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D&D 5E [OOC] Uller's Out of the Abyss


Hey guys I'm a lil bit curious about whether we have a plan or not?
How important is our equipment? I'd imagine I might need something to cast spells with, but I don't know if that matters, or whether my spells require materials that I can't just smuggle from somewhere.
Klep might also want his Dulcimer back, if it's an option. >~>
How are we going to escape or deal with drow guards?
Which NPCs (if not all) should we take with us? personally, I think Drum, the smurfneblins and the Quaggelf are interesting. But what do you guys think?
And does anyone know If there's anything useful in Topsy's & turvy's hoard?

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Looks like we have a few days to come up with a plan.

Thoughts on equipment: We need it. The weapons, anyway. We're not gonna last long in the Underdark just fist-fighting everything. I'm not too worried about a mook guard or two in the guard outpost (which is where the weapons apparently are), but the spellcasting foci (which includes your dulcimer) are apparently in Asha & Ilvara's quarters. Which is terrifying. :|

NPCs: Well, apparently one (or more) might be a spy. Perhaps someone more insightful than my dumb barbarian could try to sniff them out before we decide who to invite. The only specific comment I'll make right now is that I find Buppido...unsettling.


And, just to add...if thursday or this weekend rolls around and you're still trying to lock down a plan I'll give you more time...not forever...but as long as folks are talking and trying to figure things out I'll hold off a bit on moving things forward.

If you feel stuck let me know...I'm know youve had a lot of info thrown at you and what might seem painfully obvious to me might seem obscure or dangerous to you...

And yes...casters will need foci and/or components...you have 5 PCs that might want those...but it's definitely a risk...Ivana is not to be uderestimated....rumor has it she summoned a swarm of bugs that ate a prisoner alive just because he displeased her...


And, just to add...if thursday or this weekend rolls around and you're still trying to lock down a plan I'll give you more time...not forever...but as long as folks are talking and trying to figure things out I'll hold off a bit on moving things forward.

And yes...casters will need foci and/or components...you have 5 PCs that might want those...but it's definitely a risk...Ivana is not to be uderestimated....rumor has it she summoned a swarm of bugs that ate a prisoner alive just because he displeased her...
Thanks. The extra time might come in quite handy.

As for this detour, I'd imagine that to infiltrate and raid the tower, a stealth mission would be wisest to try. The ideal candidate would be someone with reasonable to good dexterity, proficiency in stealth, or both, And I can aid him or her ahead of time with Bardic Inspiration. If we have a distraction, bait, or any means to keep those girls away from us, this could go a little easier. Thoughts?


the magical equivalent to the number zero
I say we need weapons and rations. Spellcasting stuff is necessary, and it wouldn't hurt if we can obtain some more stuff from the drow (perhaps even magic items).

A distraction is good, but it seems that one drow is planning on starring something.

And I say, bring all the slaves who are capable to run away with us. I don't believe in spies we can't unmask later.


First Post
Heh. From the DM's seat, everything is obvious. From the PC's...

View attachment 71251
It's a trick, get an axe.

It's so easy to spiral into paranoia (see: my ETA on that last IC post) and flee past genuine clues or helpful information...particularly in this AP's environment.


First Post
Yeah, it does sound like there will already be a distraction. Stealth is a thought, but unfortunately that also means potentially sending one PC to the wolves alone. Still probably the best option, though. If Ilvara's there, I doubt it will matter if it's one PC or the whole party.

The worry I have about bringing everyone is that then we'd likely have a saboteur in the party. They could make off with our food, weapons, etc. on their watch while we rest, lead us somewhere they know is dangerous, stuff like that. FWIW, I think it's the kuo-toa. He never goes on work detail and the drow leave him alone. But then, he was able to calm Ront and Eldeth really quickly, so maybe he just has some sort of Jedi mind trick thing going on that gets the drow to forget/ignore him. Still seems the most likely culprit though.

And I'm not going to fight Buppido if he wants to come (heck no), or anyone else who wants to bring him. But guys. He's scary. He's totally unafraid of being captured. He disappears, someone gets grotesquely murdered, he comes back. The "murderer" is totally unlikely - the drow taunt each other all the time, and Sarith was on his way to succeeding on an important mission. I don't see a real motive there. Plus, Sarith was freaking meditating when it happened. From quiet contemplation to murder, just like that? I mean, if he snapped mid-taunting, I'd think differently. What seems way more likely: Buppido mind-magic'd him into doing it, and the Three E's into forgetting he left (it's weird that none of you remember him leaving just begore the murder). I think he's totally unafraid because he's freakishly powerful, and knows he could magic the drow into letting him go and shuffling off any time he wants. Plus the amused-by-everything bit...he just seems like a powerful psycho. Or the actual avatar of a powerful and psychotic god.

Again, though...if he wants to come, I'm not making a peep against it.


Virtually no argument about Buppido. Unless we think we could win that psycho's favor, and potentially score a valuable ally. If no objections are made, I'd vote we tell him to "reconnoiter" with us in the Drow's nest called Menzoberranzan while we flee for Blingdenstone with the smurfneblins. ;)


Sending one PC to the wolves, you say? That's Bertram's whole jam. :)

Sorry I haven't been chiming in as often as the others... I don't see anything to add that isn't already being said.

In the case of Buppido, I'd weigh him in as 'acceptable losses'. He's going to be far more useful than you guys give him credit for - remember, he LIVES underground and he has an innate grudge against Drow. He'll kill a fair amount of them - just be sure we always outnumber him and keep an eye on him. When it's his turn to watch, keep two people on him.
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First Post
I kinda feel like it doesn't matter much what we think of Buppido anyway. Dude's kind of a space cadet; he's gonna do what he's gonna do. If he thinks we can further his "plan," he'll probably tag along when those doors open. I guess we could just ask what his plan is...if he's in on the escape, he could certainly be useful. (Hell, he could probably puppeteer a guard into just handing us our stuff.) Still seems likely to blow up in our faces at some point, but we can can cross that bridge if we come to it. Escape first...

Further thoughts RE: stealth and Ilvara's tower. I just looked at all our stats, and it looks like four (!) of us are at +5 to stealth (Bertram, Erevan, Ezraen, me). Buncha sneaky scoundrels 'round here. :) What would you guys think of more than one of us going? If Ilvara's in there the backup probably won't make a difference, but if there are a couple guards inside it could be the difference between life and death. Seems unlikely that the tower is going to be totally empty.

Alternately, one could go, but try to stay in contact with Drum (if that's possible?) to call in backup if need be. Looking at the map, Ilvara's tower is next to the guard post with the weapons, so we'll already have passed through through tower 10 on our way out. Not even sure where the rest of the party is going to be (hunkered down in tower 10, maybe?) if it's just one or two sneaky stealthed members continuing on to Ilvara's.

And a crazy moonshot thought: Orsik's spider seems friendly and possibly intelligent-ish. Could it bond with Drum and be sent skittering off (maybe in a window at Ilvara's?) to do some recon? :p

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