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New GSL Announcement

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mxyzplk said:
So technically I'm banned from the thread but there's no other good way to reply to this and it's kinda important to, so here goes.

I only found out I got slashdotted an hour ago myself, so I'm just getting on top of this (day job, you know.) Sure, if we learn more/different from WotC in this upcoming interview or later, I will immediately update my blog and alter/retract any necessary statements, make a new post, whatever. I'm not interested in slandering WotC, I'm interested in the truth getting out, and that truth ideally being that WotC's being nice. I'd much rather have only happy things to report.

Now I bow out of the thread again, hope that wasn't seen as naughty, ENWorld admins.

Well, this seems to suggest that mxyzplk submitted his blog post to slashdot, which eventually made it a FPP. So it's not like somebody just stumbled across his blog.

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Mourn said:
One thing I would like to point out is that Mayfair Games was found guilty of trademark agreement violations in some of their "AD&D compatible" products, but not all. So, there is precedent for non-licensed "support" products being a violation of trademark rights, which would potentially work against anyone trying something like that today.

Unless there's something out there that I don't know about, this: http://www.darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/copyright/cases/tsr_vs_mayfair.html

is the only published decision to come out of the litigation between TSR and Mayfair. In that decision, the court made no conclusions on whether Mayfair violated TSR's trademark. It did however find that Mayfair violated a contract with TSR governing Mayfair's use of TSR's trademark. Not the same thing.

If there's more information out there on the litigation between the parties, I'd love to see it.


First Post
The thing I forgot to say and I really should have:

If WotC is so confident in their 4th edition product, why not make it so anyone can support both? If 4th edition is so clearly superior, shouldn't it 'win out' in any sort of 'competition'. I gess that I'm bothered that although you guys say you're confident in it, this particular decision (assuming that it really is true) seems to be saying the opposite. It seems to say that 3.5 is alive and well, and doing well enough that it can kill 4th edition if there's any support for it.

I guess that strikes me as funny because the game 'can't stand under it's own weight'.


mxyzplk said:
So technically I'm banned from the thread but there's no other good way to reply to this and it's kinda important to, so here goes. Sure, if we learn more/different from WotC in this upcoming interview or later, I will immediately update my blog and alter/retract any necessary statements, make a new post, whatever.
Thanks, Mxyzplk. No worries about the exception, in this case; I appreciate you jumping in to clarify that.


First Post
mxyzplk said:
So technically I'm banned from the thread but there's no other good way to reply to this and it's kinda important to, so here goes.

I only found out I got slashdotted an hour ago myself, so I'm just getting on top of this (day job, you know.) Sure, if we learn more/different from WotC in this upcoming interview or later, I will immediately update my blog and alter/retract any necessary statements, make a new post, whatever. I'm not interested in slandering WotC, I'm interested in the truth getting out, and that truth ideally being that WotC's being nice. I'd much rather have only happy things to report.

Now I bow out of the thread again, hope that wasn't seen as naughty, ENWorld admins.

Its all good as far as I'm concerned. If I didnt want people to talk, I shouldnt have said anything. I can hardly be mad at someone for making a story out of something I started. Sorry if I was grouchy.


Great Old One
Mourn said:
One thing I would like to point out is that Mayfair Games was found guilty of trademark agreement violations in some of their "AD&D compatible" products, but not all. So, there is precedent for non-licensed "support" products being a violation of trademark rights, which would potentially work against anyone trying something like that today.
The two bolded parts are not even remotely the same thing. Mayfair Games entered into an agreement with TSR in 1984 and where found to be in violation of that agreement with some of their products. Not in violation of any trademark rights per se.

I'm no expert in US Trademark Law, but in Europe you can certainly indicate compatibility with a trademarked product. What you can't do is use that trademark in a way that leads the consumer into believing that your product is made by the trademark holder. But indications of compatibility are allowed and even expected. E.g. mufflers for Volvo cars, replacement bags for Siemens vacuum cleaners, etc.

I see no reason why companies couldn't publish 4e material without touching the poisoned GSL. Again, maybe US Law is very different, but European companies are rather reluctant to start frivolous lawsuits. The courts here don't, in my experience, like that too much.


First Post
Orcus said:
I cant seem to win for losing these last couple days. And here we were Thursday and I was on top of the world that there was going to be a GSL. :)

Brother, do NOT give up this feeling.

The jury is still out on this, despite what you were told.

It doesn't have to be doom and gloom ... the GSL text hasn't been released yet.

Keep the faith. :)


First Post
Thanks for those words. I will keep the faith.

And, I should mention that my horoscope predicts everything will be fine, so that pretty much is that, right? I mean, they couldnt print it if it wasnt true, could they?

Things might feel a bit dramatic right now, but give them time. Soon enough you will see a way out of it. There's a good way to get through whatever issues you and your circle are facing. You panicking will only get everyone else stirred up, which in turn will only exponentially increase the stress level. Relax. Have faith that things will work out -- because they will.

Seriously, that was on my Yahoo page :) Its like they can read my mind!


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