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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen it I have! Continued


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I'm thinking we are going to see a great battle between Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader.

In the 3rd movie...when Anakin Skywalker turns completely to the dark side and is becoming Darth Vader...I think he and Obi Wan will meet.

And you know what..Obi Wan is going to kick his ass.

How else do you think he winds up in the cyborg suit...more machine then man? I think we'll see Darth Vader...in the suit, by the end of that movie.

I also don't think the suit diminishes any of Darth Vader's force powers...


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Do you have any opinions as to why Yoda decided to save the two Jedi (Ani and Obi) from underneath the crumbling pillar, instead of finishing Count Dooku? I found that odd, since the Jedi aren't supposed to have attachments. Surely defeating a Evil Mofo is worth the lives of couple of Jedi.

And as a minor point, why didn't Dooku finish Yoda off when the little bugger stopped to save the two Jedis?

In general I was pleased with the final fight. Dooku was just so cool when he finished two Jedis in a row... that was neat. And Yodas fight was well done.
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Fiery James said:
But, she will be killed in Episode III - story-wise, that's just how it's got to go.

Not unless the movie pushes into the future enough that Luke & Leia are old enough to remember, as Leia states she has memories of her mother.


First Post
Numion said:
Do you have any opinions as to why Yoda decided to save the two Jedi (Ani and Obi) from underneath the crumbling pillar, instead of finishing Count Dooku? I found that odd, since the Jedi aren't supposed to have attachments. Surely defeating a Evil Mofo is worth the lives of couple of Jedi.

Thats the difference being on the Light Side and being on the Dark Side.

Simon Magalis

First Post
Only Leia has these memories... Luke says that he never knew her. My prediction is that Amidala will go to Alderan with Bail Organa taking Leia with her. She will die when Leia is two or three. For some reason, Obi-Wan takes Luke to the Lars at birth, or something else causes Luke to be taken there and Obi-Wan goes to watch. There is the implication that Vader knew about Luke because he gave Obi-Wan the lightsaber to give to him. Haven't heard much about that on the boards, but it may be interesting to see what happens there.


Dr Midnight said:

I'm not buying that. I think Georgie was just covering his butt on that count because he'd have to explain WHY the fight in IV is so inferior. Sure, Darth Vader's a crippled cyborg in a walking life-support machine, and sure, Obi-Wan's an old man, but both are great warriors- and strong in the force. Tyrannus and Yoda both count as elderly. Yoda's even mildly crippled by age (I don't buy the idea that he's faking it). You saw them throw down. I think Obi-Wan vs. Vader should be a high point of the film- one of the best fight scenes in movies. I'd love to see it redone.

Agreed. Darth certainly didn't fight like a crippled cyborg in ESB. Its just because the fight choreography in Ep IV was so unrefined.

As you said, Midnight, you couldn't really see the faces of the combatants in Ep IV: Darth had his helmet, and Obi-wan had his hood up the whole time. I think redoing the scene would be relatively easy: easier than the fight between Anakin and Dooku.

I don't know if anyone noticed this, but during some of the action of that fight, Chris Lee's face and head were actually digitally superimposed over what I assume is a stuntman. If digital effects and good editing can get an 80 year-old-actor to fight like Errol Flynn, I think they can get a dead actor wearing a hood to do the same.


Cedric said:
I'm thinking we are going to see a great battle between Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader.

And you know what..Obi Wan is going to kick his ass.


And that is gonna be hella-cool. :)

How many Jedi are there, anyway, I wonder? Windu says he will gather up "all the Jedi that remain" and go help Obiwan, and he shows up with, what 30-40 individuals? What?!? Can there really be that few Jedi? And what does he mean by remain? Have they been dying off since Episode I or something?

I wonder if he meant "all the Jedi that remain on Coruscant at the present time" and the actual numbers of the Jedi are healthier than they appear in this movie.


Fiery James said:

I also remember Lucas talking about the prequel-trilogy and the difficulty he had in devising the story so that the "I'm your father" bit in Empire would remain a powerful surprise to a new generation who would be able to watch Episodes I to VI in order for the first time. If he's setting that bit up to still be a shocker, then maybe they don't EVER show Padme pregnant - or delivering twins. Or, maybe the don't show Anakin becoming Vader - somehow they "convince" us that Anakin and Vader are not one in the same.

- FJ

I don't think he'll be able to pull it off. No matter how you slice it, almost EVERYONE with any knowledge of American pop culture know that Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader.

Besides--there's the dialog in Ep IV:
"A young Jedi named Darth Vader.....who was a pupil of mine before he turned to evil..."
Anyone who sees EP 1-3 will know who Ben is talking about, since we don't see him train anyone else in the films.

"When I left you, I was but a learner...now I am the master."
same as above.

Hey! Why people are so impressed by Yoda, while that is Palpatine aka Darth Sidious, The Sith Supreme that posess the ultimate power- ability to manipulate the entire galaxy without anybody knowing about it! Man, I wish I had even 1% of his abilities in real life! Even this little green midget was nothing more than a pawn of Palpy, what about these lines: "Dark Side Clouds Everything" and "Our ability to use The Force has diminished", so, Mr Yoda, maybe Darkside IS stronger after all!

I really can`t wait to the moment when Palpatine reveals himself to Yoda, so he can understand the extent of his failure, that brought the end to The Jedi Order, he had a Sith Lord just under his nose and failed to reconginise him, to see through his brilliant Cloak Of Deception!

Go Palpy, Go, you are my idol, All Hail The Emperor, The Sith Supreme, Greatest of Villains, Lord Of Darkness, Evil Incarnated, The Ultimate Master of The Darkside!
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