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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen it I have! Continued


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Wicht said:
You were seduced by a senator who bore your children and then ran away when you grew violent and anti-social!!!
Close. I was seduced by a well-connected rich debutante who took me to bed, ran away and almost bore my children against my will. As a result of this I became violent and anti-social.
That is some life you have led. You should publish it.
All in due time. I'm working on something for Dragon right now.
Sorry... could not resist. Do you think however you might be projecting just a tad? :)
No offense taken, and I might be projecting just a tad.

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Holy Bovine

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Creeping Death said:

And Yoda and the rest of the Jedi council wasn't wise enough to figure this out? Hmm.... Bring balance to the force? Thousands of good Jedi and two evil Jedi.... forget balance, I'd have killed the boy right then and there, then smacked Quigon for bringing him in.

I did enjoy episode II very much. I liked they way Anakin was portrayed. The scenes of him finding his mother all they way til he confesses to Padme are my favorite so far.

Perhaps that is why Yoda and the Jedi Council refused to train Anakin - they realized the danger he represented to their power. It was Quijonn and later Obi Wan that screwed up by training Anakin. The light sided Jedi were bound by their own rules not to just slay Anakin when he was found - that would hardly be in keeping with their own teachings.

This could also explain why Anakin is still only a Padwan at the beginning of Ep 2. The Jedi Order were trying to keep him down and prevent him from realizing his full potential.

Further maybe this is why Yoda trains Luke in ESB, even though Luke is many years older than Anakin. Yoda realized the terrible mistake he and the Jedi Council made and trains Luke to destroy Vader/Anakin.

Course I could just me talking out of my ***.

Wicht said:
As for Vader's name change, each Sith Lord adopts a new name - haven't you noticed... Dooku becomes Tyranous, Palpatine becomes Sidious, Anakin becomes Vader. Maul, well, I don't know what his name was.

It was "Poopsie"

[edit: oops, spelled "Wicht" wrong]
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Just for the record...

When Lucas talks about bringing "balance" back to the Force, he doesn't mean an equal amount of light and dark, good and evil. He means bringing back the light side of the Force when the dark has almost conquered. In other words, he's talking about Vader's killing of the Emperor at the end of RotJ.

I don't recall where he said this, but either he, or one of the other big-wigs in the Star Wars universe, said it in so many words.

Oh, and Lucas claims he created the name "Darth Vader" because it sounded a bit like "Dark Father." The notion of all Sith lords being Darth Whatsis came later.

Dr Midnight

Droogie said:
A comment:

If Lucas plans on tweaking ep IV any further, I would hope he would redo the saber battle between Obi-Wan and Darth. I just caught ep IV recently on TV, and the fight was plain laughable.

I agree completely. The action scenes, most especially the saber battles, are outdated dinosaurs. I know a legion of fans would stomp and scream and protest, but I'd like to see a new special edition trilogy released wherein we have Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master, versus Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith- as it would be produced NOW. It would be thrilling and unbelievable. Every bit as much fun to watch as Yoda vs. Dooku, or Darth Maul vs. Pada-Wan Kenobi.

Doesn't Obi-Wan fight with his hood up in EpIV? It wouldn't be hard to cut in some new shots of swordsmen fighting without visible facial features.

Lady Dragon

First Post
Anakin obviously knew he was a father after all he is the one who told Luke who he was he may not of realized that leia was his daughter but that doesn't mean he didn't know he had fathered a daughter.

One thought I had about the prophecy that Anakin would even out the force is that prehaps that act was merely to father Luke and Leia after all without him they wouldn't have existed.

I just wish that Lucas would do a 7th movie with the now older stars of 4-6 as sort of a wrap up of all that came before.But I suppose we all wish that.

Fiery James

First Post
What if Anakin/Vader didn't know that Padme was pregnant? What if that's the reason that they were able to hide Luke all these years? Vader certainly didn't know that he had a daughter....

"A sister...? Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me."

Since they were twins, it sort of figures that he didn't know about either of them.

I predict that Anakin will become Vader while Padme's very much alive - but she'll leave him and they'll have no contact for some time (at least 9 months, say!)

But, she will be killed in Episode III - story-wise, that's just how it's got to go.

I also remember Lucas talking about the prequel-trilogy and the difficulty he had in devising the story so that the "I'm your father" bit in Empire would remain a powerful surprise to a new generation who would be able to watch Episodes I to VI in order for the first time. If he's setting that bit up to still be a shocker, then maybe they don't EVER show Padme pregnant - or delivering twins. Or, maybe the don't show Anakin becoming Vader - somehow they "convince" us that Anakin and Vader are not one in the same.

I don't know how he'll pull it off, but unless he throws some clever plot twist in Episode III, there will be a lot of first-time viewers in 3 years watching Star Wars for the first time shouting "Dude, Vader is your father!!" during the first attack on the Death Star.

- FJ

According to the books/comics--which, as we all know, are only true until and unless the movies contradict them--Vader did not know about Luke at first. When he almost killed Luke at the first Death Star battle, you'll hear him say "The Force is strong with this one." That was his first clue. According to some relatively recent comics, between ANH and ESB, he went out and investigated and learned the name of the pilot was Luke Skywalker. Only then did he realize who he was dealing with.

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