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NFL Week 3


one timeout short? how about 17-21 points screwed by the referees?

dallas fumbles, washington recovers, multiples refs shows washignton ball, the other guy says "no..he was down...dallas ball" shouldve been washington ball at the 10. 3-7 points screwed right there. michaels and madden question this call heavily.

then a deep pass by vinny, the cowboy receiver grabs and spins the redskins cb, no offensive pass int call, the redskin falls down in front of the cowboys path and the defensive pass int flag comes out. 1st and goal cowboys, leads to 7 pts. BOGUS. micheals and madden outright call this a bad call. To quote Madden "That's just wrong."

Later, as the Skins mount a comeback, theres a deep pass to Gardner in the end zone, the Cowboys cb BLATANTLY grabs Gardners arm back right before the pass trickles through Gardners fingers. NO CALL. Michaels and Madden again declare that the Skins got screwed out of another 7 pts.

Take 7 pts off the Cowboys, add 14 to the SKins and this game isnt even close.

Last week the skins gave away a game they dominated with 7 turnovers, 6 of which werent the result of good giants D. I can deal with that. You make 7 turnovers, you deserve to lose, even if you otherwise outplayed a team.

But this? THIS IS DISGUSTING. this was the worst officiated game I've ever seen and even Michaels and Madden were on the bad calls.

UGH. Pardon me while I go ask the NFL for a refund for my football package.

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Mystery Man

First Post
Based on? He has a new coach, a new system, a team that is avcerage. Yet they are 3-0 and do better with him in the line up (see last year).
Based on the fact that he runs around the field like an idiot. Yeah he runs it in for a touch down. BFD. Sooner or later (most likely sooner) he's gonna get killed. Some big mother truckin' defensive back is going to have enough of his antics, or he's going to get slow and he's going to get laid out. Bad.

You simply cannot run the ball as a QB in the pro's like it's college for any length of time. And they're on to him I think. Arizona held him to 6 points last game, of course Arizona didn't win because they suck but still. A sign of things to come if other teams are smart and learn from what the Cards did.

If he changes to smart quarter backing, is a leader and not a show boater and proves that he can actually employ some strategy and make it to the playoffs I'll change my opinion. Until then....

Besides, I like getting you riled up. :D
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Mystery Man

First Post
Album Cover X said:
If "insane troll logic" is pointing out, like I did, their history. No one's saying except Merrill Hoge (of ESPN) that the Eagles suck and won't make the playoffs... I'm just saying they have a documented history of playing well in the regular season, winning a playoff game, and then losing in the NFC championship game...
If you look at their history, they've gotten a little better and a little closer to the big prize every year. McNabb improves consistently. I can see them winning the championship this year if not the super bowl.

I personally like McNabb... I also despise TO but that's a different story
I feel your pain.


First Post
Yeah! Cowboys won in FedEx Field!!!!!

Though I feel kinda cheap since it seemed like a too many bad calls that moved the tide.....
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First Post
Mystery Man said:
You simply cannot run the ball as a QB in the pro's like it's college for any length of time. And they're on to him I think. Arizona held him to 6 points last game, of course Arizona didn't win because they suck but still. A sign of things to come if other teams are smart and learn from what the Cards did.
It's probably worth noting that McNabb, at Syracuse, ran the ball at least as much as Vick did at Virginia Tech; coach P's run/run/pass/punt offense actually works when you've got a quarterback like McNabb and a fairly good tailback running the ball. But in the NFL, he made a delibrate effort to become a more Young/Elway-style running quarterback -- he's always looking to pass, though he'll run if the opening's there. Some commentaters have blasted McNabb and the Eagles over this, but they both knew that if Donovan wanted to play well in the NFL for ten or fifteen years, he had to do it.


First Post
McNabb's good at it, so why not let him run it. He tries to pass, but he's not afraid to run with it. He can think quickly on his toes and is versitile is what it says to me.

He may not be scoring much, but if he doesn't see an opening running ten yeards is preferable to just standing there hopeing some gets open eventually. He has also proven he can take the hits :)

By running it he also forces the defense to constantly be worried about covering him and all the others.

TO- so long as he keeps his good attitude through the season he's a good edition. I can see big issues between Andy and him though!
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First Post
Album Cover X said:
If "insane troll logic" is pointing out, like I did, their history. No one's saying except Merrill Hoge (of ESPN) that the Eagles suck and won't make the playoffs... I'm just saying they have a documented history of playing well in the regular season, winning a playoff game, and then losing in the NFC championship game...

No matter how you cut, dice, and slice it those are the facts... 0-3 in NFC championship games in the last 3 years... Making that far that consistently is a mark of solid team; plenty of teams/fans would trade places in a heartbeat...

I personally like McNabb... I also despise TO but that's a different story...
Wait, wait, wait...

Didn't you, at the same time you're dissing Philly because of past history, claim the Seahawks were going to win it all?!? How does this not qualify as insane?

When was the last time Seattle won a playoff game (1984...)? When was the last time they went to the conference championship? How'd they do?

So really, let's apply some consistency...


Mystery Man said:
The Eagles are a pretty solid team that has gotten consistenly better every year.

Mike Vick is an overrated hack. :D

Actually, I think last year Philly was worse than the year before - but this kind of consitency is definitely nice for the fans, Big Game or no...

Album Cover X

First Post
Storminator said:
Wait, wait, wait...

Didn't you, at the same time you're dissing Philly because of past history, claim the Seahawks were going to win it all?!? How does this not qualify as insane?

When was the last time Seattle won a playoff game (1984...)? When was the last time they went to the conference championship? How'd they do?

So really, let's apply some consistency...


do you even know what you're talking about??? You want some consistency ok... here's some... let me know if you need me to type slower in order for you to understand...

1. I'm not "dissing" the Eagles... I'm merely saying for now the 875534th time I don't think they have what it takes to win. Let's us look at past history for your beloved "consistency". Rarely does a team knock on the door, constantly fail, and then suddenly break thru.
1) 80s Browns... the team I most liken the Eagles to... The Browns went to the AFC championship game it seemed like every year only to come up short
2) 90s Bills... 4 super bowl trips... 4 super bowl L's

2. I am saying the Seahawks look as good, if not, better than anyone else. Was there a ENworld edict that prevents me from sharing my opinion? Please send me the link.

3. Your misguided belief that because the Seahawks haven't won a playoff game since the stone-age they are now incapable of winning one now... honestly, do you make this stuff up or do you even pay a bit of attention to how the NFL truly is???

If your super-sound theory held, then the Rams wouldn't have won back in 1999 because they hadn't won a playoff game in forever. The Bucs would have been forced to unpack their bags before the SB in 2003 because they were the laughingstock of the league for a loooooong time.

Are you beginning to see how your theory and search for "consistency" is now forcing you to eat crow???

Hey I may not know when an AoO is always triggered or understand the workings of the d20 Open license... but I do know sports...

thanks for playing...
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First Post
Album Cover X said:
do you even know what you're talking about??? You want some consistency ok... here's some... let me know if you need me to type slower in order for you to understand...
Man. Somebody's touchy. ;)
1. I'm not "dissing" the Eagles... I'm merely saying for now the 875534th time I don't think they have what it takes to win. Let's us look at past history for your beloved "consistency". Rarely does a team knock on the door, constantly fail, and then suddenly break thru.
1) 80s Browns... the team I most liken the Eagles to... The Browns went to the AFC championship game it seemed like every year only to come up short
2) 90s Bills... 4 super bowl trips... 4 super bowl L's
Counter examples:

Dallas, '66 to '70, lost conference championship or superbowl, '71 superbowl winner

Raiders '68 to '75 lost 6 conference championships in 8 years, '76 superbowl winner

Giants '84 & '85 lost in playoffs, '86 superbowl winner

Bucs '99 to '01 lost in playoffs or championship, '02 superbowl winner

Packers, '93 to '95 lost playoffs or championship, '96 superbowl winner

There are lots of teams that get close before they get thru.

2. I am saying the Seahawks look as good, if not, better than anyone else. Was there a ENworld edict that prevents me from sharing my opinion? Please send me the link.
It's right there next to rule that says no one can comment on your opinion once you've posted it...

3. Your misguided belief that because the Seahawks haven't won a playoff game since the stone-age they are now incapable of winning one now... honestly, do you make this stuff up or do you even pay a bit of attention to how the NFL truly is???
I thought it was pretty clear I was criticizing your dismissal of the Eagles combined with your faith in the Seahawks. That's where I'm asking for consistency. If history argues against Philly, it argues against Seattle just as hard.

If your super-sound theory held, then the Rams wouldn't have won back in 1999 because they hadn't won a playoff game in forever. The Bucs would have been forced to unpack their bags before the SB in 2003 because they were the laughingstock of the league for a loooooong time.
Bucs argument works against you. See above.

Are you beginning to see how your theory and search for "consistency" is now forcing you to eat crow???
Nope. :)

Hey I may not know when an AoO is always triggered or understand the workings of the d20 Open license... but I do know sports...

thanks for playing...
Any time.


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