• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

{Mutants & Masterminds} United Heroes Limited Series


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Issue #7 - "Engulfing"

Scene 1: "Marina"

(All of the dialogue in this scene is in the Atlantean language - editor)

Torpedo's trip to Atlantis was uneventful. He liked it better that way -- as opposed to being beaten and left as shark food.

What is Barracuda doing with those surface-dwelling villains? Torpedo wondered as he recalled the situation he and his fellow United Heroes were in the middle of investigating. It's not like him to get involved with non-Atlanteans.

He arrived in Atlantis City and went straight to the Great Library, one of the oldest buildings in the underwater kingdom. The Great Library had survived "The Plunge", the time of Atlantis' great calamity that caused the island continent to sink beneath the waves. Few buildings survived from before the descent, but the Great Library was treasured greatly by the Atlantean people, as they closely identified with the pursuit of knowledge.

The Atlantean hero entered the Great Library through the main entrance, and was greeted by some cheerful Atlanteans who recognized him at first glance. Markandorim appreciated the attention, though he was a little in a hurry to find out more about this Chaos Engine.

Torpedo approached Librarian Eko. "Dear lady," he asked, "Might I trouble you for some information, and perhaps a little direction? I have not been in the Great Library for some time, and I feel a little lost."

She smiled. "Certainly, hero," Eko replied. "You have but to ask."

"I am looking for information about the Chaos Engine," Torpedo began. "I know it sounds silly, but --"

"Not at all," Eko answered swiftly. "In fact, you are not the first person today to ask me about it."

Torpedo was surprised. "Really?" he asked.

"No. A young lady asked me about that dreadful Chaos Engine about ten minutes ago. She's probably still here."

"Which way?" asked Torpedo.

Eko gave him some directions to the area where he might find more information about the Chaos Engine, and Torpedo took off like a shot, hoping to find out who was also interested in this device. Perhaps another villain...

When he arrived, Torpedo found no one in the general vicinity, and realized he must have missed his chance. No matter, he thought. I'd rather not be chasing villains right now. I have research to do.

But he was not alone. Marina was also there, but she had detected Torpedo coming, and seemed like he was looking for trouble, so she turned invisible so as to avoid any confrontation or misunderstanding.

I'd better keep an eye on this guy, she thought. Hopefully, he's not working for Klimordial.

Torpedo pored through the collected texts concerning the legends of the Chaos Engine, and learned much about its origins and history. He realized that the cylinder that the heroes sought was the Redan Cylinder, an essential component of the Chaos Engine.

Marina hovered nearby, watching Torpedo as he did his research. After some time, Marina's earpiece beeped, indicating she was being hailed from Central Command. Marina carefully stepped away from the stacks where Torpedo was still going through his research, but stayed invisible.

"This is Marina," she said.

"Carelvander from Central Command," the voice stated. "We have reviewed the recording you made of that meeting with the dissidents, and have reason to believe that someone is impersonating Klimordial."

"I thought it was odd that he was holding court while he was supposed to be in the Deep Vault," she replied. "How do you know it's not Klimordial?"

"Well, for one thing, Klimordial doesn't appear on your video recording," Carelvander said. "It looks as though the generals are talking to no one."

"That's very strange," Marina replied.

"Also, there's someone lurking in the corner of the room, away from the generals," Carelvander said. "It's dark there, so we're going to enhance the recording to see if we can get a better look at this lurker."

"All right, Marina out."

"Can you keep it down, please?" Torpedo asked, standing right in front of the invisible Marina.

She realized Torpedo must have heard her conversation, and turned visible. "Terribly sorry, Markandorim."

"Now what are you doing lurking around the Great Library, Marina?" Torpedo asked.

"I was looking for a book," she replied.

"Hmm... and in a library of all places," Torpedo joked. "You weren't hiding from me, were you?"

"Why would I be hiding from you?" Marina asked. "Should I be hiding from you?"

"Look," Torpedo said, "I'm not here to play games with you. I have some very important research to complete. Tell me, do you know anything about the Chaos Engine?"

Marina gave him a confused look. "That's what I'm here to look into," she said.

"Interesting," Torpedo noted. "What causes an agent of the Ministry of Information to want to know more about an old legend?"

"All right," Marina said. "But this is very confidential, you understand."

"Got it."

"The Ministry has come upon some information linking a group of generals to Klimordial, the imprisoned ex-general who once tried to overthrow Atlantis," Marina said. "It is possible that these men believe they are following Klimordial, and that he will lead them into some kind of conflict."

"I am also looking for information about Klimordial," Torpedo replied. "He has something to do with this business about the Chaos Engine."

Marina looked around. "Look, we probably shouldn't be talking about this in the open. Let's go back to the Ministry and my supervisors and I can fill you in."

"Agreed," Torpedo said, finding this more interesting as it went.


The video recording finished playing on the large screen, and the lights came back on in the room. Torpedo stood among several key Ministry of Information officials, including Carelvander and Marina.

"Very interesting," Torpedo said.

"You can see why we're concerned," Marina commented.

"Definitely," Torpedo replied. "I wonder why Klimordial doesn't appear on the recording."

"I was the one who recorded this meeting," Marina said. "And I definitely saw Klimordial in that room with the rest of them."

"We have verified that the real Klimordial has not left the Deep Vault," Carelvander stated. "So it must be an impostor."

"I'm sure it must be," Torpedo said, mulling a few things over in his mind.

A young agent named Bril stepped into the room. "I've got a copy of the enhanced lighting version of the recording," he said.

"Good," Carelvander replied. "Play it for us."

The light went dim, and the recording played anew. In the corner, lurking out of sight of the Atlantean generals, was a figure wearing a heavy overcoat and a fedora.

"A surface-dweller?" Marina said.

"He's spying on them," Carelvander noted. "I wonder why."

"I'm not sure he's spying," Torpedo countered. He realized that it was likely the villainous Trickster, but didn't want to make any accusations yet. "Maybe he's creating some sort of illusion to make the generals think Klimordial is in the room."

"Why would a surface-dweller do that?" Marina asked.

"I'm not sure," Torpedo said. "Why would a surface-dweller try to construct the Chaos Engine?"

The two agents were awestruck. "But our information says Klimordial -- or whoever is impersonating him -- is behind the Chaos Engine," Carelvander said.

"My fellow heroes and I believe a villain on the surface has acquired most or all of the components of the Chaos Engine," Torpedo said. "We don't know yet if he plans to use it."

"But only a madman would use the Chaos Engine," Marina pointed out. "It would cause destruction on both the surface world and here beneath the waves!"

"Anyone who knew of the Chaos Engine would certainly blame Atlantis for such destruction," Carelvander said. "It is an Atlantean device after all."

"If my hunch is right," Torpedo said. "You'd better warn the King to prepare Atlantis for war!"

Watch for Scene 2, Coming Soon!

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Issue #7 - "Engulfing" (Continued)

Scene 2: "Slip"

"This is too dangerous," Fang snarled. "Why ain't we all going?"

"Trickster must have a plan," Lodestone replied. "He always does. Hasn't steered us wrong yet."

"I ain't impressed," Fang rebutted. "I got my butt in a sling for you guys. Do you know what it's like to be captured?"

Lodestone smiled. "We broke you out, didn't we?"

Fang growled and bared his claws. "You better just shup up," he warned.

Mana, seeing the discussion between Lodestone and Fang worsening, decided to step in. "Hey," she said. "We're all on the same team here, right?"

"Don't ask me," Lodestone answered. "Furry here has something stuck in his pelt I think."

The Duchess was quiet, watching the sun finally slip beneath the horizon. She was hoping that somehow her weakness to sunlight would not become a problem on this mission. Dusk was not easy on her, but it was far easier than during the middle of the day. But what if this Pandemonium place didn't have days and nights? It's another dimension after all.

"It is ready," Mana proclaimed. "I will now create the dimensional portal to Pandemonium. It will remain for a total of two minutes."

"Won't it just disappear when you go through it?" Lodestone asked.

"No," Mana replied. "That's not how it works. I wish it did, but my mastery of dimensional travel is not the best. Besides what do we have to worry about?"


The United Heroes' hydrofoil arrived at the mysterious island, its occupants very curious and apprehensive about what they might find there.

Harpy was back at Hadley Manor, standing watch over the base. Seraphim, acting as operations leader for this mission, stood at the front of the vessel, addressing the rest of the team.

"When we find a good spot to do so," he began, "Pathfinder, I want you to use your powers to figure out what's gone on since Torpedo and the Scoundrel left the island."

"Remember," Iron Dragon cautioned, "there are a great number of super-villains on this island. We cannot afford to be brazen."

"No kidding," the Scoundrel added. "But what about this Chaos Machine?"

"Yeah," Electrostatic concurred. "We don't have any idea what it looks like. It could be anywhere."

"I didn't see anything in the castle that looked like a big machine," the Scoundrel recalled.

"It will be somewhere near a concentration of the most powerful villains," the angelic hero pointed out. "Barracuda saw you and Torpedo, and he probably told the others. They must know that we would come eventually."

"We might still have the element of surprise," Iron Dragon said. "Barracuda himself was not in direct contact with Torpedo or the Scoundrel during that encounter. Perhaps the Atlantean soldiers didn't know who they were fighting."

"I doubt it," MorningStar responded. "Torpedo is a legend in Atlantis."

"We will operate under the assumption that the villains know we're coming," Seraphim said. "Stealth is going to be key to success on this mission."

"Maybe we should have a look around," Electrostatic suggested. "We can spread out and cover more ground."

"An excellent idea," Seraphim said. "But let's stay in two-person teams. I wouldn't want anyone to get caught alone. One high-speed person with a walker. I'll go with the Scoundrel to check out the castle. MorningStar, you and Pathfinder will check out the north shore. Electrostatic and Iron Dragon, check out that bluff."

They disembarked from the hydrofoil and split into their two-hero teams.

Seraphim kept as low as possible, while still giving himself a different vantage point than the Scoundrel, who was on foot. When they neared the castle, Seraphim flew as close as he could, and spotted something on the bluff where he had sent Electrostatic and Iron Dragon.

He returned to the Scoundrel, who waited outside the castle wall. "Stay here," he said. "There is something strange going on where I sent the Dragon and Electrostatic. I'd better go over there and help them if need be. If I don't return in a few minutes, go back to the hydrofoil."

Before the Scoundrel could reply, the angel took off, flying as fast as his wings could carry him.

Screw that, the Scoundrel thought. I'm gonna go check it out too. Does Seraphim think I can't handle myself? He followed Seraphim's flight, and approached the bluff where the strange event was taking place.


Lodestone was the first to step through the red shimmering portal. The Duchess paused and waited for something to happen. Nothing did. She motioned for Fang to go next, which he did reluctantly.

"Are you certain this is safe?" she asked of Mana.

"Nothing is safe," Mana replied. "The ways of magic are mystery. You should know something about that, being a magical being yourself."

"My existence may be sustained by magic," the Duchess said, "That does not mean I am a sorceress. I know very little of enchantments."

"Let's get going before the portal closes," Mana said. "Who knows what trouble Lodestone and Fang might get into without us."

"You can definitely get us back?" the Duchess asked as she stepped toward the gate.

"I have done this before," the sorceress replied.

Both villainesses stepped through the portal to Pandemonium and were gone.

Seraphim arrived just as Mana and the Duchess stepped through the portal. He was shocked to see that the portal still remained. He spotted Electrostatic cresting the nearby hill.

"We must follow them," he commanded while flying toward the portal.

Electrostatic took a look back at Iron Dragon, who was a little bit behind him. "C'mon, Dragon!"

"There's no time," Seraphim declared. "We must get through that portal!"

"OK," Electrostatic replied. "No time like the present!" He tore across the open ground and into the portal before Seraphim could utter another word.

Concerned that the portal might close, potentially leaving Electrostatic alone with the villains who crossed the gate, Seraphim landed and jumped through the portal.

The Scoundrel arrived and saw what had transpired. Iron Dragon was still far from the portal, and the gateway looked like it was going to close. He could probably make it, but Iron Dragon was too far away and too slow to get there in time.

The hero rushed to the edge of the portal. "Tell the others what happened," he yelled back to Iron Dragon. With that, the Scoundrel slipped through the portal just as it collapsed on itself.

Iron Dragon, who was sprinting toward the gate as fast as he could, stopped in his tracks. What now?


Pathfinder, MorningStar, and Iron Dragon stood on the beach near the hydrofoil.

"So they just walked through that portal and disappeared?" MorningStar asked. "Weird."

"I wonder where they could have gone," Pathfinder said. "I could go over there and find out, I suppose."

"We should do that," Iron Dragon replied.

Just as they were about to return to the bluff, Barracuda and Surge appeared from behind a sand dune.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere," Surge declared.

Watch for Scene 3, Coming Soon!


First Post
Just wanted to let my loyal reader(s) know that I'm waiting for the new MnM Screen to arrive at my FLGS before I run the next battle, and then I'll post it.



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MnM_UH said:
I promise an update sometime this weekend. Didn't want anyone to think I forgot :D

Waits patiently in the shadows...

In other news I am starting my own game this weekend, let you know how it goes... pretty stoked :)


First Post
Issue #7 - "Engulfing" (Continued)

Scene 3: "Beachfront Battle" - Combat Round One

(The first thing to determine is initiative. Iron Dragon gets 11, MorningStar gets 14, Pathfinder gets 16, Barracuda gets 20, and Surge gets 17. The order will be Barracuda, Surge, Pathfinder, MorningStar, and Iron Dragon.)

"Fools," Barracuda began, "You will be sorry you came to this island!" The bestial villain charged toward Iron Dragon. The hero was taken by surprise, and did not even have time to adjust his footing to react to the blow. Barracuda tore through Iron Dragon, who flew 15' from his spot following the attack and rolled to a stop some 20' away.

(Knowing that the heroes are flat-footed until they act, Barracuda uses Power Attack to shift +5 to damage while taking 5 away from his attack rolls. He charges 30' at Iron Dragon (DEF 16 FF) and hits with 17. Iron Dragon must use his normal Damage save since he's still flat-footed and gets 20 vs DC 25 and he takes a Lethal Hit.)

"He he," Surge added. "Can't agree more, Barry!" The electrical villain charged himself up with energy and sped toward Pathfinder, likely the weakest of the heroes. As he rushed at the Native American tracker, Surge leveled his fist, enveloped in electrical energy, and struck Pathfinder across the jaw, sending the recipient reeling.

Surge stopped there and stood over his victim. "Too bad," he said. "Not much of a challenge."

(Surge assigns a blanket +1 to his DEF from Dodge and turns on both his Force Field and Energy Field. He is too far from the heroes to use his Multi-Lightning, so using his Supercharged Punch, he rams 40' at Pathfinder (DEF 16) and hits with 16. Pathfinder gets a Damage save (DC 22) and fails with 7. This would Incapacitate him, so Pathfinder spends a Hero Point to re-roll, and this time gets 12. Pathfinder takes a Lethal Hit and is Stunned.)

We must escape this island before more of these villains come, Pathfinder thought. We may be able to hold these two at bay, but there could be five or six more in that castle.

(Pathfinder cannot act since he's Stunned.)

MorningStar surrounded herself in flames and took to the air. Pathfinder's in trouble, she realized. The heroine aimed her fists at Barracuda, the closest villain, and blasted him with fire. Using her precise control of fire, she also managed to hit Surge's area with flames, but did not endanger the fallen Pathfinder.

Barracuda was engulfed in flames and roared with the pain. Surge deftly evaded the flames and danced around Pathfinder as he dodged fiery bolts. "Hey, watch it!" he exclaimed.

(MorningStar activates both her Force Field and Energy Field and assigns +1 to her DEF from Aerial Combat. She flies 40 ft into the air as a Half Action and fires her Energy Blast at Barracuda (DEF 13 due to his charge) as a Primary Target. Surge will be affected as a Secondary Target. MorningStar hits Barracuda with 14. Barracuda gets a Damage save (DC 17) and fails with 16. He takes a Lethal Hit. Surge gets a Reflex save (DC 18) for half damage from the blast and succeeds with 19. The Energy Blast is reduced to +4 damage, so Surge gets a Reflex save (DC 15) against the attack and succeeds with 16 for no effect.)

"We will not be sorry, villain," Iron Dragon said to Barracuda as the hero stood and ran toward the Atlantean thug. Jumping, Iron Dragon closed his eyes and concentrated on activating his iron fist attack, and slugged Barracuda across his mighty jaw. The villain was staggered, but amazingly, did not fall.

"Nice shot, puny one," Barracuda replied.

(Iron Dragon assigns a blanket +1 to his DEF using Dodge, and then uses Power Attack to add +3 to his damage and take 3 away from his attack rolls. He tries to activate his Strike with a Concentration check (DC 20) and succeeds with 32. He moves 20' to Barracuda as a Half Action and attacks the villain (DEF 13 due to charge) and hits with 26. Barracuda gets a Damage save (DC 26) and fails with 23 and Barracuda takes a Stun Hit.)

(This ends Combat Round 1.)
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First Post
The battle begins... come on Iron Dragon... kick some butt for goodness... shameless plug started my own storyhour hear, The Legacy... pretty fun :)


First Post
Issue #7 - "Engulfing" (Continued)

Scene 3: "Beachfront Battle" - Combat Round Two

Barracuda gnashed his teeth and bared them, striking at Iron Dragon. The hero's uniform was torn, but he avoided any serious injury by leaping out of the way in time.

(Barracuda bites at Iron Dragon (DEF 20) and crits with a natural 20. Iron Dragon gets to Evade the attack, receiving a Reflex save (DC 25) against the damage. He gets a 28 on his save and avoids any damage.)

"Too close, heroes!" Surge exclaimed and emitted multiple bolts of lightning from his body as a smile beamed from his face. "Feel my wrath!"

Pathfinder, who was right next to the charged-up villain, had virtually no chance to get out of the way, and was blasted with multiple jolts, sending him again to the sand. Only his magical breastplate saved Pathfinder from a more serious injury.

MorningStar was too far from Surge to be affected, but Iron Dragon wasn't so lucky. He dodged several electrical blasts, but was struck squarely in the back. He was tough enough to resist the blast, however.

(Surge is now close enough to Pathfinder and Iron Dragon to use Multi-Lightning, so he takes a 5' step and activates it. Pathfinder is no longer Stunned, so he and Iron Dragon get Reflex saves (DC 18) against the attack. Pathfinder fails his save with a 3, while Iron Dragon succeeds with 24. Pathfinder takes full effect, so he gets a Damage save (DC 17) against the attack, and fails with 7. He is Stunned at takes another Lethal Hit. Iron Dragon doesn't need to save since the halved damage bonus (+4) is less than his Protection (+6).)

(Pathfinder can't act since he's Stunned.)

We've got to stop them, MorningStar thought. She blasted Barracuda again with her fiery bolts, and fire rained down on the Atlantean villain. He withstood her attack this time. Surge, who was also within the radius of the blast, dodged out of the way and was again unharmed.

(MorningStar again blasts with her area Energy Blast, targeting Barracuda (DEF 15) as the Primary Target and Surge as a Secondary Target. Her attack hits Barracuda with 16, so he gets a Damage save (DC 17) and succeeds with 20. Surge gets a Reflex save (DC 18) to halve the damage, and succeeds with 20. Surge gets another Reflex save (DC 15) against the attack, and succeeds with 28 for no damage.)

Iron Dragon concentrated, and again his iron fist was available. Leading with an elbow, Iron Dragon swiped at Barracuda, but the Atlantean villain leaned backward and avoided the attack.

(Iron Dragon makes a Concentration check (DC 20) to activate his Strike and succeeds with 29. He uses Power Attack to shift +3 to Damage and subtract 3 from his attack roll. Iron Dragon attacks Barracuda (DEF 15) and misses with 14.)

(This ends Combat Round 2.)

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