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Besides Gamma World d20, what are some other companies making for the d20 Modern book? Anybody know anything...

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Speaking for my side of the street (so to speak), here's the d20 Modern products we have available (you can find out more at the links provided):

Blood and Relics, a gothic horror d20 Modern game with lots of conspiracy and mild FX.


Blood and Fists, over 100 new martial arts feats and over 30 real world martial arts, new martial arts weapons and advanced classes.


Blood and Guts, military/special ops sourcebook with 17 new prestige classes, a lot of new feats, information for rank and promotions, and a lot of new vehicles and vehicle weapons.


War on terror, a Blood and Guts supplement with advanced classes for terrorists and counter terrorists, along with information on real world terrorist groups, plot hooks, and pregenerated bad guys.



Ranger REG

Holistic Design's second Real-Life Roleplaying product, Somalia: d20 is compatible with d20 Modern. I'm sure that their next product, Colombia: d20, is also d20M-compatible.

Beyond Monk: The Art of the Fight by Chainmail Bikini Games (published under Goodman Games lable) offers two advanced classes and a few new rules addition for d20 Modern.

Of course, let's not forget these products:

Digital Burn by Living Room Games.
Second World Sourcebook by Second World Simulations.
Dark Inheritance by Mythic Dreams Studios
Ultramodern Firearms d20 by Green Ronin

Then there a lot of e-books you can order from RPGnow.com.


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Well, I produce Big Bang: The Mostly Illustrated RPG Guide to Modern Weapons, an ongoing series of books covering guns and other small arms to a level of detail unheard of in the RPG industry before. It covers them for D20 Modern as well as three other game systems.

Big Bang will soon be accompanied by a guide to modern technology, entitled Edge Road. That won't be out until near the end of the year, though.

Lastly, I'm publishing a cyberpunk/dark future genre RPG entitled CyberThriller, though it isn't a D20 game. At least one of its supplements I plan to "D20 Modernize" into a dual system game supplement.

The stuff that's available for sale can be found here, with the rest of the D20 Modern PDFs for sale at RPGnow:

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now i would be most interested in reading the somalia and colombia books.

Hey dana! I want all your books can you cut a deal on them ;)


Um, The Game Mechanics have some PDFs such as the modern players companion volumes 1 and 2 and the adventure "come for the reaping. I think you may see some of those in print.


First Post
Warning: do NOT get CyberStyle from RPGNow. It is pre-d20 Modern.

Somalia and Colombia d20 are both d20 Modern. Holistic-Design also made Afghanistan d20, but that is NOT d20 Modern.

Holistic-Design has also released Rapture, which looks promising, but I haven't picked it up yet.

There'll be a slew of more material, from the looks of things.


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Leopold said:
now i would be most interested in reading the somalia and colombia books.

Hey dana! I want all your books can you cut a deal on them ;)

For $7.50 each, the volumes of Big Bang are giving you gun books for a less than $2 per game system covered! o_O

Prices on older volumes will drop in october, after I finish building the first annual compendium, which will include full color, embedded video, and some integrated programmed PDF tools. Good thing I can do acrobat javascript in my sleep, otherwise I'd never have time to get everything done. I'm still trying to figure out how to find the time to do a decent website...


As most of the d20 Modern publishers are chiming in...

We create Dark Inheritance, a mythic horror campaign setting that was nominated this year for the Best Campaign Setting ENnie. We're most proud that our first book received such a prestigious nomination. :D

We also have a book about magic in the modern world coming out this fall. Modern Spellcraft is written by Steve Kenson (Mutants & Masterminds), Sam Witt, Aaron Rosenberg, and Chad Justice. Inside you'll find technomancy, a magic system that uses drain instead of spell slots, urban shamans, ritual magic, spirit binding, bioetheric symbiotic implants, and more. Yes, it's behind schedule due to many factors but it really rocks.

Shortly thereafter is the first Allegiance book for Dark Inheritance - First Team. Inside you'll find everything you need to play a mercenary based Dark Inheritance campaign as well as new equipment, feats, and birthrights. The book will also update the Dark Inheritance seeting to the end of 2003.

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