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Obi-Wan Kenobi (spoilers)


So...are Inquisitors Sith?
No? I think it's established in the prequels that there are only two Sith at any given time, an apprentice and a master.

So....Ben K gets a job as a bottom of the sand pile worker drone? Why? What does he really need money for? He is a hermit that lives in a cave! Maybe he does it for a cover....but, you know, hermit guy works too.
Dude still needs food & supplies. Even crazy people living on remote mountain tops in our world come out to trade once in a while.

Ben K seems a bit odd not caring about the jedi guy....is not helping other jedi part of the Code?
Kenobi isn't the man he once was, he's a scared broken man now.

Um....stealing is against the Jedi code too...right?
Is it? Qui Gon tried to use the Force to get Watto to accept Republic credits. You try paying me with Canadian currency and I'm going to consider that pretty close to stealing. Anyway, Kenobi isn't exactly living according to the Jedi code these days. And he's stealing some food from his jerk employers who steal employee wages.

Jedi Joe sure seems to find Ben K easy enough.....
We don't know how easy it was for Jedi Joe to find Kenobi.

Jedi and Sith can feel and detect each other, right? So....why does that not happen?
Not all the time apparently. Nobody in the prequels detected Palpatine, and the Inquisitors didn't detect Kenobi or the Jedi they were looking for. Kenobi sure felt Vader's presence though.

Ban K can fix driods now? Sure, it's just a Palyskool Driod, but still.....
Why not? He's been living on Tatooine for the better part of a decade, he's set up a security system at his cave, and he's got a working moisture vaporator.

So Ben can feel Darth Vader.....but Vader can't feel Ben?
Ben is weak, and Vader is a powerful malevolent presence.

So.....Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader have an EPIC Legendary duel.......but it's so sad. But sure Ben is not the guy he used to be....but then should not Vader have won a lot easier?
Vader was in control of that fight from the beginning until the very end when Kenobi was rescued. And he didn't even break a sweat, Vader put in more effort to defeat Luke in ESB.

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I haven’t. I did hear she was fully engaged in the fight right from the begining

That is awful as I assume its bad. I don’t blame her for the casting or the script

The usual naughty words are review bombing the show, with a notable number of them discussing 'Woke agendas' and 'race based casting' and Disney 'cucking' Star wars etc.

Literally hundreds of 'fans' have posted racist crap on her social medial accounts (including using the 'n' word):

Star Wars Speaks Out Against Racist Comments Directed At Obi-Wan's Moses Ingram - IGN

These are the same toxic Nazi edge lord naughty words who lurk on 4chan, doxxed women over Gamergate, bombed The Last Of Us 2 (over it's inclusion of a Jewish character, lesbian storyline, and transgender character) and got stuck into Kelly Tran and John Bogeya for race stuff as well in Ep 8.

If you're choosing a side in that debate, it's on on the side of Moses Ingram.

Acting wasn't a major problem in the prequels, seques and BoBF.

The acting (and dialogue) in the prequels was awful, not that you can blame the actors (many of whom are fantastic actors).

Standing in front of a blue screen for weeks on end, while Lucas asks you to 'Do it again, only this time angry' is less than ideal to get into character, or to really portray a role.

Ewan McGregor hasnt suddenly become a better actor over the past 15 years. He's just been given a better environment to work his craft.


I’ve been enjoying the show. My only complaint is that there’s just no real jeopardy in it. You know that the characters who show up in New Hope are bulletproof and anyone else isn’t. The fight with Vader lacked any tension because neither character can die. However, I’m enjoying the acting, visuals, and Easter eggs. The saddest thing is fandom showing it’s ugly side and trying to ruin a nice thing.


I find it strange when people require Death for there to be Stakes. As a comic book fan, I find the death of a character to be the absolute least interesting story that anyone can tell. Sure, that's partly because a comic book character will (nearly always) come back to life at some point, but it's also, just... boring.

I think that there are plenty of worthy stakes, tension, and jeopardy in a story even when death is off the table. It just takes a little more thought on the part of the writers. Death is of course, obviously a very powerful threat, and therefor an easy "tool" for tension, but it's not the only threat.


The acting (and dialogue) in the prequels was awful, not that you can blame the actors (many of whom are fantastic actors).

Standing in front of a blue screen for weeks on end, while Lucas asks you to 'Do it again, only this time angry' is less than ideal to get into character, or to really portray a role.

Ewan McGregor hasnt suddenly become a better actor over the past 15 years. He's just been given a better environment to work his craft.

Yeah acting wasn't the best in the prequels but I don't blame them for that as most of them are decent actors.

I blame Lucas for the prequels problems, Disney creative team/lack of it for the sequels and the writers for BoBF.

Disney's batting about 50/50 which is similar to Luca's. Hell they're probably closer to 66%.

Hell if I got to redo the sequels I would keep the same actors wasn't their fault.

No? I think it's established in the prequels that there are only two Sith at any given time, an apprentice and a master.
It's established that the Sith guard their secrets jealously, and thus Inquisitors only have a fraction of the power. The Grand Inquisitor is a former Jedi Temple guard.
Ben is weak, and Vader is a powerful malevolent presence.
It's pretty clear as a plot point that so long as he is not using the Force, Ben can't be detected through it. When he uses the Force he lights up like a beacon.

I find it strange when people require Death for there to be Stakes.

The problem in this series is that there are no stakes at all. We already know Leia isnt going to die, or be revealed as Vaders daughter (and neither will Luke), or find it out for herself, nor is Obi Wan going to die, or anything really bad happen to him, and that he's going to trump Vader in the finale, and learn how to become a Force Ghost from Qui Gonn.

We're meant to be scared for Leia now she's in the hands of the Inquisition and Reva, but how can we be, already knowing she's gonna be fine? How can we truly be concerned for Obi Wan, knowing that he's got another 10 years left in him, and succeeds in talking to Qui Gonn and defeating Vader (again)?

It's the same with the Grand Inquisitor. We know he's not actually dead.

The only character with an open book is Reva (she can die, be redeemed or whatever) but she's been badly written in a very one dimensional manner to date.

Voidrunner's Codex

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