OpenRPG 3.5 D&D - Recruiting for Sunday campaign


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I'm opening recruitment for 1 or 2 new players in my weekly Sunday campaign of 3.5 D&D, run over OpenRPG (free virtual tabletop software). We play each Sunday from around 6 pm Pacific Time until around 10 pm Pacific. Game runs on the OpenRPG Dev II public server, in the room T13K Fall of the 14th Kingdom.

The campaign is called Fall of the 14th Kingdom, taking place in the setting of The 13 Kingdoms (I can e-mail the setting guide PDF if needed, but the T13K website has disappeared so the PDF isn't available there anymore). T13K is a free setting for 3e/3.5e D&D made by several other DMs, but I've been playing and DMing in it for the past 5 or 6 years, and the T13K forums are here on EN World near the other Hosted Forums (but only accessible when logged in). The Out-Of-Character discussion thread and such for my campaign is in that section (link will be added here later).

New PCs in Fot14K will start at level 5 (or ECL 5 for races with a Level Adjustment) with the minimum XP for that level and 9,000 gold pieces worth of gear, coins, magic items, etc. You get maximum HP for 1st and 2nd level, plus 75% of maximum for further levels (Constitution and other modifiers apply afterward), rounded up on odd-numbered levels and rounded down on even-numbered levels (so a 5th-level Fighter, for instance, would get 10+10+8+7+8 HP before Constitution or other mods). Playable races are those listed in the T13K Setting Guide PDF (pretty much core races from the PHB and MM, but with a few others too like half-ogres, nagans, and hanaras). Playable classes are more open, since I'm allowing some non-core, non-T13K material to be used in this particular campaign. We've had core classes, martial adepts, psionicists, and other things in the group before.

Current roster is Slassz (male lizardman blue-dragon-shaman devoted to Naeron, the Death Dragon and patron god of lizardfolk in Aerde), Tetsu (male human cleric/crusader, also devoted to Naeron but more reluctantly), Phyi (female wood elf sorceress), Cyst (male wood elf wizard), Viktor (male human cleric, devoted to Salin the patron of roads and travel), and Adoroar (male human soulknife), but currently Adoroar's player is missing and Slassz's player is unavailable for a few weeks.

EDIT: Here's the link to the original recruiting thread, with the basic campaign details, basic info on Rinkai Tsukari (the country this game takes place in, within the T13K campaign setting of Aerde), and the houserules used in this game.

The houserules are pretty much just some minor tweaks to a handful of classes for better balance between them (Fighters needed a boost to keep up with Crusaders, Warblades, and Swordsages, for example), tweaks to a few spells and powers and maneuvers so they're less broken, and adjustments to the benefits of a few particular feats and skills. Nothing major, and very little for anyone to keep track of during play (since the tweaks mostly just come up at char-gen or level-ups).

At present, the group is kinda mercenary in play, looking for NPCs to pay them for specific jobs like escorting some cargo or dealing with a particular threat, but I'm hoping to get them back into a more general adventure-seeking mode. They're currently escorting some trade goods to a frontier town where they hope to find better opportunities for themselves, but the overall campaign revolves loosely around the impending collapse of Rinkai Tsukari into war and chaos, and whether the PCs end up working to preserve the empire or help destroy and pillage it. The campaign has a few goody-two-shoes PCs but has remained largely neutral so far, only a few good deeds here and there, so it remains to be seen if they'll end up as heroes or pillagers.

Although Rinkai Tsukari is loosely based on an Oriental Adventures set of themes, it's actually a very mixed country of immigrants from other lands, with many towns in the Empire having Ceomyrian neighborhoods, Argossean neighborhoods, Paludosan neighborhoods, Mittendeinish neighborhoods, Caedmonish neighborhoods, etc. Many of the Tsukari people retain the traditions and culture of their families' homelands, and there are many different humanoids and monstrous races living there. Player Characters don't need to hail from Rinkai Tsukari itself, nor do they need to hail from or otherwise use the Tsukari traditions and naming conventions (which are loosely based on Japanese). At present, only 1 or 2 PCs I think are even from Rinkai Tsukari, with the others being travelers from across the sea.
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First Post
Hi! Sent a PM and an email, figured might as well post here, too - you still looking for new players? Would love to join up.


First Post
don't get discouraged

Ark doesn't check his emails very often...he is pretty busy. My suggestion is just to log onto the openRPG website Sunday night around 9:15 EST. We use the dev2 server. You will have to download the openrpg software. I will watch this site if you have any questions. Cyst


First Post
:erm: Not really. You're just upset that we had to kick you out before so the rest of the group could enjoy the game. Your style, attitude, and manners grated on enough of the group that it was best to just shrink the group by one player.


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Nah, you don't need to be an experienced player or experienced with OpenRPG. The basics of OpenRPG are pretty simple and all that's needed, though at least a bit of rules familiarity with 3.x D&D is needed to play. I don't mind explaining stuff for new folks.

geon sarinious

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sign me up

hi! hope to jump in on game if you still need ppl. im also somewhat new. I know the basics of attacking and character building but i keep it simple by using barbarian so not too many issues. anyway let me know if i could jump in and which vent i should be downloading.


First Post
Eh? Which vent? What d'ya mean by that, exactly? The only thing I can think of that you might be referring to is Ventrillo, but I don't use voice-chat stuff (don't have a microphone set up for my computer, and don't have any pressing need for it). We play using the standard typed-chat window built into OpenRPG. It's also a lot easier to save session logs that way, for later reference.

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