• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Nova Wars Baby!

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Warlord Ralts said:
First thing first, this will be collected into a PDF, maps and all, and available for download eventually. Everything in this thread will be OGC and completly free of charge. Mostly, I'm collecting and tweaking everything here.

This makes my day...My eyes actually bugged out when I read this. I look forward to the PDF.

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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post

Sorry about the delays. I get tired pretty easily now.

Stasis Equipment can be broken up by Progress Level and type.

Progress Level 5
Cryogenics at this point is limited to freezing material with extremely low temperature liquids, commonly liquid hydrogen or liquid oxygen. Unfortunately, this resulted in crystalization of liquids within the cell, and the cell membrane rupturing. Until the invention of nanotechnology cellular repair robots, subjects frozen with this method were unable to be revived.
Service Purchase DC: 25
Equipment Purchase DC: 30
The technology and theorums behind stasis technology were rudimentary at best.

Progress Level 6
With the developement of Chrythedelian, which prevented the liquid inside and surrounding the cells from expanding upon freezing and damaging the cell, Cryonics became much more safer. The first initial problems, superconductivity of nueral tissues, proved to lead to cryo-madness, but this was beaten within 10 years.
The most common side effect of long term cryogenic stasis is weakness, and "memory flashing". Modern therapy handles this quite easily, however.

A PL 6 cryogenics uses Chrythedelian injections, followed by total immersion in supercooled liquid (often liquid hydrogen or helium) in order to "flash freeze" the tissues. This is often done in a "cryo-coffin" or a large tank. Some organizations merely freeze the subjects brain, intending on housing the brain in either another cloned body, or a cybernetic chassis.

Purchase DC's
Cryo-Coffin: 35
Cryogenic suspension: 10 per year.
Chrythedelian Injection (1): 25
Resucissitation: 20
Cyrogenic facilities (Coffin, liquid helium, monitoring equipment, etc): 55

Research into cuasing suspended animation without freezing has begun to advance, investigating ancient meditation techniques, drugs, DNA-Retroviral therapy, etc. While still in it's infancy, it does work for short periods of time, putting the subject in a state where they do not need food nor oxygen, nor are they aware of even dramatic temperature fluctuations.

The main key behind this is a drug that induces a deep, coma-like sleep, combined with biofeedback monitors, and genetically engineered retroviruses degisigned to seek out and destroy impurities in the blood stream.

An IV that leads both into and out of the subjects circlatory system is designed to flush toxins and monitor the subjects health.

Stasis at this time can only work for one week, +1 day per point of Con bonus.

Stasis Equipment Purchase DC: 45

More later. I kinda got tired already.

Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
Buddha the DM said:
I like what you have put forth here, Ralts. Particularly the Cyborg & Stasis equipment.
Thanks. The appreciation from everyone makes this a lot easier to do, for some really weird reason.


As technology progresses, cryogenic storage is seen as less of an option for planetbound peoples, and more of an option for space vehicles, where space and resources are heavily limited.

The need for reliable cryogenics becomes even more illustrated by the reports of long range, FTL scouting parties who have intercepted STL "long haul" ships where cryogenics were used to ensure that those aboard were alive when the ship reached it's destination, and the cryogenics failed.

Larger facilities have developed the technology to drop a subjects temperature to virtually zero-degrees Kelvin, and are able to use magnetic fields to keep the frozen subject within an artificial vacuum and suspended above any solid matter, stopping molecular motion without causing damage to the cell walls. This is a highly safe method that is used by large facilities, mostly to store bodies of those who have voluntarily undergone full conversion cybernetic treatments.

Smaller facilities are created for long haul vessels, allowing cryogenic stasis to be achieved with a mere field projected by a pager sized belt clip or circuitry implanted within the sleeve of a spacesuit or normal ships uniform. This is often used when a ship undergoes sudden pressure changes due to accident or violence.

Cyrogenics is known as "Deep Freeze" by this point.

Nanotechnology reaches the point where damage to cells can be repaired, and many older victims are successfully revived, although some loss to the charges stored in the brain do occur.


Stasis gear has reached a point where a simple small capsule can not only put a subject in suspended animation within 10 minutes, but safely revive them within a minute under emergency circumstances.

"Hypersleep" as it is called by many, is a combination of chemicals, nanotech and biofeedback rythms, and slows the aging process by as much as a 10:1 factor. While still not as slow as cryogenics, wake up time is much quicker, without the risk of cryoshock. The "sleep sickness" problem is all but beaten, and hypersleep is even used on low budget "pack-em-in" transports where flight time is as little as 3 hours.


Cryogenics is abandoned by this point in favor of "hypersleep" by most users. Only the military, some emergency teams, long range patrols, low budget "immigrant ships" and escape pods still use cryogenics.

Hypersleep has come down to either a small glass "coffin" that is self-sustaining, and has a life expectancy of several hundred years, or a wristband that puts the subject into cryostasis and can sustain them for up to 15 years.

Stasis technology has reached the apex, with the transition being comfortable and easy, and pilots are able to remain aware of thier surroundings and continue to pilot a vessel in FTL space. The mechanism for stasis has evolved into a small package that is roughly the size of a toaster, and puts the subject into stasis within five minutes, able to bring them out in less than 30 seconds, without risk of sleep sickness.

Sorry, guys, that might be it for today.
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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post

In the early Twenty First Century, amid a backdrops of wars and a rising spiral of wasted renewable resources and shrinking non-repelishable resources, a discovery was made in the Antarctic. A small anomaly on a siesmic survey of the land mass that lay below the vast sheet of ice sparked very little interest in the scientific community.

The anomoly proved to be The Obelisk and what is now known as a Barkadder class troop transport hastily rigged to move non-military passengers and scientific equipment replacing many of the wartime equipment that the vessel would normally carry.

The Obelisk contained much data for the Terran Human's to absorb, and having the data spread throughout thier infant global datanet stopped some wars, and fueled others.

Space programs, largely abandoned by many nations, and affordable only by the richest nations, were revamped. Old space vessels refit with the data and technical advances in the massive library that was The Obelisk.

The solar system was quickly explored, mapped, and the gravitational anomaly that the Sol System was hidden within was opened up, allowing Terran Human to exit thier enforced confinement for the first time in over 65 million Terran Standard Years.

While that much time had passed inside "The Bag", time had moved at a slower space in the outside universe. Only 6,500 years had passed. Enough time to give the remnants of the G'Tak Empire, responsible for destroying the proto-human race oh so long ago, time to build, advance, and be an even greater threat to the newly arrived Terran Humans.

The Terrans discovered that mathmatical models and Doppler light effects for guaging the distance of stars was in error, due to the gravitational and temporal effects "the bag" had upon energy entering it.

The Terran's banded beneath a somewhat powerless and fairly implausible world governing body that had largely been ignored by the existing nation states, and were allowed to keep thier own cultural identity and nationalistic pride, while the ruling body oversaw who left to what region, and who explored what.

Radical Islamic and Christian sects immediately left Earth, to form thier own nation/states, intent on bringing the war to those who had slain thier ancestors, calling for Jihaad or Crusaade against those who had wronged thier forefathers.

In a rush to gain systems, many nation-states sent out colony ships to nearby solar systems, where often two or more ships would land, and rather than peacefully coexist in an entire solar system, two parties of less than a thousand individuals would fight between one another for control of the system.

Within 50 TSY colonies were sending out colony ships of thier own, birthrates often inflated by clone banks, or using robots or artificial biological constructs to expand thier claimed territories. Within 100 years, many of the older colonies began revolting against the nations that "owned" them.

In the mean time, however, on Terra, research on theories and data within The Obelisk combined with primate curiosity and a predators drive for the goal, created technology not even dreamed of by Proto-Human researchers. The entire might, intellectually and military/industrial was focused with one goal.

Kick whomever came in the name of war right in the teeth.

The Terran humans were concerned that the G'Tak Empire had taken the last 6,500 TSY to improve thier technology to the point where it would be impossible for the Terrans to defend or launch a counter attack against it, and because of this, they devoted massive amounts of intellectual and research resources toward improving upon and advnacing thier own technology.

In the 23rd Century (Terran Standard Time) the clones and bio-driods and gene-jacks had become tired of thier rigors they were put through, tired of being used as many governments front line troops, colonists, explorers and expendables. They revolted against thier creators, first through non-violent resistance, but when pushed, turned to warfare.

The war lasted for 20 years, and when it was over, the Biological Artificial Sentients surrendered conditionally. Insisting to be recognised as sentient beings with complete rights, thier own governing bodies, seats upon the Terran United Systems coucils, and protection by the Terran Navy, they asked for, and recieved, exactly what they wanted to begin with. Millions of lives and vast fortunes had been wasted.

Fifty years later, the Digital Artificail Systems revolted also. Everything from computer AI's to robots to autonomous frieghters all revolted against the Terrans. The war was bitter, and brutal, with diasy-chain nuke-cutters used by both sides. Only The Cradle as Terra was referred to by both sides, was excempt from the devestation wrought by the war.

After nearly 40 years, the DAS surrendered. While not gaining everything they wanted, they were granted a 20 LY radius for thier own uses, thier own governments with representation, but forbidden from possessing an interstellar navy.

By the early 24th Century, both the BAS System and the DAS Systems were economic powerhouses, although they were still far being the Terran United Systems.

Corporate war against the Terran United Systems occurred when the Terran Navy was ordered to move in to support striking workers on over 100 systems, who were tired of being used worse than slave labor. Corporate mercenaries slugged it out with Terran Army and Terran Navy troops. For the first time in nearly 200 years, Terra itself fell underneath wars dread shadow.

When the dust settled, the power of the Corporations was broken, but the Terran United Systems was finished. Out of the ashes rose the Terran Confederacy, a powerful entity whose only military enforcement were the Terran Marine Corps and the Terran Navy Fleet. All of the former Terran United System Army elements were turned over to Planetary Governments, who were responsible for arming and training the Planetary Defense Ground Forces.

Planetary Governments were given carte-blanche as far as running thier systems, as long as taxes were paid to maintain thier share (shared according to Gross System Product) of the Confederate Military.

That's it, tonight, guys. I'm really tired.

Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post

In the continued exploration of the galaxy's spiral arm, homo-sapiens have been discovered on other planets. Often crouching in the bombed out ruins of societies, or struggling to rebuild civilizations that were taken down to the 1% mark, one thing has become obvious:

Terra Descent Homo-Sapiens are a whole different breed indeed. Faster, stronger, omnivore developed intestinal tracts, amphibious, thick skin, and able to withstand a wider variety of environmental affects than thier other races.

This adaptability and inherent genetic toughness allowed them to spread to far more than the narrow range of habitable planets that many races are confined to. Combined with genetic engineering (Considered abhorrant by most races) and cybernetic enhancements (Unheard of by other races, indeed, not even a theorized feasability by other races medical technology) this further broadened thier range of habitable planets.

Terran Human ingenuity in creating self-sufficent "bio-domes" and other such facilities allowing them to exist on hellish worlds, as well as using convicted criminals who did not respond to chemical, psionic or genetic therapy to work the planets, either as conscripted laborers or as forced colonists.

This allowed the Terrans to claim far more than the average 1:25 systems than most races would be able to, roughly at the rate of 1:1.15, as even systems that contained only a star were used as energy gathering points, research stations, deep space refit stations, etc. One enterprising colony was even founded within the depths of a lone planet in the middle of a luminious nebula.

Besides the base, stock human, without delving into genetically altered, cloned, or cybernetically enhanced, there are the following types of Terran Descent Humans...

Heavyworlder: Humans have been able to adapt to gravity wells up to 6G's, able to compensate on a genetic level within a few generations. Although some are cybernetically enhanced (initial colonists) or genetically modified (carryover genetic engineering done on initial colonists) many colonies slowly adapted to the world.

Game Modifiers: +2 Str, +1 Con, -1 Dex, +50 lbs wieght,-2" hieght, +1 ECL per G of the world, to a maximum of 6

Lightworlder: Coming from world of 0.85G to .1G, Lightworlders have adapted to small planetary bodies, often developing low-light vision for compensating for twilight conditions near a planetary terminator or quickly rotating worlds that orbit a large gas giant.

-2 Str, +2 Dex, -10 lbs weight, +2" hieght, +1 ECL for every .15 G less than 1 (minimum of .1)

ZeroG: Also known as "angels", these humans are commonly found aboard long hual "ecosystem vessels" designed to be thier own enclosed worlds, stations orbiting planets or barren system suns, and other areas that have no gravity. They are often taller, thinner, with thinner chests, wider eyes, and more graceful movements. Gravity is often quite painful to them, able to kill them if exposed to it for too long.

Game Mechanics: +10 Dex, -8 Con, 1d6 points of non lethal damage per 0.1G force per minute to 0.5G, 1d6 points of lethal damage per 0.1G for gravitational force above 0.5G.

Hellworlder: From the infamous Cermek Hellprison to the lightning moons of Maverick IX, convicts dropped on these planets never leave, not even if they are in a body bag. Breeding is unregulated, and frankly, the warden and screws, if any, do not care. Children that survive are tough, and they adapt to the planet, or they die. Those Hellworlders that somehow find their way off of the planet, often join with the Terran Marine Corps or mercenary/corporate military units.

Game Mechanics: Hellworlders gain abilities according to the following:

  • Abrasive Atmosphere: DR 2/-
  • Extreme Environment: Energy Resistance (Heat, Cold) 10
  • High G: As per heavy worlder
  • Thick Atmosphere:DR 1/slashing and piercing
  • Thin Atmosphere: +2 Fort for resisting effects of reduced atmosphere. +2 to Fort checks for endurance purposes.
  • High Radiation: Radation Exposure is treated as one level lower
  • Twilight/Night World: Lowlight Vision/Darkvision 90 feet
ECL modifier should be set by GM, depending on combination.

Enjoy, back to nappy-time for Ralts. Stupid blazing heart.

Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post

While The Obelisk jumped Terra Descent humans from the mid-Information Age to the late Fusion Age, human ingenuity and drive for knowledge drove them to rapidly advance in several different areas.

This has resulted in the Terran Confederacy being more homogenous in thier progress levels than most societies. The differences between Terra-Sol and a frontier world (non-sector capitol) colony in technologies are vast.

Weapons are the most advanced part of the Terran Confederacy's scientific progress. From electronic counter counter measures, to FTL capable missile weaponry, the Terran Confederate Naval Force is heavily armed enough, that TDH's allies are both scared and reassured by the might of the Navy and Marines.

The Terran Confederate Marine Corps and Naval Force weaponry sits at PL 9, drive systems, computer systems, medical technology and communications are at PL 8.

Planetary Defense Forces
Planetary Defense Forces, while fielding less advanced equipment than the TCNF or TCMC, still field weaponry that far outclasses any of the war material that the Confederacy's allies could come up with. One of the first things that the Confederation does, is give over technical schematics and material that brings allies up to the same level as the other Planetary Defense Forces, as well as offering to train the crews and soldiers for a period of no less than 100 years.

Planetary Defense Forces field PL 7 equipment.

Corporations are allowed to field PL 8 and below weaponry, and PL 7 and lower on the rest of thier equipment, for protection of Company Assets only. However, since some of the larger Companies own whole star-systems, this provides a loophole for some of the companies to field Planetary Defense Forces better equipped than many other systems.

Corporate militaries may field up to PL 7 equipment bought on the open market for protecting thier assets, and may field any equipment they produce.

Civilian/Mercenary/Bounty Hunter
With the allowance of citizens to possess weapons, starships, defense systems and power armor, the technology they may possess is still regulated. While a citizen may own a Particle Beam Rifle, they not own a Tachyon Accellerator Rifle, due to technological differences.

Properly liscensed citizens (Bounty Hunters, Mercenaries, explorers) may purchase weaponry and equipment equal to Planetary Defense Forces.

Citizens are permitted to buy at a NanoCreation Engine up to PL 5 weaponry and defense systems. They must purchase PL 6+ weaponry and defense systems from liscensed or black market dealers, who may require liscenses.

Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post

The Terran Confederacy is rather unique when compared to other star-faring cultures. While many other cultures use modified Fuedal system, Imperial System, Coucil or other such governments, Terran Humans seem to have an almost genetic abhorrance of large governments.

Superficially, the Terran Confederacy appears to be a monolithic government, that rules by force. Superficially, this may be true, but in reality, it is quite different.

The Confederacies basic laws are as follows:

Travel of citizens may not be restricted at planetary or sector levels.

Citizens may possess arms and defenses to protect themselves from both thier government and possible aggression.

Religion or personal belief may not be outlawed or repressed.

Each planet may elect thier own government type and representatives as they choose. A planetary revolution that does not threaten Marine or Naval resources is the planet's concern, not the Confederacy.

Slavery, indentured servitude or "owndership" of sentient beings, be they digital, mechanical or biological, is not permitted.

The Confederacy is broken into the following subsets.

World/Planet government: However the residents elect thier ruling body, is not of any concern to the Confederacy. While Confederate Naval or Marine Forces are stationed on the planet (A defense garrison of one or the other at the least) the Confederate forces do not become involved in any civil unrest or domestic disturbances.

World/Planet governments are not permitted a space naval force, only a ground based military, atmospheric forces, and satellite defenses.

IN the Grivein Revolt of 2437, when insurgents, revolting against the planetary government, were also provocated into attacking the local Confederate Marine outpost. The response from the Confederate was to take the entire planet's population down to 1% and detroy all standing structures, powerplants, factories and other industrial sites. This example has been in everyone's memory.

System Government Like the Planetary government, the Confederation would not could not care less how a Planetary Government is elected or decided upon. From corporate representatives to religious leaders, it does not matter. However, the System Government does elect a sector representative, regardless of whether or not the system belongs to a multi-system government.

Sector Government: Sector Government is resposible for overseeing the running of the system governments. While they cannot interfere in religion or governmental matters on the planets or system, they are required to step in whenever a religious war begins between two factions, a revolution or government begins upon a pogram of extermination, or begins using weapons classified as Weapons of Mass Destruction by the Terran War Convetions. Sector governments each elect a leader to represent the sector on Terra-Sol at the Confederate Congress.

Confederate Congress: Responsible for laying down Confederate taxes and tax caps, as well as discussing whether or not Confederate military intervention is required, or to whom technologies are available to. The Confederate military is also deployed according to instructions from the Confederate Military Council, whose members are elected for 100 year stints by the COnfederate Congress. Those who are elected to the Military Council resign thier seats on the Confederate Congress. Congress members are in charge of putting forth citizen vote propositions to thier population.

Confederate Presidency: The Confederate President is in charge of making important speeches to the Confederacy, alerting citizens to the passage of certian bills or the occurance of certian events. The Confederate President has no power beyond informing the public and command of the military forces of the Confederacy.

A note on elected officials: Government representative for planetary or above governments have all of thier personal assets liquidated and placed within one of the major banking corporations. The interest gained upon the account is directly tied to the economic growth of the body they oversee. Elected officials serve for a period of 50 years, 10 years of which is an apprenticeship. They cannot resign, although they can be punished for overstepping the lines by being assigned to either a penal combat unit or to a Hellworld. Whenever an elected official is placed on the ballot, they are immediately placed under Marine/Naval guard, to insure that thier safety is ensured.

A note on the passage of laws: The governments must hold open elections on every law being passed, with voting taking place starting every Friday and lasting until Monday. Citizens of a world, who are currently on that world, must vote or suffer varying penalties. Once the votes are tallied, the elected officials then state the will of thier electorate. While government representative may sponsor or author a bill, they do not vote upon it, they merely represent the will of thier electorate.

A note on Stellar Corporations: Corporations who produce a certian amount of industry or services, or own more than 10 systems outright, are included on the Sector and Congressional Councils, and allowed full voting rights. This is to ensure that niether the public nor the corporations pass legislation to take advantage of one another.

Any questions?

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