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New PrC: Crime Boss


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Here's a new prestige class I've come up with for my coming campaign. The characters are going to be part of an organized crime syndicate, and I needed something for the leader of the org. This is based largely off the Crime Lord PrC from SW:d20.

Opinions are welcome.

[h2]Crime Boss[/h2]
To qualify to become a Crime Boss, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: bluff 8 ranks, diplomacy 8 ranks, gather information 6 ranks, intimidate 4 ranks, sense motive 6 ranks
Feat: Leadership.

[h3]Game Rule Information[/h3]
Alignment: Any non-lawful and non-good.
Hit Die: d6.

[h3]Class Skills[/h3]
The Crime Boss's (CrB) class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are appraise (Int), bluff (Cha), craft (Int), diplomacy (Cha), forgery (Int), gather information (Cha), intimidate (Cha), knowledge (local) (Int), knowlege (nobility and royalty) (Int), profession (Wis), search (Int), and sense motive (Wis).
Skill Points at each level: 6 + Int modifier

Table: The Crime Boss
Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Special
1	+0	+0	+0	+2	Contact
2	+1	+0	+0	+3	Assets
3	+2	+1	+1	+3	Frightful Presence
4	+3	+1	+1	+4	Contact
5	+3	+1	+1	+4	Lieutenants
6	+4	+2	+2	+5	Frightful Presence +2
7	+5	+2	+2	+5	Contact
8	+6	+2	+2	+6	Skilled Lieutenants
9	+6	+3	+3	+6	Frightful Presence +4
10	+7	+3	+3	+7	Contact, Chief Lieutenants

[h3]Class Features[/h3]
All of the following are class features of the Crime Boss.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Crime Boss does not gain any proficiencies with weapons or armor beyond what he may already have.

Contact (Ex): At 1st level, and every three levels thereafter (4th, 7th, etc), a Crime Boss gains a new contact. These contacts often come in the form of NPCs which are able to provide useful information or other assistance to the Crime Boss. Players taking levels in this prestige class should work closely with their game master to develop these contacts.

Assets (Ex): At 2nd level, a Crime Boss gains access to a wide variety of resources, ranging from family trusts, influential friends, or patrons. Once per day, the Crime Boss can make a Charisma check to utilize these resources during the course of an adventure.

The total value of the resources the Crime Boss gains is equal to the Crime Boss's class level multiplied by the result of the Charisma check multiplied by 50. For example, a 3rd-level Crime Boss who gets a result of 16 on his Charisma check would gain 2,400 gp worth of resources to use in an adventure (3 x 16 x 50 = 2,400).

The resources gained can take almost any form desired by the Crime Boss (within reason), and are his do do with as he pleases. He may keep them, use them, give them away, or sell them as he chooses. The Crime Boss does not gain access to these resources immediately, but comes into possession of them 1d8 hours after he makes the check. If these resources are not available at the time or location that the Crime Boss attempts to make the check, he is unable to gather any resources.

Frightful Presence (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, a Crime Boss is so imposing that any creatures within 30 ft. with as many or fewer hit dice than the Crime Boss must make a Will save vs. a DC of 10 + the Crime Boss's level + the Crime Boss's Cha modifier. Failure on this save results in the creatures being shaken for as long as they are in the Crime Boss's presence, and for 3d6 minutes afterward. A creature that passes this save cannot be affected by the same Crime Boss's frightful presence ability again for at least 24 hours.

Every three levels after 3rd, the Crime Boss is treated as being two levels higher for the purpose of determining the maximum hit dice of creatures subject to his frightful presence. In addition, the Will save DC increases by two at the same intervals.

Lieutenants (Ex): By 5th level, a Crime Boss has earned a high reputation for himself. He may gain a second cohort. This cohort must follow the same rules as the first per the Leadership feat, except the Crime Boss is treated as being two levels lower than normal when determining the maximum level of the second cohort.

Skilled Lieutenants (Ex): At 8th Level, a Crime Boss is treated as being two levels higher when determining the maximum level for his cohorts. This effectively raises the maximum level for his first lieutenant to be equal to the Crime Boss's level and the second lieutenant's to be two levels lower.

Chief Lieutenants (Ex): At 10th Level, a Crime Boss's lieutenants (cohorts) take on more of a leadership role in his organization. Each of his two cohorts gains the Leadership feat if they do not already have it. The normal rules apply for the followers and cohorts each of the lieutenants may gain. These cohorts and followers are added to the Crime Boss's organization, expanding his sphere of influence.
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First Post
Some minor comments and one larger criticism.

Prestige classes don't grant x4 skill points at first level. BAB doesn't list iterative attacks, since it's added to the other classes you have and you don't know when the next iterative will appear.

The skill list seems short for a class with 6+Int skills. If you don't count craft and profession, there's only 10 class skills. Off the top of my head, I'm not sure what else to add though.

It seems unlikely that a PC would take this, since you gain very little that's useful in combat. But for an NPC crime boss who works behind the scenes, it goods.

The one serious complaint that I have is Assets. Based on the skill list and abilities, I'd expect anybody taking this to have at least a 14 Charisma, possibly 18-20 or more. Assuming a 10 on the Charisma check (average roll, not taking 10), a 16 charisma means 13 * level * 50 gp = 650 * level gp. At second level, he's getting on average 1300 gp of equipment per day for the cost of rolling a die. At 10th level and a charisma of 22, its 8000 gp per day. It appears the only limits are when the DM says "Your ability doesn't work today", which seems like a good way to generate animosity (if a player took this class). That's a lot of extra money flowing in at no cost.

In fact, with a decent charisma, a good power gamer might take two levels of this class just for the free money.

Now that I think about it, the lieutenants also seem very strong. Assuming you've got a high enough charisma to the get maximum level cohort, you effectively have a second character of equal ECL. Sure, you need to pay for their stuff, but that's what Assets is for, right? Actually, you have

You (ECL)
First Cohort (ECL)
Second Cohort (ECL-2)
First Cohort's Cohort (ECL-2)
Second Cohort's Cohort (ECL - 4)

That's almost a full strength party. You personally aren't the best at combat, but that's what your army is for. I've changed my mind: this is a great munchkin class for PC's.

It's probably intended only for an NPC, so the GM can restrain himself from abusing it. But it might just be simpler to dm fiat the the organization exists, and the boss has access to money when he needs it. Frightful presence is the only thing your missing, and a feat with a prerequisite of "GM permission" would solve that.


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This is definitely a class that shouldn't be "blanket" allowed by GMs. I perceive this as being one of those situations where the GM and player discuss how the PrC will work in their campaign to prevent abuse. It is primarily intended as an NPC class, but there's no reason why a player couldn't take this and have a good time with it.

Assets did seem fairly strong to me, but I agree that it could be abused by players. See above for my view on that part.

I thought about having the cohorts be treated as two levels lower for the purpose of their cohorts, but that seemed a bit extreme to me. However, I'm interested to know how many other people think the same way. I think I'll also add that the second tier cohorts (and even the first tier, to a lesser extent) spend a large portion of the time not in the presence of the Crime Boss himself. The idea is that they are some of the higher-ups in the organization. That will cut down on the idea of "Hey, we've got five people here... go grab a couple mooks and we'll do some dungeon crawling." (This is an exaggeration, but you get the idea.)

Edit: I went back and looked at the Leadership and Epic Leadership rules. Unless a character has a wickedly high Charisma, the odds are against the character's cohort(s) actually being his level. For example, a level 20 character with 25 Cha has a Leadership score of 27. Even the Skilled Lieutenants ability doesn't add to the leadership score. Therefore, a Crime Boss at 20th level would need the Epic Leadership feat (not available until 21) and a Cha of at least 30 before he would be able to have the cohorts at maximum level. It's even less likely before epic, since the maximum level of a cohort according to the table caps at 17th.

I do appreciate the comments, especially the nit picky ones at the top. I wasn't even thinking when I did the skill points thing and the BAB.
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I like the idea of assets, but it can be abused - maybe it should be limited to a maximum cash per week or just a 'all assets must be used or discarded before you can recieve more' . Makes it nice for getting the potion or one shot item but no use for generating income.

Personally I don't see an issue with a large number of cohorts - just assume that if the cohorts don't spend a percentage of their time 'managing' the business then the assets and resources dry up.....


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Hmmm... thinking about the assets more, I just came up with an idea. Mobs are constantly trading and calling in favors with rivals, corrupt politicians, and just about anybody that will deal with them. Perhaps each use of the assets ability imposes some sort of penalty when dealing with the particular group or individual who is supplying the assets? It'd be hard to stat mechanically, but could be a good limitation.


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Thurbane said:
Sounds like a good Boss for my Enforcer PrC... :)
I like that a lot. I hadn't really thought about having any enforcer-type characters in the campaign, but seeing it now, it will work well. I'll probably rework the class, but yours gives me plenty in the way of inspiration and foundation.

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