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NeMoren's Vault III: Return to the dungeon!

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Kerwyn pulls himself up, mouth filled with dirt, and rolls over to the other side of the chasm.

Once standing again (hopefully), he'll grab his rapier and join the battle as planned earlier.

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Dr Midnight

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2 Things Dr. Midnight....
  1. I cast a Minor Illusion of a Badger on the Left as the Iconics are looking into the cave, and am about to Summon a Badger to the Right
  2. You still don't have my Stat block up on your web-site for my addoring fans to gawk at.


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After seeing the map, I would have gone southwest as far as I could go before shooting the arrow and saying to Kerwyn, who's so close to the plank it'll bite him: "If you put the plank over to this side, we can come across to help your frontal assault.


Devis keeps drumming, weapon hilt beating out a rhythm on the cold, hard rock. The vibrations echo through the cavern. Grooving to them - was that a hip-wiggle mixed into the somatic components? - Hennet sends another sleep spell towards the goblinoids. One of them, the flat-nosed soldier who had screamed that the other sleeping creatures were dead, drops in his tracks.

Mialee also casts sleep. She can feel the power of her spell leaping from her, murmuring quietly as it insinuates itself into the enemy ranks. Two more creatures yawn, smile sharp-toothed grins, and tumble into dreamland.

Ma'Varkith fires an arrow which goes wide; her tattoos flash orange in disgust. Jozan hands off hius potion of jumping and gets down; Pelor's Own Face, as seen on Jozan's breastplace and codpiece, is now scraping on the filthy stone floor of the cavern. Alhandra trots past him to the southern corner of the room and fires another arrow - hit! One of the original four, already injured, gurgles horribly as he goes down.

Regdar bellows his challenge as he throws the spear. It's a beautiful shot, sticking in a creature that looked like it was going to wake up its sleeping comrades. The goblinoid turns, spear sticking through its chest, to look at Regdar for just a second... and then falls over, dead.

And then Krusk charges. There isn't a chance that the remaining shieldsmen can stop him; he plows through them like a battering ram, scattering them to either side. Once through he raiswes his greataxe and swings it downwards with all the force he can muster.

You know, they're just not making helms like they used to.

For instance, the helm of the creature Krusk just hit; it's now in two pieces, as is the creature's head. Bright arterial blood sprays up even as the goblinoid soldier falls, twitching, at Krusk's feet.

Kerwyn has to strain as he pulls himself up. He feels a calloused hand grasp his ankle; adreneline kicks in, and he pulls himself loose with effort. Crouched for just a moment on the edge of the chasm, he springs towards the fight before he hears Mialee's suggestion about the plank.

Nebin's illusory badger moves towards the fray, doing its best to shift into a flanking position. As Nebin casts the summoning spell with his wand, he realizes that he's no longer concentrating on the illusion. It won't be sticking around for long. Casting this spell, even from a wand, takes some time; Nebin has a look of concentration as the wand sketches a pattern in the air, leaving glowing dust behind.

Kazak's wounds close as he gulps down his potion. He looks up; where the heck is Lidda? She must be doing *something,*but he can't see her.

Four sleeping - the one that was kicked has woken up - three more dead, and only four standing.

The goblinoid closest to the illusory badger looks, blinks, looks again, and dismisses it. Then the thing smiles cruelly, elbows the soldier next to it, and grunts "Watch out for the hairy thing!" That soldier starts for just a moment before starting to laugh. None of them are stupid enough to give Krusk an attack of opportunity; instead, two shieldbearers that Krusk just plowed through use their tower shields to block further attacks, and the other two move 5 ft. and unsuccessfully try to flank Krusk. One of them hits, but in his current rage Krusk barely notices the damage.

He does, however, hear the sound of running feet; more reinforcements coming, from up the tunnel. That blind warrior must have summoned more troops. More targets!


OOC: Vadania, Lidda, what are your actions?

Kazak gets 11 points back from the healing potion. Krusk takes 7 points of damage. Nebin's monster summoning kicks in next round. I'll email Dr. Midnight an updated map; Doc, if there is a way we can make this easier for you, email me and tell me!
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Jozan of Pelor

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ooc: Beautiful map, Pcat, thank you! :) Ahem. As Joz's intention was to lie down and trying to shoot baddies, though, he would not have gone back behind Al when he left Regdar. Put him along the west wall anywhere south of Nebin and I will be happy.

Jozan takes aim at any of the conscious goblinoids and fires his crossbow. "Regdar! Don't just look at that potion, drink it and get over there!" He tries not to shift too much, so as to minimize scratches and the cleaning he will have to do later.


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Three questions:

How heavy do I think that plank is?

Did I get anything on that knowledge check on The One Who Crawls?

Has that drummer stopped over there?


OOC: Sorry all Been abit out of it

I will move forward to spell range and cast Summon Nature's Ally II to summon a wolf to the other side of the chasm

If further rounds have taken place without me responding assume I fire my sling are Goblins that are still standing until I post again.

"All of this feels very wrong, and I don't like that thing in the pit. Let's get this over with folks. It's worrying me."


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I want to web the corridor that I hear these advancing beasties coming down. It'll give us a chance to mop up before we face them. I'll of course be mindful to avoid webbing Krusk, who I believe is right nearby.

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