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Nazareth Awakened - Chapter 02: Wives of Solomon


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[sblock=Teamwork: Corralling the biker]Agnasci's Roll: Strength 2 - Brawl unskilled penalty 1 = 1 success
Law's Roll: Strength 2 + Brawl 2 + cuffs/advantageous position 2 + Agnasci's teamwork bonus 1 = Failure with 3 successes
Even with Agnasci's support, Law fails to move BR[/sblock]BR's roll!

BR stumbles around in the water a bit as Law and Agnasci pull him once again to his feet. He blinks at the mages, confusion clouding his eyes. He tugs at his cuffs. "What the hell? You ain't no cops!" As he starts to recognize his surroundings, and who Agnasci is, his confusion becomes tinged with rage. "Mad Dog!" he shouts for help. "MAD DOG!" When Law tries to pull him along through the living room the biker responds by roaring back a step, breaking free of the hold. He puts down his shoulder and powers into Law, driving him into Agnasci and knocking them both against the wall. The three fall into a heap. The physical power of this bear of a man is impressive - even after getting him into custody handling him might prove difficult.

Law can't see anything in the living room, hall, or kitchen that anyone's left behind.

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Law isn't happy that the brute is alive. The group would be better off if he were dead. If BR is left alone there is no stopping him from coming after them. However he simply isn't worth the time.

"We're leaving, and guess what you get to live. That last part only stands if you leave town, you run and you never come back to Nazareth. If you come after us, I will end your miserable existence."

With that said Law will leave BR cuffed and try and find Chance. If BR tries to follow them or engage them in any way Law will beat him senseless with the chains that were used to bind Agnasci.
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Law isn't happy that the brute is alive. The group would be better off if he were dead. If BR is left alone there is no stopping him from coming after them. However he simply isn't worth the time.

"We're leaving, and guess what you get to live. That last part only stands if you leave town, you run and you never come back to Nazareth. If you come after us, I will end your miserable existence."

With that said Law will leave BR cuffed and try and find Chance. If BR tries to follow them or engage them in any way Law will beat him senseless with the chains that were used to bind Agnasci.

Agnasci glares at Law, furious with the fact that he may not have the chance to destroy Rich utterly. Of course it's the right decision. The sensible decision. But at the moment, it takes extraordinary effort for Agnasci to care what's right, or sensible.

"Police are probably on their way for the disturbance," Agnasci mutters. "Best if we're not all together when they get here." He turns to Rich and looks him in the eye. Low enough that only Rich can hear, he says, "You're in over your head, BR. Do yourself a favor, and don't come back." He pulls Rich's wallet out, takes the money from it, and reads the name on his identification out loud. Then he stuffs the wallet in Rich's front pocket. "Now, run."

Agnasci will then leave the area, and make his way toward BR's house...


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The three men all get to their feet.

"We're leaving, and guess what you get to live. That last part only stands if you leave town, you run and you never come back to Nazareth. If you come after us, I will end your miserable existence."
"Now, run."
"How the hell do you expect me to do that with these on?" He twists his body to flash the cuffs on his wrists. He might have a point: In restraints he's more likely to get picked up by the cops, which could complicate things.

There's a sudden roar of water and a cry of shocked pain from the bathroom. "MAD DOG! That you?!" BR shouts over his shoulder, not willing to turn his back on Agnasci and Law. A wave of water pulses out into the hall, splashing against the ankles of those present before streaming out through the front door. It seems the gravity-reversing enchantment has been dismissed.


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Chance kept her gun trained on the biker, her mind whirling between panic and wonder. On the one hand, to be present at something like this felt like something numinous, something auspicious and wonderful.

On the other...he had just tried to kill Agnasci. Did she really want a psychopathic mage running around loose in Nazareth? One who apparently had a specific beef against her and her friends?

His life was in her hands. He was on the ground, on his back, distracted by visions and his own dawning revelation to protect himself. One bullet. Maybe two.

She could feel two paths spinning out in front of her, could feel this decision would be the hinge of two very different realities. Chance wasn't an oracle, or a seer, and couldn't see the future. Would awakening change him, and make him choose a different path? Or was she in a position right here and now to end the next Hitler, or Voldemort, before he could begin his reign of terror?

Except there was a mistake she was making, wasn't there? She wasn't an oracle, or a seer, and couldn't see the future.

Could she?

Keeping him covered, Chance closed her eyes for a moment. She didn't try to quest for enlightenment, or appeal to a higher power. She just trusted for a moment, that even small things were connected, and nothing was really random. Letting go of the illusion of control was hard.

Then she looked away from Mad Dog on the street, in a direction that felt random and opened her eyes to let them rest on the first thing she saw.

(OOC - Casting Synchronicity, using a point of Willpower. Hoping to get some guidence on the question of whether it would be 'better' in the sense of doing more harm than good, to let Mad Dog live or not. Just in case you don't have access to it, here it is.)

[sblock=It's from Tome of Mysteries]Effect: The mage gains cryptic guidance from meaningful exercises of apparently random chance. Best used when the willworker has reached some sort of impasse or has no idea what to do next, Synchronicity requires the user to open herself up to some sort of random input, allowing the forces of apparent coincidence to point a way forward. The user might turn on a television and flip quickly through the channels, let an encyclopedia fall open to a random page or toss a dart at a map. Other willworkers will stake out a spot on a busy sidewalk or get in a car and follow an arbitrarily chosen vehicle. More homebound types might allow a random MP3 to play on their portable music devices or use a randomizing program to call up a serendipitous web page. Whether a television program, snippet of song lyric, address or street encounter is used, the result of the random input suggests a course of action or an answer to a thorny question. When Synchronicity is used, the player chooses the random input, and the Storyteller provides an oblique hint or opportunity to act that will either move the mage out of a static situation or alleviate a state of confusion, if interpreted with sufficient creativity. For example, let's say that the mage has been assigned to protect a young Sleeper, but, after a series of humiliating disasters, has lost all track of him. The mage casts Synchronicity and turns on the television. The current channel is running a documentary about chess. Knowing that this is somehow significant, she heads down to the local chess club, where she finds the kid sitting in on a game. Answers become clearer at a Potency of 3 or higher. For example, the chess documentary might include footage of the very chess club where the kid is playing. On an exceptional success, an answer suggests an obvious course of action. Here the willworker might see a live interview between the kid and a local news personality.[/sblock]


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The three men all get to their feet.

"How the hell do you expect me to do that with these on?" He twists his body to flash the cuffs on his wrists. He might have a point: In restraints he's more likely to get picked up by the cops, which could complicate things.

There's a sudden roar of water and a cry of shocked pain from the bathroom. "MAD DOG! That you?!" BR shouts over his shoulder, not willing to turn his back on Agnasci and Law. A wave of water pulses out into the hall, splashing against the ankles of those present before streaming out through the front door. It seems the gravity-reversing enchantment has been dismissed.

Agnasci is already jogging/running from the scene. "Just hit him," he says to Law as he runs. Hopefully Law will just knock him out. It would certainly make what Agnasci's about to do a lot less dangerous...


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Law considers uncuffing the brute, but the idea quickly goes away.

"Be magical." Law says with a smile, then adds "I suggest you get your buddy in the bathroom to ride you out of town, and quickly."

With that said Law will continue on to his vehicle and in search of Chance.


Harper, Thyrsus mage

Harper pokes his head out of the Tahoe as Law comes around. He motions towards Agnasci.

"Where's he going? We come here to save him and he's just going to run off somewhere? What the..." Harper pushes the door open and slips out. He stands with his hand on the door ready to either climb back in or shut it and chase after Agnasci. "Hey! Agnasci! Where do you think you're going?"



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Were she walking through the town, flipping through channels, or turning to a random page in a book, Chance's call to fate for a sign might be guaranteed a clear response. With such a limited pool of variables all she can do is try. And hope.

When she opens her eyes she's looking across the street at a house. The building and its yard are shrouded in darkness, but just at the end of sight is a mailbox - the mailbox itself is unextraordinary near as she can tell, but Crow has switched positions, now perched atop the box and staring back at her. It's hard to tell if her spell is signalling to her with the box or the bird. So much for fate.

"Ugghhh," comes a groan from the biker. Chance looks back down at him to see him jerking something out of his jacket with great difficulty. For a terrifying second she thinks it might be a gun and that he's actually managed to get the drop on her, but it's not a weapon. It's a little wooden token: The carving from the night at the trailer. He makes a gurgling sound and his arm drops, the carving of Chance clacking to the asphalt where it rests among the blood and water. The biker goes still, eyes unmoving. Destiny's made her choice for her.[sblock=Wisdom Degeneration Roll]Wisdom 4 Sin: 3 dice = Success with 1 success
Chance does not suffer Wisdom degeneration[/sblock]He's dead. This man probably deserved to die, but still, a man is dead and Chance can't possibly know if the curse of ill-fortune she laid upon him contributed to that.

Chance has made the first degeneration roll of the game. She passed the roll and has not lost Wisdom. Typically this represents a healthy, emotionally normative response to what's happened (as opposed to being unaffected at all, which is in keeping with Wisdom/Morality loss) but Chance is your character and her response (both immediate and long-term) is yours to decide as her player. Regardless of what you decide, she will not lose Wisdom. A similar roll will be made for Law once he is made aware of the man's death.


Harper is made aware of the biker's death thanks to his innate connection with Crow. He knows Chance is with him.

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