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On being a Professional GM


Iconic Gnoll
nonamazing said:
I'll be honest--I'm quite impressed with your job, Katerek. Any thoughts on how one might go about finding a similar position for themselves? Maybe by taking out an ad here on EN World announcing one's availability?

Well, with me it was mostly dumb luck. I just happened to be looking in that forum when they posted. But if you were honestly looking to do something like this I would advise several things. First and foremost, get your friends or people you currently play with to give you a peer review. I did this before applying. I wanted to be sure that I was ready for something like this. After my friends assured me that I could (a little outside validation was much needed) I decided to bite the bullet.

Now the problem truly comes when you get to talking about money, and before people are willing to pay for something like this they want to be sure that they are going to get a good deal.

Remember, you are providing a service. We are all great DMs (in our minds) and many of us are in love with our homebrew campaign settings, but any potential employers may not enjoy your homebrew as much as you and you have to be prepared to accept that.

I would advise advertising with your FLGS if they have a bulletin board. I also would advise keeping an eye out on this board. If you are lucking enough to get that first interview, treat it like what it is. An interview for a job. Be professional, arrive on time, well-groomed, and be willing to provide a resume and a list of references.

If you are in a situation where this is a company doing something like this for a team building exercise then don't forget to sign all the paperwork. If you are doing this on a contractual basis, remember that you will be responsible for your reportable income at the end of the year so hold some back for taxes.

During the interview, interview any of the potential players that you can and make sure that your style is going to mesh up with theirs and that you are capable of exceeding their expectations. It is important to know the rules set that the players are wnating to play, to be intimately familiar with the setting, and to also know as much as you can about the prosepctive players. Their likes, dis-likes, etc. Remember, you are an outsider coming into what may very well be a well established gaming group with its own set of paradigms completely unique to them. You have to insert yourself into that and then see to it that they have a good time.

Be available, and treat it like a job. There are sacrafices to be sure. My only day off, between this and my day job is sunday. Sunday is the day that I run my other game, so I don't have a whole lot of time left over for other things unless I plan well ahead of time. Fortunately for me, my pay-to-play guys work with me on my schedule and we only do the Saturday game every other week now so I have a day to go to the bank, grocery store, etc. Some people might be inclined to be blinded by the joy of gaming for money and not see the downside. I am also extremely single, and I prefer it that way, so that makes it easier for me. I cannot imagine doing all of this and trying to juggle a girlfriend or wife at the same time. So take that into consideration.

As far as skills, being able to run a good game is great but their are other skills that I would advise being as versed in as possible. One of course is research. Although, and GM worth his weight in dice should know how to research effectively. Another is of course public speaking. Running a game for friends, and running a game for strangers is a little different and this is no place for stage fright.

Check your ego and your personal judgements at the door. You may absolutely hate certain things about the game that your players love. You cannot let that effect the way you game. If they all want to play drizz't do'urden then by golly you should let them. If they want to begin the campaign each with a major artifact, then do it. If that is what they want to have fun, then do it. Regardless of personal taste. Remember, they are paying for a service.

Other than that, the best advice I can give is to stay professional. As to landing the gig itself, just like any job, advertise. There may groups in your area that don't even realize that this is a possibility.

There are many closet groups out there that play on weekends who don't socialize with the rest of the gaming community. You can usually find them in your FLGS on lunch break from their day jobs in their khaki pants and polo shirts. This is a different crowd than the black T-shirt crowd and also the most likely to be in a position to realistically consider hiring a full time GM. Cater to them, get their attention.

Good luck to anyone else that wants to pursue this. If enough of us manage to do this, maybe we can unionize!

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First Post
Any chance you need an assistant to help you out? I would love to do something like this. I live on the Missouri side of KC, so Shawnee isn't all that far for me. If you want, you can email me at captaingunther at hotmail dot com.


Katerek said:
As I am being subservient to their rule, if the boss doesn't want to play with certain house rules that I am familiar with or prefer, I just have to grin and bear it.

Boss: "And I'm flanking, so that's +3d6 sneak attack... 17 points of damage on the evil priest!"
DM: "Uh, you can't flank with a ranged weapon. And besides, you aren't within 30 feet."
Boss: "Consider this a verbal warning."
DM: "The priest slumps to the floor, lifeless..."



Iconic Gnoll
Hypersmurf said:
Boss: "And I'm flanking, so that's +3d6 sneak attack... 17 points of damage on the evil priest!"
DM: "Uh, you can't flank with a ranged weapon. And besides, you aren't within 30 feet."
Boss: "Consider this a verbal warning."
DM: "The priest slumps to the floor, lifeless..."


Thats funny! Thank goodness, nothing like that has ever come up. Of course, it probably will now (in a joking manner of course).

The Cardinal

First Post
@ Katerek, Malichai, and the rest of Online Financial Aid Services:

PLEASE some one of you should really contact some kind of professional business publication - or a journalist that writes for one. Your good experiences with "professional GMing" should become known to a wider business audience, so that other companies start hiring ProGms too!!!

Others want to live the same dream you do! Spread the idea!


First Post
... bang bang banging head ... bricks cracking ... soothing pain, distract from frustration ... losing consciousness ...

sweet oblivion embrace me
Last edited:


First Post
Katerek said:
...it went just fine. In fact, there are times they are easier to deal with than what I call my "charity" gamers.

You call your non-paying group your "charity gamers"! ! !
Haha, that is hilarious!

My day is brightened.


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Subscribe to Dragon and/or Dungeon Magazines!


First Post
Hey, anyone want in on this Nigerian d20 publishing company I heard about? Let me know, and I'll tell you where to send your resume, writing sample, and non-refundable $50 processing fee.


Iconic Gnoll
The Cardinal said:
@ Katerek, Malichai, and the rest of Online Financial Aid Services:

PLEASE some one of you should really contact some kind of professional business publication - or a journalist that writes for one. Your good experiences with "professional GMing" should become known to a wider business audience, so that other companies start hiring ProGms too!!!

Others want to live the same dream you do! Spread the idea!

I am absolutely open to that idea. I would like nothing better than to see this become a trend. I wouldn't know quite where to begin though. If anyone reading this wants to contact me in this regard, that is why the thread is here.

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