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New use for the Heal skill


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I like your suggestions, but have a few questions:

How do you cure Dazzled? That's basically being blinded by a bright light momentarily--seeing flashes of light when you close your eyes and then that white superimposed over everything when you open them. Or not. But how do you treat that?

How long do your treatments last? I think these checks should be temporary fixes, at best. Like your treatment of fatigue, it could last a number of minutes, or maybe even an hour, but after that, they go back to being fatigued until they get the rest they need.

I've got some ideas on poison and disease. Would it be appropriate to put them here, since this thread relates to their treatment, or start a new thread?

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First Post
I like your suggestions, but have a few questions:

How do you cure Dazzled? That's basically being blinded by a bright light momentarily--seeing flashes of light when you close your eyes and then that white superimposed over everything when you open them. Or not. But how do you treat that?
Beats me - I just saw it as a condition and threw it in there - I wasn't really thinking about it. :)

How long do your treatments last? I think these checks should be temporary fixes, at best. Like your treatment of fatigue, it could last a number of minutes, or maybe even an hour, but after that, they go back to being fatigued until they get the rest they need.
Hmm. Good question. Fatigue would definitely be a short-term fix; I'd say an hour (and you could do it multiple times, but the patient risks serious injury/coma from overstress). For the "first step" conditions (sickened, e.g.), you could make it an immediate cure, or it takes a couple rounds but is permanent; for second- and third step conditions, it could reduce the time spent in that condition (like nauseated), or grant a second save to throw off the effects.

I've got some ideas on poison and disease. Would it be appropriate to put them here, since this thread relates to their treatment, or start a new thread?
If it's about the poison and disease systems in general, I'd start a new thread. I've done some work on those myself, and I'd be happy to share.


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I finally sat down and wrote up the new Heal skill. Let me know what you guys think.

First Aid: The character can use first aid to heal minor injuries or bind minor bleeding wounds (1 hp/round). With a DC 10 check, the patient recovers 1 hit point/Hit Die of nonlethal damage, +1 per 5 points by which the result exceeds the DC, or successfully binds the wound (no hp recovered, but it prevents further bloodloss). This requires a full-round action.

Treat Injury: The character can treat serious wounds (heal lethal damage), set broken bones, or bind major bleeding wounds (up to 1d4/round). This requires a DC 15 check; on a successful check, the patient is healed 1 hp/Hit Die of lethal damage, +1 per 5 points by which the result exceeds the DC; or the broken bone is set (heals 1d4 damage); or the wound is bound (no damage recovered, but further bloodloss is prevented). Binding a bleeding wound is a full-round action; treating any other injury requires 2d4 rounds.

Note: Setting a limb does not make the limb usable again; it merely reduces the amount of pain present and enables it to heal correctly. At the DM's discretion, a cure light wounds will heal a minor break (fingers, toes, nose, etc.), but it must be set first, or it will heal crookedly (imposing penalties as appropriate); cure moderate wounds will heal a minor break cleanly without being set, but a major break must be set first; a cure serious wounds will heal a major break without being set first.

The character can also treat someone who is sickened (1d4 rounds, halves the penalties) or fatigued (1d4 rounds, halves the penalties; this lasts for only 1 hour, but any action that makes the patient fatigued again will override this treatment. This can be performed only once while the patient is fatigued.).

Treat Serious Injury: The character can treat mortal wounds (loss of a limb, e.g.). This requires 1d4 rounds and a DC 20 check; if successful, the patient is healed 1d6 points of damage and any ongoing bloodloss is stopped. Binding a bleeding wound requires 1d3 rounds; treating any other injury takes a full minute.

The charcter can also treat someone who is nauseated (1d4 rounds, and the patient is reduced to sickened) or exhausted (2d4 rounds; the patient is reduced to fatigued for 10 minutes, but any action that makes him fatigued again will render him exhausted and override this treatment. This can be applied only once while the person is exhausted.).

Stabilize: If a person or creature has negative hit points and is losing hit points, the character can make him or her stable. The DC for this check is 15 + the number of hit points below 0. For example, a PC at -7 hit points would be DC 22. If the check fails by 10 or more, the patient dies (no save).

Revivify: The character can use his skill to bring back someone who has just died (within the last 2 minutes). This is a DC 30 check and requires 1d4 minutes. Obviously, the patient must be in a condition to be revived (the body must be intact); the DM can rule that some conditions (like being completely immersed in acid) preclude being revived by nonmagical means. If the check is successful, the patient is returned to its death threshold +1d6 hit points. For example, someone with 14 Con would be at -13 to -8 hit points. The healer must make a stablize check (see above) as normal to make the patient stable.

Long-Term Care: Providing long-term care means treating a wounded person for a day or more. If the PC's Heal check is successful, the patient recovers hit points or ability score points (lost to ability damage) at twice the normal rate: 2 hit points per level for 8 hours of rest in a day, or 4 hit points per level for each day of complete rest; 2 ability score points for 8 hours of rest in a day, or 4 ability score points for each day of complete rest.

The PC can tend as many as six patients at a time. He needs a few items and supplies (bandages, salves, and so on) that are easy to come by in settled lands. Giving long-term care counts as light activity for the healer. The PC cannot give long-term care to himself. This is a DC 15 check.

Treat Wound from Caltrop, Spike Growth, or Spike Stones: A creature wounded by stepping on a caltrop moves at one-half normal speed. A successful DC 15 Heal check removes this penalty. This is a full-round action.

A creature wounded by a spike growth or spike stones spell must make a successful Reflex save or take injuries that reduce its speed by one-third. Another character can remove this penalty by taking 10 minutes to dress the victim’s injuries and succeeding on a Heal check against the spell’s save DC.

Treat Poison: To treat poison means to tend a single character who has been poisoned and is going to take more damage (or suffer some other effect). Every time the poisoned character makes a save against the poison, the PC makes a Heal check. The poisoned character uses the Heal check result or his or her save, whichever is higher.

Treat Disease: To treat a disease means to tend a single diseased character. Every time he or she makes a saving throw against disease effects, the PC makes a Heal check. The diseased character uses the Heal check result or his or her saving throw, whichever is higher.

Quicken Recovery: The character can allow a character to regain hit points in a single hour as if he or she had provided long-term care (2 or 4 hit points per level, based on rest time). The PC can quicken the recovery of up to six patients at a time. No character’s recovery can be quickened more than once per day (even by different healers). This is a DC 50 check.

Special: A healer’s kit is required for all checks noted above except First Aid; a masterwork healer's kit grants a +2 competence bonus on Heal checks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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