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D&D 5E New WotC Survey! Learn About A New D&D Product!

WotC has launched a new survey about the future of D&D. This survey includes an NDA (which some people have not taken to well!) halfway through, which asks you not to talk about the survey on pain of being tracked down and fined, but it's about an upcoming (unannounced) new D&D product. You can find out what it is by taking the survey (or it's all over social media aready).

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Ahh, see, now, I let my sub lapse before the 5e release, so, it never really affected me that way. But, I could see how people might be put out by that.

OTOH, I never had any problems with the online character generator, the rules data base or anything like that. I'm not sure why people are saying that Gleemax was a big failure. AFAIK, it was a pretty strong success with a hundred thousand subscribers or so. Not bad at all.
An updated character builder no worse than the 4e one but with more open formats for exporting would probably be something I would consider subscribing to.

Being able to use a character builder with a subscription to export characters to Roll20 would also increase the chances of me trying a hypothetical VTT connected to the character builder. Until then I'll probably keep using ever more advanced Excel sheets...

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22. Zombies have an average of 22 hit points (yes, I know that off the top of my head. No, you're not allowed to judge me), and assuming they have the correct weapons, feats, and roll well (probably requiring a critical hit for most of them), that's the maximum damage you can do to the average zombie.
I get 33 (Assuming the zombies hit points are rolled) or 38 if not taking overkill into account.

Zombies are 3d8+9 hp so assuming you are rolling hit points that lets them have up to 33.

A Variant human could have a Strength as high as 20 (Roll 18+1 and another +1 for feat.) But we're' going to assume the feat is spent on Great Weapon Master - so the Strength is 19

1d12 or 2d6 max is 12+ 4 Strength + 10 for Great Weapon Master is 26. However, the max damage would also include the possibilty of a Crit so that would add another 12 for 38, which kills the zombie outright.

If you are using point buy the maximum damage possible would be 37.

I don't think I've forgotten anything here.


Crown-Forester (he/him)
Huh, the Survey is closed already!? Since when did they close surveys after 2 days!? What's going on - somehow I completely missed it!


Lost in Dark Sun
Three possibilities:

1) They're hopelessly naive in thinking this NDA would hold.
2) It was a deliberate leak.
3) It was a test to see how long an NDA would hold, perhaps for some other upcoming project.

Oh, please let it be #3. I ain’t said nothing, WOTC!


Crown-Forester (he/him)
Three possibilities:

1) They're hopelessly naive in thinking this NDA would hold.
2) It was a deliberate leak.
3) It was a test to see how long an NDA would hold, perhaps for some other upcoming project.
If it was a deliberate leak, then they would not have closed it within 3 days leaving people like myself scratching our heads on what it was while the rest of you have to be all coy because of the NDA. I haven't done the research into what's on twitter or imgur or whatever, but I imagine it's big if it's real.

I'm thinking that it MIGHT be Door #3, as that would explain why they closed it so quickly. If the NDA was so easily broken, whether or not this is real, that would be real data they just got and they wouldn't need to keep the survey open for fools like me that missed it because we were too focused on E3 news this week (and in my case, on moving my home to a new apt).

If it IS the real deal, I imagine that we will hear official word next month at the same time we hear more about Feywild, Strixhaven, and Wyatt's project.

Why do people keep talking about an NDA?

I can't remember exactly what it said, but from my recollection there wasn't any legal agreement. Didn't they just ask you to promise not to tell?

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