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'Origin' of Your User Name


I'm positively drowning in originality right now...

Mallus is my current 3E character...

Mallus Dargentum is the bastard middle son of Magnus Dargentum --a wealthy owner of silver mines, go figure...

His older siblings are Castor and Medea.

His younger siblings are Malcolm and Iphaegenea {"Iffy" for short}.

He has been, at various times, a physician, a drug dealer, engaged, bereaved, wanted and unwanted. He is now, nominally, a defender of True Love, going by the name {and homebrewed Prc...} Mallus Lovesworn.

BTW, Mallus is meant to suggest "malice" and "malleable". He's often bent over backwards just to annoy his family --for not legitimizing him-- and he has a meanl streak a mile wide.

My next handle will be Space Commander Travis Bickle...

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First Post
Re: damn, i'm boring

jgbrowning said:
jgbrowning.... boring.. :(

joe b.

Yup, we initials-plus-last-name-people are a boring lot;)

Nikolaus Sebastian Ruf

PS: I wanted nyarlathotep when I first signed up, but it was already taken. Funny thing is, I hardly ever saw that guy post (and to add to the confusion, my login for the reviews page is nyarlathotep).


First Post
Mordane was my first RPG character of any real structure; he was created as a Dark Ages Vampire, roamed Europe through the late Dark Ages, travelled to the Americas and roamed the New World for a little, then was staked and left to rot until the modern era, where he was awakened upon an unsuspecting 90's Boston.

The 76 comes from my first attempt to make a Hotmail account, and when I tried to put in Mordane, it was already taken... apparently by 75 other people. So I put the -76 on it. I didn't even try just plain Mordane when I signed up for the boards; Mordane76 is also my AIM name.

The Sigil

Mr. 3000 (Words per post)
Originally posted by The Sigil
Well, I used to be too lazy to write or sign my name (I know, "Spencer Cooley" is so horribly long) so I started using my initials instead. I got to the point where I was very quick about doing it and instead of "STC" it looked something like "812" and then like a symbol indecipherable as alphanumeric characters.

Since I used it on everything, I noted it was kind of like my own personal "wizard's sigil." And in time, I just started calling myself, "The Sigil" since my initials/sigil was more easily recognizable than my name... I was no longer myself, I had become the symbol of myself - the sigil, if you will.

I decided it was kind of cool and stuck with it.

Then Planescape came along and everyone thought I copied "Sigil," their world. Bah. It's not "Sigil" and it's not "a sigil" or "some sigil" or "one sigil" it's "The Sigil" - the definite article 'The" is as much a part of the name as the word "Sigil."

Kind of like the difference between "one ring" and "The One Ring," ya know?

Why am I so picky? I dunno.

--The Sigil
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Mine is an obvious pun on "carpe diem" - or "seize the day." I just like the sound of "seize the dave." Although, it might not be too obvious, as I've never seen anyone else use it.


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When I first got on the Internet, I called myself "a little fish in a big pond". People really liked that moniker, and it seemed to fit my style of conversation well, so I stuck with it.

"a little fish in a big pond" does not fit very well as a userID, however, so I needed some kind of short hand. I experimented with alfiabp, littlefish, etc., but ultimately decided on seasong as a small gesture to whale songs, which I was interested in at the time.

Later, I added a layer of meaning to the nick when I developed a Magic: the Gathering deck that relied heavily on and showcased the abilities of the seasinger.

Recently, I added another layer when I got interested in chantey singing, the timing songs of sailors.

And that's pretty much it. It fits okay, it represents a random subset of my interests, and it's pretty.

I like pretty.


First Post
Buttercup said:
I suppose most people have guessed this, but my name is from the movie, Princess Bride.

When I registered on Nutkinland last month, I was surprised to find out that everyone thought it referred to the repulsive and badly drawn Power Puff Girls. It doesn't.

I'm guessing that you didn't have the convenient subtitle "Princess of Florin" for the folks at Nutkinland? :)

Not that Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls isn't a great source, either. Admittedly, I love both the Powerpuffs (TV show and movie) and The Princess Bride (book and movie).

-- Pazu


First Post
Oh, and by the way:

Pazu is the name of the hero in the classic Studio Ghibli film Laputa: Castle in the Sky*. Headstrong and not too bright, but steadfast, good-hearted, and devoted to his lady love.

I can identify with that. :)

-- Pazu

* I really, really wish Disney would hurry up and release the film now that the region 2 DVD is out... :(

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