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{Mutants & Masterminds} United Heroes Limited Series

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Issue #10 - "Chaos" (Continued)

-Barracuda vs. Torpedo-

***** Round Four *****

"There is a lot of fight in you, Markandorim," Barracuda revealed. "But I have many more years of combat experience. You have no chance."

The seaweed rose again under Torpedo's feet, but this time, the Atlantean hero was prepared and easily dodged out of the plants' reach.

{Barracuda once again tries to Snare Torpedo with the seaweed. He makes an attack roll against Torpedo (DEF 22) and hits with 24. Torpedo gets a Reflex save (DC 15) against the attack, and succeeds with 20. As his other half action, Barracuda swims 20' away.}

Torpedo was becoming concerned that Barracuda was right. He had barely hurt the villainous creature, and Barracuda was getting dangerously close to keeping Torpedo from his duty to stop the Chaos Engine.

Torpedo took a swing, and belted Barracuda across the jaw. Still, the steel-jawed villain was unharmed by the attack.

"Ha ha," Barracuda replied. "Will you never learn?"

{Torpedo takes a half action to swim 20' to Barracuda. He attacks the Atlantean villain (DEF 15) and hits with 21. Barracuda gets a Damage save (DC 18) and succeeds with 20 -- no effect.}

***** Round Five *****

"The time is coming to a close, Markandorim," Barracuda announced. "Soon, the Chaos Engine will cause destruction all over the Earth, and you are powerless to stop it."

He drew back and tore into his enemy, drawing blood. Barracuda reveled in the taste of Torpedo's blood. "Delicious," he said.

{Barracuda turns off his Power Attack. He bites Torpedo (DEF 22) and hits with 27. Torpedo gets a Damage save (DC 26) but fails with 13 (natural 1). Torpedo spends a Hero Point to re-roll and this time gets a total of 23. Torpedo takes a Lethal Hit.}

My first duty is to stop the Chaos Engine, Torpedo realized. Fighting Barracuda is getting me nowhere.

He took off like the fastest fish alive, darting through the water unimpeded, and burst through the surface near the cave. When he broke the water, Torpedo flew through the air, landing halfway into the cave, right to where the Chaos Engine had been.

Where did it go? he wondered.

{Torpedo double-moves 100' out of the water and Dolphin Leaps 40' into the cave.}

***** Round Six *****

That fool thinks he can escape me, Barracuda realized. Death will be his only escape!

The Atlantean villain moved through the water with ease, and burst through the surface near the cave opening to see Torpedo looking around in the cave. "Looking for something, Markandorim?"

{Barracuda double-moves 100' out of the water and into the cave.}

Lost in his thoughts, Torpedo barely noticed Barracuda's approach. But where could the Chaos Engine have gone? he wondered. Artifical light licked his face from above. He craned his neck to see its source, and noticed the hydraulic lift mechanism that had risen the Chaos Engine through the heart of the mountain. That's where it went!

{Torpedo refocuses. He makes a new Initiative roll and gets 23, so he'll go first from now on.}

Next Up, Rounds 4-6 of Trickster and Lodestone vs. Seraphim


Issue #10 - "Chaos" (Continued)

-Lodestone & Trickster vs. Seraphim-

***** Round Four *****

"Good, good," Trickster said, egging Lodestone on. "Keep him busy. I have some last minute preparations to make."

{Trickster spends a Free Action on Leadership. He works the controls to activate the Chaos Engine.}

"How do ya like that?" Lodestone asked, regarding his new toy, the Sword of Truth. "Do ya miss yer little pig-sticker, huh?" The villain swung the weapon wildly a few times.

"I shall take that from your cold, dead hands if I have to, villain!" Seraphim declared as he neared.

"Oh yeah?" Lodestone replied, swinging the longsword in its owner's direction, but Seraphim easily evaded the attack.

{Lodestone attacks Seraphim (DEF 22) with the Sword, but misses with 18.}

More buzzing sounds and lights came from the Chaos Engine as it continued to power up. This did not escape the winged hero. I cannot overlook the larger picture here, he thought. My sword can wait. I must destroy this device before it can be fully activated!

Seraphim flew as fast as he could to the top of the Chaos Engine, and then proceeded to pound on it with his bare fists. This would be easier with my sword, I must admit...

{Seraphim flies 30' away and bashes the Chaos Engine (DEF 1), hitting with 21. The Chaos Engine's Armor (5) is greater than Seraphim's unarmed Damage bonus (4), so nothing happens.}

***** Round Five *****

"Eh, Lodestone," Trickster said. "Do you mind taking care of this winged pest?"

As he said that, Trickster almost forgot what it was he was trying to do. "Now where was I?"

{Trickster uses a Free Action for Leadership. He continues working to activate the Chaos Engine.}

Realizing Seraphim was too far away to attack with the sword, Lodestone landed and shot at the angelic hero with a blast of magnetic energy. The energy bolt struck Seraphim in the back, and temporarily knocked the hero down.


{Lodestone blasts Seraphim (DEF 22) and hits with 26. Seraphim gets a Damage save (DC 15) but fails with 13 and takes a Stun Hit.}

"I cannot fail!" Seraphim called out. "Heaven protect and guide me!" he yelled as he drew from his innermost reserved of strength and gave the Chaos Engine a mighty blow. The strike knocked a large hole on the top of the device, and shook a few components from their housings.

"What?" Trickster screamed as several systems went off-line. "Lodestone, what are you doing? Get rid of him!"

{Seraphim uses Extra Effort to increase his STR bonus by +2 for this round. He spends a Hero Point to ignore the fatigue. Seraphim bashes the Chaos Engine (DEF 1), hitting with 14. Since his unarmed Damage bonus is now +6, the Chaos Engine must make a Damage save (DC 16) and fails with 13. The Chaos Engine is now Damaged and loses a point of Hardness (now 11).}

***** Round Six *****

"I'd suggest keeping him busy, Lodestone!" Trickster said to his ally. The villainous mastermind concentrated for a moment to telepathically contact Cyber-Knight, one of his most trusted allies. Things are going well, my friend, he thought, sending the message out.

Cyber-Knight received it loud and clear. I canst freely say the very same, Cyber-Knight replied in thought. There art vainglorious heroes here on this hill, and mine allies and I are locked in mortal combat with these fools.

Yes, Trickster replied telepathically. Defeat them, and then join me at the top of the mountain. The Chaos Engine is nearly ready to be activated!

If only that were true. Trickster cut off the transmission and went back to work, trying to figure out how to repair the damage Seraphim had done.

{Trickster uses a Free Action for Leadership. He contacts Cyber-Knight via Telepathy, requiring a Telepathy check of DC 0, and succeeds with 11. Trickster makes a Science check (DC 20) to see if he can figure out what's wrong with the Chaos Engine, and succeeds with 21. He now gets a Repair check (DC 20) to fix it, and succeeds with 21. Fixing the Chaos Engine will take 2 more rounds.}

"Yes, the hero gets it!" Lodestone flew to the top of the Chaos Engine and swung the Sword of Truth at Seraphim. The angelic hero spotted the grey villain en route and tried to dodge the attack, but this time, Lodestone struck true.

"Killed with yer own sword..." Lodestone said mockingly.

{Lodestone charges 30' at Seraphim (DEF 22) using the Sword, but misses with 19. Spending a Villain Point to re-roll, this time he gets 30. Seraphim gets a Damage save (DC 20), but fails with 15. Seraphim takes a Stun Hit.}

Grabbing the Sword of Truth even as it was lodged within his abdomen, Seraphim managed a smile. "You can never kill me, foolish mortal!" He punched Lodestone across the jaw, sending the rocky villain back a few steps. Then, Seraphim pulled the sword out and gripped it by the hilt. "Ah, much better!"

{Seraphim tries to Disarm Lodestone again. They get opposed Attack Rolls. Lodestone gets 13 against Seraphim's total of 23. Seraphim now has the Sword again.}

Next Up, Rounds 4-6 of Cyber-Knight, the Duchess, Fang, and the Atlantean Soldiers vs. Acrobat Ace, Electrostatic, Puncture Proof, and the Scoundrel


Issue #10 - "Chaos" (Continued)

-Cyber-Knight, the Duchess, Fang, and the Atlantean Soldiers vs. Acrobat Ace, Electrostatic, Puncture Proof, and the Scoundrel-

***** Round Four *****

"Electrostatic and Scoundrel," Acrobat Ace said, "Keep at those soldiers. As for you, fuzzy..." The hero flung another razor-ring at Fang, who was closing in fact. The weapon penetrated Fang's thick hide and slowed him a bit, but the berserker was still closing in.

Wow, he sure is tenacious, Acrobat Ace thought as he ducked behind a tree for cover.

{Acrobat Ace uses a Free Action for Leadership. He throws a Razor-Ring at Fang (DEF 14) and hits with 18. Fang gets a Reflex save (DC 25) but fails with 20. Fang takes a Stun Hit. As his other Half Action, Acrobat Ace moves 10' to get behind a tree.}

"No problem," Electrostatic replied, firing a blast of lightning at a nearby captain. The lightning bolt felled the Atlantean easily. Electrostatic looked around. "OK, who's next?"

{Electrostatic fires his Energy Blast at the Captain (DEF 14) and hits with 29. The Captain gets a Damage save (DC 21) and fails with 14. There is one Captain left. As his other Half Action, Electrostatic moves 15'.}

Without a word, the Scoundrel aimed his Hellfire Pistols and fired at two soldiers, one of them being a captain. While the Scoundrel missed the captain, his shot at the frontline soldier dropped the Atlantean where he stood. Beneath the mask, the Scoundrel smiled.

Adjusting his footing, the Scoundrel tried to gain a better defensive position against the upcoming rocket assault.

{The Scoundrel takes a 5' step back and then fires his Hellfire Pistols, one at the remaining Captain (DEF 14), and one at a Soldier (DEF 12), and hits the Soldier with 16, but misses the Captain with a natural 1. The Soldier gets a Damage save (DC 20) and fails with 13. There are now 10 Soldiers left.}

Acrobat Ace, lost in his strategic thoughts, had lost sight of the vampiress, and the Duchess planned to make him pay for that oversight. She popped up behind him and hissed. "Mortal, your soul is mine!"

The hero, startled barely got turned around. "Woah! Where did you come from? Fugitive from a halloween party?"

Despite his bravado, Acrobat Ace felt a chill down his spine. Is she for real? he wondered.

{The Duchess uses a Free Action for Leadership. She moves 20' toward Acrobat Ace as a Half Action. The Duchess attempts to use her Startle feat on the hero. The villainess gets an Intimidate check of 16, and spends a Villain Point to re-roll for a new result of 31. Acrobat Ace now gets a Will save to resist (DC 31) and fails with 22. Acrobat Ace now loses any dodge bonuses to Defense against the Duchess next round.}

"We're not done here," Puncture Proof announced, and flew straight at the mounted Cyber-Knight. Swinging at the villain, Puncture Proof belted Cyber-Knight in the chest, and the impact got through the villain's armor.

Cyber-Knight barely held control of his steed. "Thou art tougher than thou lookest," he admitted.

{Puncture Proof flies 15' toward Cyber-Knight as a Half Action. He punches Cyber-Knight (DEF 14) and hits with 30. Cyber-Knight gets a Damage save (DC 20) and fails with 16. Cyber-Knight takes a Stun Hit.}

Distracted by the Duchess, Acrobat Ace had now lost track of Fang. The seething beast took advantage and clawed Acrobat Ace across the back, tearing through the hero's costume and drawing blood. Fang growled approvingly.

{Fang takes a 5' step and claws at Acrobat Ace (DEF 31) and hits with 31. Acrobat Ace gets a Reflex save (DC 26) but fails with 19. He spends a Hero Point to re-roll and this time gets 25. Acrobat Ace takes a Lethal Hit.}

"I have my own abilities, dark-skinned one," Cyber-Knight declared. "And thou art no match for the power of science and mine own strength!" Cyber-Knight lunged his Vibrosword deep into Puncture Proof's midsection, penetrating the hero's nigh-invulnerable skin.

Puncture Proof fell to the ground, Cyber-Knight's weapon still lodged in place. What -- ? he thought as he hit the ground. But my protections... I... With that, Puncture Proof fell unconscious for the moment.

Cyber-Knight dismounted and came to Puncture Proof's side. Freeing his weapon, Cyber-Knight looked with a bit of concern upon his former ally. "Tis a pity thou didst not join Trickster when thou hadst the chance. See what happens when thou makest the wrong choices?"

{Cyber-Knight uses Extra Effort to Power Stun his damage to Lethal. Using Power Attack, he adds +5 to Damage while subtracting -5 from Attack Roll. Cyber-Knight attacks Puncture Proof (DEF 15) and hits with a natural 19 -- a Crit (total of 29). Puncture Proof gets a Damage save (DC 32) and fails with 12. He spends a Hero Point to re-roll and this time gets 19. Since the total Damage bonus (+27) exceeded Puncture Proof's Damage save bonus (+9), his Durability does not convert the damage to Stun. Puncture Proof takes a Lethal Hit and is Disabled. Cyber-Knight spends a Villain Point to ignore the Fatigue from Extra Effort.}

The soldiers moved into position, and fired at the Scoundrel and Electrostatic. The heroes, far too quick for most normal people to target, easily evaded the attacks.

Rockets exploding all around him, the Scoundrel considered his defensive position, and made a move for a higher ground for the time being.

{The Atlantean Soldiers move into flank positions. Using Combined Fire, 4 Soldiers support the Captain and he fires at the Scoundrel (DEF 30), but miss with 19. 4 Soldiers fire at Electrostatic (DEF 30) but all miss (highest result was 21).}

***** Round Five *****

Seeing Puncture Proof go down, Acrobat Ace felt the urge to run to his side. The natural leader in him, however, saw the wisdom is depleting the largest number of foes most quickly, so he made a mental note to check on his best friend as soon as possible.

Drawing a razor-ring, Acrobat Ace flung it at the nearest Atlantean soldier, and dropped the soldier like a bad habit.

"Keep at it," he urged his companions. "I need to get to Puncture Proof!"

{Acrobat Ace uses a Free Action for Leadership. He makes an Acrobatics check (DC 25) to go through Fang's square, and succeeds with 27. He moves 20' behind the Soldiers as a Half Action. Acrobat Ace throws a Razor-Ring at a Soldier (DEF 12) and hits with 26. The Soldier gets a Damage save (DC 21) and fails with 7. There are now 9 Soldiers and 1 Captain left.}

"I can do that," Electrostatic replied, though he wondered what might have happened to his new ally. He concentrated on the closest soldier and nailed him with a lightning bolt. The Atlantean took the blast in stride and kept coming. Seeing that, Electrostatic ducked behind a tree for cover.

"Hey, Scoundrel," Electrostatic called out. "Watch out. They're trying to surround us!"

{Electrostatic fires his Energy Blast at a Soldier (DEF 12) and hits with 31. The Soldier gets a Damage save (DC 20) and succeeds with 20. As his other Half Action, Electrostatic moves 30' to get behind a tree.}

Indeed, the Scoundrel replied to himself. They can't very well surround us if they're aren't enough of them. He blasted a captain and a soldier with his Hellfire Pistols, and dropped both where they stood.

"All right, Electrostatic," the Scoundrel replied. "Looks like eight left now. We can take 'em!"

{The Scoundrel takes a 5' step and shoots the Captain (DEF 14) and a Soldier (DEF 12) hitting both with 21 and 20. They both get Damage saves (DC 20). The Captain fails with 14 and the Soldier fails with 6. There are no more Captains left and only 8 Soldiers.}

Her target distracted by the thoughts of his ally and the two supervillains attacking him, the Duchess knew that Acrobat Ace could not evade her forever. She bared fangs and dove at him, grappling him and throwing him to the ground. She sank her teeth into Acrobat Ace's exposed neck, drawing fresh blood. Ace rolled away immediately and got to his feet.

"Augh! You bit me!" the hero said, astounded. "Are you like a real vampire?"

The Duchess rose to her feet and glared at him, her mouth awash in his blood. "What do you think?" he asked.

{The Duchess uses Power Attack to add +3 to Damage and subtract -3 from Attack Rolls. She charges 15' at Acrobat Ace (DEF 18 against her this round) and hits with 27. Acrobat Ace cannot evade her, so he gets a Damage save (DC 28). This is an Impossible Save situation, since his Damage save bonus is +2. He rolls his save and fails with 16. Spending a Hero Point to re-roll, his new result is a natural 20! Acrobat Ace takes only a Lethal Hit.}

Puncture Proof tried to stand, but fell quickly to the ground. He was still shaken with disbelief in Cyber-Knight's ability to penetrate his magical shell. Ace, he thought. You can't handle Cyber-Knight and the rest of them! Get away while you still... With that, Puncture Proof fell soundly into unconsciousness.

{Puncture Proof is Disabled. Since he has Regeneration, Puncture Proof gets a CON check (DC 20) to see if he can shake off the Disabled effect, but fails with 17. Puncture Proof is not going to take any more actions in this combat.}

Fang leapt behind Acrobat Ace, who had about all the trouble he could handle. The hero tried to dodge, and barely avoided Fang's lunge, sending the villain to the ground.

That was close, Acrobat Ace realized. Too close... I've got to get out of this mess. Time to regroup.

{Fang moves 10' toward Acrobat Ace as a Half Action, now flanking him against the Duchess. He attacks Acrobat Ace (DEF 31), but misses with 27.}

Cyber-Knight, having soundly trounced one of the heroes, found a new target, the cocky Electrostatic. he charged forward on his steed, and after the hero tried to dodge some rocket fire, Cyber-Knight took the opportunity to swing, but just missed the quick and flighty hero.

{Cyber-Knight rams 30' at Electrostatic (DEF 30), but misses with 21.}

Now on their own without any commanders to speak of, the soldiers split into two groups of four, with each taking either Electrostatic or the Scoundrel. The soldiers fired their rifles, but the heroes again proved too elusive.

{The Atlantean Soldiers move to get into flanking positions around Acrobat Ace and Electrostatic. 4 Soldiers fire at Acrobat Ace (DEF 31) and all miss. 4 Soldiers fire at Electrostatic (DEF 30) and all miss.}

***** Round Six *****

Acrobat Ace deftly moved aside and shot a look towards Puncture Proof, who was not moving. Ace had hoped that his friend had just been stunned, but now it looked much worse. Angered, Acrobat Ace grabbed a razor-ring from his belt and hurled it right at the Duchess' throat. The vampire, who was considering her own next move, was caught by surprise, and felt the piercing weapon catch her in the neck.

"That ought to keep you busy," Ace remarked as he looked for a way to reach his fallen ally.

{Acrobat Ace uses a Free Action for Leadership. As a Half Action, he moves 25' away from the pack of villains. Noticing that Puncture Proof was Disabled, Acrobat Ace switches his Razor-Ring damage to Lethal. He tosses a Razor-Ring at the Duchess (DEF 18) and hits with 28. The Duchess gets a Damage save (DC 18) and fails with 15. The Duchess takes a Lethal Hit.}

Electrostatic, now well aware of the substantial presence of Cyber-Knight, knew that it was time to get rid of the rest of these soldiers and maybe combine efforts on the bigger threats. He blasted another soldier, dropping him to the ground without resistance.

"Um, Scoundrel," Electrostatic said. "I don't know about you, but I'm a little worried about the guy with the sword."

"Our leader has it covered..." the Scoundrel replied unassuredly. "I guess."

{Electrostatic takes a 5' step back and fires his Energy Blast at a Soldier (DEF 12), hitting with 26. The Soldier gets a Damage save (DC 21) and fails with 18. There are now 7 Soldiers left.}

As he considered his options, the Scoundrel took two more shots at soldiers, dropping two more.

"Maybe if we get the tin can off his horse," he suggested to Electrostatic. "Didn't you drain his steed's power last time we met them?"

"Sounds like a plan," Electrostatic replied. "Maybe you can help Acrobat Ace."

{The Scoundrel takes a 5' step forward and fires his Hellfire Pistols at 2 Soldiers (DEF 12) hitting twice with 28 and 21. Both Soldiers get Damage saves (DC 19) and both fail with 10 and 6. There are now 5 Soldiers left.}

"Fang," the Duchess called out. "We have him right where we want him. Surrender now, and maybe we'll let you live."

Acrobat Ace shot back a sour look. "If I had a dime for every time I've heard that one..."

The Duchess lunged forward, but Acrobat Ace simply leapfrogged over the attempt. "Aw, c'mon now. That's wasn't even close!"

{The Duchess turns off her Power Attack. She uses a Free Action for Leadership. The Duchess charges 20' at Acrobat Ace (DEF 31), but misses with 17.}

Seeing Acrobat Ace apparently preoccupied with the Duchess, Fang licked his claws and charged forward, hoping to catch the hero in mid-leap. Ace saw the bestial villain coming, but could do little to avoid a collision. Fang's claws bit into Acrobat Ace, and the hero screamed out in response.

{Fang regenerates a Stun Hit. Fang rams 20' at Acrobat Ace (DEF 31) and hits with 31. Acrobat Ace gets a Reflex save (DC 28) to evade, but fails with 27. Acrobat Ace takes a Lethal Hit. Since he rammed, Fang must make a Damage save (DC 17) and succeeds with 19 for no effect.}

Cyber-Knight felt a familiar presence in his mind. Trickster was trying to contact him via telepathy. Everything seemed to be going according to plan. Cyber-Knight knew that victory would be assured, and redoubled his resolve.

"Thine cause is lost," Cyber-Knight announced to Electrostatic. "Thou art finished. Mayhap thou knowest this as well." He swung his Vibrosword at Electrostatic, who easily avoided the swing.

"Man, where did you get that vocab?" Electrostatic inquired.

{Cyber-Knight regenerates a Stun Hit. Cyber-Knight moves 5' and takes a swing at Electrostatic (DEF 24) but misses with 24.}

The remaining soldiers considered their options, then fired at Acrobat Ace and Electrostatic. Both heroes, well aware of the presence of these Atlanteans, managed to get out of the way before the rockets struck home.

{The Atlantean Soldiers get into flanking positions against Acrobat Ace and Electrostatic. 2 Soldiers fire at Acrobat Ace (DEF 31) and miss with 14 and 12. 3 Soldiers fire at Electrostatic (DEF 30) and miss with 24, 12, and 6.}

Next Up, Rounds 4-6 of Bombardier, Mana, Surge, and Atlantean Soldiers vs. Harpy, Iron Dragon, MorningStar, and Pathfinder


First Post
Can't get enough

I can't believe I actually caught up!

I was hoping I'd be able to read the story from start to finish.

No matter, this is great and I can't wait for the next update!

BTW, I love the villains...they're so cool. Especially Bombadier and the trickster...just wicked.


Issue #10 - "Chaos" (Continued)

-Bombardier, Mana, Surge, and Atlantean Soldiers vs. Harpy, Iron Dragon, MorningStar, and Pathfinder-

***** Round Four *****

Surge jumped aside, evading Iron Dragon's attack. "So slow," Surge commented. "No wonder..."

Spinning in place, the villain lunged at the Asian hero, fists flying, but missed as Iron Dragon stepped aside to avoid the attack.

I need to get behind those foolish soldiers, Surge thought. They'll protect me and keep this hero busy!

The villain spun around behind a large group of Atlantean soldiers and awaited Iron Dragon's destruction. If only Trickster were here to see how I cleverly defeated these do-gooders!

{Surge punches Iron Dragon (DEF 19) and hits with 19. Iron Dragon gets a Reflex save (DC 19) and succeeds with 23 for no effect. As his other Half Action, Surge moves 60' around behind the Soldiers.}

"You can't escape that easily!" Iron Dragon called out following Surge's exit. He saw the Atlanteans preparing to surround him. Jumping in front of them, Iron Dragon bounced and vaulted over the first rank, landing behind a group of the soldiers. Shocked, the soldiers had no recourse but to stare at this feat of acrobatics.

Iron Dragon's fists glowed with an inner power, and he let loose a fury on the soldiers they had never seen. Pounding one after another, Iron Dragon did not stop until every soldier in the vicinity was dropped to the sand. He dusted off both hands and shot a look at Surge, who had been hiding behind the soldiers who had just been overmatched.

{Iron Dragon makes a Concentration check (DC 20) to activate his Strike power, and succeeds with 30. He turns off Power Attack. Iron Dragon attempts to move through an occupied area, so he needs an Acrobatics check (DC 25) and succeeds with 25. Iron Dragon stops in an area surrounded by 5 adjacent Soldiers. He strikes an adjacent Soldier (DEF 12), hitting with 31. The Soldier gets a Damage save (DC 26) but fails with 13 and is Disabled. Using Rapid Takedown, Iron Dragon gets one melee attack roll against the rest of the adjacent Soldiers (DEF 12), hitting with 22. The Soldiers each get a Damage saves (DC 26) and fail with 20, 6, 4, 5, and so all are Disabled. There are now 2 Captains and 18 Soldiers remaining.}

"You've got to be kidding," Harpy said in response to Bombardier's attempt to paralyze her. "You know it works, right? C'mon be a pal and stop throwing those bombs all over the place." Adding some emphasis to this suggestion, Harpy tried again to take control of the villain's mind. Bombardier seemed for a moment to comply, but shook off the control.

{Harpy uses a Free Action for Leadership. She attempts Mind Control again on Bombardier. Harpy's Mind Control check of 19 opposes Bombardier's Will save of 9, so Harpy can now issue him mental commands. Harpy commands Bombardier to toss away his Zapper Bomb, and this requires a Mind Control check (DC 18), but she fails with 9. Harpy spends a Hero Point to recover her Stun Hits.}

More of these... Pathfinder realized as more Atlantean soldiers came his way. He cocked and fired his SuperX Crossbow again, but this time, his bolt glanced off the battle armor of one of the captains.

Harpy needs more protection, I think, he realized, moving closer to his leader.

{Pathfinder fires his crossbow at a Captain (DEf 14) and hits with 17. The Captain gets a Damage save (DC 18), and succeeds with 19 for no effect. As his other Half Action, Pathfinder moves 30'.}

I... must... break... free... MorningStar thought as she struggled to even move a hand or a foot. Suddenly, she was free to move as she pleased. Finally!

MorningStar flew into the air, taking a bird's eye view of the battle. "First target is the lady with the spells. No hard feelings, OK?" With an outstretched hand, MorningStar shot forth a beam of superheated plasma, which exploded on impact right next to Mana. The flames struck Mana, her intended target, as well as Bombardier and some of the soldiers nearby. Unfortunately, Bombardier managed to avoid enough of the blast to keep himself from injury. The Atlanteans weren't so fortunate, and were obliterated in the blast. When the smoke cleared, Mana was yet standing, seemingly unaffected by the attack.

{MorningStar gets a Will save (DC 18) to break free of the Paralysis, and succeeds with 18. As a Half Action, she flies 40', and then fires off her area fire blast, centered on Mana (DEF 21), but misses with 10. Within the affected area are Mana, Bombardier, a Captain, and 4 Soldiers. All get Reflex saves (DC 18) to halve the effect. Mana fails with 7, Bombardier succeeds with 21, and the Captain and 4 Soldiers fail. Bombardier's Protection +8 is greater than the halved damage bonus of +4, so he doesn't need to make a roll. Mana gets a Damage save (DC 15), and succeeds with 16. The Captain and 4 Soldiers each get Damage saves (DC 20) and all fail and are Disabled. There are now 14 Solders and a Captain remaining among the Atlanteans.}

Which one should I attack? Hmm... Mana considered as she now had several possible targets. Harpy was still an enticing target, and the sorceress, chanting some words of arcane power, blasted the United Heroes leader with magical energy, but Harpy just barely dodged out of harm's way.

{Mana fires her Energy Blast at Harpy (DEF 19) and misses with 16. She uses a Free Action to activate her Force Field.}

The soldiers, seeing their brethren fall like children, gave Iron Dragon a wide berth. Two groups concentrated their fire on the Asian hero, but Iron Dragon was too agile for them and proved to be too elusive of a target. A third group fired at Harpy and nearly struck her, except that in her attempt to dodge Mana's bolt, threw off the soldiers' aim and they too missed.

{The Atlantean Soldiers move away from Iron Dragon. 2 groups of 4 Soldiers Combine Fire at Iron Dragon (DEF 21) and miss with 14 and 5. The Captain supported by 4 Soldiers Combine Fire at Harpy (DEF 19) hitting with 24. Harpy gets a Reflex save (DC 20) and succeeds with 21.}

Creeping forward, Bombardier looked for an opportunity to take one of the heroes down quickly. MorningStar was doing the most damage, so she would be the most obvious target. He already had his Zapper Bomb in hand, so he flung it toward the flying heroine, hoping to knock out her powers and give his allies an advantage. The weapon exploded next to MorningStar, but her powers resisted the neutralizing effects.

{Bombardier uses a Half Action to move 25'. He throws his Zapper Bomb at MorningStar (DEF 21) and misses with 12. MorningStar is the only secondary target, so she gets a Reflex save (DC 2) to halve the effect, but fails with 17. MorningStar spends a Hero Point to re-roll, but still fails with 12. Each of MorningStar's active powers must make a Power Check against DC 20. Force Field succeeds with 29, Energy Field succeeds with 26, and Flight succeeds with 21.}

***** Round Five *****

"Impressive, hero," Surge said in response to Iron Dragon's dismantling of the Atlantean soldiers. "But I am no quivering minion of the Atlanteans. I am power!" With that, Surge's body, charged with electrical energy, burst forth, creating a sphere of lightning bolts, several of which struck Iron Dragon. The hero reeled from the attack, but rolled away and avoided the most serious damage.

{Surge takes a 5' step. He uses Multi-Lightning, and only Iron Dragon is in the affected area. Iron Dragon gets a Reflex save (DC 20) to halve the effect, but fails with 10. Iron Dragon gets a Damage save (DC 17) and succeeds with 17 for no effect.}

Standing, Iron Dragon gave Surge a look of determination. The hero jumped forward and leveled a mighty reverse kick in Surge's direction, but the wily villain was able to dodge the blow.

"Yeah," Surge said. "I'm a little tougher than those rifle-toting morons, don't ya think?"

{Iron Dragon makes a Concentration check (DC 20) to activate his Strike power, and succeeds with 25. He uses Power Attack for a +3/-3 bonus to damage/attack roll. He kicks Surge (DEF 23) and misses with 17.}

"MorningStar," Harpy called out. "Get Bombardier and Mana." Bombardier was the most immediate threat, as his grenades tended to terrorize an area. As she considered the possibilities, Harpy neared Pathfinder. "Keep at those soldiers," she suggested. "There's only a few of them left."

Harpy concentrated on Bombardier's mind, overloading his mind with damaging psionic energy. Bombardier, who was focused on MorningStar, was caught unaware of the attack, and fell to his knees.

"Augh!" he called out in response. Bombardier leveled a finger towards the United Heroes leader. "Harpy! You're next!"

{Harpy uses a Free Action for Leadership. She uses a Half Action to move 15' next to Pathfinder. Harpy uses Mental Blast on Bombardier (adj. DEF 16), hitting with 23. Bombardier gets a modified Damage save (DC 15) but fails with 7. Bombardier is Stunned and takes a Stun Hit.}

Pathfinder stepped forward and loaded his crossbow, firing it at a nearby soldier per Harpy's orders. The bolt struck the soldier in the ribs, just between two armored plates, and dropped the soldier instantly.

{Pathfinder takes a 5' step and fires his crossbow at a Soldier (DEF 12), critting with a natural 20. It's an Impossible save for the Soldier, so he's Disabled. There are 13 Soldiers and 1 Captain remaining.}

Mana and Bombardier ignored my attack last time, MorningStar recalled. I'd better up the ante. She drew from her reserves of power, and let loose with a barrage of fire unlike many she'd fired off before. Fire rained down on Bombardier, Mana, and some Atlantean soldiers. Mana again avoided serious harm by jumping free of the affected area, but Bombardier wasn't so lucky. Fire pelted his armor, and the villain felt it. More soldiers were knocked out, including the last Captain standing.

{MorningStar uses Extra Effort to boost her Energy Blast to +10, and a Hero Point to ignore the fatigue. As a Half Action, she flies 30', and then uses her area EB to blast an area containing Mana, Bombardier, the Captain, and 6 Soldiers. All get Reflex saves (DC 20) to halve the effect. Mana, using her Luck bonus, succeeds with 20, Bombardier fails with 3, the Captain fails with 10, and the Soldiers all fail their saves. Mana's Force Field +8 is greater than the halved damage bonus (+5), so she ignores the attack. Bombardier gets a Damage save (DC 17) and fails with 14, taking a Stun Hit. The Captain and the 6 Soldiers get Damage saves (DC 22) and all fail, and are Disabled. There are now only 7 Soldiers remaining.}

"You know, you're a real pain," Mana declared, and, incanting a few magic words, hit MorningStar with another sphere of purple energy, trapping the flying heroine. "That's better!"

Seeing an opportunity to help Surge against Iron Dragon, Mana teleported behind the hero, giving Iron Dragon someone else to think about.

{Mana takes a 5' step and uses Paralysis on MorningStar (DEF 21), hitting with 24. MorningStar gets a Will save (DC 18) but fails with 13. As her other Half Action, Mana teleports 40' to behind Iron Dragon, giving Surge a Flank against the hero. She uses a Free Action to activate her Force Field.}

The remaining Atlantean soldiers, confused, fired randomly at Pathfinder, who eluded their wild shots with aplomb.

{The Atlantean Soldiers take a Half Action to move toward Pathfinder. 5 Combine Fire at Pathfinder (DEF 18), but miss with 10.}

{Bombardier recovers from being Stunned.}

***** Round Six *****

"Mana, thanks for the help, but I really don't need it," Surge declared, swinging wildly at Iron Dragon, who deftly stepped aside from the blow, and blocked another blow with an elbow.

"Yeah," Mana replied. "Looks like you've got everything under control."

{Surge punches Iron Dragon (DEF 21) and hits with 23. Iron Dragon gets a Reflex save (DC 18) and succeeds with 20.}

Iron Dragon ignored the rantings of his opponents for the moment and concentrated on Surge, the most immediate threat. Focusing his inner strength, Iron Dragon gave Surge a palm strike to the temple, dropping the villain to his knees temporarily. Electrical energy coursed across his body, but Iron Dragon was unaffected.

{Iron Dragon makes a Concentration check (DC 20) to activate his Strike power, and succeeds with 27. He uses Power Attack for a +3/-3 mod to damage/attack bonus. Iron Dragon punches Surge (DEF 23) and hits with 24. Surge gets a Damage save (DC 25) but fails with 9. Using a Villain Point to re-roll, he now gets 20 and only takes a Stun Hit. Since Iron Dragon's Protection (+6) is greater than Surge's Energy Field (+5), he doesn't need to make a save.}

His will is sapped, Harpy decided on Bombardier. I should be able to control him now. She concentrated on controlling the villain's mind, and it worked for a moment. "Stay there, Bombardier. Everything will be OK."

Bombardier seemed to heed her, but then broke for the falling MorningStar. This caused Harpy to see that MorningStar had again been paralyzed by Mana's magical powers.

Not again!

{Harpy uses a Free Action for Leadership. She tries Mind Control on Bombardier again. Harpy's Mind Control check of 20 is opposed by Bombardier's Will save of 9, so Harpy regains control of the villain. She commands Bombardier to stand still, which requires a Mind Control Power Check (DC 18) and she fails with 6.}

Knocking another crossbow bolt, Pathfinder realized that the fight was starting to get away from him. It was just the Native American hero and the soldiers on this side of the field of battle. He fired his crossbow, but the shot went wide of its intended target.

{Pathfinder fires his crossbow at a Soldier (DEF 12) and misses with 9.}

With a splash of sand, MorningStar, within the purple sphere of eldritch energy, struck the ground. She was not unconscious, just paralyzed.

Ugh, she thought. That Mana's going to get it!

{MorningStar falls to the ground. She gets a Will save (DC 18) to break the Paralysis but fails with 17.}

"Don't forget about me!" Mana urged Iron Dragon, chanting more magical power words, and launching the hero into the air.

"What the --" was all Iron Dragon could manage as he rose and then fell back to Earth. Recalling his acrobatic techniques, Iron Dragon spun himself into position, and landed on his feet, none the worse for wear.

{Mana attempts to lift Iron Dragon using Telekinesis. Mana's Sorcery Power Check of 19 opposes Iron Dragon's STR check of 17, so she gains telekinetic control of the hero. Mana flings Iron Dragon 40' into the air and then lets him go. Iron Dragon ignores the falling damage since his Protection +6 is greater than the Falling Damage bonus of +4. He gets an Acrobatics check (DC 15) to land on his feet, and succeeds with 27. After he lands, Mana takes a 5' step to flank Iron Dragon, and uses a Free Action to reactivate her Force Field.}

More soldiers fired at Pathfinder, and this time, a few of them hit. Pathfinder was protected, however, by his magical breastplate, and he basically ignored the rockets impacting against him.

{5 Atlantean Soldiers Combine Fire at Pathfinder (DEF 18) and hit with 23. Since Pathfinder's Protection of +6 is greater than the Rocket Rifle damage bonus of +5, Pathfinder ignores the attack.}

"Too bad, sweetie," Bombardier said as he casually strolled toward the frozen MorningStar. He produced a web-like device from his pack. The device crackled with a greenish energy. "Now I know what you're thinking. You're protected, right? That force field? Yeah, I know about it too. But see my little friend here? He's going to take care of that problem." Bombardier tossed the web onto the immobilized MorningStar, and the Neutralizer Web sapped MorningStar's energy, draining her powers, and causing her fire powers to wink out, including her force field.

Bombardier rubbed his gauntleted hands together. "Now, the fun can begin!"

Mana saw Bombardier concentrating his attention on MorningStar. "Bombardier, we could use some help over here! She's done for. Leave her be!"

"Oh, no," Bombardier replied with a sickening grin. "I'm afraid I can't do that..."

{Bombardier uses Gadgets to produce the Neutralizer Web (Neutralize), and spends a Villain Point to ignore the fatigue. He throws it at the paralyzed MorningStar (DEF 17) and hits with 23. Each of MorningStar's active powers must make a Power Check against DC 20. Force Field fails with 18 and Energy Field fails with 14, so both powers shut off.}

Next Up, Rounds 7-9 of Barracuda vs. Torpedo!


Issue #10 - "Chaos" (Continued)

-Barracuda vs. Torpedo-

***** Round Seven *****

"Ha ha, fool!" Barracuda said, taunting his foe. "See? The time for heroics is long gone, Torpedo, and as usual, you have missed the boat!"

"I have missed nothing!" Torpedo replied, charging at Barracuda suddenly and with little warning. The villain was taken by surprise, and Torpedo blew right through him, sending Barracuda to his backside.

Now, I've got to find out why the Chaos Engine has been lifted to the top of the mountain, Torpedo considered. Trickster must be readying it for deployment!

{Torpedo rams 40' at Barracuda (DEF 15), hitting with 22. Barracuda gets a Damage save (DC 22) and he fails with 10. Spending a Villain Point, Barracuda re-rolls and this time gets 14. Barracuda takes a Stun Hit and is Stunned. Since he rammed, Torpedo must also make a Damage save (DC 19), and he succeeds with 23.}

Barracuda! a voice said in the villain's mind. It was Trickster, the leader of this band of villains. The time for action is coming soon. The Chaos Engine is complete and will be activated in moments. Prepare to join me at the mountain summit for this glorious event. By the way, if you see any costumed do-gooders, feel free to dispose of them post-haste!

{Barracuda recovers from being Stunned.}

***** Round Eight *****

Torpedo's thoughts turned to his fallen but not yet defeated foe. I can't leave Barracuda here to hit me later from behind. This needs to end quickly, though, so I can deal with the others!

Mustering power from the depths of his soul, Torpedo focused the mystical energy built up inside him and let Barracuda have it. Two belts into the villain's abdomen seemed enough to drop Barracuda into unconsciousness -- for now.

A sigh of relief was momentary at best. I'd better get moving, he realized.

{Torpedo uses Extra Effort to increase his STR bonus by 2, and spends a Hero Point to ignore the fatigue. He attacks the still Stunned Barracuda (Torpedo gets the +2 to hit Barracuda until the villain's action) (DEF 15) and hits with 20. Barracuda gets a Damage save (DC 20) and fails with 12. He spends a Villain Point to re-roll, and this time gets 13. Barracuda is Stunned and takes a Stun Hit.}

Opening one eye, Barracuda saw Torpedo preparing to leave the cave. I'm not done with you yet, Markadorim.

{Barracuda recovers from being Stunned.}

***** Round Nine *****

Just as he turned to leave, Torpedo caught a sign of movement from the villain -- Barracuda's teeth gnashed in anticipation of a sneak attack on his fellow Atlantean. "I thought you'd gone to sleep, Barracuda!"

Torpedo pounced on the villain and blasted him across the jawline with another devastating punch that would have sent most reeling. But Barracuda was tougher than most, and felt nothing.

I can't waste any more time here, Torpedo considered, and fled the cave for the beach outside, and eventually, to the mountain above.

{Torpedo attacks Barracuda (DEF 15) and hits with 20. Barracuda gets a Damage save (DC 18) and succeeds with 19 -- no effect. As his other half action, Torpedo moves 30' to the edge of the cave.}

"Come back here!" Barracuda growled as he quickly got to his feet and railed after the Atlantean hero. He grabbed Torpedo's shoulder and bit deeply into Markadorim. The hero who still considered Barracuda to be disabled, was shocked and fell quickly to the sand where he stood.

"Mmm," Barracuda moaned. "Yes, I do enjoy the taste of victory!"

{Barracuda uses Power Attack to add +5 to Damage, while taking a -5 penalty to Attack Rolls. He charges Torpedo (DEF 18) and hits with 26. Torpedo gets a Damage save (DC 31) and fails with 21. Torpedo is Stunned and takes a Lethal Hit.}

Next Up, Rounds 7-9 of Trickster & Lodestone vs. Seraphim!
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Issue #10 - "Chaos" (Continued)

-Lodestone & Trickster vs. Seraphim-

***** Round Seven *****

As he worked on the Chaos Engine, touching buttons here, turning dials there, Trickster contacted another of his thrall, the Atlantean Barracuda. He beckoned Barracuda to join him when ready and told Barracuda that the time for activation was coming soon.

{Trickster continues to work on the Chaos Engine. He uses Telepathy to contact Barracuda, requiring a Telepathy check of DC 0, and succeeds with 15.}

"Yeah, you got yer little toy back," Lodestone admitted. "But it's still made of metal, so it's mine!" Lodestone concentrated on the Sword of Truth, and pushed it back toward Seraphim.

The angel mustered his strength to keep the blade from stabbing him. I... cannot... allow... this!

{Lodestone attempts to Nullify the Sword. He makes a ranged Attack Roll against Seraphim (DEF 22) and misses with 11. Spending a Villain Point to re-roll, he now gets 24 -- a hit. Now, Lodestone makes a Neutralize Power Check, opposed by the Sword's ranks (10). Lodestone gets 15, but the Sword gets 28. No effect.}

Lunging forward with power and grace not afforded to many mortals, the winged hero stabbed at the villainous Lodestone, striking true.

"Augh!" Lodestone called out, surprised that Seraphim was able to resist with such force and stab him through the ribs. It was not a telling blow, however, as Lodestone's anatomy was quite different from your standard human. Still, Lodestone fell to the surface of the Chaos Engine, and Seraphim was able to turn his attention back to destroying the machine.

{Seraphim swings at Lodestone (DEF 16) and hits with 30. Lodestone gets a Damage save (DC 29) and fails with 21. Lodestone takes a Stun Hit and is Stunned.}

***** Round Eight *****

"Good," Trickster said aloud. "My little nano-bots have completed the work. Now, we can commence with the final arrangements. Hmm... I wonder how Mana's holding up. She seemed... distant before. I wonder why...?"

Trickster concentrated on Mana, locating her on the beach, fighting Harpy, Iron Dragon, and some of the other heroes. Mana, he thought, attempting to communicate with his minion. But for some reason, the door to her mind was closed.

Get out of my mind! Mana yelled telepathically, trying to force her leader out.

I'm afraid I don't understand, Mana, Trickster replied.

I should never have joined you, Mana thought. I've had enough of this foolish plan of yours.

Was it something I said? Trickster asked.

There was no response. Trickster was left to wonder what had happened to cause Mana to act in that manner. Perhaps Harpy had her under mental control.

Best to get on to other matters then, Trickster realized. Only a few preparations remain...

{Trickster finishes repairing the Chaos Engine. It is now Undamaged. Trickster uses Telepathy to contact Mana, but she resists. He needs a Telepathy check of DC 7, but her Mental Protection reduces his Telepathy bonus to 0. Trickster succeeds with 12.}

{Lodestone recovers from being Stunned.}

Seraphim, seeing that Lodestone was starting to get up, plunged the Sword of Truth into the machine, causing sparks and assorted tiny parts to fly in its wake. Trickster repaired it somehow, Seraphim realized. I'd better get to work before Lodestone is fully functional again.

{Seraphim attacks the Chaos Engine (DEF 1) and hits with 20. The Chaos Engine gets a Damage save (DC 24) and fails with 20. The Chaos Engine is Damaged again, and loses another point of Hardness (now 10).}

***** Round Nine *****

Red lights blinked on the Chaos Engine's control panel. causing Trickster more consternation. "Ugh, what now?"

Reviewing the instruments, Trickster determined that Seraphim had inflicted more damage. Perhaps I should beckon some more of my... operatives to help out with this Seraphim problem.

"Lodestone," Trickster called out. "There's something wrong up there, maybe near the third pod. Do you see anything? My instruments are acting up."

"Oh, and one more thing -- get rid of that winged fool!"

{Trickster uses a Free Action for Leadership. He makes a new Science check (DC 20) to figure out what's wrong with the Chaos Engine, but fails with 16.}

The grey, rocky villain stood and blasted Seraphim with electromagnetic energy, the bolt narrowly missing the winged hero.

Lodestone then flew down to where Trickster had indicated, and gave the area a once over. "I think it's the Flux Capacitor Array," Lodestone suggested.

{Lodestone blasts Seraphim (DEF 22), but misses with 16. As a Half Action, he flies 30' across to Trickster and tries to 'aid another' with the Science roll. He needs a total of 10, and gets 11. Trickster gets a new Science check next round with a +2 bonus.}

Dodging Lodestone's errant energy blast, Seraphim went back to work on the Chaos Engine. If I can permanently disable this thing before it can be activated, Seraphim realized, Trickster will never have a chance to fulfill his sick plans!

Seraphim plunged his weapon into the Chaos Engine's innards, and heard several hopefully important components break and tear. It gave him hope that tragedy might yet be avoided.

Then, the angelic hero felt a familiar presence in his mind, that of Harpy, who was trying to contact him telepathically. Seraphim lowered his defenses and enabled them to 'speak'.

Seraphim, Harpy began, How are things on your end? Have you located the Chaos Engine?

Yes, the angel replied. You could say I'm on top of things.

MorningStar is badly injured, Harpy thought. Is there any way you could come to the beach and heal her?

I wish I could, but the villains are about to activate the Chaos Engine, and I must stay here to destroy it.

You're there now? Harpy asked.

Yes, and I must return to my work, Seraphim replied. I feel close to destroying the machine!

{Seraphim wails on the Chaos Engine (DEF 1), hitting with 23. The Chaos Engine gets a Damage save (DC 24) and fails with 19. The Chaos Engine loses another point of Hardness (now 9).}

Next Up, Rounds 7-9 of Cyber-Knight, the Duchess, Fang, and the Atlantean Soldiers vs. Acrobat Ace, Electrostatic, Puncture Proof, and the Scoundrel!
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