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New D&D movie on SyFy tonight - Book of Vile Darkness


As if you didn't see from the posts above this, this thread/post is spoilerish.

Soon as they went into the magic item shop and did that heroic or paragon business I realized it was 4E based and so pretty much everything I expected out of characters was thrown out the window.

While I was trying to IMDB the bug guy's name, Bezz, which should have just been Buzz for some humor, I spoiled myself on the "helmed horror" except I don't know if I'd have known that was supposed to be a helmed horror if I hadn't been spoiled.

I do think the scene with the undead child was the creepiest and best part. One gripe, the child pounding her fists on one of the characters when she threw a fit would have been more "realistic" (to me at least), but I'm guessing that would have required more budget than they could afford.

I admit I wasn't paying full attention to the movie, so can someone tell me what the hell happened in the end?

Oh yeah one last thing, blurred butt cleavage.

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So this thing has finally been unleashed upon the world? I remember to contest WotC had for the 'design a character for the big battle' does anybody know what character won that contest and if it actual was put into the movie?

And how would folks compare this A) Overall and B) to the first and second D&D movie?


First Post
"Miserable excuse for a dragon" Yeah, even the movie recognized that scaleless, soft bellied, mutant wyvern could have been designed a lot better.

I'll give the movie props for trying to give insight on how evil thinks in universe. The delivery of the lines themselves could have been better most of the time though. Shame they followed it up with the Love=Good cop out.

Weak by the numbers ending with little pay off beyond a laser light show.
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I'm watching it now.

What is that silver painted dude? Is he not a human?

Also they say it Pel-or, I always said it "pay-lor".

That's better than the alternative: "Pee-lore".

Edit: Finally finished watching the DVR, so here's the best and worst (spoilers, but it's a bit late for that):

(+) D&D-worthy

- Opening background sequence (though who splits a completed book into three parts consisting of cover, pages, and ink?)
- “Gather Information” in the red light district
- Joining and following the adventures of an evil party
- A vermin-lord in the party
- PvP killing during party assembly in the tavern
- Dragon special effects
- Wizard eye spell special effects (ewwww….)
- Just like in real parties, the PCs have names but don’t actually use them
- “Favorite forest creature?” “Zombies!”
- Inter-party assassination plus a body in a bag of holding
- Undead child suckling
- Checkov’s gun – er, the ring of force – makes its appearance
- Mage hand trumps all other spells

(-) Cringe-worthy

- Most of the dialogue
- Knights of Pelor – a sun god – conducting their rituals in the middle of the night
- Hooker with a heart of gold
- Magic mart with a going out of business sale (“Paragon, or heroic?”)
- “Shaddar-kai witch” is a human with some facial ink and piercings (but as we see in a later scene – no tats or piercings anywhere else!)
- Silver-skinned goliath dude
- “Evil” equals head tattoos (but the citizenry ignore the obvious signs)
- First wandering monster the party encounters is a dragon. No, wait, it’s actually a wyvern
- Math -- “Sixty thousand gold” split five ways “That’s almost 12,000 gold each!” Uh … how about exactly?
- DM is a Monty Haul – a vorpal sword? But we never get to see any vorpalness, so this particular Checkov’s gun never goes off.
- “Extract the liquid pain” felt like a “Princess Bride” flashback
- Evil witch suddenly turns good and loves the cleric
- Abrupt ending – the budget ran out before the script

I'll give it this: it was better than the first D&D movie, though I think I preferred "Wrath of the Dragon God" to this.
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Saw it. And it didn't suck.

The SFX were not that bad. TV quality, but not bad movie-of-the-week. Much better than some other Sci-Fi (read: SyFy) movies I've seen. The costumes weren't bad and the number of sets was impressive, putting it well above a fan film in quality. If you can sit through the SFX in Gamers: Dorkness Rising (or the acting in the first Gamers) this is a step up.
The acting had some rough spots but not as many as you'd expect and some of the actors were decent. The dialogue was terrible, but I wasn't expecting much.

All that might be detrimental to the movie's success. It's not bad, which also means it isn't so bad it's good. There's less of a cheese factor adding to the entertainment value.

The plot is pretty unspectacular. The Book of Vile Darkness plays into it but is really a MacGuffin for the character journey. Yes, it's pretty much a character story. The Book could be replaced by any evil artifact and isn't really treated like the book in the game. Much like the second movie, there are the nods to D&D lore that don't feel entirely right, like a bad homebrew world. It can feel like someone is just layering Wotc-owned terms like "Gloomwrought", "Shadowfell", "Pelor" and the like over an otherwise generic fantasy script.

The trailer is unquestionably ten times worse than the actual movie. Really. Skip the trailer. Don't watch it again. It's full of spoilers anyway. It's a great example of making the movie look worse than it actually is. You'd be hard pressed to make a worse trailer.

At the end of the day, it's probably the least bad of the three movies. If you tolerated the second, this one is even easier to tolerate. And is even enjoyable at times. There are some fun scenes, if slightly dark and/or creepy.

If you missed it, it's airing again on Thursday and there are probably worse ways to spend a couple hours and dumber things to watch.


{Reposted from other thread}

I saw this movie last night on SyFy. It was glorious in how terrible it was.

First off, during the knighting ceremony (err, Paladin... Knight is a fighter, no gods required) you could see the looks of the guys faces every tiime they called out to Pelor. It was the 'Who the :):):):) writes this :):):):)' look.

Later on, he literally goes to a store called the Adventurer's Vault, and buys things by referencing tiers, I kid you not.

"And that suit of knight armor."

"Heroic or Paragon?"

"Paragon." {With a look that says I have no idea what this means}

Oh, yeah, whores in Points of Light must get paid really well, cause our hero gets his :):):):) paid for by the helpful whore. Yeah.

How did we have a Shadar'kai with no mention of the Raven Queen once? Unless I missed it in the horrible dialog.

The Shadowfell looked cool, except for the fact that it looked more like the elemental chaos raped the abyss and then deposited their baby on the Shadowfell's doorstep. The Shadowfell is a dark reflection of the world, not floating islands, last I knew.

Yeah, it's terrible. There was a sex scene that SyFy did the blurry bits for, that implies this was supposed to be direct to video. But it still doesn't help. Also, since when were Shadar'kai females fans of 50 Shades of Grey?

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