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Nobilis - Treachery

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First Post
Everyone's favorite Spaniard has arrived! Maria Borges checking in, after a few hellatious days where I got stuck in a quicksand patch on the other side of the Stopover from the Hall. (But in real life just had a crapload of work to do and then got sick.) Anyway, I'm here now, sorry about the delay, and let's get to it.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Surprise, surprise, Peter didn't even bother to do a Divination to find where you were. ;)


First Post
Hey now, who's to say that any epiphany spirits had even SEEN her recently? And doesn't auctoritas do something to divinations?


First Post
Of all people in the world, don't you think that I would be the one who could find a journey that would manage to avoid any Epiphany spirits that could reveal my whereabouts? Just my luck. :) Anyway, I'm back now, my Brothers and Sister. It's been a while. Aren't we in the middle of some plot or another?


First Post
Oh, and speaking of that quicksand patch, I've been meaning to tell you all a little about some of the places I've seen on my journeys, haven't I? I guess since it was the first thing I mentioned, I'll start with the quicksand. But there are quite a few other things that I'll get around to later. For now, grab yourself a glass of your favorite color wine and take a seat on the porch. I've got stories.

Well, on this particular day I woke up, and first thing, had to dig myself out of a pile of leaves. I had slept the night in a forest where perpetual autumn reigned. Here, there was always a thick cover of brightly colored leaves on the ground. They fell constantly, mimicking a snowfall with broad, vivid flakes. I scraped together a soft pile and lay down to sleep, and during the night, I had been buried.

After picking the last leaves out of my hair, I waded through the crunching masses to the edge of the forest. As the trees parted before me, I was blinded by reflected light. A huge sheet of what appeared to be ice stretched for miles in front of me, peppered with massive and moss-covered stone pillars. They rose out of the frozen lake like strangers, gods almost, so old and huge as to be unknowable. Some looked natural, like spires of living rock. Some were cylindrical and carved intricately. I ventured out onto the frozen plain to get a closer look at these (ever the archaeologist). Though the surface was perfectly smooth, I didn't slip. The ice was in fact not ice - well, I really can't make that assertion. It behaved exactly like ice, but was not cold. I chipped off a piece and warmed it between my hands. When I parted my palms, a gust of wind blew away a fistful of pale blue sand.

Finally, after about fifteen minutes of walking, I stood at the base of one of the carved pillars. They were even larger than I had thought, standing on the shore. The stone was a dull black, with veins of a deep and shining purple running through it. The carvings, to my delight, seemed to be a mix of dozens of ancient cultures - I could see Maya and Egyptian hieroglyphs, Sumerian cuneiform, and a hundred other alphabets all blended together. I couldn't make anything of it... it seemed to be just gibberish, but I stood there studying it for the next half-hour. I would have stayed longer, except that at this point, the ground gave out beneath me and I collapsed into a pit of the same soft blue sand that I had been studying earlier. I was suddenly submerged up to my neck. Apart from the fact that I couldn't move much, it was surprisingly comfortable. The sand wasn't wet, like ordinary quicksand, just very soft. I surmised that it was either pressure, heat, or a combination thereof that caused this "ice" to break down into its sandy components. I had stood in one place for too long. In any event, I was rather panicked, and thrashed around for possibly a full twenty minutes before realizing that I could use the powers of the Journey to pluck myself out pretty easily. After doing this I spent another twenty minutes brushing sand off of myself, and then, hearing a summons on my slightly sand-clogged communications device, I flew myself home. And here I am. Trust me, I have quite a few more amazing stories about the features of our Chancel, wait and see.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Yikes, scary. We should set up warnings in these areas so people aren't randomly dying there. I wonder why the stones don't fall themselves. Maybe they go below the ice and sand?


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Chris Thompson, Regal of Risk

This is just a post for me to work on my character, with my other character as a template.
[sblock][smallcaps]"Risk[/smallcaps] is possibility, like possibility for change. The universe is changing all the time on its own, sometimes randomly. Sure, there are some laws and rules, but even they have an aspect of chance to them. Need I change the topic to quantum mechanics, chaos theory, and the uncertainty principle? I don't think so, and please don't ask me to. The specifics bore me. This is the gist of it, though. There are fifty-two cards in all and you don't know which I'm holding, but I think you better fold to me anyway."

Chris stands fairly tall, about 6'1". He's not difficult to point out in a crowd, and not just because of his height. He wears a distinctive leather hat and a nice leather trench coat. It seems odd at first, but it ends up being utilitarian. He keeps decks of cards and odd coins in various pockets, so he has plenty of storage. Chris doesn't keep himself particularly well-shaven, but he avoids beards. From time to time, he will decide to grow a goatee, then shave it off thinking it looks ludicrous.

Chris has spent a lot of time in casinos and various gambling venues. He knows how to gamble and has dealt with a lot of money. Money doesn't impress him anymore, since it can be found anywhere. How to extract money, or wealth or items, interests him much more. He likes figuring out the chances various situations occuring. Chris does hate cheaters, though, as they break statistics. In his games, he makes sure no one cheats, according to whatever rules the game happens to have. The rules can be changed, but they are always to be followed.

Chris, Regal of Risk.

[smallcaps][b]Attributes[/b][/smallcaps] (24 CPs spent)
Aspect 1 - 5 MP: Metahuman
Domain 5 - 5 MP: Regal
Realm  0 - 6 MP: Citizen
Spirit 1 - 5 MP: Hearthfire

[smallcaps][b]Gifts and Virtues[/b][/smallcaps] (1 CP spent)
G: Luck: Spend SMP to generate a major lucky event
V: Honor-bound

[smallcaps][b]Limits and Restrictions[/b][/smallcaps]
R: Hated: by the inhabitants of his chancel

[smallcaps][b]Affiliation[/b][/smallcaps] (Code of the Wild)
1. Freedom is the highest principle
2. Sanity and mundanity are prisons
3. Give in kind with a gift received

[smallcaps][b]Bonds and Anchors[/b][/smallcaps]
5 My honr and my dignity
4 Mother
3 Daryl McDowell
3 My hat
3 My estate
2 Country music and classic rock
Lila O'Connor

Chris's design is a convolvulus, Flower of Uncertainty, wrapped around a
White Violet, Flower of the Attept of Happiness, on a crescent moon

[smallcaps]Other Notes:[/smallcaps]
Chancel: Stopover
Imperator: Sulaya

Game notes...
We are to make a temple of inquisition

Polyphemus was to be a guardian of our chancel. We convinced him to come along with us with a really nice hat of his size. We stopped, first, in Antartica to visit the Library of Babel, which is the home of a famila consisting of the dominus of records (Lance Romanil), the dominus of mazes, the dominus of beaurocracy, and the dominus of trails.

[smallcaps]Other Familia[/smallcaps][sblock]
Lance Romanil, Records
Ada Walmet, Strife
Nephala, Festivals
Darryl McDowell is a gentleman Chris used to gamble with. Darryl is a ruthless gambler, willing to win a game at any cost. The two of them learned with each other, but always butted heads, almost evenly matched. In a very high stakes game, Chris caught Darryl cheating and called him out. Darryl was furious that he was found out and arranged for some men to "educate" Chris. Chris was left with broken limbs. Of course, Chris would seek revenge, but in the best way he knew how. With cards.

Lila O'Connor is an inhabitant of Stopover. With the help of Peter, Chris sought the most honorable person in Stopover, who happened to be Lila. She is a thirteen year-old girl who hates Chris. Everybody in Stopover hates Chris, including Lila, but Chris has a deep respect for Lila.

MPs left:
AMP: 5/5
DMP: 5/5
RMP: 6/6
SMP: 5/5

Wound Levels:
Surface: 2
Serious: 2
Deadly: 2
Last edited:


First Post
Well, it's a pretty isolated place, but yeah, I imagine sign-posting would be good. I could see our subway trains rattling by off in the distance, so I know they go by that place. Also, I'm not really sure why the pillars don't sink. They're so huge, I'd be willing to bet that they go well deeper than this crazy ice/sand substance. Then again, I don't know much about the geology of our Chancel; maybe Peter would know?


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
You don't care to do do a Journey to find out what's really at the bottom of this? ;)

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