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Nightfall's Not so Incredible Journey


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Nightfall said:
....I admit to doing some pretty scary/crazy, speeds. ...

Night, first off glad to hear you are okay :) , sorry to hear about your GRRM loses :(

Something about speed- few years back I was a friggin' speed demon on the roads, then I got a ticket (illegal lane change) and I went to traffic school. The teacher explained speed to us this way (admittedly its not a 100% accurate, but it made sense to me)-

You have to travel 60 miles so you travel at 60 mph and make it there in one hour.

Or you could travel it at 30 mph and get there in 2 hours.

Or at 45 mph and get there at 1 1/2 hours.

At a speed of 58 mph you would get there in 1 3/4 hours.

At 60 mph stopping distance is like 250', at 50 mph stopping distance is around 175' and at 30 mph its around 75' you can increase that for rain, road conditions, driver alertness, weight of car, and such.

When he told us this it really clicked in my head- is traveling fast worth the risk I am placing on others? Am I truly saving any time?

Your trip was made a little longer (by hours) trying to save a few extra minutes and it cost you a car.

My intention is to be preachy, it was just something that clicked when he told the class and I thought that it was something that you would understand.

Drive carefully people, the speeding ante worth the possible lost time.

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Drove into Banff in the Rockies today. I could have skated on the highway inside the park, it was so icy. I actually thought of this thread and slowed waaaaay down and drove past 6-7 cars in the ditch. Thanks for sharing your tragedy, NF, you may have saved me my own.


Sage of the Scarred Lands

Glad to know and while I will say I probably wouldn't have driven as fast if it had been snowing or icy, rain didn't factor into my speed needs.


Well I can't promise I won't always slow down BUT I will be a tad more cautious when it comes to weather conditions.


Yes I was fortunate. I just don't like fines. :p :)
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Nightfall said:
Glad to know and while I will say I probably wouldn't have driven as fast if it had been snowing or icy, rain didn't factor into my speed needs.

I like to think I would have slowed down regardless of the presence of this thread, but the fact it came instantly to mind made certain that I did.

Rain can be deceitfully dangerous, for sure. I need to be more careful in pouring rain, myself.


First Post
I know you will be careful in the rain, I am just glad you are okay. I hate hearing about people here that just up and disappear then their group comes in and says- "so and so died," or "he's in the hospital," or what have you.

Thanks for checking in and thanks for making it through. :)


Sage of the Scarred Lands

What? Me? Disappear? Nah! Not bloody likely! I might stop posting a bit, but it will take more than a Car wreck to stop me! ;) Trust me, I plan on annoying 10,000 more people about the Scarred Lands and Orcus. I also plan on posting 30,000 more times so I can finally top Crothy! :D That's my life work. Well that and the Scarred Lands. :)


First Post
I wonder if Clark has received any divinely benefits from your devout worship? Or is he really not Orcus, but calls himself that because he is the High Priest of the secret cult of Orcus?



Sage of the Scarred Lands
Treebore said:
I wonder if Clark has received any divinely benefits from your devout worship? Or is he really not Orcus, but calls himself that because he is the High Priest of the secret cult of Orcus?


Well if he does that's fine, but even if he doesn't Orcus was certainly wanting to keep me around. ;)


Yes it was scary as hell. Much rather been a Tarrasque's chew toy.

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