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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen it I have! Continued

I'll jump in with something easier to figure out...

What class star destroyer were produced before the Victory and Imperial were designed? I know there are at least 5 different class star destroyers...

The smallest (shown in episode 2)
The Victory
The Imperial
The Star Destroyer in episode 6 (what class?)
and the Star Destroyer designed after the 2nd death star is destroyed... I know there was one... and it had at least one Ship-to-Ship super laser (but not planet destroying).

Your "problem" is that you are elevating the status of comics and other "non-canonical" source material. According to the movies, there were two types of star destroyers: star destroyers and super star destroyers. That's it.

Also where were the clone fighter ships? Maybe those come after episode 6... but there are supposed to be some kind of small spheroid ships that mine minerals in mass and produce crappy tie fighters with squared "wings" out of raw materials...

No, there's not "supposed to be" any clone fighters at all. Attack of the Clones didn't feature any clone fighters because there was no space battle in the movie, but I don't know what you're talking about with the origin of TIE fighters.

And the Death Star prototype should have been in production by now... if the designs for the complete death star are done. The prototype was a shell of a ship with a weak super laser that could barely melt through a planets crust, but it was supposed to be fought over at some point... and then lost for like 100 years until two red neck space pirates got ahold of it and tried to attack some backwater planet...

There's another one that I don't know what you're talking about. There's no "supposed to" story here. Presumably this comes from some novel or comic that I'm not familiar with. If you think that George Lucas is beholden to what's in those publications (or that he even reads them at all) I think you're very much mistaken. George Lucas does what he wants with the movies. He allows authors to do what they want with the books and comics to a certain extent. Sure, a division of Lucasfilm manages "continuity" amongst the books, but I doubt George himself is much involved with that.
Maybe I am getting ahead of myself, or maybe my information is wrong...

Probably. Where did you get your information?
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I wondered about that too. My guess is that 99% of the Jedi are roaming the galaxy going this or that and Mace basically gathered up the council and whatever Jedi happened to be at the Jedi Temple. So you had a group of 40 or so Jedi who were a mix of the very best (the council) and probably bunches who were no better trained than Anakin (padawans who dont travel alone).

That would explain how some of them were taken down so easily by rather small volleys of droid fire.

Joshua Dyal said:
How many Jedi are there, anyway, I wonder? Windu says he will gather up "all the Jedi that remain" and go help Obiwan, and he shows up with, what 30-40 individuals? What?!? Can there really be that few Jedi? And what does he mean by remain? Have they been dying off since Episode I or something?

I wonder if he meant "all the Jedi that remain on Coruscant at the present time" and the actual numbers of the Jedi are healthier than they appear in this movie.


Moderator Emeritus
Let's keep these discussions friendly please - no need for name calling or bad feelings. . . We don't want to have to go down to three Star Wars threads from four because one got closed.



That would explain how some of them were taken down so easily by rather small volleys of droid fire.


What about the one Daddy Fett killed? Was that Jedi an apprentice or were Fett's skills so superior he could kill a Jedi that quickly?

A side note. The fight scene in EP4 does look a LOT better if you watch the wide screen version of the movie. If you watch the TV screen version they have to chop about 60% of the fight out cause Obi-wan and Vader were standing too far apart and the camera angle made it impossible to fit them onto the screen at the same time. That is why the EP4 fight looks so bad. Watch it in wide screen and it greatly improves.

Also I once read a very good study of the fight scene in EP4 done by a kendo master. He described how Vader fought exactly like a rather limited mobility but supremely skilled swordsman would fight. Basically it can be summed up in you don't need to bounce around like a superball when you are that damn good.

nemmerle said:
My favorite light saber fight scene is STILL from EMPIRE. . . Sorry, but while Darth Maul was cool and Yoda was AMAZING. . . the drama and pathos of the Empire fight makes it far and above superior to all others.

As for changing the Ep IV fight - well, um - that one is my second favorite - and I love it just th way it is - I imagine Obi-Wan and Vader constantly trying to use the force on each other - but matching it other constantly - but Obi-Wan is obviously struggling more.

That fight is fine and dramatic. If it were changed it would break my heart.

In fact in AOTC - I was happy that the fighting style seemed to be an amalgam of the stuff from the first triliogy and the wildness of TPM.

That sounds perfect. At the time Luke is born Vader probably can sense the great Jedi potential in him. Now I am betting Dooku bites it via Vader with a shocked look on his face when Palpatine lets Vader kill him.

This will let Vader know what could happen to him if Palpatine discovers Luke. Luke could and as we see in ROTJ be offered to kill Vader and replace him just as Vader will do to Dooku in EP3. So Vader plays a double game. He lets Obiwan hide Luke for two reasons.

1. Even Vader is not so cruel as to kill his own son.

2. If he plays his cards right Vader and Luke together can kill Palpatine and replace him as ruler of the Galaxy.

In fact part #2 does work perfectly except Luke makes a bad move throwing his saber and just like Anakin does in EP2 is foiled by Dark Lightning he did not know existed. So Vader weighs his options and in the end the part of him that is still good realises he loves his son and saves him at his own sacrifice.

Lady Dragon said:

I personally beleive that Anakin/ Vader knew about Luke all along
but allowed him to be hidden from the Emporer Palpatine. Vadar knows what will happen to Luke if the emporer get to him and I think like any father he doesn't want that for his son.After all Vader coveted the emporers throne for himself so he wasn't completely loyal so he may have hidden this from him.

As for the Light Saber gift that Obi-wan gives to Luke it may actually have belonged to Anakin at one time.One thing I find interesting is that if they were trying that hard to hide Luke from Vader why would they give him his own name and let him be raised by Anakin's stepbrother I would think he would be very easy to find.

To change to topic a bit.I found it interesting that Anakin favored dressing in the long black capes even before he becomes Vader.

My guess Is that Jagga Fett is that damn good. I mean thin k about it. He was chosen as the perfect starting point to breed an entire clone army. You don't pick a lousy schlepp as your template.

I think in EP3 you will see how badass even his son is when 20 some year old Boba Fett vapes Mace Windu big time.

trentonjoe said:
That would explain how some of them were taken down so easily by rather small volleys of droid fire.

What about the one Daddy Fett killed? Was that Jedi an apprentice or were Fett's skills so superior he could kill a Jedi that quickly? [/B][/QUOTE]

Several are taken down in the fight. Beyond that it is implied several times in 1 and 2 that Jedi are quite often killed in the line of duty.

trentonjoe said:
In all the movies how many non-Jedi take out Jedi? I was just suprised by Daddy Fett because I don't think I had seen it before.

Am I the only one that sensed a look of fear/anticipation on Dooku's face when he heard the foot steps then saw Yoda walking into the room?

It was like Dooku wanted to face Yada because he wanted to believe he could best him but was still unsure of himself. It was great.

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