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Name one thing you love and one thing you hate about 4e D&D

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LOVE: the DMing of 4e, and specifically the ease of making and running existing NPCs and monsters.

HATE: Lack of options for alternatives to healing surges, or variants for the mechanics for a slightly less high-flying model of them. I've been thinking about altering healing slightly myself, maybe taking 3 or 4 days of bed rest for regaining all surges instead of one night, that sort of thing?


Eternal Optimist
I've been thinking about altering healing slightly myself, maybe taking 3 or 4 days of bed rest for regaining all surges instead of one night, that sort of thing?

Have you looked at the "Lingering Wounds" variant Ari describes in his APG, Henry? I think that's an excellent starting point for such a system.



Demon Lord
* ease of monster and npc design
* no more skill points
* static defenses
* rituals

* reliance on the grid (makes it feel like a glorified boardgame)
* the anime stuff
* the fact that very few conditions last more than 'save ends'
* saving throw mechanic


LOVE: Page 42 of the DMG, and the "encounter budget" concept.

HATE: Just about everything else, starting with the look and feel and moving on to the races and classes.

-The Gneech :cool:


- Elimination of iterative attacks
- Saves as target numbers

- Scrapping of so much metasetting (Great Wheel, creatures, eladrin, etc.)
- Loss of vancian magic; move away from resource management
- Confining balance to what happens on the grid
- Unified class model; IME some players like simple play and some like complex doodads; 4e cuts off both ends of this scale.
- Unified class model 2 - classes as "skins" on "roles"
- Tiefling and Dragonkin as core races


First Post
Love: Encounter/Session design. Easily my favorite of the many many many loved features of 4e. I can put a game together and have a good idea of how the fight will go and how much the party can handle on subsequent battles. It's beautiful in it's simplicity.

Hate: I don't really hate anything, but I would say that it can be easy to fall into the trap of player B played an awesome rogue in the last game so I'll build pretty much the exact same rogue with the exact same powers. This will go away with sourcebooks & more classes/powers.

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