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Non-Iconics Adventure. Dungeon of the Fire Opal Part 3

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reapersaurus said:
I was TRYING to have Ubaar be like a bud with Ivellios - don't tell me that TOO is an insult to Ivellios? sheesh - makes me feel like if Ubaar even mentions ivellios' Name, it could be construed as an insult. :(

Oh, you *were* acting like you were Ivellios' friend - it's just that he's taken poorly to such attempts on your part in the past. Do anything, and he'll insult you for it - do nothing, and he'll speak of the craven nature of orcs. ;)

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The elf tries to focus his eyes on the blurry old bald man, "Drunk? Why, it's just a little celebration. We <Hic!> killed a dragon and some other <Hic!> demons or something just outside your village today and needed to <Hic!> unwind a bit."

"Besides <Hic!>, ale takes away some the pain from these gaping holes in my flesh. If you could just <Hic!> heal me up a bit I'm sure the blood will stop dripping all over the floor."


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"Yes,yes,yes. Demons, right. Let me see those wounds. Follow me."

He leads Ubaar and Ivellios to a side room that looks like an infirmary.

"Sit there." He points at a low, sturdy table.

Taking a towel and a bottle from a shelf, he looks carefully at the elf's wounds.
"Mmmm. These are pretty bad. Where have you been ?" His touch is gentle, unlike his tone of voice, as he cleans up the wounds and dresses them with bandages.

"You have been lucky to survive this one, young man. See this wound ? It missed your right lung by that much." He holds his fingers up really close together. "And the burns..."

"Luckily, none of it is fatal. You'll survive, young man. A few days of bed rest will set you right up. Just be more careful next time, mmmh ?" He gives Ivellios a small leather vial. "Drink this before bed tonight. It will help you recover."

He then turns towards Ubaar. "What about you ?"


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Back in the tavern, Taz did hide herself, when Ubaar became a little too much involved in his storytelling, so that he could not accidentily grab and strangulate her to display his eternal fight with the imp.

After the table broke and the rampaging died down, she revealed herself again, finished her food and drink and then moved upstairs to take a hard earned nap.

She seemed very reserved and thoughtfull at that time, obviously thinking about some distant occurances. And the wear of the day was also obvious, she seemed really tired.


HeavyG said:
"What is your business here ? You are not locals. Nor worshippers of the Faith, I presume."
He then turns towards Ubaar. "What about you ?"
"Ah. A true priest of Chauntea!
My name is Ubaar - What's yours?

As for respect, my tribe has much love for Chauntea - she is our 'grandmother', and actively woshipped by many of our females.
While she may not be strong enough for Ubaar to pray to regularly, since it is Uthgar that gives me strength and purpose. But that no mean I don't respect her.
It's this church that seems strange... too many walls.

As I learned, outside of the North, even guys are priests of Chauntea...
Ubaar's cool with that - it's all Good.

Ubaar have to know though - did Chauntea give you strength when you were younger?
Did you have to fight to protect tribe?

We fought today to do good and stuff. :)
We fought bad stuff in Dungeon, and returned Miss-tress Hardwalk's sacred mirror!

But there's Bad stuff in Dungeon, and some of the devils poisoned me and woodsy Owl.
The ale helps it not to hurt so much, but Ubaar was wondering if you could do anything about it?
It make Ubaar move awful slow."



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Inside the church of Chauntea...

reapersaurus said:
"Ah. A true priest of Chauntea!
My name is Ubaar - What's yours?

"I am called Kendrik, priest of the Mother in this small town."

reapersaurus said:
As for respect, my tribe has much love for Chauntea - she is our 'grandmother', and actively woshipped by many of our females.
While she may not be strong enough for Ubaar to pray to regularly, since it is Uthgar that gives me strength and purpose. But that no mean I don't respect her.
It's this church that seems strange... too many walls.

"Well, we do things differently in these parts. Call that 'civilization'. Who is this Uthgar anyway ? I never heard of such a god."

reapersaurus said:
Ubaar have to know though - did Chauntea give you strength when you were younger?
Did you have to fight to protect tribe?

"Oh, Chauntea gives me strength, although it may not be the same strength you are speaking of. Strength of character, will, purpose... oh, yes, purpose. The purpose of helping, nurturing others, harvesting nature without abusing it. This community would be much worse off if it weren't for the wisdom and power of the Earth Goddess.

And that is the way I fight to protect my 'tribe'."

reapersaurus said:
We fought today to do good and stuff. :)
We fought bad stuff in Dungeon, and returned Miss-tress Hardwalk's sacred mirror!

But there's Bad stuff in Dungeon, and some of the devils poisoned me and woodsy Owl.
The ale helps it not to hurt so much, but Ubaar was wondering if you could do anything about it?
It make Ubaar move awful slow."

"Yes, yes. I heard about the strangers going to the old monastery ruins. No doubt adventurers, in search of gold and glory." From his expression, it's clear he doesn't approve.

"Those ruins contain evil, dangerous things. But they have never bothered the town before. If this town gets attacked because of you, I'll..." He looks pretty worked up. He quickly calms down, though.

"Anyway, let me see those wounds. I'll see what I can do." Just like with Ivellios, he inspects the wounds carefully, very gently. His touch is soothing, as is the amber liquid he uses to clean the wounds and the bandages used to dress them.

"This is foul ichor indeed. Those 'devils' sure had some pretty powerful venom. Such poison could have easily paralyzed you completely had it hit a main artery. You were pretty lucky, young man. Even as it stands, it would have paralyzed a lesser man. You're very tough."

"The worst of it is passed, though. You'll live... no doubt to plunge head-first into needless danger again. A few days of rest. I suggest staying in bed. Also, take this every morning." He hands Ubaar a vial. "It'll help you regain muscle tone faster."

"Anything else ?"

reapersaurus said:

OOC: That IS a good link.


Re: Inside the church of Chauntea...

HeavyG said:
"Well, we do things differently in these parts. Call that 'civilization'. Who is this Uthgar anyway ? I never heard of such a god."
"Wha - you never heard of Uthgar, the legendary hero of the Northern tribes who ascended to godhood based on heart, strength, and sheer indominatable will?

His might fills the great spirit of the Thunderbeast my tribe holds holy.

I guess if you haven't been to the North, you might not hear him too much.
But you see the stars that make up the Gorgon every night, don't you?
That is His doing!"

If the priest looks confused, Ubaar says,
"You do know of The North, don't you?
There's lots of land North of the Sword Coast and west of the (unnamed Desert to be filled in later), dont'cha know?

Yeaap! A whole big world out there, and Ubaar's seeing lots of it!

And we of the Thunderbeast tribe know of 'civil'-ization.
We are leaders of the North!
We make pacts with people, come to defend others and they us.
Life works up in tha "savage North" without the need for so many 'laws' and 'regula-shunns'.
In fact, I can commune with Uthgar all the time... everywhere Ubaar travels, Uthgar is with me.

He's in HERE *striking breast*
He doesn't need Ubaar to be in a tem-ple to hear him.
When I'm in battle.. THAT'S when he hears Ubaar - when His Strength is needed to protect tribe, or others of favor.
The purpose of helping, nurturing others, harvesting nature without abusing it. This community would be much worse off if it weren't for the wisdom and power of the Earth Goddess.

And that is the way I fight to protect my 'tribe'."
"Ya, Ubaar agrees about nature - too many people see it as something to overcome, instead of learning to be one with it. To work WITH it, instead of tryin' to figger out how they can exploit it.

And Ubaar didn't have luxury of protecting his tribe by praying in big building and talking - Ubaar had to preach the faith by stopping beasts and bad people from killing innocent tribes-people!
Ubaar had to live what he tells others - to look within for help:
each of us has the spirit of the Thunderbeast within him, waiting to be used to protect innocents and stop evil as best we can.
"Yes, yes. I heard about the strangers going to the old monastery ruins. No doubt adventurers, in search of gold and glory." From his expression, it's clear he doesn't approve.

"Those ruins contain evil, dangerous things. But they have never bothered the town before. If this town gets attacked because of you, I'll..." He looks pretty worked up. He quickly calms down, though.
"Well, we went down in Dungeon because we strong together.
And big powerful Archibaldy need big Opal from inside Dungeon.

It sounds like people have been getting attacked in your village beFORE we got here, Kendrick. You heard about the farmer that got his barn burnt up?
And have you talked with Misstress Hard-walk?

So if you'd like to come with us when we go back to rid the evil down there, you might be protecting your flock a bit better than keeping your head in the ground stuck all away in this walled temple.
"This is foul ichor indeed. Those 'devils' sure had some pretty powerful venom. Such poison could have easily paralyzed you completely had it hit a main artery. You were pretty lucky, young man. Even as it stands, it would have paralyzed a lesser man. You're very tough."
"Ya, they pretty tough, but Ubaar wasn't about to let some dumb flying poison-tailed freak take ME out of service!

Thanks for the stuff - i doubt if i can wait that long to rest, though - Ubaar'll have to suck it up and fight thru the pain.
Been there, done that!" :)

Ubaar looks confused and asks the priest of Chauntea : "By the way, Kend - what's an artery?
And what's a LUNG?"

OOC: Whew! aaaaaaaaaaand, I'm spent


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Murhid lies still with his feet greatly extending the edge of the bed. With a sudden movement his eyes open, he inspects the room, though not daring to move his body.

Paranoia maybe... Murhid was never the best sleeper.

He gets up, places both of his bare feet firmly on the ground then once again examines the room. Satisfied, and now standing, he stretches his arms out forward and two cracking noises are heard.

He picks his coat up which lay near the upper end of the bed, and checks one of the larger pockets for the bread he bought earlier. Now with the bread in hand he rips a small portion of it off and puts the rest back. Murhid then opens the door leading out of his room and places his coat back on the bed.

With only his pants and cloth belt on he enters the corridor; he tries to walk quietly so not to wake any sleepers. Standing near a window he peers out, and eats the small piece of bread. He stands looking outside for several minutes, possibly contemplating something.

Once a little more in the mood for slumber, he takes a deep breath and heads back to his room.


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Murhid said:
With only his pants and cloth belt on he enters the corridor; he tries to walk quietly so not to wake any sleepers. Standing near a window he peers out, and eats the small piece of bread. He stands looking outside for several minutes, possibly contemplating something.

Once a little more in the mood for slumber, he takes a deep breath and heads back to his room.

...waking another light sleeper from her repose. Kytess reaches down to her soft boots (still on!) and pulls her dagger. Looking around, she finds herself alone and hears no noise; Murhid is eating silently. Kytess feels the reassuring cold of her sword hilt and lays back down, falling asleep quickly.

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