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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen it I have! Continued

333 Dave

First Post
I think the problem of plot was the exact opposite of Episode I. The Phantom Menace had no plot, Attack of the Clones's plot was overly complex. But overly complex is good when it comes to political manuvering. And it was definatly meant to be more tied in with episode 3 than 1, like ESB was tied in more with RotJ than ANH.

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Lady Dragon said:
Also If Padme didn't die where was she in the final three movies I don't believe she would allow herself to be separated from her son she is a proud noblewoman.

Oh, I think she dies, I just think she will die between III and IV not in III but I could be wrong, I will admit it.

And as for what she will do, hard times dictate hard choices.



It makes sense to me that Padme dies at some point. But what is a question mark for me is how -- and who ... Does Anakin kill her purposely? Does he kill her by accident? Does Palpatine arrange it, or do it himself? Does Obi-wan have something to do with it (maybe just in Anakin's mind)? Clearly her death will be one of the most important things in the Anakin-to-Vader transformation, the other being whatever event causes the horrific damage to his body.

I used to think that there might end up being an Obi-wan / Padme / Anakin love triangle but I think now that's unlikely.

333 Dave

First Post
"You... you could have stopped it! You were right there when she died! How could you let him kill her like that? HOW COULD YOU?!!"
Yeah, I can definatly see Anakin blaming Obi-Wan (or any Jedi for that matter) for Padme's death. Of course, I think in the end Anakin's anger will be directed more at Mace Windu than Obi-Wan, after all, Obi-Wan and Yoda are the last two surviving Jedi in A New Hope...


But Obi-Wan and Anakin have to have a climactic fight in which Anakin loses...

Vader alludes to this in Episode IV when he declares to Obi-wan that he is the master now.

So Anakin, IMO, will at the end of III be entirely on the side of darkness, fighting Obi-wan. Like I said, I personally think that Padme will still be alive. I also think that the final scenes of III will show Vader donning his armor and Padme, Obi-wan and Yoda going seperate ways.


First Post
IMO (Long with many quotes) :)

Ok, heres my take on it.

Dahak, in the thread about the birth of Anakin, suggested that the midichlorians knew about the imbalance Palpatine was about to bring in the Force and created Anakin to restore the balance.

The Midichlorians generate the force, in a sense they are the force. There are hundreds of Jedi (Light side) in the universe and only a handful of Sith. The Light Side has been dominant too long and I think the Midichlorians "create" Anakin to be the force that tips the scales back to create balance.

Palaptine is a clone...Darth Sidious is manipulating him. Hence why the Council cannot detect the Dark Side when it is 3 feet from them.

As Yoda and Mace discuss, the powers of the Light side are weakening, while the Dark side grows stronger in balance.
Palpatine isn't a clone, he just doesn't use his powers openly and anyway, politicans are verging on the Dark side with anger, hate, betrayal...etc. I don't think it's too big a leap of faith to assume that they can't sense any more to the senator than what he is masquerading as.

Plus, he was probably still somewhat in shock since he just had his hand cut off.

Thats one thing I really do find clever with EP1 & 2, just how Anakin and Luke follow a similar destiny.

Anakin is instrumental in destroying the Federation control ship, and Luke does the same with the Death Star.
Anakin loses his mother, and Luke loses the only family he has ever known.
Both lose their hand (twice now in Anakin's case), their right hand, and have it replaced. The prophecy is already at work.

But where did the army get a hold of/build tons of victory class star destroyers(were they victory class SDs?)/troop transports/laser batteries?

I imagine that even in peace time, the Republic has a small war machine, just in case. I also imagine that the scene at the end of the film with the transport ships (They seem a little small for Star Destroyers) is several months after the battle on Genosia.

After Obi-Wan informs Yoda and Master Windu that a clone army is being created, Yoda shakes his head and makes the "blind, we are" comment since they didn't know of the creation of said army.

I think this is referring to the Jedi being too complacent. In EP1, they don't believe that the Sith could have returned. Yoda is only just realising that times have changed.

Actually, to me the most striking scene(s) in the whole movie did not involve fights or special effects but involved the relationship between the two Fetts. In the arena when the boy is holding his fathers head to his own I must confess I felt myself moved and the two actors involved in my mind did a superb job of showing the closeness between father and son.

Indeed. I found Boba very creepy and malign. Good acting for a child I think.
Although when he picks his father's helmet up I did keep expecting a head to fall out. :)

As for the rest of episode 3 Obi-wan and Yoda will flee with the infants the other Jedi will die and Palpatine will openly admit he is the lord of the sith.

My thoughts: Obi-Wan will realise that the twins are force sensitive, even powerful with the force. Due to Anakin's increasing arrogance and anger, Obi-Wan and Padme agree to hide the children. Anakin will kill Padme for this, much like he kills the Sand People for (in his eyes) killing his mother. This will be his final fall to the Dark side.
I don't think you will see Palpatine/Sidious claim the throne in EP3, that will happen off scene.

the other being whatever event causes the horrific damage to his body.

In semi-official Star Wars canon, Anakin is almost killed and forced to need his life-support/armour as Vader because he and Obi-Wan have a fight atop a volcano (or similar) and Anakin is knocked into the lava.

Phew.... that took a while to go through. :)

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Re: Ep III

EricNoah said:
It makes sense to me that Padme dies at some point. But what is a question mark for me is how -- and who ... Does Anakin kill her purposely? Does he kill her by accident? Does Palpatine arrange it, or do it himself? Does Obi-wan have something to do with it (maybe just in Anakin's mind)? Clearly her death will be one of the most important things in the Anakin-to-Vader transformation, the other being whatever event causes the horrific damage to his body.

I used to think that there might end up being an Obi-wan / Padme / Anakin love triangle but I think now that's unlikely.

Leia states in EP VI that she remembers her mother as being "very sad". The twins would have to be at least old enough to form memories so I don't believe we will see Padme die. The children would also have to spirited away from Anakin before they are born or he would have known about the twins, information Vader did not realize until the battle with Luke in the Emporer's throneroom. A simple solution would be to have her on Alderan when it was destroyed.


I think this is referring to the Jedi being too complacent. In EP1, they don't believe that the Sith could have returned. Yoda is only just realising that times have changed.
I had considered that, but Windu's blunt follow up statement concerning the Jedi's waning ability to use the Force seemed to imply more than mere complacency, IMO. Yoda and Master Windu both knew the Sith had already returned in one form or another due to the events that transpired 10 years ago in Episode I.


A comment:

If Lucas plans on tweaking ep IV any further, I would hope he would redo the saber battle between Obi-Wan and Darth. I just caught ep IV recently on TV, and the fight was plain laughable.


Re: Re: Ep III

Some guy from Ohio said:
A simple solution would be to have her on Alderan when it was destroyed.

Wouldn't work. According to what Leia told Luke in Jedi, her (their) mother died when she was very young.

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