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D&D 5E [OOC] Uller's Out of the Abyss


Just a couple quick comments: You don't know that Jorlan is specifically planning a distraction or just has a bit more info than you do about the dreams and the general sense of foreboding. It is strange that Shoor lead a patrol out to meet the other one, something caused that to happen.

Sarith/Buppido...none of you have really talked to either of them about what happened to Nildus. You heard the other drow scream in horror at what they saw. You know Sarith and Nildus were together. You were vaguely aware of Buppido not being in sight as the alarm went up, then he was there. Drow, like all elves are somewhat resistant to mind magic so either Buppido is really powerful or really lucky (or had nothing to do with it or it wasn't mind magic). Don't forget, all three PCs were still somewhat anesthetized so their recollections are a bit fuzzy.

As far as planning goes, you have people to talk to...certainly your PCs have some familiarity with the main areas. So you can even just ask questions about what is where...I'll try to fill you in as best I can. No one has to write up formal "turns" if all you want to do is ask questions or conduct reconnaissance while doing slave work.

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And a crazy moonshot thought: Orsik's spider seems friendly and possibly intelligent-ish. Could it bond with Drum and be sent skittering off (maybe in a window at Ilvara's?) to do some recon?

I dont think so. It's really just a normal (albeit unnaturally friendly) spider. I dont think it can take commands or retain information enough to do anything complex.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
So, I've read OotA so I'll keep my opinions about the NPCs to myself. But Erevan is ready and able for stealth mode. Are any slaves working in the towers? Cleaning or something? They could take a look around so we know where to find the needed stuff.


So, I've read OotA so I'll keep my opinions about the NPCs to myself. But Erevan is ready and able for stealth mode. Are any slaves working in the towers? Cleaning or something? They could take a look around so we know where to find the needed stuff.

Any of you can probably get into any of the towers to clean. For Ilvana's quarters it is usually only one slave and at least two guards. For the others it is usually more relaxed.

Personally, I believe the target should be weapons then travel supplies (both at the same time would be ideal to save time, but our arms and armorments would make this certainly easier) and Evandur (despite his melancholy) is more than willing to get out of here. He isn't consumed with revenge and would just as soon get back to the light, where he believes his answers may be. Area 10 and 3 are high on my list so I am for whatever plan takes us there.


First Post
Just a couple quick comments...
Yeah, I'm not claiming any certainty in my last few posts here; just throwing out some general impressions and guesstimations based on our limited info thus far. Maybe Buppido had nothing to do with the murder and it was just coincidence that he was gone. But he's a weirdo at the scene of (and seemingly unperturbed by) a weird murder, so...*shrug* Regardless of his culpability in the murder, I stick on him because of the I'm-a-god business. There are really only three possibilities for anyone who claims that:

1. They're actually a god. Scary. I don't particularly want to get tangled in the affairs of some unknown god. Plus (metagaming, sorry) what are the chances that the devs dropped a god in a party of level 1 adventurers? That would be an incredible jerk move.

Which leaves the two much more likely options:
2. They're insane, in a dangerous way.
3. They're insane, in a harmless way. This is the best-case scenario, but it also means he might just be a useless, giggling, hungry mouth to feed with our very limited food supply. If #3 is the case I hope he's at least handy in a fight. Time will tell.

In any case, I don't trust him to lead us anywhere, tell us what's safe to eat, etc., because chances are very good that he's bonkers, harmless or not. But Buppido talk is sort of moot at this point, because it sounds like there's a general agreement that he's coming along, but needs eyes on him.

Continuing the talk of potentially dangerous companions...Sarith. How does everyone feel about him? Should we bring him?
- He's definitely an evil bastard
- He might be the spy. Why is he even still alive? You'd think Ilvara would be delighted with this excuse to torture him and make him do menial labor, but he just sits in the cell. He may be spying in exchange for not being killed...yet.
Pros (assuming he's not the spy):
- He'll know the Underdark (and in particular, this area) really well
- He's been on surface raids so he should know the way out
- He's got at least as much reason to want to get out of here as the rest of us. Maybe more. He'll know what bad stuff Ilvara has in store for him.
- Drow may be evil, but they're also selfish opportunists. I doubt he'll feel any loyalty or need to help the drow stop us when they've forsaken him already and his best chance at freedom/survival is with us.

Finally, since time is of the essence here, I'll go ahead and do a bit of recon at Ilvara's. Could someone else check out the guard tower/armory?

OOC: I'll try and get duty cleaning Ilvara's to get a look around. While I'm out, I'm also going to keep my eyes open for ways out besides the lift.


Bertram would likely be the best candidate for sneaking into a guard tower/armory. He's easily ignored. I'll volunteer for that if no one else has the GUTS... ^_^


So far I have Surana wanting to get a look at Ilvana's quarters and Bertum reconning the guard tower. Is anyone else doing anything concrete like trying to steal food or weapons, talking to someone specific or trying to craft something useful? (Or something I haven't thought of?)

The most obvious way down other than the lift is the pool. It's where all the garbage and chamber pots are dumped. It's a long way down...so it might still hurt. If you hit the spider webs first then jump it definitely should be safe....but then the spiders might be a problem (or getting stuck in the webs). And you have no idea what might lurk in or around the pool.

There is probably no path without risks.

Ginger: Listen. We'll either die free chickens or we die trying.
Babs: Are those the only choices?
- Chicken Run


First Post
Ok, tommorow's D-day, nobody chimed in on Sarith, and it looks like we may be making a very low-prep escape...so I'm gonna roll the dice, because our odds are looking pretty rough anyway.

OOC: If I get a moment to catch Sarith with no guards at the gates and no other slaves close by, I'm telling him (in the quietest possible, he's-gonna-have-to-lean-in, only-just-audible whisper) of our escape, including that Jorlan is the one letting us go (although I won't tell him about the key in the rocks), and why he's doing it. I'll tell him he can come, because we both know what awaits him down here, and I know he could be useful. If he agrees, I'll ask him for any helpful info he can offer (the safest way out, what foes we're likely to face where, stuff like that).


No, you still have time. Tomorrow I'll post what comes of your attempts to Ilvana's and the Guard Tower. We'll go round with a couple of actions first to give you all a chance.
[MENTION=6801671]itcomeswithamap[/MENTION]: Make a persuasion/deception check (your choice if you have one or the other trained...and/or something else if you want to come up with a good reason for using it) to see how much useful info you manage to get out of looking around in there (you will be with no other slaves and 2 guards watching you closely). Once you are in the tower I'll give you a chance to try to act again
[MENTION=36150]Herobizkit[/MENTION]: Make a stealth check to see if you can slip away from a detail unnoticed and a persuasion or deception check to see how well you deal with anyone you meet while exploring the tower. Same with you...once in the tower you can probably have a chance to do something (after I describe what's in there).

If others have actions they want to do, say so come up with an appropriate skill check and make a roll for it.

I'll respond IC with Sarith maybe later tonight or tomorrow AM (first I'm going to watch an episode of Game of Thrones...)

Voidrunner's Codex

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