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Occ--Cnc Assault on Blacktooth Ridge


Dragoon Cool, I'm game then. I'll do a Ranger (not sure yet on race) if that is okay.

Soory for the late reply, getting setup for college. Anyway A ranger would be very cool. Roll him up and I slide you in.

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Ybor Phayde

First Post
Ybor Phayde
Chaotic Neutral

Attribute Scores:
Str -15
Dex -18
Con -17
Int -14
Wis -10
Cha -9

3 prim attributes:
dex (+ 3)
str 15 (+ 1)
con 17 (+ 2)

Special Abilities:
Mind Over body (saving throw mod)
Stunning Attack (Once per day per level)
Unarmed attack (1d4)
Unarmed defense (AC 10 + Dex Mod)

Bed Roll
15 gp 5sp

Ybor Phayde (Eeebor Fade)


Ybor was born in a small frontier village located in a fertile valley of a fairly large mountain range. The people of the village were of mixed races and considered to be pilgrims by the people of the cities. When he was born the village had only been built for a little over a year. His father was a carpenter and was responsible for building most of the village, his mother was a school teacher.

The walls of the village, which served as a protective barrier from the outside wilderness, was always the first thing constructed before the rest of the frontier village could be erected. Ybor’s father was not in charge of the wall’s construction and often criticized the durability and foundation of it after completion. He would often tell his wife that “all it will take is one hard hit anywhere on that wall and it’ll come tumbling down”. He pleaded with the other villagers to have it reconstructed but it was no use.

A year or so went by with no attacks, which were usually common in the wilderness. In the spring Ybor was born, although that wasn’t his birth name. His father was so happy that his wife had given him a son that he swore to never let the child come to harm. He built a small room just big enough for a baby basket and a small human, which was made to look like a part of the fireplace. There were a few ventilation ports that were hidden to the naked eye. The room was constructed as a safe house in case the village was attacked. Ybor’s father would boast about his little safe house saying “not even a fireball from the great wizard Tobeerious could destroy it.”

It was late in the Spring and Ybor had only been a few months old when the village was attacked. A band of over a hundred brigands stormed the village at dusk and under the cover of mist. The group was made up of different races, they were highly organized and shared the same coat of arms. They rammed into the Eastern wall with a makeshift battering ram, and just as Ybor’s father predicted, it all came crashing down. The villagers didn’t even have time to mobilize. A little more than fifty villagers, Ybor’s father included, had enough time to gather weapons and form some kind of defensive stand. The villagers closest to the Eastern wall were slaughtered, as soon as the wall fell a barrage of arrows and spears flew threw the one hundred foot gap in the wall. The enemy poured through the gap in the wall and spread through out the village like a swarm of ants on an enemy insect trying to invade their home. Ybor’s family lived on the Northeastern part of the village and just as his mother placed him in the safe house she was impaled through the chest by a flaming arrow. The villagers didn’t stand a chance and were completely wiped out. All the men were slaughtered while they burned the village down. The woman and children that did survive the attack were captured and used as slaves or for food.

The village fire was noticed by a secluded monastery high in the mountains. The Heaven’s Fist Brotherhood resided in this monastery away from the rest of the world. They were known as the Outsiders or Gwai Lo to the people who knew of there existence. This brotherhood isolated themselves from the rest of the world so that they could perfect the body and mind to work together and become the ultimate weapon. By doing so the path to enlightenment will be easier to travel. The brothers are very peaceful and do not promote violence but if provoked they are the deadliest warriors on earth. The brotherhood is very old and some people think they are called the Heaven’s Fist Brotherhood due to the fact that and experienced brother could kill someone with single punch. This technique, known as the Dim Mak, is practiced by the brotherhood but only perfected by a few. No one really knows where the brotherhood got their name from. They train with many types of weapons as well as hand to hand combat. There are two monasteries in the world and neither of them knows where the other one is located. It is said that if a brother from one monastery finds the other that the path to heaven will be clear in the afterlife. The brotherhood is made of many different races and once every 25 years they go on a sort of pilgrimage to the populated places of the world in order to draft new brothers. Brothers are only taken in up to a certain age depending on the race, in human years it is the age of 6. They visit families and ask them if they would want there child to become a brother and that when they have reached a certain level of training that they may return if they wish. Most families turn them down. The brotherhood mostly recruits out of orphanages and they take in up to 15 new student/brothers every 15 years. If one seeks out the monastery and finds it then he too maybe considered a brother. It takes a certain type of person to be a brother and not everyone can find the monastery even if it is right in front of them. There have been times when a man would follow the brothers back to the monastery after a pilgrimage only to get lost in the jungle after the brothers have made it home.

The Heaven’s Fist Brotherhood seeing the fire at the base of the mountain went down to investigate and to see if anyone needed help. It took the brothers until dawn to make it down the mountain and by that time the village was completely burned to the ground and only stone fixtures were in place. They verified that every body that was left behind was lifeless and right before they gave up and were ready to head back up the mountain, Grok a half-orc and one of the oldest brothers, teacher and grand master of the Dim Mak technique, heard a noise coming from a chimney base. The noise was the cries of a baby. With the help of some other brothers, Grok moved away the rubble and pulled out a baby boy. The body of a woman lay next to the chimney. Grok rolled the body over and pulled a dagger from her belt sheath. There was an engraved marking on the blade that read PHAYDE. With a smile on his face he held the boy and said “I will call you Ybor, which is the strength at the base of the pillar.” Ybor grew up to be an athletic man, he was trained by Grok and was considered his son by the other brothers. He learned a few weapons but mostly trained in hand to hand combat and tried to perfect the Dim Mak much like his foster father. When he was old enough Grok took him to the village and told him about what had happened there and then presented him with the dagger that he had found on the body of a woman who he thought to be Ybor’s mother. Ybor’s emotions did not surface until much later and when they did he decided to leave the monastery in order to help those people who couldn’t help themselves. Before he left, Grok gave him his walking staff and told him “good journey, Ybor Phayde.” Ybor was 20 years old when he left the monastery and now he walks the earth helping those in need.
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Actually the ICC thread is still going although a little slower the I wanted. mainly because I went back to college. I decided to play without the other 2 needed players.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Are you still open to the 2 other players, or do you want to close recruiting? (I'm updating my list)


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
I'll take that for closed recruiting. If you decide to open recruiting, feel free to post on the recruiting thread.

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