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D&D (2024) New One D&D Playtest Includes 5 Classes & New Weapon Mastery System

Barbarian, Fighter, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard

The latest playtest packet for One D&D has just landed, and features five classes (Barbarian, Fighter, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard) and the new Weapon Mastery system.

In this new Unearthed Arcana document for the 2024 Core Rulebooks, we explore material designed for the next version of the Player’s Handbook. This playtest document presents the rules on the Weapon Mastery property, updates to weapons, new and revised spells, several new feats, and five classes: Barbarian, Fighter, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard. You will also find an updated rules glossary that supercedes the glossary of any previous playtest documents.


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okay anyone else?
The fighter will get more of its opinion based on play.

So hatred will be delayed.
Remember the 5e fighter passed the DNDN playtest. Then people played it and realized how much its fun was dependant on the DM.

First look. WARNING I just did 3 shots of whiskey with my roommate.

  1. Fighting Style is the same
  2. Second Wind is a Long Rest. LAME. WOTC wants you to be able to Nova with a fighter. Novaing Second Wind isn't major. Lame. Super Lame. Pbbbffffft.
  3. Weapon Mastery. Pfft. Meh. Spamming knockdown isn't big whoop. It wasn't big as a battlemaster. This just gives you 4E martial expiot at-will with a weapon limitation.
  4. Action Surge now has an limitation. LAME. Sue people only used it for Attacks or the rare Mario Kart Double Dash. Never the less. LAME!
  5. Extra Attack is the same. I hoped that they'd let you double something else as well but alas. Meh.
  6. Weapon Expert STUPID. You make a mastery System then at level 7, you remove it. That is dumb design and a waste of design space, buddy jim derek.
    1. What's the point of extra masteries if you can swap them?
  7. Indomintable. Wow a buff!
  8. Weapon Adept. HOW THE HELL ARE YOU AN ADEPT BEFORE AN EXPERT?! It's Adept then Expert!
    1. Ok Calm Down Minigiant.
    2. Congradulation! At level 13. I get to play 4th Edition but worse!
    3. If'n I'mma play 4e, give me 2 3W+Str attacks you cowards.
    4. Congradulations, you've competely deleted your own subsystem. Now I only will use my +X magic longsword.
  9. Improved Action Surge is the same
  10. Unconquerable So your Unconquerable shares resource with SC. Meh.
    1. Still lame as a "high level feature"
  11. Three Extra Attacks is the same.
  12. Adaptable Victor is meh. You get so many skill profs now already.
  13. Improved Crit is the same
  14. Extra Fighting Style is earlier so that's cool
  15. Heroic Warrior is aight for a freebee
  16. Superior Crit is the same
  17. Survivor is better
Overal. Meh. So downgraded to lame.


I don't like that sorcerers get chaos bolt and sorcerous burst, I'd rather they be allowed to choose 2 cantrips from any list that fit their theme and will be running them as such.
Just as an interesting note, this Sorcerer starts with at least 6 Cantrips: the two default and 4 they can choose per the table. That alone makes them more generally magical and flexible than Warlocks or Wizards.


Looking at the Arcane classes, they don't use the preparation system that Clerics and Druid were using. (Prep a number of spells equal to your number of spell slots.) I wonder if that's Arcane-only or a change in philosophy for casting overall. Or just floating multiple options to see what people like best.
I think that it is arcane only. It gives the arcane caster a flexibility that is denied to the others in that they can have more higher level spells prepared than slots available for extra utility.


No thanks on this Warlock. Just shorten short rests, or give warlocks some kind of control when Pact Magic spells come back. Weapon Mastery is...not great. The ones that trigger saves slow down combat, and the rest just aren't interesting to me. I'm looking for the Book of 9 Swords, not whatever the heck this weak sauce is. Dammit, let martials be fantastic.
All they needed to do was let Warlocks recharge their Pact Magic once per LR.




Just a dude with a shovel, looking for the past.
The fighter needs manuvers, and weapons need the different criticals back from 3e. Why can a firebolt out dps 80 percent of the current weapons. And dont get me started on chaos bolt.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
If people keep telling me this is backwards compatible with my old warlock I may go nuts
I mean...it's not like you were ever going to be using both base classes on one character. I don't see anything here making it so you can't use the Hexblade or Genie patron subclass with the new Warlock.
Not only has Pact Magic been replaced with traditional slots-per-day spellcasting, but the warlock now has half-caster spell slot progression. I am absolutely livid.
I'm not happy about spellcasting, but I can live with it. Half-caster progression is just completely batcrap crazy, though. Just absolutely detached from what anyone wants from the warlock. Even with those spell levels available via mystic arcanum...make mystic arcanum part of the class progression then, not an optional invocation! Or give more extra invocations!

Other stuff: The Blade Pact cantrip is fine, even if it isn't how I'd do it.

The other two pact cantrips are good. I like them.

The whole Memorize, Modify, and Create, Spell spells dynamic is a great way to handle that fantasy. I'm for it. I'm glad to see the spellbook being more prominent, rather than less. Making Scribe spell a spell is weird. At least its a ritual.

The Sorcerer getting exclusive spells is always welcome, as is more metamagic at an earlier level.

The Weapon Mastery feat is hot garbage. It would need to be 3 weapons, or any weapon with X mastery property, or proficiency in martial weapons and 1 mastery, to be worth it. Maybe the worst feat I've ever seen from them. I cannot fathom ever even considering it.

Barbarian's Reckless Attack can only be used on one attack on your turn, but still causes all attacks against you to have advantage. Senselessly bad.

Fighter is bland, but a little less so, I guess. The change to action surge sucks, and I'd rather ditch bonus feats and give more uses of core class features, instead. Also, why doesn't the Fighter have a low level non-combat ability? Seriously.

Twinned Spell nerf is bad, frankly. It wasn't that OP, and the new version is only interesting for people who love book-keeping.

Dragon Wings....no. Any draconic sorcerer at my table will have always on wings. It's level 14! It's not OP to have at-will flight are level 14!

Warlock. ugh.

Spellcasting. Yall could have just given them an ability to regain their spell slots as an action so many times per day. That is literally all you needed to do.

What kind of "mage" caps out at fifth level spells?

Making Mystic Arcanum into invocations requires beefing up number of invocations a lot more than by 1. What the hell are they thinking? Not that it's a good feature anyway. Oh cool I can have 1 3rd level spell at 5th level, once per long rest. Great.

They literally could just have spellcasting that cuts off at 5 in the same level progression as pact magic did, and then have mystic arcanum work the same as it did before. There is no reason to limit warlocks in the same ways they were as pact casters when they aren't anymore! Some of the at-will spells granted by invocations are just...false life made sense when you had max level slots on a short rest timer. Now, it makes more sense to just add it to the warlock's spell list.

Multiple spellcasting ability score choices is good. 2 per pact is terrible. What the hell kind of idea is it to not let tome warlocks use charisma? Seriousy what the hell?

I mostly like the wizard. The spellbook is cool, as are the spells relating to other spells. I like Academic, I like the general shape ofthe class. Movoing spell master down a few levels is a start, but it should be a level 11 or something like that, and signature spell should be level 15. Even if that means both have to be weaker at first and scaled up.

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