Oathbound : Homecoming (the gathering) everybody in!

Kahuna Burger

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Julian: it was during the busy trade season of the fall when a man you had become friends with during your time in his town asked you for a favor. His daughter wanted to travel to the capital city of the adjoining kingdom to seek admittance to the mage school there, and he was concerned about her safety traveling on the riverboat which would be her best route. Without a clear plan of where you needed to go next, you were willing to undertake the journey.

The daughter, Ella, turned out to be a quiet and studious traveling companion, and you were able to spend much of your time observing the varied passengers and learning new things. It was during a chance conversation with one of the sailors who was discussing his many tattoos and the damage it caused when he gained any weight, that you showed him the one on your palm and as a result looked at it clearly yourself for the first time in a while. You were not surprised to see that some of the dots had changed position again, as that was something you had grown accustomed to. What did cause you to catch your breath was realizing that what you thought of as the 'main' dot - the one with connections to all the others - was the one which had changed most significantly and as a result was closer to another dot than it had ever been.

As the boat continued its swift journey, the main dot did as well, seeming to be moving almost straight towards the other dot. When you reached Ella's destination, you bid her farewell and continued on the river for three more days until you came to a port where you looked at your hand and saw the two dots almost merged into one.

Leaving the ship, you were at a loss of what to do. You felt very clearly that there was some destiny here for you, but did not know how to pursue it. Luckily, you found a place in need of your help - a pantheistic temple of healing and charity which was sadly understaffed and in disrepair due to the competitive nature of the religions in the area. You spent several days there lending your talents before making a radical decision. If your tattoo had brought you here, perhaps there was someone who would recognize your destiny if you advertised it more. You made up rough scetches of the dots and lines in their current configuration and placed them amoung the symbols onthe temple doors, as well as on the public notice boards where you wre rooming. Then you went back to the work at hand, which was hard but fullfilling, and hoped...

Orillian: Long ago in the mage college, you had tried to tell an elder friend that you had a magical tattoo, which slowly moved. He used one of the most simple magics that you had been taught and determined with a laugh that there was no 'aura' to it - it wasn't magical in the slightest. You confirmed this for yourself and suffered a time of doubt and confusion. A mundane tattoo could not move, and a magical one could be detected. It was much later in your studies that you learned that some items of great and ancient magic had no magical aura, but your tattoo did nothing that could be construed as deificly powerful - it just moved occasionally and very slowly and didn't go away. It was a mystery you found strangly easy to just accept and move on from, and you questioned it little during the rest of your schooling and adventures.

Some people say they know something like the backs of their hands, and perhaps its a good analogy, for in your administrative work, you found yourself often looking at you hand backs as they shuffled paper or filled in forms. Your palms you naturally saw much less frequently, and it was in the course of trimming your nails that you happened to notice the latest change in your tattoo. One of the dots had moved quite close to what you considered the 'hub'; the one dot attached to all others. It was very odd, you had never seen any two come so close to each other before. You took to glancing at your palm regularly after that, and within a week, the hub and the moved dot were practically one. While you had put the mystery of the tattoo out of your mind for many years, you felt instinctivly that this was of great significance and began doing what research you could, even pointing the new configuration out to Bollo and tellinghim to keep his eyes open. This last was something of a empty gesture, you thought, for Bollo was not going to be reading magical texts for you, but the results were surprising. Two weeks later, in the early morning, you were poked awake by a granite finger and a sheet of paper was pushed in your face. On it was a crude but accutate drawing of your tattoo's new design.
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As he stared out towards the river from on the roof of the temple grounds, Julian found his mind wandering...Wander how long I can stay here? The work here will soon be done and I do grow weary of this place...I will give this town a few more days and if noone recognises that drawing I will leave for greener shores.. He calls down for more supplies to finish patching the holes above the entryway....


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Orillian takes the piece of paper and compares his tattoo with the drawing. He's curious as to why his familiar is showing him this but he can't resist having some fun at the expense of earthy 'friend'. "Very good ! Seems like you can reproduce my tattoo. I wouldn't have thought you could draw with those big fingers. It's all not very useful, however." Sensing a mounting frustration through his empathic link with the earth elemental, Orillian reacts quickly. "All right, all right, I'm just kidding you. Where did you find this ? I looked for it in so many books while I was in college and I could not find anything."

Kahuna Burger

First Post
GPEKO said:
Orillian takes the piece of paper and compares his tattoo with the drawing. He's curious as to why his familiar is showing him this but he can't resist having some fun at the expense of earthy 'friend'. "Very good ! Seems like you can reproduce my tattoo. I wouldn't have thought you could draw with those big fingers. It's all not very useful, however." Sensing a mounting frustration through his empathic link with the earth elemental, Orillian reacts quickly. "All right, all right, I'm just kidding you. Where did you find this ? I looked for it in so many books while I was in college and I could not find anything."

You've long suspected that earth elementals have absolutely no sense of humor, and it seems you're right.

"On a wall" he grumbles. "In town." Further prodding leads you to a familiar place - a open temple of healing and charity which you have regularly "audited" to make sure that they are not working any inappropriate magics. You tend to like them in spite of the shoddy surroundings, since you have never caught them placing a suggestion or geas on those they assist... unlike certain of the richer and more influencial religions. The place is already bustling, and a young healer steps up to ask you if you need anything.

Julian : As you work on the tricky footing over the entry, you almost fall in shock when you look down this morning. There is a young man of perhaps the same age as you but dressed much finer holding one of your drawings and asking a question of a junior priestess. He is accompanied by a short moving statue that can only be an earth elemental, though a smaller one than you've heard of.


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Keeping an eye on the gentleman, Julian awaits for the man to finish speaking with the priestess. Then quickly making his way down from the roof, he approaches,I see that you have found one of my posts...could it be that you also have this interesting mark? He holds his hand up to the man awaiting for his reaction.
As a matter of appearance,keeping with the heat of the day and his workload, Julian currantly only has his monk pants on and has not been keeping up with his normal head shaving routine.


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Orillian isn't too happy to have to move through so many poor people but with Bollo opening the way, it goes without to much problem, except for the odors.
I see that you have found one of my posts...could it be that you also have this interesting mark ?
Orillian looks surprised and stares for a moment at the other man's tattoo. Regaining his composure and his pompous air, he puts the back of his hands on his hips and speaks. "I'm Orillian of Forbach, in charge of magic regulation in this city. Am I to understand you are looking for others with this tattoo of yours ? I would ask you to give me your reasons for doing this."
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Looking at the well dressed gentleman, Soleril repliesReasons? I am interested in finding out if my theory is correct, perhaps finding out if others share the same tattoo. I did not know it was against any regulations to look for others who may share similar trait that seem to have no explanation.


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"Of course there's no regulation preventing that. But you have to understand that magic and ancient power often appear in symbols. People with bad intentions are known for gathering these things. But, since you also bear the mark yourself and this temple is honest and not looking for power in the city, I guess I can trust you." Orillian holds his hand up, much like Julian did earlier. He puts it down after a moment. "Discussing this on the steps of this temple is not the best of ideas, however. Let's go to my office. It's a bit of a walk, but I'm sure you won't mind."


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Seeing a mark much like his own, even though he had been searching for many years, did startle Julian, words spilling out of his mouth dispite his normal habit of control Finally, a companion to help with this riddle...where are you from? have you found others? Wait...yes you are correct, although this place is good you are right, perhaps privacy would be best for now. Lead on to you office fellow traveler!


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Bollo leads the pair through the crowd and they head back toward the richer sections of the city. As they lose sight of the temple, Orillain questions Julian. "Might I inquire your name, stranger ? It's better to make presentations, if we are to be 'companions', like you said. I'm Orillian of Forbach. Without doubt, you've heard of the Forbach family ? Yes ?" The small elemental in front of them make a weird sound, as if two rocks were scraped together. It somehow sounded like a sigh. "And, the gruppy lump of granite, who should know his place, is named Bollo."

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