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New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


Silphyus considered for a moment before continuing.
Perhaps, though I would argue beauty itself is mostly an illusion. We gaze upon pristine woodlands and call them beautiful, though we ignore the fact that they are savage and pitiless. We craft great sculptures and wondrous paintings, but ignore the fact that these things are mere images of our mind. Indeed, it would seem, at least for us mortals, that illusion and beauty go hand and hand.
"I believe you are missing the point of my argument brother; Beauty and Danger are by no means exclusive of one another; indeed, some of the most beauteous things in the world are also the most dangerous. But then, I will not push my truth upon you." Psais affords a small bow and slight smile for the other deva, "After all, as a wise man has said; 'Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it'."
"You misunderstand friend. The end is scripted. Your end was written when you came into existance. Your god has made a path for you. How you reach it is up to you...

...Many will pick a different path, and so their destiny changes....

...Alas, I cannot. My soul burns with a fire that is my dragon heritage. A fire fueled by the legends my father has told me. I shall be a warrior of legend, in life or in death. And so I have chosen my destiny."
"I do understand what you are saying, and for many I'm sure this is true, many have their lives set for them from birth to death, and many more strive against their lot and change what was to be their fate. I unfortunately, have no such surety to my life, It has been divinely ordained that my actions are free from prophecy. This is something that some praise as a blessing, but myself; I have fears.But of your life, and destiny, I hope for great things, so that your father may hear your legend within his lifetime."
Feyr overheard Sogrrin and Psais. Taking his mug, he walks to the table. "Destiny... there is no such thing like that. If the gods have given us no destiny. They have given us a task. They look at us like a mentor, a chief or a father. They give us advice and gift. They can also punish when we disobey. That's what happen to my ancestor land. They have move against the gods and the gods have sent their Einherjars to punish them." after a pause, he adds "My name is Feyr, I come from Surtyr."
"Greetings Feyr, it is a sad tale you tell. Yet while it may indeed be the will of the gods that is enacted upon your home, it is mortal hands that carry it out. Is it that cruel punishment that has led you to the adventurers life?"

Gellan looks from one deva to the other. "So, you carry your people with you in a way? That is good, it is good to not be alone."
"In a way; yes, though the people I carry with me, were all me once. The memories I hold, are not of the same people as Silphyus here."
"Dees 'er drinks are compliments from dem guys", and with that the bartender quickly backs away and heads back behind the bar. As the bartender heads back to the bar Dextyr smiles and waves over towards their table.
"My point is proven!" Psais exclaims in the loudest sound to come from him yet, a wide grin spreads from ear to ear, "A beautiful, yet most assuredly; deadly, drink!"
Psais raises his coconut to the jovial benefactor across the common room and takes a noisy slurp. A moment later he places the drink down before him, and once more centres himself.
...Silphyus stared into his glass for a moment, a half-smile creeping across his face. Then, in an instant, it vanished. Instead, his eyes widened and he quickly tossed down what remained of his drink, slamming the glass on the table behind him.[/COLOR]
"What ills you brother?"
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"And speak of Communism," says Tonk, nodding to his friends, and poking the table with his fore-finger for emphasism, "Priest who say, 'No is capitalism is feudalism!' is dummy! Or..." Tonk looks around, pauses, then whispers, "Poophead!" Tonk snickers. He speaks again with a normal tone, "See inn? Is result of burgeoning middle class, yes? And is lot of merchant in town, yes? Even is lot of adventurer, which is class with much means of acquisition, but little actual property or means of production, yes? See? See?! Is big middle class! Is capitalism! Stupid poo-poo-head priest! He not understand economics!"


First Post
Nothing...just...thought I saw something. Excuse me for a moment.

Silphyus moves with a noticable swiftness over to the counter.

Something a bit stronger, my good man.

A moment later the deva's glass is full and he returns to his seat. Raising his cup, he speaks once more.

Well gentlemen, since perfect knowledge is, for the time being, barred to us, and since we all seem so eager to venture forth and risk life and limb for whatever reason, I am certain we will all learn who among us right, in time. Until then, to plesant company and conversation, to good fortunes and auspicious fates. Cheers.

His toast completed, the deva took a long sip of his new brew, wincing and coughing a bit upon completion.

That's more like it.


First Post
"No, Valhyr, te land of my ancestors, is under the wrath of the gods. I'm from Surtyr, a land my ancestors colonized. We have been spared. I am not sure what trigger the anger of the gods over there.

But for my part, I have travel this far from my homeland because the gods have told me an artifact that was sleeping in the tomb of an old hero in my homeland have been robbed. The only thing I know, it is a group of adventurer that came from this Tavern that took the artifact. I had no success yet on finding them, and form the group who is here, I see none that fit the description."
explains Feyr to Psais.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Don't ask me what looks like that group of adventurer, I have no clue. I will leave it to any Master who is willing make an adventure with that Hook.[/SBLOCK]

As he was explaining the detail, he see the bartender coming with the drink. He takes it and look at Dextyr. The bladeling nods at him before taking a sip. Feyr has a bit of difficulty to control a spasm in his mouth. He put down the drink and take his mug on the table and quickly clean his mouth. "By the gods, what is that taste... never taste something like that in homeland, and I understand why it never reach us."


A man and woman who appear to be middle-aged commoners enter the tavern. After seeing the characters inside and the horrid dragon trophy on the wall, they blanch and almost leave. After whispering to each other they move slowly into the room. The man speaks.

I have heard tell of brave adventurers who gather in the Tavern of the Hanged Man. Hear me, my wife and I have lost our daughter to a foul fiend. This rich boy seduced her for weeks despite our wishes. Now she has been taken from our home in the dead of night. If any of you can help us, we will give you all we have in the world.

[sblock=New Adventure] Just Before Twilight
Rewards: XP and treasure for 6 encounters and challenges, it should last only a few months if there are few interruptions

An adventure for a party of average level 3. I already have 4 players who have expressed interest renau1g, DMDanW, DarwinofMind, KenHood and 1 player Mal Malenkirk who is still in a game but might make it. Two strikers and two leaders at the moment. Let me know if you have a 2-4 level character and are interested, since I could probably fit 6 and adjust.

DM Style: My first game on L4W. I will post each encounter and challenge then all players can respond. Initiative order is kept, but players can post in any order and then edit until I post the next enemy/challenge round. Let me know if you will be away or don't post on weekends (etc), otherwise players will be NPCed after over 2 days. Rolls are done either on Invisible Castle or a Dice Room I will set up if IC is down. Maptools is awesome and will be used.


First Post
Janus steps forward "Janus Reinhardt, at your service." He bows formally. "Tell me more of your plight, good people. Let us see if my magics can help you."


Mikara lifts her half-closed eyelids from her 5th ale, and aims them in Dextyr's general direction, "Sounds like a job for the diplomatic, fatherly type. City thing, houses, parents, eeeeaaahhhh..." She sticks her finger down her throat, retching in a graphic mimicry of esophageal expulsion. Upon completing this action, she looks back up at Dextyr, bats her eyes and says, "It's perfect for you," She turns her attention back to her ale and mumbles, "but not for me."

[sblock=OOC]John, this isn't a comment on your adventure, so much an admission that it's not the kind of thing Mikara would go for. She's holding out for something a little less diplomatic and more aggressive.[/sblock]


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Tonk begins scratching his nose, considering the words of the couple. The action becomes picking his nose, after which he wipes a huge booger on the underside of the table.

"You know, I think maybe me is interest in help you, old person, especially if daughter is reward for quest. I make good son-in-law, and we make the strong half-orc baby, and you be happy grandmama and grandpapa, and maybe even come to live on People's Democratic Collective #2."

Tonk turns and faces Mikara. "And is no offense for to you, please! You is pretty and have nice hip, but I still no sure about make the half-orc, half-elf baby, so I no want put egg in one basket, yes? So we still be friend, okay?"

He turns back towards the couple. "And more good is rich guy! I take everything him has and make him good Communist! If you want, I maybe even make him your slave, but you need move to People's Democratic Collective #1 (or maybe #2 if you give daughter to me) for to be legal, since slave is important part of good Communism, yes? But anyway, I always want for to make rich guy into good Communist, who give and give and share with everybody! It make world more good place!"

Tonk swoops in on the hapless couple, clasping them about the shoulders with one arm, each. "Is okay if I call you Papa and I call you Mama? We is soon to be one, big, happy family! Okay, here come hug!"

Tonk crushes them in his embrace.


First Post
The man known as Murphy Tang will look up at the couple with a smile, ready to move forward as they were about to leave, but then when they overcame their nerves he settled back into his seat. He listened attentively as they spoke and strode next to Janus, patting the other human on his shoulder.

"Aye, my friend here has the right of it. If ye'll tell us all a little more o' what happened ta yer little one, we'll likely be able ta help ya. Yer cause seems right up ol' Murphy's alley, helping out tha less fortunate, or savin' tha city, either way, as long as the work be just, me blade'll be there" he says, with a grin to the couple.


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A small, slightly stooped gnome slips into the bustling tavern. Wearing a short travel cloak and a small backpack he opens the door slightly, coughs and says "My name is Jehad." Staring towards the floor he shuffles quickly to the bar and orders a small drink. Taking the beverage he nurses it quitely and stays quite despite the multiple people around him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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