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I'm A Banana

When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

When you have nigh-infinite arcane power, everything looks like it's about to explode with your thoughts.


First Post
But, interestingly, in that second-to-last frame when he left to fix things, he didn't have the evil look in his eye. He was still half-whatever looking, but not the eyes.

He knows that he has to stop Xykon and the greater issues of the tear. Roy needs raising, and there's still lots to do. Use the power to get back and help his gang, then let the other two go, pay the price and move on....

I'm not sure that's a good idea, though......


First Post
picking up

How does Rich draw those little stick figures so well? The panel where Kyrie is scooping up the red-haired kid is unimaginably "realistic".

yeah. thought the same thing as well. the look in the kid's eyes towards Inkyrius, the way s/he held itself, ugh :.-(


First Post
No, no, no, no, no! My sympathy is 100% with Varsuuvius in this affair, but the conventions of story dictate that a choice like this can't possibly have good fallout. V's got the karmic Eumenides on his* tail now, for sure. And that's a bloody shame, because really, it's Raistlin all over again, and Raistlin was always my favorite wizard.

*as always, this choice of pronoun only expresses my personal beliefs on the issue.


First Post
Well Raistlin really did not have a better choice. V could have released the power and asked his/her old mentor for help, or anyone for that matter. The issue here is V's obsession with power. It can be entirely based on the need to help others but it all goes down on whether the end justifies the means. I wouldn't find it strange if at some point we find out that V lost someone really important to him/her because he/she did not have the power to save them and thus became like this, but still V has always been very arrogant about arcane power (heck 3 panels for casting a sleep spell?) which probably indicates V is very insecure and needs arcane power to justify his/her existence.

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