• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

OSRIC 2.0 Released today


First Post
And now we've hit the full on sterotype of fans of older editions, nice work.

If your gonna talk s**t about somone at least do it at place where they have a chance to respond.

And if you actually paid attention to the review you'll see that he actually said the system is fine, just overly complicated and not for him.

Thank you sir, for understanding :)

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First Post

I have the feeling you don't want to hear my attempts to be peaceable, and would rather just continue being angry. I don't like that fact, as my reviews are all in good fun and you are the first person who has overreacted to them. I'd like to know what line was crossed in this instance, because I just don't see it compared to all the other things I've done before.


First Post
Hindsight's always 20/20. :) My fault for rewarding them with attention.

Actually, your fault for overreacting – guys like Vic Sage managed to get it. But oh well. Since you're just ignoring me and don't want to make peace, or understand, we'll just leave it at that. I hope everyone else understands me a little better now, and Paycheck as well.

Darrin Drader

Actually, your fault for overreacting – guys like Vic Sage managed to get it. But oh well. Since you're just ignoring me and don't want to make peace, or understand, we'll just leave it at that. I hope everyone else understands me a little better now, and Paycheck as well.

You know, far be it for me to preach to others on the internet about what is and is not acceptable behavior, but the fact is that P&P went to a great deal of legal research, not to mention the investment of a lot of personal time and effort to make OSRIC a reality. Even though he could be making some cash off of this, instead he's made it available for free and will be making a print version available in a way that still won't make him very much money. Unless you happen to buy the supporter version, the only one making money here is Lulu, and let's not kid ourselves, most gamers will take cheap over expensive any day of the week. When I go to a site and see that someone has posted something that might be of interest to me for free, I usually make a point to drop them a line letting them know that I appreciate their hard work. Take for example starfrontiersman.com where they've remastered the original Star Frontiers game and created nine issues of new material for what was the premier science fiction game on the market half a lifetime ago. It would be just as out of line to rag on them for simply trying to save their favorite game and contributing something to it while they're at it.

Aside from that, there are a fairly large number of people who are not enamored with brand new "cutting edge" games (whatever that's supposed to mean in a game of "let's pretend" with rules attached) and just want to enjoy the game they grew up with. Or for others who weren't around back then, want to see what the game was like when it was started so that they have something to compare the current versions to.

Bottom line here is that the last time I checked, free is a gift. You don't have to like a gift or use a gift after it has been given, but to slag on someone's labor of love and then call them out for not appreciating your humor is a bit disingenuous.

And for what it's worth, you're welcome to review any product that has my name on it and I'll be sure to place it in the appropriate context and give it whatever consideration it deserves.

Wow.......just wow.........you really are an :):):):):):):). I was going to buy your product but :):):):) that now.

Wow, 3 posts. Alterrific!
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First Post
Or somone who just does a healthy bit of lurking. But yeah, keep thinking I'm just a sockpuppet man.

Wait wait wait wait wait wait.........are you seriously saying that because somethings free its above criticizm? This is a product, and no product free or not, made as a labor of love or not is above any form of criticizm. I doubt thats what your trying to say (Hell I just woke up like 10 mins. ago) but for reals man.
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