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Nazareth Awakened - Chapter 02: Wives of Solomon


Harper, Thyrsus mage

Dismissed by Penrose and with Law leaving and Agnasci looking ready to bolt Harper looks around the store. Despite the strange and magical activities of the night (and those promised for nights soon to come) he feels the need to do something mundane to ground him in this world, the he still must live in. He shoves his hand in his pocket; he feels a crumpled wad of a few dollars from the last time he busked.

"I'm getting a drink if anyone is interested. Faye? You ever check out the bands across the street?"


[sblock=OOC]Just killin' time until I get my leveling stuff figured out.[/sblock]

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"Sounds good to me," Chance drawls, stuffing her hands into her hoodie's pockets and hunching her shoulders a bit. She'd been like that ever since she'd found out the gravity-spell had been cast by Penrose.


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OOC - I'm fine with killing time until people have sorted their arcana and rote dots. Mosier and GlassEye seem to have everything submitted. Just need Shayuri and Rubberneck's info. Once everything is in we'll be skipping ahead.

Faye declines Harper's offer, leaving him and Chance to go alone. It's about 11:45 PM by the time they've made their way across the street to Cheney's. The small parking lot is packed with cars and a few motorcycles, with more parked along Main Street and the corners of several nearby residential roads. The loud, thumping music can be heard from outside - according to the handbills taped to the wall near the door a band called CASTLE BANS ONCE is playing tonight. It's the same group Chance got a flyer for when getting gas a few days ago. Harper and Chance wind their way through the group of smokers clustered outside the entrance and step into the bar.

It's quite busy inside. There aren't any open stools or tables and a third of the people are standing, most gathered either around the band playing in one corner or a single pool table in another. The band is playing pretty generic rock with a country twang: The musicians are competent (nothing to write home about) but the singer's voice is incomprehensible. The crowd is mostly the blue collar sort, a mix of white and Hispanic, with both genders present in about equal numbers. A good deal of people are wearing boots and Stetsons. There are a handful of biker types but none of them are wearing Dogs of War jackets.


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Normally, Agnasci would eagerly accept the offer Harper had made. After all, carousing with strangers is what he does best. Tonight, however, all he wants is to be left alone.

The cash Agnasci had stuffed in the pockets of his leather jacket, and the clothes he was wearing, are the only things Agnasci had left in the world. He walks toward Tuxedo Springs, feeling a small pang of regret for dumping Rachel. It sure would be nice to have a place to rest right now, but that bridge was burned. He doubts she would even answer if he called.

Might as well give it a try.

He reaches for his phone, and with a sudden surge of panic, realizes it's gone. Mad Dog still has my phone!

There is only one thing to be done. He has to report his phone missing. But not to the police, that would raise too much suspicion. He will talk to the phone company tomorrow, and say he lost it. Hopefully that would be enough to convince the police, on the off chance they considered Mad Dog's death a homicide. He wasn't too worried about Big Rich, either. His type didn't talk to police, and it was a good bet that he knew someone (of dubious character) with a generic handcuff key to unbind him.

But maybe Agnasci's just being optimistic. He considers the possibility, true to the spirit of his Path. A Mastigos does not delude himself. If he were really honest to himself, he must admit that he and the others may be in for some serious legal trouble.

Agnasci considers leaving town. It would solve more than one problem, of course. The only thing keeping him here is Penrose. What would he do, without his mentor? His gift would shrivel and wilt. As much as Penrose annoys him, Agnasci can't deny that he is not yet strong enough to leave the nest, so to speak.

Agnasci will just have to face his demons, for once.

As he nears Tuxedo Springs, he turns the street before the entrance to the trailer park, on a dead-end road leading to a dingy, shady motel. It's the kind of place that rents rooms by the hour. His kind of place.
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Harper, Thyrsus mage

Harper is a little disappointed the others aren't coming with him and Chance across to Cheney's but considering events of the evening he isn't too surprised. He probably wouldn't be going himself but he doesn't think he can face his churning thoughts just yet. A beer or two and a little time for the adrenaline to wear off and he'll sleep like a brick.

He slips past people on the way to the bar, catches the bartenders attention, and let's Chance order before getting a beer for himself and handing over several rumpled dollar bills. Moving to spot with slightly fewer people he leans towards Chance so she can hear him better.

"Music's my therapy but the lead singer is gonna send me back to the couch. Too bad it isn't karoake night."



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Chapter 02: Wives of Solomon

"The only paradise is paradise lost."

Marcel Proust

One day as I rambled down by the seashore
The wind it did whistle and the water did roar.
I heard a young girl make a pitiful sound
As she closed her pretty blue eyes in the water to drown.

I never will marry, I'll be no man's wife
I will live single all the days of my life.
The shells in the ocean will be my deathbed
The fish in deep water swim over my head.

My love's gone and left me, he's the one I adore
He's gone and I never shall see him anymore.
She plunged her dear body in the water so deep
She closed her pretty blue eyes in the water to sleep.

Agnasci, Chance, Harper, and Law listen to the music in silence as they drive through the empty streets of Apache Junction on their way to St Patrick's Cemetery in central Phoenix. According to the radio display the song is Kristin Hersh's I Never Will Marry, and it's a beautiful - if haunting - piece. Law is behind the wheel with Chance beside him in the front passenger seat, Agnasci and Harper in the back. In the trunk of the Tahoe are four flashlights and a pair of shovels, all borrowed from Faye.

The last few days have been stressful for the group. Though none have spoken with Penrose since Wednesday, it's been clear from their interactions with Faye that their mentor's displeasure has been growing as the NPD's investigation continues. Thanks to Law the group knows that phones, strange artwork, drugs, cash, and other interesting articles have been recovered. To top it off, the biker Agnasci knows as Buddha-man is in custody, though thankfully he's remained tight-lipped and uncooperative.

But now's not the time for worrying about the Dogs of War or the police investigation. In about ten minutes the group will be at St Patrick's to begin their task for Magellan. To dig up a vampire.

It's currently 1:15 AM on Sunday, the 12th of January.
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Law continues the drive to the cemetery in quiet. Once they reach their destination he pulls in (assuming that there is no gate or anything blocking the path. If the path is obstructed Law will park outside.)

"Alright guys, we're looking for plot 41,433. That's where this thing is buried."

(OOC :: I'm assuming that Agnasci has been filled in on what the group is trying to accomplish.)


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When Agnasci heard about the task Magellan had given them, two thoughts crossed his mind in quick succession. First was, I really wish I could have met Magellan.

Second was an uncomfortable mixture of terror and curiosity. Aren't vampires monsters? The fact that Penrose had been so casual about it did absolutely nothing to ease his mind. Penrose had been wrong about danger before.

As the group reaches the cemetery, Agnsci casts Night as Day (rote for Nightsight), if the only available light is from flashlights. He also casts Sense Consciousness as they approach the grave sight, curious to see what a vampire's consciousness will look like.


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The cemetery is in an area that was perhaps once well-to-do but is now pretty rundown. Houses face the site from all sides, most with chain-link fencing and yards of yellowed grass. Some of the houses the Tahoe passes have groups of mostly-Hispanic people hanging out in the front yard, but the cemetery itself is large enough that the four mages should be pretty well-hidden once deep inside - though they'll need to be careful with their flashlights. At the entrance they find that the gate, old but sturdy and encased within a massive stone archway, is closed to them. No surprise given how late it is. The gate is about twelve feet tall, including the archway, but the fence surrounding most of the cemetery is about seven feet. The cemetery's interior is utterly dark - the path beyond the gate vanishes into darkness mere feet from the entrance.

Law pulls up alongside the curb on the street near the gate.

Chance, Harper, and Law feel the pulse of magic as Agnasci casts his spells. With Sense Consciousness the mastigos can detect the minds of his companions and of Crow as it approaches the stopped vehicle, as well as of people in the darkened houses across the street from the mages. With Nightsight, a spell of an arcanum that's been surfacing within him over the last few days, he can see the backs of sepulchers near the fence, and beyond those the darkened forms of mausoleums and ornately-carved tombstone monuments: The backs of stone angels, bells, urns, and crosses.


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Chance rides in silence alongside Law, the grim, stoic expression on her face making a kind of counterpoint to her rather absurd appearance. She looks like she went and did an 80's vampire move marathon for inspiration for her getup. She's left the hoodie behind for a change, and is wearing a white tank top T-shirt. On her right shoulder is a little crossed-out skull with fangs on it. It's pretty clearly been drawn on with a magic marker. She has a string of garlic bulbs around her neck, along with two silver chains, one with a cross and one with a Star of David. Covering her bases, perhaps. She's stuck a couple of sharpened wooden dowels through her belt loops and has a sealed glass jar of what looks like regular water in her hands. Oh, and sunglasses. She's got sunglasses on.

Law knows damn well that the gallon milk jug she put in the trunk did NOT have Kool-Aid in it either.

"Cemetary," she said in an artificially gruff voice as they came to a stop. "Bloodsuckers love hanging out in places like this. Who knows why? You'd think, being dead, they'd want to forget about graves. But they always come back. Like they know this is where they belong."

She rolled down the window and spat out the gum she'd been chewing.

"Lets go bag us a vamp."

Oh yeah. Someone'd watched Blade one too many times last night.

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