New Gamer, Looking for Online Game


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Hello, I'm Eimi and I'm new to tabletop gaming. Honestly, I've never really posted online before either, I tend to be a bit shy, even in real life

I've been interested by D&D for some time now. So I finally made up my mind and read the 3.5 Players Handbook and I think I get the general idea, but if anyone could help me I would really appreciate it.

I get sick a lot, so I can't really go out much, and even if I could I live in a french speaking area and it would be a little awkward. So if someone could teach me how to play with others online? I don't mind having to download new software if I have to, I don't tend to use much of the space on my computer anyway.

I have a microphone and I'm sure I could figure out how to use a specific program.

I'm available pretty much all the time, doing stuff on the computer helps distract me when I'm sick or in pain anyways.

Thank you for reading this, and I appreciate any help you can give me.

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Hm. As someone who has only recently gotten into the tabletop thing myself I find I know more of the rules than I know of actual playing, perhaps due to the sheer difficulty of finding a game that actually keeps.

Since my location is troublesome as well, online seems like the only way to go, but it hasn't really worked out for me quite yet...:hmm:

But maybe I just need to take matters into my own hands.

How would you feel about learning the ropes by just jumping right in? With other people also just starting and a straight-forward campaign, run by me and geared towards it being everyone's first? True to an actual tabletop campaign as possible, or at least that would be my goal...



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I would really love to join in.

I too have wanted to play DnD for some time and just picked up the 4e books and would really, really like to find a starting campaign to play online. I'm happy to pay a little bit for DMs time and patience in helping us learn!

Only problem is im on UK time so I might not be able to slot in with you guys unless you're playing in the day or on the weekend?


Also, I'd be more than willing to buy a module from WotC for the DM if they don't want to bother setting their own thing up?
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I run a 4e DnD game on Tuesdays at 6pm Central. We have at least one spot that has opened up. PM me if you are interested and can make that day MOST of the time.


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Actually, setting your own stuff up is half the fun. :)

Time shouldn't be much of an issue (I'm pretty flexible, so anything you and Eimi can work out will probably work).

I see you have the 4e books, though, and I'm not very familiar with them. Ideally we would be using the 3.5 PHB only, available in srd form here: The Hypertext d20 SRD (v3.5 d20 System Reference Document) :: , although I'd be open to adding some other material as per requested.

Also, the experience itself would be more than enough compensation, so don't worry about that.


First Post

I'll pick up a hard copy of the 3.5 handbook too!

Eimi - if you're happy with me joining in as a new player (I'm a nice guy! Honest!), I'm free:

Tuesday 7pm - 12pm
Weds 7pm - 12pm
Thurs 7pm - 12pm
Friday 7pm - 3AM
Saturday 7pm - 3AM
Sunday 10am-7pm


If you don't like me playing - just tell me to go away and i will - i didn't mean to hijack your thread!



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I'd love to play with you, Golden, Lyad.

I can play at pretty much any time, barring the occasional doctor's appointment, so you can work out time between yourselves and inform me later.

I've only read the 3.5 stuff so far, so if you want to play 4e I would need a day or so to familiarize myself with the 4e players handbook.

What medium would we be using to play?

How should we go about making our characters? Chat? Email?
I was leaning towards a fighter or rogue character myself.


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Hello everyone, I was also thinking of playing some more DND. I'm fairly new to it and I still find myself behind the rest of the group on DND common sense, so I was hoping to catch perhaps an extra game. I have many characters that I would like to try out so if you need any help with building, since you are new, you can come to me. I am available (GMT):

Sundays: pretty much all reasonable time
Saturdays: Prevening-evening
Workdays: not really available for any long times.

Im happy to play any good game. It's nice to meet your acquaintance,



First Post
Wow wonderful!

I'd say Sunday daytime is looking like a good time, maybe early afternoon EST and late afternoon GMT?

4pm GMT / 12pm EST maybe?

I'll pickup the 3.5 PHB as that's the DM's preference. As to character class I really don't mind playing anything - you guys pick and I'll fill a gap!


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