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No Hero's Welcome - IC


Map, starting situation
OOC: It's been a long time since I made a map on a computer, and without access to a scanner this weekend I had to do it that way. I'm still looking for a decent program to do it with, so in the meantime I had to make do with a demo version of Dundjinni. I hope it's clear enough for now.

The markers, in order of initiative:
Yellow - Baraka
Blue - Lt. Tensen
Grey - Novhilion
Dark Green - Swifttooth 16
Red - OGRE
Green - Oakheart
Black - Kuro Gemshard
Purple - Abe Harper

Don't forget that the roof is sloping at a moderate angle, thus making movement costing double and possibly forcing Balance checks. The gray thing is the skycart you just used to get on the roof. Using it for cover isn't that great, as the elemental air surrounding it can cause arrows to go awry.
With feral reflexes, Baraka seizes the situation and runs out of the ogre's reach while drawing and nocking an arrow. He fires, but gets only a glancing blow against the hulking brute's hide. The ogre has no time to react, as the commanding voice of an officer now rings through the night! The weak mind of the lumbering criminal isn't up to it and like many recruits before him he slams to the hard ground of the iron pile beneath him. He's quick enough not to fall off completely.
Angrily he throws the iron bars in his left fist against Lt. Tensen, but the few missiles that didn't go completely astray bounce off a solid Cyran shield.
Novhilion carefully moves up the roof, shielding himself with eldritch powers.
Both Oakheart and Kuro Gemshard use the ogre's mishap to stand up and get out of the way. The warforged almost falls down again, kneeling on the worn slate shingles.

Moving out of harm's way, Ensign Harper tries to scan the night sky, awaiting someone's unwanted company...
Oh fickle fate. The ogre rolled a 1 one his saving throw, but got a 20 on his balance check to remain on the platform. I decided that Lt. Tensen didn't move away, as Oakheart didn't get very far and no other enemy is within sight. This gives him time to ready his shield. I'm not sure what Kuro is supposed to do, but first he has to get out of the ogre's reach.
Bow, blade and spell wait for the Ogre to get up and within reach. Not to disappoint, the hairy mass appears in the middle of Team Dragon. Baraka's arrow hits true, plunging through sinews and muscle. Lt. Tensens blade doesn't get near enough to the ogre's limbs, as he still tries to protect the climbing warforged. It's a moment for missiles, as a necromantic spell flies through the air, causing the ogre to shiver noticeably.
Oakheart climbs to safety and starts loading his crossbow. Kuro mumbles a few words over some stones he carries in a pouch.
Abe Harper lifts his head over the wall. There's something on the other side!
Critical hit for Baraka, 18 points of damage. Lt. Tensen missed while fighting defensively, and as carrying loaded crossbows while climbing up roofs and riding magical vehicles isn't a wise decision, Oeakheart has to load his. He's not in immediate danger, so his saurial companion stays put. Harper made a listen check and heard something beyond the wall. The ray of enfeeblement causes 3 points of strength damage. Kuro casts Magic Stone.
Wood breaks, as the stiff hide of the ogre deflects another arrow meant to fell the giant-spawn. Novhilion follows with an arrow of his own, but the winds aren't on his side. Lt. Tensen almost over-extends himself over the hole in the roof and so doesn't get the fulfilling sensation of steel biting into his enemy. But where steel fails, raw stone does the deal and Kuro's imbued missile hits the enemy. Oakheart's bolt hits, but doesn't penetrate.
The ogre's fist slams into the lieutenant's shield, sending him reeling.

And while everyone's concentrating on the obvious attacker, the Ensign spots the gnoll climbing through the crane's hatch on the outside wall, swiftly making his way to the top. As he reaches the top of the wall, after a warning to his comrades, a prayer is answered, but the hyena-man is no believer and remains standing, shaking drowsiness out of his beastly head. He scans the scene before him: A compatriot heavily wounded and lots of attackers on the roof. His predator snout is hard to read, but battlelust isn't all that's in his eyes...
No luck for bows and crossbows this round, although at least Kuro got a natural 20, doing 4 more poins of damage to the ogre. The ogre had better luck, causing Lt. Tensen 7 points of damage.
The gnoll _barely_ made his saving throw against the sleep spell.

I didn't write down every number I rolled, as it's pretty late right now. I'll promise to do better next time and tell you by what exact amounts you missed ;)
Please direct comments regarding your tactics to the OOC thread. At this time I don't know exactly what everyone would do, but it's certainly quicker for me to handle some rounds than to wait for everyone's posts every single round.
But we'll leave that for the OOC discussion, now you definitely have the advantage. The gnoll is an unknown variable, but the Ogre is fighting for survival now.

This is how the battlefield looks right now, initiative order remains mostly the same (the only ones who delayed where those who already acted right before the ogre), the gnoll acts right before Abe Harper, rolling abysmally low. The brown marker is the gnoll, crouching on the outside wall,

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As he draws back his bow for another shot <at the ogre> Baraka growls, "That big ugly smashing through the rrrroof had to have alerted the guard! We may be out of time."

"How do we want to deal with the guard, Lt?"
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Lieutenant Conrad Tensen of the Fifth Cyran Infantry
[SIZE=-2]Human Warrior 1 / Cleric 1 stats[/SIZE]


"With luck we will see tomorrow in Cyre!"


Conrad gasps out over the noise of the battle "We can only fight one battle at a time Baraka, either the guard will try to arrest us, or he will see us fighting this monster and lend a hand."

He swings again at the Ogre, almost loosing his balance and continues "If the guard doesn't want to let us take a look, we'll have to keep him distracted long enough for one or two of our sneakier people to get a look around."


First Post
Novhilion looks to the Ogre, and then sees his Gnoll companion lurking behind him. "Be alert! Another seems to have entered the fray..." He returns his attention to the Ogre, nimbly darting away from the hulking brute. He nocks another arrow, and aims for the brute's head. "Finish him off first, we can deal with the others later!" Caron flutters on Novhilion's shoulder, and gives a squawk. <Where do they keep coming from?!?> Novhilion grits his teeth, angrily glaring at the Gnoll. <All that matters is where we send them, dear friend.>

Hearing Conrad's plan, Novhilion yells back. "For the guard's sake, I fervently hope that he sees fit to aid us! But, should he prove antagonistic, it may be necessary to silence him, by any means necessary." Novhilion attempts to keep his balance on the roof as he draws another arrow, eager to finish the giant off...


First Post
As Abe sees the Gnoll aproach, he falls back to the skycoach and grabs his weapon
Take care of the Ogre, i try to slow his partner down!
With a grim face he moves toward the new enemy, holding his shield between him and the beastlike figure.


In a concerted effort, Team Dragon prepares to take the Ogre down. Baraka pulls the bowstring taut agains his cheek and lets fly, staggering the Ogre with a solid hit to its solid ribcage (19+5, 3+2 dmg). With a practised stroke Lt. Tensen strikes, but misses (3+4) the suddenly very defensive giantkin.
Meanwhile, Novhilion aims and (17+2, dmg 8-1) manages to hit the Ogre right between the eyes. He's going down fast and hard, hitting the floor of the warehouse with a resounding thump.
Oakheart steps forward, looks down and around. The Ogre has hit the bottom. He points his crossbow towards the gnoll, ready to let a bolt fly if things get too dire for poor skinny Harper. Kuro Bron straightens his clothes and picks up his last magical stone, ready to let go in an instant.

The kneeling gnoll, survey the situation, grimaces as his compatriot is going down -- and makes for the skycart! He runs along the ledge (18+4) and leaps on the cart (8+6), reaching for the controls. Abe tries to grab him as he passes, but with his shield he's just to slow (6-3). He drops what he's holding in his hands and jumps towards the skycart, landing on the hard roof (4-3).

Baraka climbs the wall (10+6) and looks down. Truly, the commotion has caused the guard to stir. Tying his belt, he runs towards the door to the warehouse. Nocking another arrow, Baraka continues to watch the street, trying to avoid being seen by someone down below. Lt. Tensen drops his shield and grabs the skycart's edge, trying to pull himself up, although his time of chin-ups as a recruit have been long ago (4-5)
Novhilion moves towards the top of the roof, trying to get a better angle to shoot or cast from. He moves carefully and improves his position. Oakheart tries to give the Lieutenant a lift up, his artificial construction succeeding where the human's flesh failed (20+0 !)
Kuro moves down the roof, to where Baraka is standing now.

The gnoll reaches the steering, trying to get things going (4+3), but has to make some adjustments from the way Harper screwed with the controls before.
Speaking of the ensign, Abe quickly stands up, trying to make for the cart a second time, this time succeeding with aplomb! (19-3)

Baraka is looking down and is able to watch the guardsman fastening his buckle with his left and slashing the rope surrounding the door with a knife in his right. "Bring me my halberd, brazen strumpet!" The shifter curses under his breath, moves along the ledge and tries to end the trouble on the skycart quickly. With innate ease, he runs on the narrow parapet, jumping on the cart (taking 10 both times).
Meanwhile Lt. Tensen gets, regaining the grip on his sword and strides towards the gnoll.
Elf, warforged and dwarf await what's happening, holding mismatched missiles ready.
Finally the gnoll resets the switches and throws a lever, sending the skycart hurling upwards at maximum speed! (17+3).

The wobbling platform sends its passengers reeling. The gnoll holds on to the control panel, crouching in an animalistic stance (20+4). Lt. Tensen (20-3) and Baraka (20+3) are too occupied by their zeal to get to the gnoll to even consider falling down. But fate isn't on Abe Harpers side (Balance 1+0). The twisting motion of the magical platform catapults the dead halfling over its side, crashing right into Abe Harper. As he falls over board, his arm stretches forth in desperation and manages to get a hold of the very edge (Ref 20+2)

Yes, I really rolled 20-20-20-1-20 there... (In general, what I rolled against should be pretty obvious, so I mostly just noted the results and not the skill used)

The ogre went down (literally) rather fast, so I had to come up with some strategies for most of you. As taking down the gnoll was the general consensus, I decided that most of you would follow him on the cart. If you'd have behaved differently, please clarify this on the OOC thread and the next time I probably won't play you as hot-headed. On the other hand, you _are_ adventurers ;)

No pictures this time. Tensen, Baraka and Harper are on the skycart with the coach. Novhilion, Oakheart, Kuro and Swifttooth are on the roof, while down below the guard is entering the warehouse...
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First Post
His feet planted frimly on the rocketing coach, Baraka unleashes a primal scream as the hair on his arms neck and back instantly grow thicker and coarser <shift>. He slings his bow over his shoulder with practised ease and grimly slides a thick bladed shortsword from his belt.

"Put us down or die gnoll!", Baraka hisses. The look in his eye promises and painful death.

Voidrunner's Codex

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