action.)

Surge shook his head and stood up straight. "You guys don't give up," he said. An electrical field once again enveloped his body.

(Surge recovers from being Stunned. He uses Free Actions to activate his Force Field and Energy Field. He assigns a +2 DEF bonus vs. Seraphim from Dodge.)

"Stay back, Dragon," Bombardier warned as he drew a Nega-Bomb and retreated. "I don't want to have to hurt you... What am I talking about? Of course I do!"

(Bombardier moves 20' away from Iron Dragon as a Half Action. He draws a Nega-Bomb as his other Half Action.)

Surge yet stands, despite our efforts, Seraphim thought. Swooping down on the villain, Seraphim swung his blade at Surge, but the speedster ducked and rolled away from the attack.

"Feel free to start trying for real, angel-boy!" Surge said, taunting Seraphim.

(Seraphim uses a Free Action for Leadership. He charges 25' at Surge (DEF 25), but misses with 21. Using Move-By Attack, Seraphim flies another 25'.)

Pathfinder loaded his SuperX Crossbow and, retreating from Surge, fired again, but this time, Surge evaded the bolt.

(Pathfinder moves 20' as Half Action. He fires his Crossbow at Surge (DEF 23), but misses with 13.)

The tide is turning in our favor, Mana, a voice in Mana's head revealed. It was her leader, Trickster. We are close to locating the cell. You were right about this mansion. The decorator should be shot.

Mana smiled and raised her hands, chanting magic words. She fired a blast of eldritch energy at Iron Dragon, but the hero, who had spotted the attack at the last moment, moved with amazing fluidity and dodged the blast.

(Mana fires her Energy Blast at Iron Dragon (DEF 21), hitting with 23. Iron Dragon, using Evasion, gets a Reflex save (DC 18) against the attack, and succeeds with 19. Mana teleports 15' as her other Half Action, and re-activates her Force Field as a Free Action.)

Only one pulse cannon could target Mana, but at long range, had little chance to hit her. The blast broke part of the awning upon which the sorceress stood, but missed the villain by a considerable margin.

(One Pulse Cannon fires at Mana (DEF 18), but misses with 7.)

(This ends Combat Round 4.)

Watch for Round 5, Coming Soon!


First Post
Issue #5 - "Heat" (Continued)

Scene 1: "Battle at Hadley Manor" - Combat Round Five

- Front -

Electrostatic stood up straight and blinked a few times. Harpy's in trouble, he thought, but Cyber-Knight is right behind me. What should I do? He enveloped himself in electrical energy.

(Electrostatic recovers from being Stunned. He uses a Free Action to activate his Energy Field.)

"Turn your back on me, wilt thou?" Cyber-Knight demanded of the electric hero. "An arrogant fool thou art!" The villain swung his Vibrosword at a sharp angle, slicing Electrostatic just as the hero was turning to face him. The shot sent Electrostatic to his knees, but not down for the count.

"OK," Electrostatic replied. "Now that tears it!"

(Cyber-Knight attacks Electrostatic (DEF 29), and hits with 30. Electrostatic, using Evasion, gets a Reflex save (DC 32) against the attack, and gets 23. He takes a Stun Hit and is Stunned. Cyber-Knight must attempt a Damage save (DC 18) against Electrostatic's Energy Field, and succeeds with 20.)

"Get away from me!" Harpy shouted as she blasted the Duchess once again with her psychic energies.

This time, the vampiress was taken aback, and staggered from the attack. My mental defenses did not repel the attack, the Duchess realized. This one is powerful.

Harpy stood over her attacker, relishing the outcome of her efforts. But the attack was not without expense; Harpy had exhausted her mental reserves, and she suddenly felt the effects of the effort.

(Harpy spends a Hero Point to remove her Stunned condition. She spends a Free Action on Leadership. Harpy uses Extra Effort to increase her Mental Blast to +8, and attacks the Duchess (DEF 22), hitting the villain with 24. The Duchess gets a Damage save (DC 17) and gets 10. She is Stunned and takes a Stun Hit. Harpy is now Fatigued.)

MorningStar flew a little closer to the front of the main building. "Looks like they're on the ropes," she observed. "Time to finish this." She called down a rain of fire on the area around the melee, though Harpy and Electrostatic were spared once again. The Duchess, reeling from Harpy's mental blast, was barely able to evade the fire, and was still significantly burned. Cyber-Knight merely laughed as he was washed in flame, but once again unaffected.

(MorningStar flies 10' as a Half Action. She uses her area Energy Blast on a square (DEF 10) between Cyber-Knight and the Duchess, hitting the square with 20. Both Cyber-Knight and the Duchess get Reflex saves (DC 18) to halve the effect. Cyber-Knight gets 17. The Duchess spends a Villain Point to remove her Stunned condition, and gets 18 on her save. Cyber-Knight gets a Damage save (DC 16), and succeeds with 31. The Duchess also gets a Damage save (DC 19), but fails with 15 and takes a Lethal Hit.)

The fiery one is quite dangerous, the Duchess thought. But I must finish Harpy. Then, I will turn my attention to the flying witch.

"You are done for, mortal!" the Duchess warned as she bared her teeth and hissed at Harpy. The heroine was prepared for this tactic, however, and was not phased. The Duchess attacked anyway, and raked Harpy across the abdomen, biting her in the neck as well. Blood was spilled, and Harpy crumpled to the ground.

Electrostatic just caught the sight of his love interest falling to the ground. "Harpy!" he called out. Then, he looked at his lady love's attacker. "You're dead lady!"

The Duchess, her mouth awash with Harpy's blood, turned toward Electrostatic. "It's a little late for that, mortal!"

(The Duchess spends a Free Action on Leadership. The Duchess uses Startle, and gets an Intimidate of 18, which Harpy opposes with a Will save result of 19. Using Power Attack, the vampire adds +3 to Damage and subtracts -3 from Attack. The Duchess bites Harpy (DEF 18) and hits with 25. Harpy, using Evasion, gets a Reflex save (DC 28) against the attack, and fails with 17. Harpy is Disabled and takes a Lethal Hit.)

The pair of pulse cannons defending the front of the estate fired at Cyber-Knight, and one of them hit the villain in the helmet. Cyber-Knight was unaffected, however, as his armor absorbed the blow.

(Two Pulse Cannons fire at Cyber-Knight (DEF 16). One misses with 13, but the other hits with 20. Cyber-Knight gets a Damage save (DC 15) and succeeds with 22.)

(This ends Combat Round 5.)


- Rear -

Iron Dragon closed to Bombardier and concentrated on activating his empowered fist strike, but was unable to focus. He swung anyway, and connected with Bombardier's midsection. Bombardier did not seem injured from the attack, which his resulting laugh confirmed.

(Iron Dragon, using Power Attack, adds +3 to Damage and subtracts -3 from Attack. He gets a Concentration check (DC 20) to activate his Strike, but fails with 19. Iron Dragon attacks Bombardier (DEF 18) and hits with 28. Bombardier's Armor +8 is greater than Iron Dragon's damage bonus of +7, so the villain ignores the attack.)

"Indian," Surge called out, "eat lightning!" He took a step forward, and lightning bolts burst from his body, the largest of which struck Pathfinder. The hero tried to jump free, but was still clipped, but the magical protection afforded by his breastplate enabled Pathfinder to remain unharmed by the attack.

(Surge takes a 5' step toward Pathfinder and uses his Multi-Lightning. Pathfinder is the only hero in the affected area, so he gets a Reflex save (DC 18) against the attack, succeeding with 18 exactly. Pathfinder's Armor +6 is greater than half damage for the Energy Blast (+4), so there is no further effect.)

"Don't flatter yourself, Dragon," Bombardier cautioned as he retreated from Iron Dragon. He then tossed his Nega-Bomb near the hero, which landed and blasted the area with radiation. In response, Iron Dragon jumped out of the way of the attack, but was unable to get completely out of the way. His body was covered in greenish energy, but he was mostly unaffected.

"You're tougher than you look," Bombardier commented.

(Bombardier moves 30' away from Iron Dragon as a Half Action. He throws his Nega-Bomb at a square (DEF 10) and hits with 18. Iron Dragon gets a Reflex save (DC 18) for half damage, and succeeds with 19. Iron Dragon's Protection +6 is greater than half damage for the Nega-Bomb (+4), so there is no effect.)

I've lost my link with Harpy, Seraphim realized. That can't be good. He flew over and swung his Sword of Truth at the electrical villain, but the deft Surge saw the attack and rolled out of the way. "Perhaps you should just give up, Surge."

"Yeah," Surge replied. "But this is so much fun."

(Seraphim spends a Free Action on Leadership. He then charges 20' at Surge (DEF 25), but misses with 20. He continues 30' using Move-By Attack.)

Electricity still dancing across his magical breastplate, Pathfinder retreated from Surge and toward a pair of pulse cannon emplacements, hoping to draw Surge within the cannons' firing arcs. The hero leveled his SuperX Crossbow at the villain and fired, but Surge was able to jump out of the way.

(Pathfinder moves 15' as a Half Action. He fires his Crossbow at Surge (DEF 23), but misses with 11.)

Mana chanted magic words and teleported across the gym roof to get a better shot at Iron Dragon. This has gone on long enough, she thought. The sorceress intoned words of power, and a purple ray shot Iron Dragon, striking the hero in the small of the back. Iron Dragon winced with the impact, but resisted the effects of Mana's attempt to hold him in place.

(Mana teleports 40' to the corner of the gym building roof as a Half Action. She uses Paralysis on Iron Dragon (DEF 21), and hits with 27. Iron Dragon gets a Will save (DC 14) against the effect, and fails with 13. He spends a Hero Point for a re-roll, and this time gets 15 for no effect.)

Two of the defensive cannons fired, one at Bombardier and one at Mana, but moth missed their marks.

(One Pulse Cannon fires at Bombardier (DEF 18), but misses with 10. Another Pulse Cannon fires at Mana (DEF 18), but misses with 5.)

(This ends Combat Round 5.)

Watch for Round 6, Coming Soon!

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