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D&D 5E Mythological Figures: Francis Drake

Mythological Figures is traveling all around the world again but this time with the first man in history to accomplish the feat within a single expedition: the one and only Sir Francis Drake!

Mythological Figures is traveling all around the world again but this time with the first man in history to accomplish the feat within a single expedition: the one and only Sir Francis Drake!

francis drake banner dnd 5e.jpg

Born sometime around 1540 in the English town of Tavistock in Devon (now West Devon), before becoming the first human to lead an expedition that circumnavigated the planet Francis Drake was a seafaring merchant and then privateer for the British Navy. Throughout the waters around South America he plagued the forces of Spain, leading a series of successful raids and burying plenty of treasure along the way to return home as a hero (unrecognized by the crown because of a treaty made in his absence). Not all of his exploits are lauded as heroic acts of piracy however. Drake played a part in the brutal Rathlin Island massacre of 1575 (holding back any Gaelic Irish or Scottish reinforcements that might have otherwise prevented the slaughter of 200 surrendered soldiers and more than 400 civilians of Clan MacDonnell) and the execution of his co-commander Thomas Doughty (ostensibly for mutiny) three years later. Upon returning from a four year voyage where he committed more piracy against Spaniards (bringing home more gold for the royal coffer than any other source that year) and declared a part of modern day California as Nova Albion for England, he was showered with praise and the favor of Queen Elizabeth who dubbed him Sir Francis Drake aboard his flagship the Golden Hind on April 4th 1581.

Sir Francis Drake’s political deeds—being mayor of Plymouth, taking part in two parliaments—are of little note in comparison to his last great journey. His military career is a different matter. Drake was vice admiral of the British Navy and repelled the Spanish Armada when they attacked England in 1588, leading a counterattack on Spain the next year to disastrous effect (razing the town of Vigo in an unjustified act of war that got him demoted from command for over half a decade). When he returned to service it went just as poorly, his defeat at the Battle of San Juan after a campaign of failure in the Spanish Americas until it ended with his death from dysentery on January 28th in 1596.

Design Notes: This man was a pirate for the crown. Make no mistake about it. He buried treasure a lot, was very cavalier about who he’d accept in his crew (including freed slaves—though he was no saint on that front and at best seems to have been ambivalent towards slavery), and definitely had some mastery over nautical warfare. That sounded like some rogue skill-trickery so that’s where his build starts, working into the swashbuckler archetype to pick up Mobility Jr. and then fighter to grab the movement-friendly fighting style, and then the scout archetype for more skills and some apropos terrain love from Natural Explorer. The acumen and intellect I think many of the requests for him are looking for are couched inside his feats, carefully selected for a man who clearly knew how to remember the spot he’d buried a cache of coins.

Let’s do the numbers! With all his defensive abilities it’s a little tricky to easily pin a CR down on Sir Francis Drake here. The DMG came in at 6.25 and the Blog of Holding at 7.2 which averages out to a 6.725. This fellow is getting rounded up though because he’s so damn mobile, and between that and using reactions to pop his AC up against close hits he’s likely to survive escaping regardless of locale to become a recurring NPC, so his final challenge rating is getting rounded up to 7.

Francis Drake

Medium humanoid (human), neutral rogue (swashbuckler) 6/fighter (scout) 6
Armor Class 17 (breastplate, sealegs)
Hit Points 84 (6d8+6d10+24)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
14 (+2)​
14 (+2)​
14 (+2)​
14 (+2)​
13 (+1)​
14 (+2)​
Saving Throws Dex +6, Int +6
Skills Athletics +10, Insight +5, Investigation +6, Medicine +5, Nature +6, Perception +5, Persuasion +6, Stealth +6, Survival +9; navigator’s tools +10, thieves’ tools +6, vehicles (water) +10
Senses passive Investigation 21, passive Perception 20
Languages English, Thieves’ Cant
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Background: Sailor. Drake is able to acquire passage on a sailing ship for him and his allies free of charge. He has no control over the ship’s route, departure, or return, and although no coin is required he and his companions do have to help crew the vessel.

Action Surge (1/Short Rest). On his turn, Drake can take an additional action on top of his regular action and a possible bonus action.

Combat Footing. Whenever he makes a melee attack against a creature on his turn, Drake doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks from that creature until the end of his turn.

Cunning Action (1/Turn). Drake can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.

Feat: Brilliant. Drake always knows how long it will be before the next sunset or sunrise, the northerly direction, and can perfectly remember anything he’s experienced within the last 31 days.

Feat: Perceptive. Drake is able to read lips.

Feat: Soldier Tactics. A creature hit by Drake’s opportunity attack reduces its speed to 0 until the beginning of the next round and disengaging from Drake still provokes opportunity attacks. In addition, Drake can use his reaction to make a melee weapon attack against a creature within 5 feet when it makes an attack against a target other than him.

Fighting Style: Sealegs. As long as he is not wearing heavy armor or using a shield, Drake gains a +1 bonus to AC (included above), and he gains both climbing and swimming speeds equal to his speed.

Mastery Dice 1d8 (4/Short Rest). Drake can spend a mastery die to fuel one of the following effects. Each effect activates after the results of a roll are revealed.
  • Roll a mastery die and add half the result to a Strength (Athletics), Dexterity (Stealth), Intelligence (Nature), Wisdom (Perception or Survival) check.
  • Roll a mastery die and add the result to a weapon attack roll made against a creature.
  • Use his reaction when hit by an attack to roll a mastery die and add the result to his armor class, possibly turning a hit into a miss. An attack that still hits deals half damage.

Natural Explorer: Coasts. When Drake makes an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to the coast, his proficiency bonus (+4) is doubled if he is using a skill that he’s proficient in. While traveling for an hour or more in his favored terrain, Drake gains the following benefits:
  • Difficult terrain doesn’t slow his group’s travel.
  • Drake’s group can’t become lost except by magical means.
  • Even when he is engaged in another activity while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), Drake remains alert to danger.
  • If Drake is traveling alone, he can move stealthily at a normal pace.
  • When he forages, Drake finds twice as much food as he normally would.
  • While tracking other creatures, Drake also learns their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.

Second Wind (1/Short Rest). On his turn, Drake can use a bonus action to regain 1d10+6 hit points.

Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Drake deals an extra 10 (3d6) damage when he hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of Drake that isn’t incapacitated and he doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll, or when the only creature within 5 feet of Drake is his target.

Swashbuckling. Drake adds his Charisma modifier (+2) when rolling for initiative.

Extra Attack. Drake attacks twice when he takes the Attack action.

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing damage.

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10+2) piercing damage.

Pistol (2). Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10+2) piercing damage.

Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker Drake can see hits him with an attack, he can use his reaction to halve the attack’s damage against him.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler


Any reason why he's Neutral?

He did some downright despicable acts in his time. NE for mine.

Considering the current zeitgeist, I'd be careful with historical figures. Christopher Columbus and Hernan Cortez are contemporaries of Drake, and both would also have Evil alignments.

Francis Drake should be NE because he was a slave trade.

But we should wonder about the sources what tell Columbus and Cortez as the bad guys. We have to remember in that age the propaganda war was very hard and maybe we should doubt about some sources.

By the way, Maria Pita asked about Drake's family, she listened his brother was shot for a visit to Spanish coasts.

Francis Drake was definitely not a "good" guy—he transported slaves more than once and seems to have straight up murdered a colleague he disagreed with. Given his accomplishments (mayor-ing, fighting on behalf of his country, giving a ton of gold to the crown) and that he was known to sail beside freed slaves, I went with just neutral.

It is a tricky thing to weigh all of the things a person did in their lives and slap a sticker on it, considering the standards of the time in which they lived and the nuances of their individual stories (many of which are clouded by propaganda both then and later), so just like with every other entry in this column I encourage people to comment with their thoughts on what he ought to be in all respects (alignment, class, the whole thing). Please avoid using any language or statements that might provoke others though lest the well of discourse be poisoned. Keep it civil! :)

(Also +1 for @LuisCarlos17f for sharing a resource!)

We're talking DnD alignments here.

A man that engages in murder, slavery and genocide is Evil in DnD alignment terms.

First , he was not the first to travel around world, so historically this information is wrong, was Magallanes and Juan Sebastián el Cano finished the Spanish Crown’s crown expedition.
About alignment, is not fair compare the mentality of that age with the actual, but he should be evil because of his behaviour with population and slavery.
All fair.

Are the slave-owners George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson also evil? And Alexander Hamilton purchased and sold slaves for people. Was the Constitution, and the resulting country, founded by evil and written by evil people? Is Hamilton evil? Is America evil?

Why are we saying this now, and not in the George Washington thread?


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Mike Myler

Have you been to LevelUp5E.com yet?
First , he was not the first to travel around world, so historically this information is wrong, was Magallanes and Juan Sebastián el Cano finished the Spanish Crown’s crown expedition.
Ah, you are correct! In my haste to avoid being too wordy (in 2–4 weeks there'll be a doozy of a post for Cu Cthulain) I dropped an important detail (that Drake was the first to do it in a single expedition). Amended!

All fair.

Are the slave-owners George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson also evil?

Did those men also murder their main rival, commit war crimes against the Irish, engage in piracy, or outright lead the slaughter and conquest of indigenous peoples for nothing more than gold in addition to the slavery?

I dont see any altruistic deeds by Francis Drake. He was an explorer and a pirate who committed numerous evil deeds however.
Last edited:

Francis Drake should be NE because he was a slave trade.

But we should wonder about the sources what tell Columbus and Cortez as the bad guys. We have to remember in that age the propaganda war was very hard and maybe we should doubt about some sources.

By the way, Maria Pita asked about Drake's family, she listened his brother was shot for a visit to Spanish coasts.

Making the case for neutral, I'm not aware that Drake ever traded slaves, rather than being a subordinate to someone who did. In a time where nepotism was common his early mentor was John Hawkins, who got Britain involved in the slave trade and was definitely evil. Drake's record when he was in charge on the other hand involves him freeing slaves repeatedly - albeit more, as far as I can tell because he hated the Spanish than anything else and slaves are cargo that basically require specialist vessels. On the subject of slavery his hands are therefore significantly cleaner than e.g. George Washington or Thomas Jefferson who actually owned slaves and made their money out of them; Franklin actually went so far as to free his slaves.

The Rathlin Island massacre (the war crimes against the Irish) is similar. Drake provided the ships for transport and the artillery to break the walls - but it was the commander of the infantry, Sir John Norreys, who ordered the massacre. And Drake took his ships away as soon as possible afterwards.

And the "outright lead the slaughter and conquest of indigenous people" is a falsehood so far as I can tell. Drake's interest was the Spanish, and he actually got on well with the Coast Miwok people in what he called Nova Albion (something contemporary Spanish sources confirm - and the Spanish had no reason at all to say anything nice about Drake). The skirmish with the Mapuche was one they started, probably understandably thinking him to be Spanish (understandable on both counts on their part). And he conquered nothing - indeed opposing the existing conquerors (largely to take their gold and silver, admittedly).

He was also a Privateer rather than a pirate. In some ways an important difference and in others none at all. Just like ... just about every naval captain sent commerce raiding.

His acts against the Spanish are a whole different story and the way he treated Vigo in particular was a definite war crime. And I'm not defending the execution of Thomas Doughty at all.

No case can be made for good (I think everyone agrees) - but a case can be made for neutral in very much an evil world.

No case can be made for good (I think everyone agrees) - but a case can be made for neutral in very much an evil world.

No case can be made for Good, however a case can be made for Evil.

Leaving aside the slavery, piracy and his hand in the slaughter of the Irish, he literally murdered a close friend on trumped up accusations of witchcraft.

And it doesnt matter if the world was evil around him. That just means more people had an 'E' at the end of their alignment section at that point in history.

We dont say a Waffen SS Nazi committing a war crime is 'less evil' simply because those around him are just as evil do we?

No case can be made for Good, however a case can be made for Evil.

Leaving aside the slavery, piracy and his hand in the slaughter of the Irish, he literally murdered a close friend on trumped up accusations of witchcraft.

Please stick to the facts. When he had operational command he repeatedly liberated slaves and attacked slavers (mostly for being on the other side), and at least some of his crew were former slaves more than happy to fight in Drake's war against the European country that actually legally owned slaves at the time (Spain). And he wasn't a pirate - he was a privateer. If you want to say that ever commerce raider and every U-boat captain was evil, then that's a defensible position.

As for his hand in the slaughter of the Irish, he contributed strongly to beating them fairly under the rules of war at the time - after which someone he was working for ordered a massacre to be carried out by other troops than his.

And no he didn't have a "close friend" (earlier you said "greatest rival"; initially friendly investor would be a better description) "literally murdered" let alone on trumped up accusations of witchcraft, although he did have him imprisoned for witchcraft. Doughty was executed for incitement to mutiny - which he does seem to have been guilty of (albeit with some justification). It wasn't a kangaroo court; Doughty wasn't found guilty of the charge of treachery. He also wasn't found guilty of witchcraft because he wasn't even charged with it. There's a good case that the evidence against Doughty wasn't solid, but that's another story.

And it doesnt matter if the world was evil around him. That just means more people had an 'E' at the end of their alignment section at that point in history.

We dont say a Waffen SS Nazi committing a war crime is 'less evil' simply because those around him are just as evil do we?
Except in the analogy Drake was closer to a member of the Wehrmacht who fought alongside the Waffen SS. Except that's not the right analogy because one of the things about the Waffen SS was they were on the worse side. Meanwhile the people Drake was fighting against were the Spanish who, in your words "outright lead the slaughter and conquest of indigenous peoples for nothing more than gold in addition to the slavery?" Drake's main source of wealth was stealing their ill-gotten gains.

At this point we aren't using the Waffen SS analogy - we're using the Batman analogy. Someone who behaved like Batman does in the real world would be evil. Guilty of numerous counts of assault, intimidation, breaking and entering, etc. But the Gotham Police aren't doing the job and neither would a nice person.

And as mentioned he was personally guilty of leading at least one war crime himself. A case can definitely be made for evil. A case can also be made to consider him an anti-hero up against far worse and with a desire for vengeance. The cartoon evil you make him out to be doesn't fit the facts. Evil does, so does neutral.

Scarlet O'Hara (Gone with the wind) had got slaves, but she was not evil. In Dark Sun a character, Agis of Aticles, had got slaves, but he was not evil. Later he noticed slavery was wrong.

About Francis Drake not only was a slave trader, he captured free people as slaves. And also other evil actions as the attacks against civil population. Some people became dark lords in the demiplane of the dread for softer crimes.

Rathlin Island massacre - Wikipedia

Drake was present at the 1575 Rathlin Island massacre in Ireland. Acting on the instructions of Sir Henry Sidney and the Earl of Essex, Sir John Norreys and Drake laid siege to Rathlin Castle. Despite their surrender, Norreys' troops killed all the 200 defenders and more than 400 civilian men, women and children of Clan MacDonnell

However, he wanted to change such a bitter thorn and, in order not to return empty-handed and with the morale of his troops sunk, he made a fleeting stop in the Galician rías, razing the defenseless town of Vigo to the ground without mercy for four days. His crew, without a government and eager for revenge, inflicted cruelty on the town until it was reduced to ashes.

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