New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Lord Byron continued to sell his opportunity to the patrons, looking for quality adventurers at a reasonable price.

[sblock=ryryguy]Sounds good. I'll hold the spot for you if you get the character sheet together before Saturday.[/sblock]

[sblock=Tinwe]I like it so far. I'm interested to see the background.[/sblock]

[sblock=Adventure: Lord Byron's Economic Woes]
Controller = ryryguy (druid)
Leader = Tinwe (cleric)

I can still take two or three more level 1-2 players.

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[sblock=ooc - tenchuu]
I was directing that OOC at Fragsie, but that was because I was under the impression that you had a leader lined up already. Shane would probably be better off in a level 1 party such as yours.

I'm working out skills and a background for Shane right now, and I'll be submitting him for approval this afternoon.[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc - Fragsie]
Grim recently reached level 2, so I started putting together a cleric. I was going to run with renau1g's new game, but a new leader turned up.

If you don't mind a level 1 cleric, I'll finish up my build and come along. Brother Shane is mostly statted out in the Sandbox if you want to take a look.[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC/Tinmwe]hmmm, we are in desperate need of a healer, but the party already has two lvl 1's, it will be tough going (but for good rewards) if you do join, ultimately it's up to the other players that are signed on. If you do join I would have to insist that the last party member be at least lvl 2, though it doesn't have to be a controller; it would help a lot.[/sblock]

A strange clicking noise can be heard approaching the tavern entrance. Timed perfectly with a gust of autumn wind, the doors burst open and in walks a rather cold looking skull lord, his three sets of grimacing teeth chattering in the brisk temperature.

"Well Ted, There seems to be plenty of tough looking folk here, you think any of them will be up for the task of lugging our missing gladiators home?" The leftmost skull asks.

"I don't know about that; those boys can be pretty darn stubborn when they want to be. But there certainly is some totty in here tonight!" The rightmost skull leers at the tight leather-clad Drow standing at the bar. You get the distinct impression that if it had a tongue it would be hanging out.

"Try and keep your mind on the job Ted." the middle skull admonishes.

"Exactly what I'm doing Fred." The right skull retorts before letting out a loud wolf whistle "Hey leather chick, did they sew you into that armour? Certainly doesn't leave much to the imagination, then again, I can imagine a lot more than most!"

"That's not what I meant!" Fred sighs under his hollow breath.
Both he and Ned; the rightmost skull bring a skeletal hand to their faces in despair.

"You must all be wondering why we're here?" Ned shrugs off his exasperation at Ted's behaviour and addresses the assembled adventurers, "Is the TURTLEDOME! recruiting again?" The sudden vehemence at which the monster arena's name is shouted out makes anyone unused to the name's effect jump out of their wine soaked skins.

"Well, actually we're not," continues Fred; trying desperately not to be distracted by the rather suggestive sign-language Ted is directing at the females in the tavern. "We're here to hire some adventurers for a more conventional reason; A band of gladiators from TURTLEDOME! have gone missing, and there is only two days before they are supposed to be in the arena trouncing some young adventurers like yourselves."

"The boss as you can imagine is rather @*+£^ed off, and that means no treats for the rest of us!" Ted stops his lurid gesturing and puts on an exaggerated unhappy face (that oddly is still a grin, but you get the definite impression that his non-existent lips are pouting.

"Yes, well, we're looking for a largish group of very able fellows..."

"Don't forget the ladies!"

"... or ladies, to find our missing fighters and return them back to TURTLEDOME! alive. Now we're not sure why they haven't come back, and they may need to be... persuaded."

"They are one tough band too, it's probably best if you don't apply if you're too green; we wouldn't want any of you lovely 'civilised' folk to get yourselves dead now would we?!" The last sentence is absolutely soaked in sarcasm.

"Well, announcement over, I guess we'll just wait at this table over here for some of you lovely people to bring us some drinks."

The skull lord pulls a chair out in the most extravagant manoeuvre you though possible and seats himself. A bony hand raps a tune gently on the table.

[sblock]So far we have:
  • Mikara - lvl 1 Drow Assassin
  • Ceryx - lvl 1 Deva Avenger
  • Skalisss - lvl 3 Dragonborn Paladin
  • Andrec - lvl 3 Human Warlord (buffing) (possibly not joining until after 1st encounter)

Tinwe has offered to play with his lvl 1 cleric, like I said though it's gonna be tough going with so many level 1's but it's up to you guys.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Tinwe]Sorry about the misunderstanding. Go with whichever game suits you best.

I did get a PM from johnmeier1, who is interested in playing a lvl1 bard. I don't mind running with 2 leaders (and you seem like you'd be a good player), but if you would prefer Frag's game, no problem. [/sblock]


First Post
Mikara was busy twirling her dagger in her hands when she heard ted lascivious comment. Turning around towards her cat-caller with a wide grin she was about to blow a kiss until she saw the undead skull grinning at her. Her face fell for just a moment until she realized that this was a prospective client. Smiling knowingly at the threesome (especially ted), she approached slowly, placing one foot infront of the other to give her hips that side to side sache that she knew drove men wild.

"Well, handsome," Mikara said, refering to Ted, "I'm pretty sure that I could persuade your gladiator friends to do just...about...anything..." she let the last part hang as she got within a few feet of the skull lord, sliding a hand over her figure slowly, making sure that Ted's empty eye sockets were following the journey.

"But..." she continues, suddenly getting hard-faced and straightening up in a much more aggressive, much less sexy posture, "I don't do retrievals. I f****, and I kill. Sometimes both at once. I haven't done either in far too long and that empty space in my soul is achin' for something to fill it. If either of those two things fits into your little job, then you can buy me a drink. If not..." she finishes while a patron walks by, giving a little sad shrug. She lets the sentence hang as she walks into the patrons shadow and appears next to another patron back at the bar, sitting on the barstool with her back resting against the bar and her legs crossed. She looks back at the skull lord with a smirk.


First Post
Ceryx sits still while the game being played before him continues. His gaze fixates on the woman, then again on the skeleton, as if wondering how the two would procreate. Just as the woman sneaks away, Ceryx sees his opportunity to approach. "Well, I see you welcome the assistance of the females in the establishment. But what about the men. Are we viable candidates for this excursion, or shall I continue to wait about for other *missing person* adventures to meander through that door?"


...Smiling knowingly at the threesome (especially ted), she approached slowly, placing one foot infront of the other to give her hips that side to side sache that she knew drove men wild.

"Well, handsome," Mikara said, refering to Ted, "I'm pretty sure that I could persuade your gladiator friends to do just...about...anything..." she let the last part hang as she got within a few feet of the skull lord, sliding a hand over her figure slowly, making sure that Ted's empty eye sockets were following the journey.
The skull lord's knees begin to knock together; making a dry rattling noise under the table. The rightmost skull leans forward on it's shoulders and follows the path of Mikara's hands, a small trickle of drool escapes it's yellowed teeth and meanders down it's chin. "You wouldn't need to persuade me at all baby, what say we forget about the boss's job and get on with one of our own!" Ted's non-existent eyebrow wiggles.
"Oh gods, don't encourage him!" Fred whines.
"But..." she continues, suddenly getting hard-faced and straightening up in a much more aggressive, much less sexy posture, "I don't do retrievals. I f****, and I kill. Sometimes both at once. I haven't done either in far too long and that empty space in my soul is achin' for something to fill it. If either of those two things fits into your little job, then you can buy me a drink. If not..." she finishes while a patron walks by, giving a little sad shrug. She lets the sentence hang as she walks into the patrons shadow and appears next to another patron back at the bar, sitting on the barstool with her back resting against the bar and her legs crossed. She looks back at the skull lord with a smirk.
Ted gives a disappointed sigh as the other two skulls giggle at him; "Looks like she's more of a player than you Ted!" says Ned. "In answer to your enquiry young dark elf, There may indeed be a need for some of those tasks, that the gladiators don't want to come back is only one possible explanation..."
"...They are bound by a very inclusive contract, so if they have gone willingly, they will have... 'damages' to pay!"
The other two laugh unrestrained at Fred's subtle joke.
"Also, if you complete this request you will have Mr. Pinch's ear, and he's the one who organises all of the arena matches, this could be the start of a lucrative, legal killing career."
Ceryx sits still while the game being played before him continues. His gaze fixates on the woman, then again on the skeleton, as if wondering how the two would procreate. Just as the woman sneaks away, Ceryx sees his opportunity to approach. "Well, I see you welcome the assistance of the females in the establishment. But what about the men. Are we viable candidates for this excursion, or shall I continue to wait about for other *missing person* adventures to meander through that door?"
"Huh? I'm game for anything me... maybe the three of us should make arrangements eh?" Ted is undeterred from his luridity by the deva's appearance.
"I'm really considering asking the boss to replace him." Ned says in an aside to Fred.
"Ignore him, you would indeed be welcome to sign up. With a sword as large as that I'm sure you can deliver a fair bit of persuasion." the middle skull says to Ceryx.
"Ha! His sword's not as impressive as mine, want to compare?" Again you imagine that eyebrow wiggling.
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First Post
Mikara laughs out loud at the obvious lewdness of Ted and laughs even harder when the other two skulls admonish him for it. Walking back up she nods her head towards the three skulls, still giggling.

"Hah! All right. I'll take your job. A legal killing career sounds like a good idea, though I'm not so sure about arena fighting... it's kind of hard to get the drop on someone when they know that they'll be fighting you. And you wouldn't want me to get this pretty face all scared up, now would you?" she says flirtatiously with a wink.


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Skalisss puts down the copy of the Screamer he was reading and approaches the skulls discussing business with other adventurers. The inuendo and frolicing don't interest him much, but the matter armed and highly dangerous men missing in the city could be a concern. Either missing intentionally or not, the matter merits investigation.

"Lord Skull, I am Skalisss, perhaps I could aid in this search?" he says with complete confidence.


First Post
[sblock=Johnmeier1]Sorry; I don't know how I missed your post on page 30. I'll respond to you IC now.[/sblock]

"Looks like you are also a traveling noble, sir. My name is Wil Rando and I have recently come to this city. How goes it with you?"

"It goes well, Wil Rando," Lord Byron said, shaking his hand, "aside from these issues with my investment. Let me tell you..." Wil listens to the tale of Lord Byron Anderson before responding.

"Sounds like a grand adventure! I will see if any others in this tavern are daring enough for the task"

"Very good," Byron said, "But first, tell me more about yourself. It's always good business to know your partners."

[sblock=Adventure: Lord Byron's Economic Woes]
Controller = ryryguy (druid)
Leader = johnmeier1: Wil Rando (Half-Elf Bard)

2nd Leader = Tinwe (cleric)?

Need a Striker and a Defender. Definitely need at least one of them.

I can still take two (or three if Tinwe passes) more level 1-2 players.
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