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Pathfinder 1E Mynhear's Bane


First Post
Sol followed Aradra in silence. She sensed his worry, and there was nothing more annoying than having someone prattling away about frivolities when you had something important on your mind. She entered behind him into the embassey and looked around. She headed over to the secretary and offered a warm smile."We need to urgently speak to someone about using a transport Gate. Could you please point us in the right direction?"

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
[sblock=Heinrich]Go ahead and post yourself finding Melisande, or finding Aradra and Sol - whichever Heinrich is most likely to go looking for.[/sblock]

[sblock=Melisande]The old man looks thoughtfully at his young questioner. "Hmmm, I deduce from your questions about the Seithr range that the Clan Ha'Gruut is one of the barbarian tribes living within that range. Those tribes are semi-nomadic; there are few of them within the range, actually, giving each clan a large area within which to forage. Each generally claims an area extending from the lower elevations - below the treeline - up into the reaches. This gives them both a forested, hospitable area from which to gather vegetative stuffs, and a more rugged area in which to test their mettle and 'toughen up.' I'm sorry, I don't have specific information about that particular clan or where they range. Of the Frost Giant Varithian I have never heard, and do not recall any records in our archives related to that name.

"The nearest Gate to Venza is but a short walk outside of town . . . It is likely that before the Cataclysm Venza was the site of another settlement; that would explain the Gate's presence here."

[sblock=Aradra/Sol]The comely young woman behind the ornate desk give Sol a warm smile. "Certainly, friend. I can actually help with that matter. The Gates are available for use to any who can muster the magics to activate them. Such pursuits are time consuming and somewhat dangerous, however, so most who wish to travel by that means hire an Embassy Mage to activate them. The cost is 100 gp per person, and a reasonable amount of gear. Horses and other larger creatures cost 150 gp."

OOC: I have no idea if this follows established canon for the gates - or even if there is such canon, and have no time to go searching for the answer. We'll assume that there is not, and if that's incorrect I'll cover myself with the statement that the protocol stated above does not alter or replace that canon for other than the current adventure.[/sblock]


First Post

Aradra, who was deep in thought, snapped out of it to ask the attendant a few questions. "If we have our own mage of considerable power, are we able to open the Gate in question ourselves? Also, if we use this gate in question, where would be ending up?"

[sblock=Aradra Stats]
Aradra Longstrider
AC: 26 (19 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 132/132
CMB: +16 CMD: 32
Fort: +11 Reflex: +16 Will: +9
Perception: +22
Initiative: +8
Current Weapon in Hand: Bow +23/+18/+13 1d8+3 19-20/x3 or +21/+21/+16/+11 1d8+9 19-20/x3 1st hit deals double
Current Conditions in Effect: Rapid Shot/Deadly Aim/Endless Ammo (from Bow); Woodland Stride ; Evasion; Clustered Shots; Falcon's Aim (+3 Perception & 19-20 /x3); No Provoking on Ranged attacks w/ Bow

Used Items:

Adaptation: 140/140 Minutes Remain (Darkvision, Iron Will, Skill Focus Stealth, Climb 15', Swim 15')
Level 1 Spells: Feather Step, Gravity Bow, Longstrider, Feather Step
Level 2 Spells: Barkskin (+4), Eagle Eye, BLANK
Level 3 Spells: Greater Magic Fang
Level 4 Spells: Freedom of Movement
Extend Rod: 3/3 per Day
Pearl of Power lvl 1: AVAILABLE
Negate Crit: 1/1
Haste: 10/10
Fly (CL 5): 1/1

[sblock=Shadow Stats]
AC: 27 (24 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 132/132
CMB: +19 CMD: 31 (35 vs Trip)
Fort: +13 Reflex: +11 Will: +7 (+4 vs Enchantment Charm/Compulsion)
Perception: +22
Initiative: +3
Current Weapon in Hand: Bite (+17/9 1d8 + 21 + Trip) + d6 Shocking Amulet of Mighty Biting (Activated)
Current Conditions in Effect: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Evasion, Share Spells; Scent;

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
[sblock=Aradra & Sol]The woman nods enthusiastically at Aradra's question and responds,"Oh, surely! It takes more than just power, though . . . it's the study of the Gates and the way that they work that keeps most mages from attempting it. Well, that and the chance of . . . unfortunate accidents. It takes most mages two or three years of intensive study to get to the point of their first 'solo' operation. Determining the destination gate is part of the study, of course."[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure


. . . . .Suddenly he is at the library to look for those who were at the meeting earlier in the day. There is a look of the greatest concern on his face. . . . . .

Heinrich rushes to the door and rushes in. Looking about he sees Aradra and sol at the front desk.

"Aradra! Ist not goot!" He has been rushing so he is out of breath, "Frost is injured!" There is no deception in his eyes.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Heinrich
Initiative: +2 Perception: +12 (Greater Darkvision w/ spell) AC: 15 (13 flat-footed, 12 Touch) (better with spells)
HP: 46 Current: 46
BAB: +5 CMB: +5 CMD: 17 (15 ff)
Fort: +6 Reflex: +8 Will: +11 CONC: +21 Special: FIRE RESIST 10
Current Conditions in Effect:
cat's grace - 11 minutes rounds: [one]
Haste - 1 rnd/lv; multi person effect [party of 4 for 11 rounds]
Current Weapon in Hand: WAND: acid arrow
Scroll: Summon Monster IV
Save DC:          
General: 15 + SL                
Evocation: 17 + SL          
Elemental (Fire): 16 + SL            
Evoc + (Fire): 18 + SL

0 Level              Level 01               Level 02                
* Prestidig.     * feather fall          * See invisibility
* Disrupt Undead * Burning Hands(ev,E,*) * Scorching ray (ev,E)
* Dancing lights * Feather Fall          * Levitate
* acid splash    * ear pierce scream     * Resist Energy
                 * magic missile         * Warding Weapon
                 * Shield                * cat's grace
                 * Expeditious Retreat   * Scorching ray (ev,E)
                 P magic missile         P scorching ray (ev,E)
                 P magic missile         P cat's grace
                 P Shield                P Scorching ray (ev,E)

LEVEL 3                LEVEL 04                LEVEL 05
* Flame Arrow (E)      * summon monster 4 (E)  * lightning arc
* Haste                * stone skin            * Elemental body [E]
* Dispel Magic         * dimension door        * wall of force
* Dispel Magic         * Detonate              * Teleport
* lightning bolt       * Blk Tentacles                      
* Displacement         P summon monster 4 (E)
P Haste

* Tar Pool (E)
* Chains of fire
* form of the dragon 1                

Level 00  
* Resistance * Acid Splash [c] * Detect Magic * Detect Poison * Read Magic * Daze * Dancing Lights
* Flare * Light * Spark * Disrupt Undead * Touch of Fatigue * Mage Hand * Mending * Message
* Open/Close * Arcane Mark * Prestidigitation
Level 01
* Break * Burning Hands (E,*) * Chill Touch * comp lang * Ear piercing scream * Endure Elements (E)  
* enlarge person * expeditious retreat * Feather Fall * Identify * Jump [c] * Magic Missile
* magic weapon * Shield * Touch of the Sea & * Touch of Gracelessness
Level 02  
* Arcane Lock  * Burning gaze (E) * Cat's grace * darkvision * Elemental Touch * Flaming Sphere (E)
* Fox's cunning * Knock * Levitate * Resist Energy * Scorching Ray (E) * See Invisibility
* Spectral Hand * Warding Weapon * false life
Level 03  
* Dispel magic * Displacement * Draconic Reservoir * Fire ball (**,E,ev) * Flame Arrow (E) * Haste
* Lightning bolt (ev) * Tiny Hut * Ablative Barrier [c] * Fly  
Level 04  
* Black tentacles * darkvision, gtr * Detonate * Dimension door * scrying * stone skin
* summ monst IV [E]
Level 05  
* Elemental body II [e] * Feuer vyrm [fire snake] * lightning arc * Summon monster V * Teleport
* Wall of Force
Level 06
* undeath to death * chains of fire * tar pool * sirocco * forceful hand * Form of the dragon I  

( - ) denotes a cast spell    
(*) cast at +1 level (trait)  
(**) cast at +2 levels (Feat)
(E) elemental: flame school  
(ev) evocation
(A) denotes changed to acid
(&) takes 2 spell slots to cast
(#) recalled via pearl of power
(E,A) denotes 50% fire/50% acid

[sblock=Heinrich's vision]The fiery wizard feels his consciousness leave his body; he floats upwards several hundred feet, drifting for a few moments as he speaks - "Fr . . ." - before a sucking yanks his self off to the South. ". . . ost." . . . And he's looking down at a rocky, frost rimed valley. Really, more a gash in the rocks of the mountain, plainly well above the tree line. A tall, muscular woman with platinum hair and ice blue eyes is hobbling through the encampment on crutches, clapping fur-clad warrior on the shoulder as they wolf down some sort of soup or stew and plainly sharing encouraging words with them. She looks up and around, a puzzled expression on her handsome features, then winces as she inadvertently puts weight on her splinted leg.

Before he has time to observe more, Heinrich's consciousness is once more whisked away, this time a little more slowly. He's able to get a general impression of a route down through various passes, and to make note that the setting sun is to his left . . . plainly he's moving down the northern faces of the mountains. Before he has time to do more than make this quick mental note, he accelerates once more and the landscape becomes a blur. When he slows, he finds himself looking into wetlands and tropical jungle. Though he's incapable of feeling the temperature, he gets the strong impression of muggy heat.

And with that, Heinrich is once more sucked off, this time to the north and west, and his consciousness passes once more into his physical body.[/sblock]


Melisande, Paladin


Melisande had not expected much regarding nomadic tribes in the Chapter house archives, but there were sometimes accounts of ancient foes in them… of course most of those were in the documentation of deeds where the ancient foes were slain.

“I thank you for your assistance. You information has been helpful enough and certainly more than what I started with.”

“I shall be departing forthwith and know not if I shall be returning. If I do, I shall speak with you again to inform you of my travels to add to the archives.”

With the information about the portals, the female paladin gathered up her belongings from her room and headed to the stables. Her horse had been readied and she set off to find the library to meet with the others. She found that asking directions was easy enough to keep her from taking too long to reach the library at the Academy.

OOC: Take 10 on Diplomacy +16 (=26) for asking directions & where to tie up her horse while inside.​
[sblock=Mini Stats]Melisande
Initiative: +1 Perception: +15 (Darkvision)
AC: 28 (27 flat-footed, 13 Touch) - Currently 18 with Chainshirt
HP: 158 (DR3/-) Current: 158
CMB: +20 CMD: 33(32ff) (+2 vs Sunder/Disarm) Fort: +18 Reflex: +11 Will: +14
Special: Immune to Fear, Disease, Charm
Current Conditions in Effect: Power Attack (-4Att/+8(12)dmg), Jingasa Luck (1xday, Immediate neg Critical/Sneak Attack), Aura of Good/Courage/Resolve
Current Weapon in Hand: None

Lay on Hands (6d6): 12/12 Remaining
Smite Evil (5x/day, +4 Att, +17 dmg, +4 Deflect AC): 5/5 Remaining
Alter Self: 1/1 Remaining
Divine Bond (+3): 3/3 Remaining
Spells Remaining:
1st Level 4/4+2 Pearls (Protection from Evil, Hero's Defiance, Bless, Divine Favor)
2nd Level 3/3+1 Pearl (Effortless Armor, Blade Tutor's Spirit, Righteous Vigor)
3rd Level 2/2 (Greater Magic Weapon, Greater Magic Weapon)
4th Level 1/1 (Resounding Blows)[/sblock]


First Post
When the comely young woman gives them the information they were looking for Sol's face screws up in fright as she describes the lengthy training needed to learn how to operate the portal. Her response is warm and appreciative with just a hint of urgency in the underlying tone. "That sounds very involved. I don't want to underestimate our wizard Heinrich's ability, but given the fact we all seemed to know so little about the Gates, I'm going to assume that he would have to begin his studies from scratch. So, I think we'll go with the paying one of your Embassy Mages to send us to our destination option. There will be four of us and a horse I believe. How soon could your mage be ready to send us? I don't want to alarm you but people's lives hang in the balance as we speak, threatened by a terrible and ancient Frost Giant ... and we really need to get where we are going as soon as possible before more people die."


First Post

Shadow moves up towards Sol and sniffs her hand, clearly hinting that she seemed to have forgotten the wolf in her count. The wolf was clearly very intelligent for an animal.

Meanwhile, the sudden arrival of Heinrich made Aradra turn his attention to the wizard. He walked over to the wizard and looked him in the eye, his hands around the wizards shoulders. His voice was calm, but with a hint of relief in his tone. "Calm yourself Heinrich. Take a breath. Once you've composed yourself, tell me everything you saw. Any details you saw will be helpful. Now, are you sure you saw Kalinn alive?"

[sblock=Aradra Stats]
Aradra Longstrider
AC: 26 (19 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 132/132
CMB: +16 CMD: 32
Fort: +11 Reflex: +16 Will: +9
Perception: +22
Initiative: +8
Current Weapon in Hand: Bow +23/+18/+13 1d8+3 19-20/x3 or +21/+21/+16/+11 1d8+9 19-20/x3 1st hit deals double
Current Conditions in Effect: Rapid Shot/Deadly Aim/Endless Ammo (from Bow); Woodland Stride ; Evasion; Clustered Shots; Falcon's Aim (+3 Perception & 19-20 /x3); No Provoking on Ranged attacks w/ Bow

Used Items:

Adaptation: 140/140 Minutes Remain (Darkvision, Iron Will, Skill Focus Stealth, Climb 15', Swim 15')
Level 1 Spells: Feather Step, Gravity Bow, Longstrider, Feather Step
Level 2 Spells: Barkskin (+4), Eagle Eye, BLANK
Level 3 Spells: Greater Magic Fang
Level 4 Spells: Freedom of Movement
Extend Rod: 3/3 per Day
Pearl of Power lvl 1: AVAILABLE
Negate Crit: 1/1
Haste: 10/10
Fly (CL 5): 1/1

[sblock=Shadow Stats]
AC: 27 (24 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 132/132
CMB: +19 CMD: 31 (35 vs Trip)
Fort: +13 Reflex: +11 Will: +7 (+4 vs Enchantment Charm/Compulsion)
Perception: +22
Initiative: +3
Current Weapon in Hand: Bite (+17/9 1d8 + 21 + Trip) + d6 Shocking Amulet of Mighty Biting (Activated)
Current Conditions in Effect: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Evasion, Share Spells; Scent;

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure

The wizard closes his eyes - inhales - and sloooooowlyyyyyyyy exhales.

He opens his eyes. In them is seen a level of concentration not oft seen - even in seasoned adventurers.

" I saw to south, Rocky, frosty valley; vell abuf treeline

I saw her in encampment on crutches encourageing warriors eating stew or soup. not hard rations. Then, I think she sensed my prescense, made a misstep that hurt bad on leg vith splint.

I moof again in mein mind as general impression of a route down through passes, und I saw das setting sun is to mein left . . . plainly I am moving down the northern faces of the mountains. Before I haf time to do more than make quick mental note, I zoom once more and the landscape become blur. When I slow, I look into wetlands and tropical jungle. Though I feel nicht uf heat I get strong impression of muggy heat.

Und off to Northwest und back to Fuerheim."

He is as clear in his vision as one could possibly be.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Heinrich
Initiative: +2 Perception: +12 (Greater Darkvision w/ spell) AC: 15 (13 flat-footed, 12 Touch) (better with spells)
HP: 46 Current: 46
BAB: +5 CMB: +5 CMD: 17 (15 ff)
Fort: +6 Reflex: +8 Will: +11 CONC: +21 Special: FIRE RESIST 10
Current Conditions in Effect:
cat's grace - 11 minutes rounds: [one]
Haste - 1 rnd/lv; multi person effect [party of 4 for 11 rounds]
Current Weapon in Hand: WAND: acid arrow
Scroll: Summon Monster IV
Save DC:          
General: 15 + SL                
Evocation: 17 + SL          
Elemental (Fire): 16 + SL            
Evoc + (Fire): 18 + SL

0 Level              Level 01               Level 02                
* Prestidig.     * feather fall          * See invisibility
* Disrupt Undead * Burning Hands(ev,E,*) * Scorching ray (ev,E)
* Dancing lights * Feather Fall          * Levitate
* acid splash    * ear pierce scream     * Resist Energy
                 * magic missile         * Warding Weapon
                 * Shield                * cat's grace
                 * Expeditious Retreat   * Scorching ray (ev,E)
                 P magic missile         P scorching ray (ev,E)
                 P magic missile         P cat's grace
                 P Shield                P Scorching ray (ev,E)

LEVEL 3                LEVEL 04                LEVEL 05
* Flame Arrow (E)      * summon monster 4 (E)  * lightning arc
* Haste                * stone skin            * Elemental body [E]
* Dispel Magic         * dimension door        * wall of force
* Dispel Magic         * Detonate              * Teleport
* lightning bolt       * Blk Tentacles                      
* Displacement         P summon monster 4 (E)
P Haste

* Tar Pool (E)
* Chains of fire
* form of the dragon 1                

Level 00  
* Resistance * Acid Splash [c] * Detect Magic * Detect Poison * Read Magic * Daze * Dancing Lights
* Flare * Light * Spark * Disrupt Undead * Touch of Fatigue * Mage Hand * Mending * Message
* Open/Close * Arcane Mark * Prestidigitation
Level 01
* Break * Burning Hands (E,*) * Chill Touch * comp lang * Ear piercing scream * Endure Elements (E)  
* enlarge person * expeditious retreat * Feather Fall * Identify * Jump [c] * Magic Missile
* magic weapon * Shield * Touch of the Sea & * Touch of Gracelessness
Level 02  
* Arcane Lock  * Burning gaze (E) * Cat's grace * darkvision * Elemental Touch * Flaming Sphere (E)
* Fox's cunning * Knock * Levitate * Resist Energy * Scorching Ray (E) * See Invisibility
* Spectral Hand * Warding Weapon * false life
Level 03  
* Dispel magic * Displacement * Draconic Reservoir * Fire ball (**,E,ev) * Flame Arrow (E) * Haste
* Lightning bolt (ev) * Tiny Hut * Ablative Barrier [c] * Fly  
Level 04  
* Black tentacles * darkvision, gtr * Detonate * Dimension door * scrying * stone skin
* summ monst IV [E]
Level 05  
* Elemental body II [e] * Feuer vyrm [fire snake] * lightning arc * Summon monster V * Teleport
* Wall of Force
Level 06
* undeath to death * chains of fire * tar pool * sirocco * forceful hand * Form of the dragon I  

( - ) denotes a cast spell    
(*) cast at +1 level (trait)  
(**) cast at +2 levels (Feat)
(E) elemental: flame school  
(ev) evocation
(A) denotes changed to acid
(&) takes 2 spell slots to cast
(#) recalled via pearl of power
(E,A) denotes 50% fire/50% acid

[sblock=Heinrich's vision]The fiery wizard feels his consciousness leave his body; he floats upwards several hundred feet, drifting for a few moments as he speaks - "Fr . . ." - before a sucking yanks his self off to the South. ". . . ost." . . . And he's looking down at a rocky, frost rimed valley. Really, more a gash in the rocks of the mountain, plainly well above the tree line. A tall, muscular woman with platinum hair and ice blue eyes is hobbling through the encampment on crutches, clapping fur-clad warrior on the shoulder as they wolf down some sort of soup or stew and plainly sharing encouraging words with them. She looks up and around, a puzzled expression on her handsome features, then winces as she inadvertently puts weight on her splinted leg.

Before he has time to observe more, Heinrich's consciousness is once more whisked away, this time a little more slowly. He's able to get a general impression of a route down through various passes, and to make note that the setting sun is to his left . . . plainly he's moving down the northern faces of the mountains. Before he has time to do more than make this quick mental note, he accelerates once more and the landscape becomes a blur. When he slows, he finds himself looking into wetlands and tropical jungle. Though he's incapable of feeling the temperature, he gets the strong impression of muggy heat.

And with that, Heinrich is once more sucked off, this time to the north and west, and his consciousness passes once more into his physical body.[/sblock][/]


First Post
Aradra listens close, trying to make out the details. When Heinrich finished, he looked confused for a second. "Wait, I thought you spell only scrys on the intended target? Why would you move your vantage point north of Kalinn, if she was who you where looking for?"

"At any rate, it seems you have a good idea as to where we need to go once we get down to Irthos, and most importantly Kalinn is still alive."

[sblock=Aradra Stats]
Aradra Longstrider
AC: 26 (19 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 132/132
CMB: +16 CMD: 32
Fort: +11 Reflex: +16 Will: +9
Perception: +22
Initiative: +8
Current Weapon in Hand: Bow +23/+18/+13 1d8+3 19-20/x3 or +21/+21/+16/+11 1d8+9 19-20/x3 1st hit deals double
Current Conditions in Effect: Rapid Shot/Deadly Aim/Endless Ammo (from Bow); Woodland Stride ; Evasion; Clustered Shots; Falcon's Aim (+3 Perception & 19-20 /x3); No Provoking on Ranged attacks w/ Bow

Used Items:

Adaptation: 140/140 Minutes Remain (Darkvision, Iron Will, Skill Focus Stealth, Climb 15', Swim 15')
Level 1 Spells: Feather Step, Gravity Bow, Longstrider, Feather Step
Level 2 Spells: Barkskin (+4), Eagle Eye, BLANK
Level 3 Spells: Greater Magic Fang
Level 4 Spells: Freedom of Movement
Extend Rod: 3/3 per Day
Pearl of Power lvl 1: AVAILABLE
Negate Crit: 1/1
Haste: 10/10
Fly (CL 5): 1/1

[sblock=Shadow Stats]
AC: 27 (24 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 132/132
CMB: +19 CMD: 31 (35 vs Trip)
Fort: +13 Reflex: +11 Will: +7 (+4 vs Enchantment Charm/Compulsion)
Perception: +22
Initiative: +3
Current Weapon in Hand: Bite (+17/9 1d8 + 21 + Trip) + d6 Shocking Amulet of Mighty Biting (Activated)
Current Conditions in Effect: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Evasion, Share Spells; Scent;

Voidrunner's Codex

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