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No Man's Land (Recruitment Closed... Sort of)


Bloodweaver1 -
1) I'm pretty sure you've explained this before, but how's your weapon 2 sizes larger? the Bracers give 1 size larger, but I don't see how you got the other one.
2) Why is your initiative mod +4 when your dex is +2?
3) Why does your will save have a +8 misc? (+5 resistance, +1 Ioun Stone, +2 what?)
Con: 24/28 (+13)
24 is +7 mod, 28 is a +9 mod.. where'd you get +13 from?
Also, I think Obsidian is the one character I've seen so far that Whin has cause to fear. You can actually hit me on a 16. WITHOUT rage/frenzy.

Moritheil - I believe Cohorts would probably be same as PC's, halfway to their next level.
(IE IF your cohort is 18th level, he would have 162,000 XP, needing 171,000 for lvl 19.)

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First Post
moritheil said:
Oh, I also have another question for the DM:

[sblock]Are you ruling Sylph casting ability per RAW, or per standardized interpretation?

It does say as a sorc of level 4+HD, but every DM I've ever discussed this with has considered that an example of poor wording and just run it as indicating racial HD plus 4. I built that way, but I happened to note that other people in this campaign have used the 4+ any HD interpretation. Obviously, there is a huge resultant power gap, as this effectively makes them gestalt characters.

Please let me know.[/sblock]

I am more of a fan of using the second interpetation. I will employ that method for now, which means I will need to hear from anyone whos character is changed drastically by this.


*Just edited my char sheet a bit, didn't notice till now but I apparently hadn't chosen all of my spells. Still have 1 6th lvl spell slot, I'm contemplating Shadow Walk or Disintegrate, any other ideas? (I'd like to get this chosen before it becomes important).


First Post
Jemal said:
Bloodweaver1 -
1) I'm pretty sure you've explained this before, but how's your weapon 2 sizes larger? the Bracers give 1 size larger, but I don't see how you got the other one.
2) Why is your initiative mod +4 when your dex is +2?
3) Why does your will save have a +8 misc? (+5 resistance, +1 Ioun Stone, +2 what?)
4) 24 is +7 mod, 28 is a +9 mod.. where'd you get +13 from?
Also, I think Obsidian is the one character I've seen so far that Whin has cause to fear. You can actually hit me on a 16. WITHOUT rage/frenzy.
Again thanks for the scan!!
1. He is weilding the warhammer with two hands, not one. It is the same as weilding a Huge Maul (which is a two handed weapon). The max damage comes out to be the same (4d6 vs 3d8), I just did Garganuan for feel and effect. No if he took Monkey Grip... :]
2. +2 Bonus from my Belt of Battle (Belt of Battle - Constant +2 competence bonus to initiative. Also, 3 charges per day, renewed at dawn, expendable as swift action as follows: 1 charge = 1 extra move action, 2 charges = extra standard action, 3 charges = extra full round action.)
3. +8 Misc Will Save (+5 resistance, +1 Ioun Stone, +2 Bonus from Rage)
4. You are correct. I have no idea how I got that number... must have copy pasted it from something else. Correct to reflex new Will save total of +18/+22.

Anything else?



First Post
Jemal said:
Bloodweaver1 -
Also, I think Obsidian is the one character I've seen so far that Whin has cause to fear. You can actually hit me on a 16. WITHOUT rage/frenzy.

Just wait till he starts taking levels in War Hulk. :] :]



Bloodweaver, a Couple things -
First, don't forget your Con also affects HP and Fort save (sorry)
Second - I think you're confusing the Weapon Size rules...
SRD said:
Weapon Size: Every weapon has a size category. This designation indicates the size of the creature for which the weapon was designed.
A weapon’s size category isn’t the same as its size as an object. Instead, a weapon’s size category is keyed to the size of the intended wielder. In general, a light weapon is an object two size categories smaller than the wielder, a one-handed weapon is an object one size category smaller than the wielder, and a two-handed weapon is an object of the same size category as the wielder.
Inappropriately Sized Weapons: A creature can’t make optimum use of a weapon that isn’t properly sized for it. A cumulative –2 penalty applies on attack rolls for each size category of difference between the size of its intended wielder and the size of its actual wielder. If the creature isn’t proficient with the weapon a –4 nonproficiency penalty also applies.
The measure of how much effort it takes to use a weapon (whether the weapon is designated as a light, one-handed, or two-handed weapon for a particular wielder) is altered by one step for each size category of difference between the wielder’s size and the size of the creature for which the weapon was designed. If a weapon’s designation would be changed to something other than light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration, the creature can’t wield the weapon at all.
So according to that, wielding a 1-handed weapon (Warhammer) sized for a larger creature makes it two handed, yes, but also gives you a -2 on the attack roll. Where'd you get the stats for a Great Maul, anyways? (If that actually exists, you'd be better off just using a Huge Great Maul)


First Post
Jemal said:
*Just edited my char sheet a bit, didn't notice till now but I apparently hadn't chosen all of my spells. Still have 1 6th lvl spell slot, I'm contemplating Shadow Walk or Disintegrate, any other ideas? (I'd like to get this chosen before it becomes important).

Hmm, do we need the transport? I don't know how you match up against constructs; do you need the power boost?


First Post
Jemal said:
Bloodweaver, a Couple things -I think you're confusing the Weapon Size rules...

Maybe I am. However, is a medium long sword a two handed weapon for a small creature?

What is the difference for a small creature when wielding a small great sword and medium long sword in two hands?

The Maul can be found in the Complete Warrior. Towards the end of the book.



Bloodweaver1 said:
Maybe I am. However, is a medium long sword a two handed weapon for a small creature?

What is the difference for a small creature when wielding a small great sword and medium long sword in two hands?

The Maul can be found in the Complete Warrior. Towards the end of the book.


Well, according to the RAW, A Halfling wielding a Human-sized Long Sword must use it two-handed, and takes a -2 penalty to the attacks. (I think the official reasoning is b/c the grips are designed for the wrong sized hand or something.)
Remember, though a human dagger and a halfling shortsword may be SIMILAR, they're not IDENTICAL.
I say go with the maul.

Voidrunner's Codex

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