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D&D 5E New WotC Survey! Learn About A New D&D Product!

WotC has launched a new survey about the future of D&D. This survey includes an NDA (which some people have not taken to well!) halfway through, which asks you not to talk about the survey on pain of being tracked down and fined, but it's about an upcoming (unannounced) new D&D product. You can find out what it is by taking the survey (or it's all over social media aready).

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I took the survey and wasn't asked about any NDA. I was not shown any new products either. Maybe cause i'm not in the USA. No bigee. I would have taken the survey anyway. I like to help :)


Seven Days was that the time travel sci fi series from a few years back where a test pilot travels a week into the past to attempt to stop some cataclysmic event using limited intel?
Edit: Oh yes it is!
Oh goodness I wasn't even going for that but you just 1-Upped me and I applaud you for it.
The Pope episode was great.


Victoria Rules
As I believe @Sacrosanct said, the survey feels a bit useless if you can't express why you are dissatisfied with certain ancestries or their features. It will definitely look like mixed messages, for example, if I say that I am dissatisfied with the half-orc, because I believe the orc has earned its spot but then say that I'm basically satisfied with the half-orc features.
The only way I could find of suggesting Dragonborn and Tieflings shouldn't exist as playable creatures (they're monsters, dammit!) was to vote "very dissatisfied" on every question relating to them.


It is pretty funny how most people on this thread all know what the secret thing is, and are talking to each other about how we feel about the secret thing, without actually saying the name of the secret thing...

Would be hilarious if we all actually did get completely different videos!
I'm slightly annoyed that I got no video, and don't know for sure what the secret thing is, even if I'm fairly certain I've figured out what it is.

Still really naughty word annoying.


So I didn't agree to the NDA bit. I've seen screenshots on Facebook. And people are talking about it all over Reddit. I'm free to talk.

It's a digital tools set, with 3D graphics. Like a super-advanced version of Roll20 and D&D Beyond. Isometric looking maps with customizable digital miniatures. Uses phones and tablets as character sheets.

Also saw a screenshot which had Flint Fireforge in it on a phone screen. So.... in unrelated news, is Dragonlance coming also?
Thank you!

I admit, that's kind of cool. However, I will not sub for it, as I imagine its going to be a monthly fee and then you have to buy each book individually, and I already own almost all of them in hardcover and on roll20. I'm not buying them a third time.

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