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Now that 4e is out, are you into it or sticking with a prior edition?

Which edition, especially in response to 4e?

  • Gladly changing with the times--4e is for me

    Votes: 303 45.6%
  • Hesitantly changing with the times--I'll try 4e, but I'm not selling my Xe books yet

    Votes: 94 14.1%
  • I'm sticking with 3.5 (for whatever reason)

    Votes: 248 37.3%
  • I never changed from 3.0 to 3.5

    Votes: 40 6.0%
  • I never changed from 2e, or went back to 2e

    Votes: 22 3.3%
  • I never changed from 1e, or went back to 1e

    Votes: 24 3.6%
  • Advanced D&D? faw! Basic all the way

    Votes: 22 3.3%
  • OD&D, baby!!!

    Votes: 16 2.4%

The Green Adam

First Post
If D&D is in my future it will most certainly be run with my 3.0-3.5, house rules added of course. The more I read my 4E books the less 'in the mood' for D&D I get.

For now I'm focused on Classic Traveller, Faery's Tale and some experimental game ideas. Most notably I'd love to revisit my Galaxy Quest RPG idea. :D


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No hate for 4e, but no love either.

3.X D&D has been my favorite RPG system since I first played it and will likely stay the same.


First Post
Sticking with 3.0/3.5 here, or possibly switching the Pathfinder. If the Alpha is any indication, they're doing very cool things with it.

Given I'm the DM of the campaign, and have not really liked what I've read in the 4E books, I have no real desire to DM it. Maybe in 3 years when it's finished...but right now, 4E feels like a beta.

It helps that my players aren't keen on the new edition either. I have tonnes of material to try out, and we're in the middle of a Midnight campaign anyways.


Wisdom Penalty

First Post
I can play a 3.XX game until the cows come home, but I can't stomach DMing one anymore. I drank from the cup of 3E until I could drink no more, and the hangover has set in.

So 4E it is. I'm in two groups (4 PCs, 8 PCs) and both are happy to move on and try something else. The 8 PC group, in particular, is ready for a new system. So we'll give it a go.

If it doesn't work, we'll probably try C&C.

All that aside, if there was (were?) a BECM game (without the 'M') in my area, I'd stick to it like a 1e Fiend Folio Adherer.



First Post
CleverNickName said:
I'm one of those rare, believed-to-be-extinct gamers who remains perfectly happy with 3.5 Edition.
Rumors of our death have been greatly exaggerated.

For the record, I'm sticking with 3.5, too.

Samuel Leming

First Post
It's too early to tell. I'll play whatever I can find or gather a good group for.

A good group. That's what's more important than any rules system.



Have the 4e books, and that's the next D&D campaign I'll be running (after we break from western fantasy for a short L5R game using their 1st ed. rules).

So far I've run the first half of KotS twice, along with the WWD&D Games Day adventures for my players. Some, mainly the less experienced players, love it, the others who've been playing since at least 3e came out are more hesitant, and want some more in-depth play to give the system a good shakedown.

If my group enjoys it, we'll stay 4e, if not, I own every 3e and 3.5 book WotC published (even though they're scattered amongst my friends) and we're collectively sitting on around 20 different systems.

Aside from some thorough house-ruling that needs to be done, we could go back to 3.5 in a heartbeat.

Switching to 4th ed very happily, though my players are not so sure, as #1 is a die hard wizard lover (I am too, though, lol), and #2 isn't has no Internet so hasn't been able ot keep up with all the changes.

Several reasons:
1) I'm ill, 3.5 is too much damned stress, stress is very bad for me. 3.5 is overly complex and pestiferous to make NPcs etc, compared ot 1st and 2nd ed where I'd easily make up NPCs at will. I DM to have fun, not put up with all that hassle, gah!

2) High level play is VASTLY over complex in 3.5, we spend more time figuring out rules and counter rolls, than having fun. Player #2 was happy to hear "confirm for critical" rolls are gone in 4th ed, waste of game time.
I think combining/reducing skills is a thing that 3.5 players should consider to improve their games: ie replacing Spot and Search with Perception, etc :) 4th ed skill list is much better, though maybe add int modifier as NON-combat skills, ie Profession, Craft etc.

3) magic items are too vital and too abundant in 3.5 without them, most characters (melee for sure) are absolute gimps, that is not good! non-casters having to carry around a "golf bag" of weapons ot stay effective, while a wizard can use an alternate attack form to bypass DR etc. That ain't right. Items = fun, not mechanic tool box.
Playing D&D Online let me see how...bad, that is, ugh. Was sheer hassle and a waste of time, effort and inventory.
4th ed handles such things better by having damage/effect come form powers, mostly, and things like "incorporeal" creatures take 1/2 damage, thus removing wasted time at game table rolling ot miss...miss..miss....
Lot 3.5 should take form 4th, to make it more fun, IMHO.

My biggest dislike of 4th ed is messing with the comsology and backstory, I'm not happy with in some parts.
"shadowfell" and "feywild" work brilliantly (especially in my homebrew setting), but eliminating the Great Wheel completely, and messing with some things (like driders, and Lawful and Chaoptic as more than mere alignments, but major Powers) is plain wrong.

I agree with parts of the reason for problems with the Great Wheel and a need for change, however, removing some of the important parts, like say, Mechanus and thus, modrons, clashes hard with previous established lore: those kind of things were vital to D&D's millieu in toto.
Example: in 4th ed Inevitables are now "peculiar" contracted planar mercenaries, eh?! Having them as the arbiters of Cosmic Laws was much better.

On the whole though, 4th ed is great improvement. 3.5 is great simulation, but the complexity is too much for most DMs I know to enjoy, and please note this: most folk in the world are not "ENworld uber enthusiast gamers" ;) Not a sleight at all, most folk here are deeply passionate and usually skilled....cream of the crop, so not a good basis to set such things against, really.
Most folkI talk to do HATED 3.5 DMing, that's not good for D&D at all.

Plenty of lazy players out there don't care how much hard work/grief DM's get...plenty of players simply don't have much time to play, etc.
Each hour of D&Ding should be 90% fun, 10% mechanics!! Not the other way around.

*hugs his old Fiend Folio* :)
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