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Tyrian_Spellstealer said:
What was that quote Ty used for bari?

"Ok, One: You're not my pal, and Two: Go away."

Was something like that I think. :D

*snickers* Yeah, definitely something like that... 15 years in the future and those two still don't agree. :p

Oriza Spellstealer said:
*snickers* Yeah, definitely something like that... 15 years in the future and those two still don't agree. :p

...well, the fact that Tyrian put a permanent geas spell on bari and still wasn't prepared to remove it after 15 years simply because of his completely paranoid nature is probably doing little for their 'pal' relationship, hehe. Besides that, Tyrian just genuinely dislikes people who are extremely short (was a personality quirk I designed him with long before Tyrian met bari, Tys had arguments with dwarves and gnomes in the past, and will probably have more in the future)... although, the list of people that Tyrian 'genuinely dislikes' is extremely long. Every day Bari puts halflings just a little closer to the top of that list :)

Tyrian_Spellstealer said:
...well, the fact that Tyrian put a permanent geas spell on bari and still wasn't prepared to remove it after 15 years simply because of his completely paranoid nature is probably doing little for their 'pal' relationship, hehe. Besides that, Tyrian just genuinely dislikes people who are extremely short (was a personality quirk I designed him with long before Tyrian met bari, Tys had arguments with dwarves and gnomes in the past, and will probably have more in the future)... although, the list of people that Tyrian 'genuinely dislikes' is extremely long. Every day Bari puts halflings just a little closer to the top of that list :)

*nods nods* And might I add Dan dan still doesn't like the halfling for calling her names! Though I have to congratulate Bari for bringing out the ebilness in her! :] *insert mad laughter here?*


First Post
So Ty, is Bari worse then that "Evil Family" Ruthia has going around her. Cause yah know Ruthia's got eyes everywhere :p

Honestly though out of all mine I think Ryth is the worst. Lets be honest here folks, I'm pretty damn certian over half of the known ISRP players have HATED Ryth since I first introduced the boy......Forget the fact he's TRYING to learn to speak common.......I mean come on folks, common's his third language for pete's sake!......... :] The rest of you just need to learn to speak dog.
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Ruthia said:
So Ty, is Bari worse then that "Evil Family" Ruthia has going around her. Cause yah know Ruthia's got eyes everywhere :p

Honestly though out of all mine I think Ryth is the worst. Lets be honest here folks, I'm bretty damn certian over half of the known ISRP players have HATED Ryth since I first introduced the boy......Forget the fact he's TRYING to learn to speak common.......I mean come on folks, common's his third language for pete's sake!......... :] The rest of you just need to learn to speak dog.

Heeeey! Ryth's just plain adorable! Oriza liked him from day 1! How can anyone not like that adorable boy eh? Well? Speak up! *grins* And 'sides... he's getting better at common now too!


First Post
Oriza Spellstealer said:
Heeeey! Ryth's just plain adorable! Oriza liked him from day 1! How can anyone not like that adorable boy eh? Well? Speak up! *grins* And 'sides... he's getting better at common now too!

Pishaw, you don't count cause Oriza thinks he's loveable :lol:

Ruthia said:
So Ty, is Bari worse then that "Evil Family" Ruthia has going around her. Cause yah know Ruthia's got eyes everywhere :p

...I think Tyrians answer to that question would go a little something like this:

"...Who's Ruthia?"

Heeeey! Ryth's just plain adorable! Oriza liked him from day 1! How can anyone not like that adorable boy eh? Well? Speak up! *grins* And 'sides... he's getting better at common now too!

...I think day 1 Ty met Ryth he chained him to his brother underneath one of the tables in the tavern. Hehehe, I should get him to do that again.

...so, I guess thats one of Tyrians few rare 'non-verbal' attacks?

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