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(OOC) Fitz's Folly (ToA PBP)


[sblock=Serpent's coil]

Klevin Van'Sharen - Weave of Life - Alliance contact

The local group of thieves is bringing in some contraband by the Serpent's Coils that connect the Tiryki Ancorage to the Harbour Ward under the city walls
It should be ancient, metal - an amulet or brooch.
The Zhentarim will follow up your raid with securing the Coils for their own operations.

Klevin Van'Sharen:
I am glad you have arrived, I have put some agents on my... case, but I do not trust them to effectively pull it off. You see, the local group of thieves and smugglers (no relation the honest merchants of the Zentarim, of course) is bringing in some contraband by their usual route - some tunnels dubbed 'the Serpent's Coils' that connect the Tiryki Ancorage to the Harbour Ward under the city walls. The group I have hired plan to try to capture the contraband as it arrives by boat, but if you could venture into the coils, we are sure to get it before it disappears into the city."

Ten each to start, fifteen more when you return. I am looking for an artifact secreted within the usual contraband. It should be ancient, metal - an amulet or brooch. Finely crafted. I'm afraid I can't give you much more than that."

"That is very good advice, but it may be too late. I was forced to act quickly. I don't think my hirelings will betray me, but there is a great possibility that they will botch the job. I will give you instructions on how to find the entrance to the Serpents' Coils, but I'm afraid there is not enough time for much reconnaissance. By the time you arrive, the cargo will most likely be on it's way into the city."

"The Curse is on everyone's mind, constantly. The only lead we have has to do with this artefact, though I know not in what way it connects - yet. The artefact must be retrieved before that can be properly determined."
"I will not lie. The information I have regarding this shipment comes from my allies in the Zentarim. I suspect that they will follow up your raid with securing the Coils for their own operations. This could possibly annoy the local underworld."
[sblock=Saving Derio]
Alistair Bol

"Thank you for coming. Our attempts to solve this riddle of the Death-Curse have hit dead-ends, I'm afraid, and I have no leads to give you. On the other hand, I have many tasks that may (or may not) help you to finding new leads. Both of the tasks I have in mind may involve undead in some form: The Order of the Gauntlet has committed considerable resources toward keeping the undead that plague the depths of the jungle from invading the city. We would destroy them all if it were possible! But the effort is made to drive them back, in the very least. To that end, we founded Camp Righteous about a hundred and fifty miles up the River Soshenstar. I received regular reports on their progress. Several weeks ago that stopped, and I sent a loyal squire named Perne and a small force to discover why. She has not returned."

Alistair Bol shook his head sadly, "This seems to be my curse lately! More recently, there were reports of people going missing in the Old City. One of the men who went missing was drinking Tej with friends when he suddenly stood up and said 'Death calls to me!' and left the group. They, thinking the man was joking and meant to urinate, did not follow him. He did not return. I sent a hired agent by the name of Derio to look into it. That was three days ago. He, also has gone missing, it seems."

He ate a large slice of meat and washed it down with some cool water and continued, "So, if you are brave and willing, a jungle expedition to Camp Righteous would be most helpful. I can provide guides, or the money to hire your own. (I can understand the desire to interview any potential companions yourselves.) If you are not ready to leave the city, then I ask that you see if you can discover the fate of Derio. My associates in the Alliance of the Open Hand may also have other tasks for you. All of them are urgent, so I respect that you will choose what you think suits your skills best, and I will have to find others to attempt whatever you cannot."

[sblock=Sandra Silvane]
Syndra Silvane

"I am Syndra Silvane, pleased to meet you, 'Harb'. At the height of my adventuring career in a great battle, I was killed by the breath of a White Dragon. My companions were able to defeat it and used a small part of the Dragon's horde to finance my recovery: A skilled priest brought me back, whole and healed. But now I feel the old wounds slowly returning!"

She coughed and continued, "I've spent much of my fortune to discovery why. From great libraries to men of knowledge, such as my friend the master of this house, I have sought information. To the best of our abilities we have concluded there can be only one cause: Someone extremely powerful has created a Necromantic artefact known as a Soulmonger. This artefact will steal the souls of the dying until it becomes god-like in its power. It is already very late in its power-building cycle if it is now affecting those who were once dead but were raised. The living could be next! And the power it consumes would be enough to challenge the gods."

"I plan to hold out as long as possible. By the time of my passing, it may be too late for us all. But if you think you may be able to 'follow the soul' as it were, and track the location of the Soulmonger by observing the dying, it is worth a try. I will gather information on others inflicted with the curse and find you someone more... far gone, than I. I will send you this information as soon as I am able."

She saw him to the door, walking slowly and unsteadily, but with determination. Before he left, she placed a wooden token in his hand the size of a large coin. It was square and made from a hard red wood found only in the north, and carved with he Silvane family crest. She said, "I have many friends working on this problem. If you meet any of them, show them this and tell them I gave it to you - they will share information they have. They are: a friend of mine named Artus Cimber, who was once a Harper, like yourself; the Company of the Yellow Banner, mercenaries, but good folk; and Bruno's Brigade, a group of adventurers who have taken on the task. All are actively on the case, facing the perils of the jungle. Perhaps you may meet. Farewell."
[sblock=Fort Belurian - The Flaming Fist]

Pock-Marked Poe

"The Black Network has many operations in Chult. We have agents in many of the Princes' villas, temples, gates and even the bathhouses." revealed Pock-Marked Poe, "But there is a growing power to the north that we have been unable to destabilise or infiltrate: The Flaming Fist of Baldur's Gate have a base on the peninsula called Fort Belurian. My servant, Rokah needs an escort to the fort so he can find information connecting the fort's commander to a group of pirates. If this information can be found, the commander could be sent back home in disgrace."

"There is no terrible urgency to this mission" he admitted, "But as the Fist controls most of the east coast of the peninsula, the commander, Blaze Liara Portyr has declared it illegal to explore her territory without her permission. This can only be obtained from her directly, so if you plan to explore eastern Chult in any capacity, you must first go to Fort Belurian."

For total clarity (I hope), the Flaming Fist Mercenaries control the east coast, and you need permission from Blaze (Major) Liara Portyr at Fort Belurian if you want to avoid being held and questioned by the 'Fist if you go adventuring there. HOWEVER, The expedition upriver to Camp Righteous is NOT in the east, is an operation on the part of the Order of the Guantlet, and you already have permission from them (in fact, you have their request!). So if you want to go there, you don't have to go to Fort Belurian first (though you can do that if you want).
[sblock=Camp Righteous - Finding Perne]
Alister Bol Paladin of Elturel

"Thank you for coming. Our attempts to solve this riddle of the Death-Curse have hit dead-ends, I'm afraid, and I have no leads to give you. On the other hand, I have many tasks that may (or may not) help you to finding new leads. Both of the tasks I have in mind may involve undead in some form: The Order of the Gauntlet has committed considerable resources toward keeping the undead that plague the depths of the jungle from invading the city. We would destroy them all if it were possible! But the effort is made to drive them back, in the very least. To that end, we founded Camp Righteous about a hundred and fifty miles up the River Soshenstar. I received regular reports on their progress. Several weeks ago that stopped, and I sent a loyal squire namely d Perne and a small force to discover why. She has not returned."

Yes of course, travelling by river is the safest route. I can provide the money to purchase canoes. Whatever guides you hire will tell you more about the hardships of travel here."agreed Alistair Bol on the subject of boats.

He chose his next words carefully, not wanting to be too discouraging, "The general wisdom in Chult is that expeditions into the jungle are best with small forces. A large force cannot move with any great speed through the jungle and tends to attract... unwanted attention. The group I sent numbered eight, with three guides. It is good to keep an expedition at about a dozen, and certainly no larger than a score. Once a base of operations is created, such as Camp Righteous itself, then a company can dig-in and fortify. At that time larger numbers prove to be more desirable."

"Yes, just let me know if you are able to start and I will have the Wren deliver to you some funds to cover canoes and guides. You are welcome at my door whenever you need advice, information, or food. Though I am sorry for the climb up the hill in this heat."offered Bol, then he added,"I have some dealings with many of the Merchant Princes. If you find need to speak to one of them for any reason, I may be able to introduce you. There is no other way to trade directly with them, aside from a proper introduction."

Undril Silvertusk, priestess of Torm

And I have a packet of dispatches to deliver to Commander Breakbone, as well as a number of letters for his men."
[sblock=Artus Cimber]

Artus Cimber has something that the Harpers want. The Wren wants Nameless to find him and considers it a priority.

Syndra Silvane,
"I have many friends working on this problem. If you meet any of them, show them this and tell them I gave it to you - they will share information they have. They are: a friend of mine named Artus Cimber, who was once a Harper, like yourself; the Company of the Yellow Banner, mercenaries, but good folk; and Bruno's Brigade, a group of adventurers who have taken on the task. All are actively on the case, facing the perils of the jungle. Perhaps you may meet. Farewell."
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Hey, all. Thanks for the recaps. I hope to have something out for Dellrak tonight. Hopefully it won't be too jarring, though it might be a bit spare until I catch up on everything that is going on.


It's no problem if you just acknowledge that he's still around and on board for the mission until we get going on the next leg of the adventure! Thanks for joining us!

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Why are you in Greece for a year? That sounds awesome.
It's pretty great. We're based in Athens, with a fair bit of travelling. I'm on sabbatical, and so I'm here teaching a class and writing a book!

Welcome aboard, [MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] -- glad you are here. Miss Imogen has been focused almost exclusively on ranged, so Delrak as a switch-hitter is about right, I think.

OOC: Better weapon than longbow, at least until Level 5 when Extra Attack kicks in, and that can be handled by taking crossbow expert at level 4, if I want, unless you need the extra 50’ range, but I find that rare. though I probably won’t go crossbow expert.
and speaking of level 4... (?)


About Dellrak equipment, he was equipped by the Elves of the Emerald Enclave. That's for the bow.

The dwarf turns to notices your stare of bewilderment, and shakes his head. "I'm going to kill that pointy eared bastard for doing this to me!" he says turning to look over the rail of the ship back towards the lands you all hail from. "You hear that Kayloith! I'm gonna kill you for this!"

A few quotes:

"Well lass, me name is Dellrak Bruttinheim," the dwarf says proudly. "I hail from the Galena Mountains near Vaasa. But I have transversed nearly every range in the Realms. Sep' maybe the Spine o' the World." he says the name with a sense of awe and longing at the prospect.

"I am here by order of the Emerald Enclave. Those pointy eared bas-- umm... elves, said my skills be needed, and I owed them, so I agreed. Maybe the trouble is in those mountains to the west we saw as we came to port. I wouldn't mind a new range to explore, just as soon as I find some proper gear."

"Trained by elves!!??" the dwarf sputters." That hat isn't as much protection from the sun as you think it is. I learned everything I know in the wilds me'self."
He thumps his walking staff a little harder a they continue on, muttering... "Damn, them and this get up. I know Kayloith is snickering in his sleeve even now, about all this."

Dellrak rubs his hands together in excitement. "YES!" he roars at the sight of the huge creature with large claws and a row of sharp teeth. "I'm taking one of those back to The Graypeaks. Then I want any of those craven ogres to get in my way again."

"Going underground, 'eh?" The gruff dwarf comments with a little delight. "Sounds good ta me."
"But if ya plans on hirin us, ya best be talking in gold, and not in flowery thank yous."

Still stunned as he counts Dellrak's coins, the dwarf turns to add as he walks away, the axe causally over one shoulder. "If anything happens to my bunny until I have had the chance to collect him, your going to lose your horn, Master Merchant."

Standing at the top of the pit as the others descend first, the dwarf rubs his hands together. "Finally, some action." he says with a grin.


Dusty Dragon
Dellrak is helpful, bold in combat (he's gotten hurt a few times, he's tough but AC isn't great), and easy going - for a dwarf that is (ie still grumbling). In some ways he is the glue that holds the party together.

He's good both at range and in melee, has useful skills (although I think he wants to get better armor in the long run, both for stealth and survival) and is quick to offer goodberries as healing. In some ways he's the party main spellcaster. Earlybird had discussed multiclassing into cleric after reaching level 5 in ranger, which would fit in with his jack of all trades approach.
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That's right! His equipment wasn't his (the character's) choice, so having him switch stuff out as soon as he hits an armoury, as you've done, fits quite well.

Speaking of which: feel free to make a few minor tweaks to him if you like; I'm not a stickler for character sheets being carved in stone if you spot a way to make him play better I'm not into optimisation, but I like characters to fit the way the player wants 'em to be played.

The crossbow is a good start.

Voidrunner's Codex

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