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New Druid Build....Now with the Magician!


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Nyaricus said:
heres mine
[hijack]OK, I noticed a few familiar class names here and in RC's list, so. . .

Here's mine too! :p (PC base classes only) - for one current campaign.

Note: all of the ones from books (& mags) have been customised, some completely overhauled.


. . .plus numerous variants from several books and pdf's, racial class progressions (as per Savage Species, but much expanded) and Paragon Classes (as per Unearthed Arcana, but again, more of them) Hm, that's about it. Enough base classes, d'you think? ;)

It's all in the hope that any player concept (that has a place in any of my campaigns, present or future) can be covered - class-wise at least! - from word go ('level 0', generally speaking).


Anyway, Raven Crowking - I like your Druid and Magician. Haven't gone through them very thoroughly yet, but I will shortly. Yeah, the link finally worked for me. :p

Good stuff, with plenty of detail. Cool! :)

Specifically (at this point), I like the Druid's Circles, Faction Powers and 'earth-ties' in general.

One of these days I will get around to posting some of my own classes, races and other core house rules material. They're in a state of constant refinement, but hopefully I'll settle on a complete ruleset that I'm happy with before too many centuries pass. ;)

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Thia Halmades

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Morning RC. *scratches behind ears*

Your Athame material is good; Spell Storing is a solid power, especially early on. I would almost ask if you've considered doing a break down of different secrets which would allow the magician to build on the Athame or Staff as their focus expands. So, your Athame starts off being a Spell Storing item, and slowly takes on the personality of the wielder. Almost like a weakened version of Ancestral Relic, but using Secrets instead of the more generic power-adds from that system in the BoED. So that was one thought.

Writing a new system: Tried it, let me know how it goes. If you actually have a system that makes Fighters better than everyone else, that would be best. The build that I loved is the Druid build, because it very much goes in line with my design philosophy, and I agree that the book Druid is (IMO) over powered. I can turn into anything! I can summon an army! I can lead the army with my turn into anything power! I have the most destructive Divine spells in the book! I RULE!

Druid: Awww...

I may have to swipe your build and test drive it. Let me know when you've done a final copy with your final additions built into it, and I'll let you know how it plays out. I can also post it on my internal campaign board if you want to see what kinds of reactions it gets (with you getting full cred, obviously, but I DM only - I'm curious what kind of player reaction it would get).

I don't know if you saw my on-the-fly Shaman build before; you posted a link I never got to look at, but if you want to put up a new thread, I'll take a look at it. My beef with most Shaman designs is that they totally bypass the primary ability (historically) of the Shaman - bridging the gap between worlds. The Shaman lives in between; never entirely here, never entirely there. In a mechanics sense there are many, many ways to do this. It can be reasonably done with Divine Magic via CHA (similar to the Favored Soul, but without totally sucking), Psionics via CHA and an obscene amount of modifications (using the Astral Plane as the primary point of contact) or even spontaneous Arcane magic.

Shaman don't need to be healers; they are more of a warrior class who have the ability to guide and lead, but aren't always "on point." They make excellent 2nd in commands and advisors, often preferring to act as counsellors than retain personal power. The bulk of their strength comes from their association with the Spirit World, so they eschew conventional power for spiritual power. In the OA they grant Shaman hand-to-hand combat, which was a good start, but then they broke them again but pidgeon holing them.

My view of the Shaman is a new kind of Hybrid class, possibly built more towards special abilities (Calls, as I refer to them) than spell casting, using a progression similar to the Bard's for casting purposes. If I'd use anything, it would likely be Bard as a foundation, but bumping up Combat on par with Clerics (or your variant combat ability thereof) keeping them shy of Fighter, but if they were to build their Call structure for combat monster, that would be an option.

Not sure what your ideas are, but without building up mechanics, that's my concept. Thoughts?

LCpt. Thia Halmades


First Post

Are you doing anything with Familiars or just using the section from the PHB?

A suggestion I had (considering you already have beast tongues) was to have a seperate tongue between the Familiar and the Magician. The purpose being to show the special bond that the two have.
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